And Yet Another Jewish Zionist Gets a Nobel Prize

One again, we do not care about some silly prize that is practically worshipped by the Juden and the western nations.. :cool:
One again, we do not care about some silly prize that is practically worshipped by the Juden and the western nations.. :cool:

Do you get a prize for being a fake muslim with no beard and no camel? Well, at least no beard.

So, what have real muslims invented recently?
One again, we do not care about some silly prize that is practically worshipped by the Juden and the western nations.. :cool:

do you speak german sunni kanzeer?
I have no doubt that an STD disease ridden BDSM slut like you would find it a big turn on to have a muslim call you Juden and have his way with you.

But that wil have to remain one of your unfulfilled perverted fantasies irosie91.

Because I wouldn't touch you even if you wore an industrial strength Hazmat suit for a burqa. :eusa_hand: :lol:
fears haunt Israelis as they prepare for possible war with Iran

The last time Hezbollah attacked Israel, a rocket exploded next to Adam Bloom's house while his wife was in the shower.

"She was hysterical," he said. Afterwards it took hours to coax her and their two terrified young daughters out of the bomb shelter where they fled.

"Hezbollah had about 10,000 rockets then but they are supposed to have more like 50,000 now, so how many will be fired at us if they start again?" said Mr Bloom, 49.

The family, whose kibbutz is 30 miles south of the Lebanon border, had thought they were safely out of range in 2006. When rockets started landing they jumped in the car and headed south with 350,000 other Israelis, to spend weeks as refugees in their own country.

This time it is not only the north that is being prepared for a new conflict, one that Israelis fear could be much worse than anything since 1973. The trigger would be the long-threatened Israeli airstrike on Iran's nuclear programme.
Holocaust fears haunt Israelis as they prepare for possible war with Iran - Telegraph

Israeli's should get the NoBalls prize
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One again, we do not care about some silly prize that is practically worshipped by the Juden and the western nations.. :cool:
Of course Sunni Man doesn't care about prizes. His mind is back in the 7th century when his beloved Muslims were doing their thing of invading other countries. Meanwhile, isn't it a shame that the oil rich Muslims don't spend their money on what we call good old American ingenuity.
How to Get to Mars. Very Cool! HD - YouTube
One again, we do not care about some silly prize that is practically worshipped by the Juden and the western nations.. :cool:
Of course Sunni Man doesn't care about prizes. His mind is back in the 7th century when his beloved Muslims were doing their thing of invading other countries. Meanwhile, isn't it a shame that the oil rich Muslims don't spend their money on what we call good old American ingenuity.
How to Get to Mars. Very Cool! HD - YouTube

Space is too advanced for the primitive Muslims.
Let;s face it -- if they ever brought back the draft and Mr. Know-it-all were drafted, even if there was no war going on, he would be wetting his knickers. On a message board where he is anonymous, he can make believe he is a big brave man.
Israel, like a yappy dog keeps on about how "We" need to attack Iran, but with someone else doing the fighting, I say let them get it on, the zionists need to have a great defeat, so that the next generation can see themselves as they are, a Tiny Squatter state in occupied Palestine, who may sue for peace based on equal rights for all the inhabitants of the land, after they have their arses kicked
One again, we do not care about some silly prize that is practically worshipped by the Juden and the western nations.. :cool:

do you speak german sunni kanzeer?
I have no doubt that an STD disease ridden BDSM slut like you would find it a big turn on to have a muslim call you Juden and have his way with you.

But that wil have to remain one of your unfulfilled perverted fantasies irosie91.

Because I wouldn't touch you even if you wore an industrial strength Hazmat suit for a burqa. :eusa_hand: :lol:

Sunni, does it stink like piss in that mosque in your avatar? Because it looks like it would.
Sunni, does it stink like piss in that mosque in your avatar? Because it looks like it would.

Some say a German shower smells like pee pee, and kaka too, but totally harmless, unless you were a lice
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No matter how many times you try to make a statement. Nothing works. He's clearly diverting from the whole topic, and you're supporting that. No matter how smart you think you are. Fool

Another of your silly lies, Princess, and I don't think me all that smart ... I just find you to be all that stupid.

The original post from Roudy:
And Yet Another Jewish Zionist Gets a Nobel Prize
This year it's been two. One for science and another now for economics.

American Jewish professor Alvin Roth shares Nobel economics prize

The work of Roth and Lloyd Shapley has sparked a 'flourishing field of research' and helped improve the performance of many markets, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said.
Lmao we don't care about nobel prizes. How much more clear do I have to be? Lol

Neither, evidently, do you and your Muslim buds care about human progress and improving the human condition. Just as evidently you not only don't help in any positive endeavor, you choose to drag everyone else down with you. However I'm certain you eagerly take advantage of the progress discovered and developed by those who do care about something more than diddling with their camels. :D
Yet another Muslim hating post by Hossfly. He's deflecting from the topic. The Israeli Palestinian topic.
It doesn't appear that Mr. Know-it-all wants to hear the truth. Are you denying that the oil rich Arab countries made billions that they could have built some first class laboratories for Muslim scientists to work in?

Oh, I'm certain he knows the truth but denial for the Sunnis and BecauseIKnowSquats is far bigger than any little old river in Egypt. There are plenty of Muslims who are smart enough to positively impact human progress ... they just don't. They do, however, use the advances developed by others.
Zionists have nothing better to do then boast about nobel prizes. Who cares. There's other things to life.
One again, we do not care about some silly prize that is practically worshipped by the Juden and the western nations.. :cool:

The subject isn't really the prize, Princess, although like the advances Nobel winners discover and develop I'm certain you and yours wouldn't reject one, but rather how little you and yours contribute to human progress. Certainly those advances have improved the quality of your life and those you care about. How about you guys help out once in a while, eh? :D
Zionists have nothing better to do then boast about nobel prizes. Who cares. There's other things to life.

So what have muslims invented recently? Anything useful? Do you count on infidels to invent your phones and computers for you? What would Mo say?

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