Andrew Yang, Smartest Dem candidate, says it's too late to stop AGW

abu afak

Mar 3, 2006
He said so on Debate Night two.
And I agree, and have for a while.
Even if he USA went GND, and everyone else capped or halved, it's already 'baked in.'
Dems Not happy.

Andrew Yang urges Americans to move to higher ground because response to climate change is ‘too late’

Andrew Yang Is the Most Dangerous Democratic Presidential Candidate

Andrew Yang Is Not Your Climate Friend
The Atlantic

Andrew Yang on Climate: Humanity Is Doomed and We Need to Move to Higher Ground

Andrew Yang: 'Too Late' to Stop Global Warming; Move to ... - Breitbart › 2020 Election › 20191 day ago - Andrew Yang said at the Democrat debate that the U.S. is not the world's biggest polluter and needs to move people to "higher ground."

Andrew Yang on climate change: 'We need to start moving our people ... day ago - The last four years have been the warmest years in recorded history," Yang Said.
This is going to be a tought trurh, but we are too late.

Andrew Yang Offers Dark Vision of Climate Change at Democratic .. day ago - Andrew Yang Offered a Doomsday Vision of the Climate Crisis. ... We are too late to stop the cataclysm, he said. ... The point that further warming is essentially baked in because we have not yet felt the effects of some of the ...

Democratic Debate: Andrew Yang on Climate: Humanity Is Doomed ... hours ago - The outsider 2020 candidate says it's “too late” to worry about preventing climate change and we should instead focus efforts on preparing ...

Yang's Climate Plan: “Start Moving Our People to Higher Ground” hours ago - Andrew Yang says it's too late to stop some of the effects of climate change, and we should all migrate uphill to avoid floods.

Is Andrew Yang the Doomer Candidate? (And What's a Doomer?) hours ago -
“We are ten years too late … we need to start moving our people to .... of Yang's point in the debate: We're now late enough in the warming ...[/B]
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What I think it totally hilarious, Abu thinks this guy is smart.. Would a smart person believe the hype about an 8 deg C rise, in the next 10 years, using a model that has been proven failed, by empirical review and useless for any thing but a compost pile?


This is a repeat of the same failed predictions that Gore and the ass clown brigade made over thirty years ago telling us that the world was gonna end in 10 years... NOT ONE of Gores predictions or that of the ass clown group (Mann, Briffa, and others) have come true... All of them failed empirical review...

Just one more democrat idiot that doesn't have a damn clue how the earth functions..
The bull shit runs deep with this idiot...
You Fucking Mentally Ill Amoral Fabricating DUCHEBAG LIAR.
I outed your Raging Lie just hours ago.
You totally FABRICATED Trump's position.

Energy Sec Rick Perry Contradicts Trump, says humans Do play role in Causing climate change

Trump didn't even believe in GW, much less AGW
Even you STFU


BWhaaaaaaaaa What a dope..

You couldn't find science if it hit you in the damn head. You have disproved nothing.. Trump has stated many times the climate changes but he disputes the effect man is having.

Your a lying little ass troll.. Take your own advice liar and fuck off..
What I think it totally hilarious, Abu thinks this guy is smart.. Would a smart person believe the hype about an 8 deg C rise, in the next 10 years, using a model that has been proven failed, by empirical review and useless for any thing but a compost pile?


This is a repeat of the same failed predictions that Gore and the ass clown brigade made over thirty years ago telling us that the world was gonna end in 10 years... NOT ONE of Gores predictions or that of the ass clown group (Mann, Briffa, and others) have come true... All of them failed empirical review...

Just one more democrat idiot that doesn't have a damn clue how the earth functions..
I think he is proposing some smart and out of the box solutions to potential problems and threats. Loss of jobs due to Automation is his top priority and moving to safer areas in case of coastal weather threats is not a crazy proposal. You should listen a little more instead of the snap judgments. There’s more to this guy than the headlines suggest
Quote of the Week: Yang’s off-the-rails climate evacuation alarm

Yang’s advice probably comes from reading too much climate porn, like this:

What I think it totally hilarious, Abu thinks this guy is smart.. Would a smart person believe the hype about an 8 deg C rise, in the next 10 years, using a model that has been proven failed, by empirical review and useless for any thing but a compost pile?


This is a repeat of the same failed predictions that Gore and the ass clown brigade made over thirty years ago telling us that the world was gonna end in 10 years... NOT ONE of Gores predictions or that of the ass clown group (Mann, Briffa, and others) have come true... All of them failed empirical review...

Just one more democrat idiot that doesn't have a damn clue how the earth functions..
Climate change the consequence of human activity is a fact settled, accepted, and beyond dispute.

Also a fact is that it is too late to do anything about it.

Indeed, policymakers have long abandoned efforts to reverse the consequences of climate change and are instead working to mitigate those changes and implement damage control.

So you and your fellow rightwing idiots needn’t worry, your moronic, wrongheaded dogma of denial has prevailed.

Well done.
DNC lineup seems to be 6 of one, half dozen of the other. Overnight, Mueller doesn't exist in their rhetoric against their other rivals. It's surreal.
The bull shit runs deep with this idiot...
We know, we've read your posts.

Never expected you to admit it though.

Are you in junior high? What's next from you? The old " I'm rubber and you are glue?" If you think he is wrong on the climate, post up some actual observed, measured evidence to support your belief. Never mind...we've been there and found that you have none...just like all the rest of the believers.
Climate change the consequence of human activity is a fact settled, accepted, and beyond dispute.

Really? Then lets see a single....that is ONE piece of observed, measured evidence which supports the AGW hypothesis over natural, if it were indeed settled fact and beyond dispute, the mountain of evidence would be truly impressive...but I am not asking for that...I would like to see just a single piece of such evidence.

Since you aren't going to be able to produce even one such piece of evidence, maybe you would like to tell me how it became settled fact, accepted, and beyond dispute with no actual evidence?
Climate change the consequence of human activity is a fact settled, accepted, and beyond dispute.

Also a fact is that it is too late to do anything about it.

That's a bunch of malarkey.

Of course, "climate change" isn't a fixed entity, as it matters a great deal whether we're going to experience 1.5°C or 4°C temperature change. While it probably is too late to prevent the former, it isn't too late to prevent the latter.

Everyone with a lick of knowledge tells you that we need both, ending our habit of pumping ever more carbon into the atmosphere, and making our cities and towns more resilient. Of course, some communities will have to move, since sea levels are indeed rising. Is it really so hard to understand there's a difference between 1 meter and 5 meters in sea level rise? And isn't it the stupidest thing to do, playing off climate change prevention against mitigation, save for that sign of the most monumental stupidity, climate change denialism?
The bull shit runs deep with this idiot...
We know, we've read your posts.

Never expected you to admit it though.

Are you in junior high? What's next from you? The old " I'm rubber and you are glue?" If you think he is wrong on the climate, post up some actual observed, measured evidence to support your belief. Never mind...we've been there and found that you have none...just like all the rest of the believers.
I respond at the level of the poster I am responding to.

Don't like it?

Up your game son.
Andrew Yang Admits He Wants To Enforce Censorship and Police The Press!

He also runs off with a glass of alcohol from a bar and consumes alcohol on the street!

Climate change the consequence of human activity is a fact settled, accepted, and beyond dispute
Provide the empirical observed evidence to support your assertion. Just one paper proving mans influence will do. No models as they all fail empirical review, have no predictive powers, and over predict warming and sea rise by factors of 10 or greater.
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Of course, "climate change" isn't a fixed entity, as it matters a great deal whether we're going to experience 1.5°C or 4°C temperature change. While it probably is too late to prevent the former, it isn't too late to prevent the latter.

The latter isn't going to happen by empirically observed evidence. Tell me where your midtropospheric hot spot is which would have to exist for this to happen.

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