And Your Solution to end US government corruption IS....? no ridiculing of others.


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
Criticizing other parties not allowed in this thread. please state YOUR solution, what YOU would do, don't go off into "but they, but you are idiot" this is about what YOU would do if you were a president.

This is what I would do if I was a leader of American revolution, and I DO NOT NEED ANY OF YOUR OPINIONS about you not liking my plan. I would basically do what Hitler did minus refer to enemies as Jews or invade any nation - I would pull all US troops out from other nations, secure borders, cut all welfare except to those who are really sick (not to be confused with overweight TV watchers) I would then attempt to reach out to people of the world, by leading as an example, for the world to unite into one as I describe in my speeches extensively. I would establish direct democracy with willing nations, uniting them, if within a couple of years with me in power any nations remain that do not want to be a part of our united world, I would make the borders so tight using our technological advancements, that even a mouse could not sneak through much less politicians like Kruschev and US whatever shaking hands and having dinners off stage. there would be no trading, no sporting competitions NOTHING between what I would call the free world and the not free world. Then after one term I would step down from public office BECAUSE it is precisely what I hate about politics - career politicians whose business is to create problems that they can then pretend to solve. I admit, things would probably get pretty brutal, but more than likely they would NOT - THINK about it - after Hitler invaded France, he did not need to build a billion dollar fortified green zone so he could make unannounced visits like US in Baghdad, but was able to drive through the streets of Paris in an OPEN car within weeks of "invasion". Again, I am absolutely not interested in your criticism, but only in your solution, considering that you are not a government troll, but are in fact concerned about government corruption as you state in your posts.
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Society is dependent on monopolized raw materials and natural resources. The profits from these global industries remain in as few hands as possible, creating the lopsided system of "have's and have-not's".

We the People need to use a natural resource that anyone can produce so that global profits are not concentrated to as few hands as possible.

[ame=]Hemp For Victory (1942) U.S. Department of Agriculture - YouTube[/ame]
Society is dependent on monopolized raw materials and natural resources. The profits from these global industries remain in as few hands as possible, creating the lopsided system of "have's and have-not's".

We the People need to use a natural resource that anyone can produce so that global profits are not concentrated to as few hands as possible.

Hemp For Victory (1942) U.S. Department of Agriculture - YouTube
I agree but it is not enough. innovation and technology were also creations of people like you and me, but they are being repossessed by those who control the money supply and taken away from us:
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I also use hemp for reinforcement of some building products in my business, and a bag of this hay like hemp costs around $600 due to these so called regulations. I have hemp fiber in my warehouse 200 feet from where I am right now, I could bring it and take a pic if you don't believe me. so I know what you mean.
It does not matter what any individual wants or would do, if you cannot build a consensus with other people in the form of parties it does not get off the ground, at least not in a free country. Building a consensus requires one to say how they are different and better than that other party that does not want what you want. I hate to talk to you like you are a twelve year-old on the first day of civics class but consensus is the soul of democratic politics.
take $$$ out of politics and any other form of bribery such as promises of future employment
It does not matter what any individual wants or would do, if you cannot build a consensus with other people in the form of parties it does not get off the ground, at least not in a free country. Building a consensus requires one to say how they are different and better than that other party that does not want what you want. I hate to talk to you like you are a twelve year-old on the first day of civics class but consensus is the soul of democratic politics.
Thanks for your response, that is why I am interested to see what YOU would do, so that we can reach some sort of consensus - to me it seems that POLITICIANS ON THE ESTABLISHMENT MEDIA are the ones can not come up with any sort of consensus other than blaming each other like dogs. Nor do they have to, because they are only voted in due to people's distrust of other candidate even more and due to the publicity they get.
It does not matter what any individual wants or would do, if you cannot build a consensus with other people in the form of parties it does not get off the ground, at least not in a free country. Building a consensus requires one to say how they are different and better than that other party that does not want what you want. I hate to talk to you like you are a twelve year-old on the first day of civics class but consensus is the soul of democratic politics.
Thanks for your response, that is why I am interested to see what YOU would do, so that we can reach some sort of consensus - to me it seems that POLITICIANS ON THE ESTABLISHMENT MEDIA are the ones can not come up with any sort of consensus other than blaming each other like dogs. Nor do they have to, because they are only voted in due to people's distrust of other candidate even more and due to the publicity they get.
My political mind does not work in that way, of course there are many things I would do if I were some fascist dictator but no one, not even the most saintly empathic person imaginable, should have such power. For example, I would abolish billions of dollars in student loan debt, mortgage debt, credit card debt and any other personal and small business debt that is excessively inflated by interest alone. Sounds good but thousands of investors woulds lose their shirts and probably try to assassinate me, they would have a consensus that I am too dictatorial and they would be right. On the other hand congress could do the same thing and be totally legit within our system and not risk bloody coups.
It does not matter what any individual wants or would do, if you cannot build a consensus with other people in the form of parties it does not get off the ground, at least not in a free country. Building a consensus requires one to say how they are different and better than that other party that does not want what you want. I hate to talk to you like you are a twelve year-old on the first day of civics class but consensus is the soul of democratic politics.
Thanks for your response, that is why I am interested to see what YOU would do, so that we can reach some sort of consensus - to me it seems that POLITICIANS ON THE ESTABLISHMENT MEDIA are the ones can not come up with any sort of consensus other than blaming each other like dogs. Nor do they have to, because they are only voted in due to people's distrust of other candidate even more and due to the publicity they get.
My political mind does not work in that way, of course there are many things I would do if I were some fascist dictator but no one, not even the most saintly empathic person imaginable, should have such power. For example, I would abolish billions of dollars in student loan debt, mortgage debt, credit card debt and any other personal and small business debt that is excessively inflated by interest alone. Sounds good but thousands of investors woulds lose their shirts and probably try to assassinate me, they would have a consensus that I am too dictatorial and they would be right. On the other hand congress could do the same thing and be totally legit within our system and not risk bloody coups.
1. We already HAVE such a dictatorship, it is a HIDDEN dictatorship: on YouTube search Liberating Humanity Part 8
2. They already HAVE assassinated my dog and heavily injured another as they were walking with my father near my house this past December 4th, Liberating Humanity Part 3. It does not encourage me to stop, but to keep going until I MYSELF am either assassinated or succeed, depending on which the humanity chooses. They are also destroying nation after nation just so they can "invest" like a gardener, plowing and reseeding their crop.
3. That is why I despise liberals, because they are agents of the elites who tell us HALF truths.
4. Our senators, congressmen and presidents are almost all being bribed and blackmailed, and on each of them their masters have a file, a video of them either raping a child, or killing someone or taking some bribes, and if they misbehave, their careers end very quickly.
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Thanks for your response, that is why I am interested to see what YOU would do, so that we can reach some sort of consensus - to me it seems that POLITICIANS ON THE ESTABLISHMENT MEDIA are the ones can not come up with any sort of consensus other than blaming each other like dogs. Nor do they have to, because they are only voted in due to people's distrust of other candidate even more and due to the publicity they get.
My political mind does not work in that way, of course there are many things I would do if I were some fascist dictator but no one, not even the most saintly empathic person imaginable, should have such power. For example, I would abolish billions of dollars in student loan debt, mortgage debt, credit card debt and any other personal and small business debt that is excessively inflated by interest alone. Sounds good but thousands of investors woulds lose their shirts and probably try to assassinate me, they would have a consensus that I am too dictatorial and they would be right. On the other hand congress could do the same thing and be totally legit within our system and not risk bloody coups.
1. We already HAVE such a dictatorship, it is a HIDDEN dictatorship: on YouTube search Liberating Humanity Part 8
2. They already HAVE assassinated my dog and heavily injured another as they were walking with my father near my house this past December 4th, Liberating Humanity Part 3. It does not encourage me to stop, but to keep going until I MYSELF am either assassinated or succeed, depending on which the humanity chooses. They are also destroying nation after nation just so they can "invest" like a gardener, plowing and reseeding their crop.
3. That is why I despise liberals, because they are agents of the elites who tell us HALF truths.
4. Our senators, congressmen and presidents are almost all being bribed and blackmailed, and on each of them their masters have a file, a video of them either raping a child, or killing someone or taking some bribes, and if they misbehave, their careers end very quickly.

Sorry about your dogs but you must realize how crazy that sounds.
My political mind does not work in that way, of course there are many things I would do if I were some fascist dictator but no one, not even the most saintly empathic person imaginable, should have such power. For example, I would abolish billions of dollars in student loan debt, mortgage debt, credit card debt and any other personal and small business debt that is excessively inflated by interest alone. Sounds good but thousands of investors woulds lose their shirts and probably try to assassinate me, they would have a consensus that I am too dictatorial and they would be right. On the other hand congress could do the same thing and be totally legit within our system and not risk bloody coups.
1. We already HAVE such a dictatorship, it is a HIDDEN dictatorship: on YouTube search Liberating Humanity Part 8
2. They already HAVE assassinated my dog and heavily injured another as they were walking with my father near my house this past December 4th, Liberating Humanity Part 3. It does not encourage me to stop, but to keep going until I MYSELF am either assassinated or succeed, depending on which the humanity chooses. They are also destroying nation after nation just so they can "invest" like a gardener, plowing and reseeding their crop.
3. That is why I despise liberals, because they are agents of the elites who tell us HALF truths.
4. Our senators, congressmen and presidents are almost all being bribed and blackmailed, and on each of them their masters have a file, a video of them either raping a child, or killing someone or taking some bribes, and if they misbehave, their careers end very quickly.

Sorry about your dogs but you must realize how crazy that sounds.
It is not crazy at all if you watch the video and take into consideration all the supporting evidence. But my dogs are beside the point here, the point here is what you would do, and you already stated as I interpreted to be NOTHING. I appreciate your posts and thank you for participating.
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Criticizing other parties not allowed in this thread. please state YOUR solution, what YOU would do, don't go off into "but they, but you are idiot" this is about what YOU would do if you were a president.

This is what I would do if I was a leader of American revolution, and I DO NOT NEED ANY OF YOUR OPINIONS about you not liking my plan. I would basically do what Hitler did minus refer to enemies as Jews or invade any nation - I would pull all US troops out from other nations, secure borders, cut all welfare except to those who are really sick (not to be confused with overweight TV watchers) I would then attempt to reach out to people of the world, by leading as an example, for the world to unite into one as I describe in my speeches extensively. I would establish direct democracy with willing nations, uniting them, if within a couple of years with me in power any nations remain that do not want to be a part of our united world, I would make the borders so tight using our technological advancements, that even a mouse could not sneak through much less politicians like Kruschev and US whatever shaking hands and having dinners off stage. there would be no trading, no sporting competitions NOTHING between what I would call the free world and the not free world. Then after one term I would step down from public office BECAUSE it is precisely what I hate about politics - career politicians whose business is to create problems that they can then pretend to solve. I admit, things would probably get pretty brutal, but more than likely they would NOT - THINK about it - after Hitler invaded France, he did not need to build a billion dollar fortified green zone so he could make unannounced visits like US in Baghdad, but was able to drive through the streets of Paris in an OPEN car within weeks of "invasion". Again, I am absolutely not interested in your criticism, but only in your solution, considering that you are not a government troll, but are in fact concerned about government corruption as you state in your posts.

1. We already HAVE such a dictatorship, it is a HIDDEN dictatorship: on YouTube search Liberating Humanity Part 8
2. They already HAVE assassinated my dog and heavily injured another as they were walking with my father near my house this past December 4th, Liberating Humanity Part 3. It does not encourage me to stop, but to keep going until I MYSELF am either assassinated or succeed, depending on which the humanity chooses. They are also destroying nation after nation just so they can "invest" like a gardener, plowing and reseeding their crop.
3. That is why I despise liberals, because they are agents of the elites who tell us HALF truths.
4. Our senators, congressmen and presidents are almost all being bribed and blackmailed, and on each of them their masters have a file, a video of them either raping a child, or killing someone or taking some bribes, and if they misbehave, their careers end very quickly.

Sorry about your dogs but you must realize how crazy that sounds.
It is not crazy at all if you watch the video and take into consideration all the supporting evidence. But my dogs are beside the point here, the point here is what you would do, and you already stated as I interpreted to be NOTHING. I appreciate your posts and thank you for participating.

I would do all kinds of things if I had enough people on my side in positions to effect some change, but I do not and neither do you. Engaging in flights of fancy are not really my style, I prefer to deal with the real and the possible in politics. You really need to grasp what it actually takes to change this nation before talking about changing it, otherwise we might as well be uselessly discussing the politics of the Star Wars universe.
Sorry about your dogs but you must realize how crazy that sounds.
It is not crazy at all if you watch the video and take into consideration all the supporting evidence. But my dogs are beside the point here, the point here is what you would do, and you already stated as I interpreted to be NOTHING. I appreciate your posts and thank you for participating.

I would do all kinds of things if I had enough people on my side in positions to effect some change, but I do not and neither do you. Engaging in flights of fancy are not really my style, I prefer to deal with the real and the possible in politics. You really need to grasp what it actually takes to change this nation before talking about changing it, otherwise we might as well be uselessly discussing the politics of the Star Wars universe.
I have a firm belief that situation only requires a spark to start the fire, and that the sparks are being constantly started by the establishment to be PUT OUT to CONTROL such a fire.

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