And you want $15 an hour?

I told you that there are 33 applicants for EVERY job in this city, no matter what your qualifications are.
You said there are no jobs available, then you start making up shit about how many people are applying for each one. How are they applying if there is no job?

I live here, I know the situation, so shut the fuck up.
I've seen your idiotic posts before, you living there doesn't mean you're not just making up more bullshit to rationalize your position.

Bottom line = the person who does nothing to improve their marketability, including posting how they wouldn't accept a promotion to management at their current job, has no place whining about no jobs available. You chose you path, enjoy your life of asking if people want fries or tots.
Because are no other jobs available in my city.
Lol bullshit.

Do you mean no other jobs for someone who has no ambition or determination to improve their marketability? I think so.

Actually, my city was rated the hardest city in the entire country to get a job, with an average of 33 applicants for each and every position.

Just the other day I applied for a job at a new Cafe - 87 people also applied, and the job was only advertised on a Facebook page. 87 people handed in resumes in just 24 hours.

I repeat, there are no jobs in my city.

Well, it's either time to start your own biz which can pay everyone a "living wage" or move to another city. Peeps in this country do both all the time.
Employees, no matter income, make all the money for the company.

No they don't but how 'bout you put your money where your big mouth is? Build or buy a biz and then you can give all the profit away to your employees. That's why we call it private prop ... your biz, your decision. :D

Is that it? Pretty wimpy!

Translation: You haven't the stuff necessary to stand behind the convictions you state here. Just whining that others must help carry your sorry ass. Got it. :D
Name 3 regulations that hamper your particular industry and explain why.
I do this all the time and I can't get a straight answer from anybody regardless of party.

As a commercial real estate developer I could name 50. Local building and zoning code changes have added serious time and costs to every project, particularly in the past 10 years. Thanks to aging building stock and recent fires, building collapses and loss of firefighters, it is not worth rehabbing or converting anything over 70 years old. They are increasingly abandoned and left to rot, burn or collapse.
1. Increased structural load bearing requirements.
2. Increased fire-suppression, exits and signage and lighting.
3. Increased elevator safety standards
4. Constantly changing and arbitrary application of electrical and plumbing standards.

You will certainly claim that you were not speaking of federal regulations all it is clearly your nature to be dishonest. So, we will just have to look at you with pity as we explain that all of those "regulations" have gone through the legislative process thousands of times on a local level......and that all of our major competitors worldwide have building codes that are at least as stringent.


If you refer to my OP in this conversation you will find I wrote "State and local taxes as well as real estate taxes when combined with gov't regulation and arcane union rules and demands have forced whole industries to abandon not just cities (see: Detroit) and states but entire regions (see: auto industry) and even this country." In simpler terms, there is more to biz costs than just federal corp taxes.
I do not need your pity as my costs get passed on to those who buy or rent my finished products. That, in turn, is passed on to the consumer as higher prices for their products and services. I don't care about foreign codes and costs as I build here but how would one such as you know anything about their building codes?
My guess?
You are talking from the only working orifice on your body ... your ass.
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You may be on to something. What changes to corp law do you believe caused investment in American factories to go overseas?

It's been so long, I've forgotten a lot of the details. You do realize that was 40 years ago, right? But check your history, it was in the 70's that our corporations started to leave and the 80's they started leaving even faster because our government gave them tax subsidies, supposedly to built up economies in 3rd world nations, but they went around that and got guarantees from the countries government that there would be no unions and the wages would be guaranteed to be really low (I think it was 17 cent an hour back then). Cardboard cities sprouted up in Mexico along the border. Mostly women were hired as women are less likely to form a union and anyone that mentioned it turned up dead. Al Gore said when Clinton was elected, they'd stop those incentives but they never did.

Zenith was the last TV manufacturer to leave the states. They said they couldn't compete with the others.

Exactly. America has become unfriendly toward manufacturing and predictably they are leaving (see: Detroit). Maybe we should raise wages ... that'll make 'em stay. :lol:
BTW, I don't recall any US gov't subsidies being paid to companies to move overseas and I've been in biz since the early 1970s. Please support your claims.
Although the corporate tax is 35% the effective rate is only 12.6%. This is accomplished primarily by leaving and transferring earnings overseas which expand and enrich those economies. The solution is very simple. Cut the corporate tax rate to 15% and eliminate some of the tax loopholes that encourage corporations to shift earnings abroad. The results would be higher tax revenues for the treasury and more business kept in the US.

The absurdly simple way to fix the corporate tax system - Tax Guy - MarketWatch
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So what happens when the 7.50 an hour crowd gets 15.00 an hour?

Does everyone else get a 7.50 and hour raise?, those that make 10.00 will make 17.50, those that make 15.00 will make 22.50?

In the end the minimum wage crowd will be in the same boat as everyone will get raises and all goods and services will cost more....

Minimum wage is not meant to be a lifelong salary, but I can name a few people that have had over a dozen jobs in less than a year, I guarantee they are not worth 5.00 an hour.

I also know 3 people that started out at minimum wage at McDonalds and Wendys, after 2-3 years all of them were promoted to managers and are now making over 40k a year, it is mainly about work ethic, have none and you may stay at 7.50 an hour for life.

But like so many things, the Politicians want to make a big deal of things so they can win some votes from ignorant people ;)


Simple concept that lefties cannot understand.
Went to McDonald's for lunch today. No protesters to be seen btw. I ordered a number 7 meal, large with a Diet Coke and a Happy Meal cheeseburger for a girl. Thinking that I also wanted a small mcnuggets, I asked what sizes that they come in. The lady said 4, 6, and 10. "I'll take a 4 piece please."

I get my order and she hands me two large drink cups. Then she asks me what drink I wanted with my happy meal. I didn't know what to say since she was just going to give me an empty cup for me to fill.

At this point, voices in my head should have told me to check my order, but the voices failed. When I got back home they didnt give me my 4 piece but instead put the four piece in the happy meal and the child didnt get her cheeseburger. Practically the entire order was screwed up.

How does anyone deserve to double their salary when they perform their job so badly? It's nonsense.

Wow, one bad experience and not one worker deserves extra pay? For your information, you brain dead shit, she needed to ask what drink you wanted so she could put it through on her register. Otherwise she couldn't ring up the order.

And what the fuck is a number 7 meal anyway?

it isn't one bad experience. It's more often than not a bad experience. Workers at Popeyes can't tell white meat from dark, workers at Dunkin Donuts don't even know what their own donuts are called, McDonald's can't get orders right, Burger King same deal plus they can't tell Diet Pepsi from regular, and the list goes on and on.

As you are the one who is brain dead, the Happy Meal comes with a small drink, not a medium, not a large, and since I fill it up myself, I can put whatever I want to in it.
Went to McDonald's for lunch today. No protesters to be seen btw. I ordered a number 7 meal, large with a Diet Coke and a Happy Meal cheeseburger for a girl. Thinking that I also wanted a small mcnuggets, I asked what sizes that they come in. The lady said 4, 6, and 10. "I'll take a 4 piece please."

I get my order and she hands me two large drink cups. Then she asks me what drink I wanted with my happy meal. I didn't know what to say since she was just going to give me an empty cup for me to fill.

At this point, voices in my head should have told me to check my order, but the voices failed. When I got back home they didnt give me my 4 piece but instead put the four piece in the happy meal and the child didnt get her cheeseburger. Practically the entire order was screwed up.

How does anyone deserve to double their salary when they perform their job so badly? It's nonsense.

Wow, one bad experience and not one worker deserves extra pay? For your information, you brain dead shit, she needed to ask what drink you wanted so she could put it through on her register. Otherwise she couldn't ring up the order.

And what the fuck is a number 7 meal anyway?

He or she puts into the register (by pushing a button with a cup on it labeled S, M, L) the size of the drink, not the content of the drink.
Since she handed him a cup, that means she knows the drink size already.

You really need to learn how to think.

ETA: Oh, and btw....the type of drink is not material since it is a fountain drink that the customer is filling for themselves, is out of the direct control of the clerk. This means they are charging the same amount for all the soft drinks they are offering and they keep track by the refill amounts of syrup.

Does anyone know how a business runs anymore?

Her problem is that she either can't read, or can't be bothered to read the posts she responds to.
Went to McDonald's for lunch today. No protesters to be seen btw. I ordered a number 7 meal, large with a Diet Coke and a Happy Meal cheeseburger for a girl. Thinking that I also wanted a small mcnuggets, I asked what sizes that they come in. The lady said 4, 6, and 10. "I'll take a 4 piece please."

I get my order and she hands me two large drink cups. Then she asks me what drink I wanted with my happy meal. I didn't know what to say since she was just going to give me an empty cup for me to fill.

At this point, voices in my head should have told me to check my order, but the voices failed. When I got back home they didnt give me my 4 piece but instead put the four piece in the happy meal and the child didnt get her cheeseburger. Practically the entire order was screwed up.

How does anyone deserve to double their salary when they perform their job so badly? It's nonsense.

Does the CEO of AT&T deserve a multi-million dollar bonus when it takes his IT team 8 months to correct my Billing?
Why does the CEO of Citibank get a bonus when their App sucks?

I agree about cashiers, but CEOs setting the bar low is good?
I guess in a Smoke and Mirrors Stock Market economy it's good.

Perhaps, but the only possible reason to ask for the type of soft drink is personal curiosity.
Everything else has been automated for this person.

I assume the self serve fountain is refill? Our registers have us ask you the drink you want and the size. Otherwise we cannot complete the order. It means we ask you a heap of stupid questions, which none of us like doing.
If you hand them an empty soda cup that is a medium, you can safely assume they will get a medium soft drink from the fountain. I don't know about OZ, but most places here in America don't really monitor the refill rate and many restaurants (fast food) offer customer filled fountain drinks.

Not only that but I think I lied to her anyway. I said Diet Coke and ended up putting Sprite in it.
You didn't check your order before you left. It's YOUR FAULT!

My steak at Peter Luger's last night was perfect! Of course everyone there makes more than $15.00/hr.
If he had checked before he left, the order would have been correct? Or was it wrong before he left?

Just how fucking stupid is your statement anyway?

The topic, in case you can't follow a thought process, is why should we paying people who can't get a simple order correct, more than the minimum wage when clearly, they are overpaid already.

My steak at Peter Luger's last night was perfect! Of course everyone there makes more than $15.00/hr.

Get it yet?

Or how about this; How many people have surgery where thing are left inside the patient? Surgeons make more than $15.00/hr, don't they?

Humans make mistakes no matter how much they make.

Almost no patients have things left inside them anymore. I would venture to even bet that that hasn't happened in America in at least the past year. There are safeguards on top of safeguards. I know, I'm part of a surgical team.
You didn't check your order before you left. It's YOUR FAULT!

My steak at Peter Luger's last night was perfect! Of course everyone there makes more than $15.00/hr.

My fault? Maybe but that's totally irrelevant. They make $7 something an hour now and it's obvious they are overpaid.

Humans make mistakes. The McDonald's person didn't fill the order correctly. Get over it and check your bag next time.

You totally missed the point.
Went to McDonald's for lunch today. No protesters to be seen btw. I ordered a number 7 meal, large with a Diet Coke and a Happy Meal cheeseburger for a girl. Thinking that I also wanted a small mcnuggets, I asked what sizes that they come in. The lady said 4, 6, and 10. "I'll take a 4 piece please."

I get my order and she hands me two large drink cups. Then she asks me what drink I wanted with my happy meal. I didn't know what to say since she was just going to give me an empty cup for me to fill.

At this point, voices in my head should have told me to check my order, but the voices failed. When I got back home they didnt give me my 4 piece but instead put the four piece in the happy meal and the child didnt get her cheeseburger. Practically the entire order was screwed up.

How does anyone deserve to double their salary when they perform their job so badly? It's nonsense.
I had a plumber come out to fix a leak. I paid him a lot more than $15/hr. He didn't fix shit. Then when I called him, he said couldn't be out for 3 days. Was he worth what I paid him? Of course not, but that doesn't mean other plumbers aren't. Everyone screws up. regardless of what they are paid.

Fair point but plumbers aren't asking to double their salary.
In fast food joints there is a magic phrase that helps keep 'em focused. It works like this:

One burger - One; No Cheese.

One mall Fries - Just ONE; NO cheese.

One Small Diet Coke - Small; just one; NO CHEESE.

One Chocolate Chip Cookie - Only ONE - NO Friggin' CHEESE.

Guaranteed you've got her/his/its attention.

Thing is, you gotta also watch their hands on the magic order entry machine to make sure they don't also press the "SPIT IN IT" button.

If they paid more, they could get better help. Plus the people they hire wouldn't be so disgruntled and would do a better job. You really do get what you pay for.

Yeah an no one in their right mind would pay more than a buck for a burger from MC Dungswill's

I take that back McDungswill's should pay people to eat that shit.

That said stuffing a squished burger into a bag is not now nor will it ever be worth $15 an hour.
One of many things that lefties who support this nonsense don't understand is that if they increase the MW to $15/hour, you would still have the same lazy, incompetent, and stupid people working there.

15 dollars won't fix stupid.
One of many things that lefties who support this nonsense don't understand is that if they increase the MW to $15/hour, you would still have the same lazy, incompetent, and stupid people working there.

15 dollars won't fix stupid.
Went to McDonald's for lunch today. No protesters to be seen btw. I ordered a number 7 meal, large with a Diet Coke and a Happy Meal cheeseburger for a girl. Thinking that I also wanted a small mcnuggets, I asked what sizes that they come in. The lady said 4, 6, and 10. "I'll take a 4 piece please."

I get my order and she hands me two large drink cups. Then she asks me what drink I wanted with my happy meal. I didn't know what to say since she was just going to give me an empty cup for me to fill.

At this point, voices in my head should have told me to check my order, but the voices failed. When I got back home they didnt give me my 4 piece but instead put the four piece in the happy meal and the child didnt get her cheeseburger. Practically the entire order was screwed up.

How does anyone deserve to double their salary when they perform their job so badly? It's nonsense.

uuumm...I see 2 failures here. How much do you get paid?
I dont think Im for McD's people making 15usd an hr but I will say; pay 8usd hr you get 8usd hr service.

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