Angela making history - afd suck on this.

And now this :mad-61:

Leadership of German far right splits hours after electoral success

If true, this is bad news, she was a charismatic leader who got the party elected.
It´s her own fault with her "anti-racist" approach. She wanted the party to match with the others on political correctness.

More chaos for Merkel, Horst Seehofer saying that all things he demanded from Merkel last year ie. severe limit on immigration and also border control must be agreed to or the CSU will leave open if they can again form a faction with the CDU.

Result of CDU/CSU 33% - CDU receive 26.8% of vote and CSU receive 6.2% of vote.

Without the CSU, Merkel would not be able to have a Coalition of CDU/FDP/Grüne 26.8% + 10.7% + 8.9% = 46.4%

Also Christian Lindner of the FDP had already said that one of the FDP's demands is they get Finance which means that Wolfgang Schäuble after eight years would have to be removed.


However, the AFD have won 90 seats.

Anti-fascist protests break out in Germany as far-right party enters parliament for the first time in strongest showing since Nazi era - but humbled Merkel still wins largest share of vote
  • Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union party won most votes with 32.5 per cent support, exit polls say
  • Far-right Alternative For Germany won 13.5 per cent and will enter the German parliament for the first time
  • Thousands of protesters took to the streets to denounce the result, chanting slogans about 'Nazi pigs'
  • Merkel's coalition partner, the SPD, polled at historic low and said they will not serve in the new government
  • SPD leader Matin Schulz admitted that decision to let in millions of migrants had divide the nation
By Chris Pleasance and Allan Hall In Berlin for MailOnline and Kelly Mclaughlin For Mailonline

PUBLISHED: 09:33, 24 September 2017 | UPDATED: 23:43, 24 September 2017

Read more: Merkel's party wins largest vote share in German election | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

To illustrate your First Past The Post and why it is not right, is not Democratic.

The British Election 2015 UKIP 12.6% = 1 seat.



AfD 12.6% = 94 seats.

Germany is Europe's cancer, a cancer with many tumors including Kaiser, Hitler, and now Merkel.
Your über nationalist bickering hurts the cause in the fight for the survival of European heritage. Think about it.

There is no European Unity, but there's a Germany which has killed 10's of millions of Europeans, and now pushes for the nail of the coffin, to replace Whites with Muslims, and even supporting sanctions on nations like Poland, or Hungary who object.

I say without regret, F*ck Germans.
First repeal the attacks from the Globalists and then we can resume fighting each other what we have been doing for a few millennia but not until. It is not the Germans as people, it is the Globalists from Brüssel and Merkel is in the Globalist cabal. The communist bitch always belonged to them.

Germans follow Merkel, like they did Hitler.
No, these insane retards can't be supported.
Well, the media is owned by Globalists, campaign funding is done by Globalists, Globalists infiltrated the government on every level. They made laws that there is no free speech in Germany (matter of fact in whole Europe) but under the threat of long incarceration. Look for the real enemy and do not fall into the trap they set up for us. What they do is divide and conquer. You are familiar with that concept. We here in the U.S. are enjoying every fucking minute of it also.

Well, could they sell the propaganda without buyers?
Germany is Europe's cancer, a cancer with many tumors including Kaiser, Hitler, and now Merkel.
Your über nationalist bickering hurts the cause in the fight for the survival of European heritage. Think about it.

There is no European Unity, but there's a Germany which has killed 10's of millions of Europeans, and now pushes for the nail of the coffin, to replace Whites with Muslims, and even supporting sanctions on nations like Poland, or Hungary who object.

I say without regret, F*ck Germans.

Those sanctions are evil indeed, and Germany should not offload its Muslim imports this easily. But what is even more important, that right after Germans may have killed the 10 million Europeans before 1945, the Czechs killed 20 million German in Czechoslovakia, Romania, and Yugoslavia, after 1945.

Haha, Czechs killed 20 million Germans?
Maybe 20 million Germans were removed, not killed.
Most of them survived.
Semantics. Or is it okay? Okay, so okay then, let's remove another 20 or 100 million others too from whatever country. Siberia is still too empty.

These decisions to move the borders of the Soviet Union, and Soviet satellites Westward were done in Potsdam, and Yalta Conference by Stalin, Churchill, FDR, and Truman.

Poland, Romania, Czechs etc. these were just puppet governments put in place.

The real elected Polish government in exile, actually was against the border shifts.
However, the AFD have won 90 seats.

Anti-fascist protests break out in Germany as far-right party enters parliament for the first time in strongest showing since Nazi era - but humbled Merkel still wins largest share of vote
  • Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union party won most votes with 32.5 per cent support, exit polls say
  • Far-right Alternative For Germany won 13.5 per cent and will enter the German parliament for the first time
  • Thousands of protesters took to the streets to denounce the result, chanting slogans about 'Nazi pigs'
  • Merkel's coalition partner, the SPD, polled at historic low and said they will not serve in the new government
  • SPD leader Matin Schulz admitted that decision to let in millions of migrants had divide the nation
By Chris Pleasance and Allan Hall In Berlin for MailOnline and Kelly Mclaughlin For Mailonline

PUBLISHED: 09:33, 24 September 2017 | UPDATED: 23:43, 24 September 2017

Read more: Merkel's party wins largest vote share in German election | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

To illustrate your First Past The Post and why it is not right, is not Democratic.

The British Election 2015 UKIP 12.6% = 1 seat.

View attachment 151426

View attachment 151427

AfD 12.6% = 94 seats.

View attachment 151428
Couldn't agree more.
I love it that you clowns despise first past the post when it doesnt work for you. But you suck trumps tiny dick after he got 3m less votes than Mrs Clinton.
I love it that you clowns despise first past the post when it doesnt work for you. But you suck trumps tiny dick after he got 3m less votes than Mrs Clinton.
No, because only the electoral college protects you from being swamped out at every election by liberal pot heads from New York and California and become a socialist cesspool like Europe.
Your über nationalist bickering hurts the cause in the fight for the survival of European heritage. Think about it.

There is no European Unity, but there's a Germany which has killed 10's of millions of Europeans, and now pushes for the nail of the coffin, to replace Whites with Muslims, and even supporting sanctions on nations like Poland, or Hungary who object.

I say without regret, F*ck Germans.

Those sanctions are evil indeed, and Germany should not offload its Muslim imports this easily. But what is even more important, that right after Germans may have killed the 10 million Europeans before 1945, the Czechs killed 20 million German in Czechoslovakia, Romania, and Yugoslavia, after 1945.

Haha, Czechs killed 20 million Germans?
Maybe 20 million Germans were removed, not killed.
Most of them survived.
Semantics. Or is it okay? Okay, so okay then, let's remove another 20 or 100 million others too from whatever country. Siberia is still too empty.

These decisions to move the borders of the Soviet Union, and Soviet satellites Westward were done in Potsdam, and Yalta Conference by Stalin, Churchill, FDR, and Truman.

Poland, Romania, Czechs etc. these were just puppet governments put in place.

The real elected Polish government in exile, actually was against the border shifts.

Yes. This is for Poland what is Trianon for Hungary, only not as highly bad.

So now if Poland wants its real land back, then it first needs to challenge the new division of the world, which the UN Security Council still holds in its iron hands, still with the same Russian guns and French guns and British guns.

I think an interesting question would be whether the entente can continue raping Poland, Hungary, and Italy endlessly forever, by creating people like Czechs, Slovaks, Romanians, Serbs, Ukrainians, Belorussians, and so on?
I love it that you clowns despise first past the post when it doesnt work for you. But you suck trumps tiny dick after he got 3m less votes than Mrs Clinton.
No, because only the electoral college protects you from being swamped out at every election by liberal pot heads from New York and California and become a socialist cesspool like Europe.
The electoral college is a losers charter. You end up with a Pres that people didnt vote for.
There is no European Unity, but there's a Germany which has killed 10's of millions of Europeans, and now pushes for the nail of the coffin, to replace Whites with Muslims, and even supporting sanctions on nations like Poland, or Hungary who object.

I say without regret, F*ck Germans.

Those sanctions are evil indeed, and Germany should not offload its Muslim imports this easily. But what is even more important, that right after Germans may have killed the 10 million Europeans before 1945, the Czechs killed 20 million German in Czechoslovakia, Romania, and Yugoslavia, after 1945.

Haha, Czechs killed 20 million Germans?
Maybe 20 million Germans were removed, not killed.
Most of them survived.
Semantics. Or is it okay? Okay, so okay then, let's remove another 20 or 100 million others too from whatever country. Siberia is still too empty.

These decisions to move the borders of the Soviet Union, and Soviet satellites Westward were done in Potsdam, and Yalta Conference by Stalin, Churchill, FDR, and Truman.

Poland, Romania, Czechs etc. these were just puppet governments put in place.

The real elected Polish government in exile, actually was against the border shifts.

Yes. This is for Poland what is Trianon for Hungary, only not as highly bad.

So now if Poland wants its real land back, then it first needs to challenge the new division of the world, which the UN Security Council still holds in its iron hands, still with the same Russian guns and French guns and British guns.

I think an interesting question would be whether the entente can continue raping Poland, Hungary, and Italy endlessly forever, by creating people like Czechs, Slovaks, Romanians, Serbs, Ukrainians, Belorussians, and so on?

Well, the only people you listed I personally have an issue with are Ukrainians.

Ukrainians butchered many Poles in Wolyn.
I love it that you clowns despise first past the post when it doesnt work for you. But you suck trumps tiny dick after he got 3m less votes than Mrs Clinton.
No, because only the electoral college protects you from being swamped out at every election by liberal pot heads from New York and California and become a socialist cesspool like Europe.
The electoral college is a losers charter. You end up with a Pres that people didnt vote for.
Like I said. Only the electoral college stands between you and the absolute tyranny of the majority. You must be a socialist democratic leftist.
I love it that you clowns despise first past the post when it doesnt work for you. But you suck trumps tiny dick after he got 3m less votes than Mrs Clinton.
No, because only the electoral college protects you from being swamped out at every election by liberal pot heads from New York and California and become a socialist cesspool like Europe.
The electoral college is a losers charter. You end up with a Pres that people didnt vote for.
Like I said. Only the electoral college stands between you and the absolute tyranny of the majority. You must be a socialist democratic leftist.
Oh dear, so you have the tyranny of the minority.
Those sanctions are evil indeed, and Germany should not offload its Muslim imports this easily. But what is even more important, that right after Germans may have killed the 10 million Europeans before 1945, the Czechs killed 20 million German in Czechoslovakia, Romania, and Yugoslavia, after 1945.

Haha, Czechs killed 20 million Germans?
Maybe 20 million Germans were removed, not killed.
Most of them survived.
Semantics. Or is it okay? Okay, so okay then, let's remove another 20 or 100 million others too from whatever country. Siberia is still too empty.

These decisions to move the borders of the Soviet Union, and Soviet satellites Westward were done in Potsdam, and Yalta Conference by Stalin, Churchill, FDR, and Truman.

Poland, Romania, Czechs etc. these were just puppet governments put in place.

The real elected Polish government in exile, actually was against the border shifts.

Yes. This is for Poland what is Trianon for Hungary, only not as highly bad.

So now if Poland wants its real land back, then it first needs to challenge the new division of the world, which the UN Security Council still holds in its iron hands, still with the same Russian guns and French guns and British guns.

I think an interesting question would be whether the entente can continue raping Poland, Hungary, and Italy endlessly forever, by creating people like Czechs, Slovaks, Romanians, Serbs, Ukrainians, Belorussians, and so on?

Well, the only people you listed I personally have an issue with are Ukrainians.

Ukrainians butchered many Poles in Wolyn.

There should be something that can be done in Europe, that proves to everybody forever, that you can't legalize a border by killing, butchering, deporting, and exiling people from their homelands.

These practices started with ww2. So they are not that old. Currently, the ww2 entente leaders still keep absolute control over Europe. The Ukraine, and all the others can be dismantled, if we address the top, and the examples such as Wolyn are a part of the collection to make the case.

The EU will protest against border reparations. But that is the only way. Western Ukraine needs to go back to Poland, western Czech Republic needs to go back to Germany, and the Hungarian crown lands of St Steven need to be restored in original form.

But now the EU will not even allow language concessions, and to appeal to the anti Russian Ukrainian public, the EU may kill even more Poles and even Hungarians.
I love it that you clowns despise first past the post when it doesnt work for you. But you suck trumps tiny dick after he got 3m less votes than Mrs Clinton.
No, because only the electoral college protects you from being swamped out at every election by liberal pot heads from New York and California and become a socialist cesspool like Europe.
The electoral college is a losers charter. You end up with a Pres that people didnt vote for.
Like I said. Only the electoral college stands between you and the absolute tyranny of the majority. You must be a socialist democratic leftist.
Oh dear, so you have the tyranny of the minority.
If you have your favorite majority only system, then I will import a trillion Syrians into your district come next election and then you will be the minority. Has been done in history always everywhere.
Haha, Czechs killed 20 million Germans?
Maybe 20 million Germans were removed, not killed.
Most of them survived.
Semantics. Or is it okay? Okay, so okay then, let's remove another 20 or 100 million others too from whatever country. Siberia is still too empty.

These decisions to move the borders of the Soviet Union, and Soviet satellites Westward were done in Potsdam, and Yalta Conference by Stalin, Churchill, FDR, and Truman.

Poland, Romania, Czechs etc. these were just puppet governments put in place.

The real elected Polish government in exile, actually was against the border shifts.

Yes. This is for Poland what is Trianon for Hungary, only not as highly bad.

So now if Poland wants its real land back, then it first needs to challenge the new division of the world, which the UN Security Council still holds in its iron hands, still with the same Russian guns and French guns and British guns.

I think an interesting question would be whether the entente can continue raping Poland, Hungary, and Italy endlessly forever, by creating people like Czechs, Slovaks, Romanians, Serbs, Ukrainians, Belorussians, and so on?

Well, the only people you listed I personally have an issue with are Ukrainians.

Ukrainians butchered many Poles in Wolyn.

There should be something that can be done in Europe, that proves to everybody forever, that you can't legalize a border by killing, butchering, deporting, and exiling people from their homelands.

These practices started with ww2. So they are not that old. Currently, the ww2 entente leaders still keep absolute control over Europe. The Ukraine, and all the others can be dismantled, if we address the top, and the examples such as Wolyn are a part of the collection to make the case.

The EU will protest against border reparations. But that is the only way. Western Ukraine needs to go back to Poland, western Czech Republic needs to go back to Germany, and the Hungarian crown lands of St Steven need to be restored in original form.

But now the EU will not even allow language concessions, and to appeal to the anti Russian Ukrainian public, the EU may kill even more Poles and even Hungarians.

Why would we dismantle Ukraine, but not Germany.
I don't support dismantling any country, BTW.
Semantics. Or is it okay? Okay, so okay then, let's remove another 20 or 100 million others too from whatever country. Siberia is still too empty.

These decisions to move the borders of the Soviet Union, and Soviet satellites Westward were done in Potsdam, and Yalta Conference by Stalin, Churchill, FDR, and Truman.

Poland, Romania, Czechs etc. these were just puppet governments put in place.

The real elected Polish government in exile, actually was against the border shifts.

Yes. This is for Poland what is Trianon for Hungary, only not as highly bad.

So now if Poland wants its real land back, then it first needs to challenge the new division of the world, which the UN Security Council still holds in its iron hands, still with the same Russian guns and French guns and British guns.

I think an interesting question would be whether the entente can continue raping Poland, Hungary, and Italy endlessly forever, by creating people like Czechs, Slovaks, Romanians, Serbs, Ukrainians, Belorussians, and so on?

Well, the only people you listed I personally have an issue with are Ukrainians.

Ukrainians butchered many Poles in Wolyn.

There should be something that can be done in Europe, that proves to everybody forever, that you can't legalize a border by killing, butchering, deporting, and exiling people from their homelands.

These practices started with ww2. So they are not that old. Currently, the ww2 entente leaders still keep absolute control over Europe. The Ukraine, and all the others can be dismantled, if we address the top, and the examples such as Wolyn are a part of the collection to make the case.

The EU will protest against border reparations. But that is the only way. Western Ukraine needs to go back to Poland, western Czech Republic needs to go back to Germany, and the Hungarian crown lands of St Steven need to be restored in original form.

But now the EU will not even allow language concessions, and to appeal to the anti Russian Ukrainian public, the EU may kill even more Poles and even Hungarians.

Why would we dismantle Ukraine, but not Germany.
I don't support dismantling any country, BTW.

We need to dismantle certain countries, because the globalists started it. After dismantling Austria Hungary, the license exists to dismantle any country. Germany can be dismantled too. France badly needs its dismantling. Spain is dismantling itself on October 1st. The European Union remains a lie most likely, quite easily, unless most if not all of its countries are dismantled. Some members are very small though and there is no room to dismantle them, e.g. Holland or Hungary or Denmark, but most of them need dismantling.
These decisions to move the borders of the Soviet Union, and Soviet satellites Westward were done in Potsdam, and Yalta Conference by Stalin, Churchill, FDR, and Truman.

Poland, Romania, Czechs etc. these were just puppet governments put in place.

The real elected Polish government in exile, actually was against the border shifts.

Yes. This is for Poland what is Trianon for Hungary, only not as highly bad.

So now if Poland wants its real land back, then it first needs to challenge the new division of the world, which the UN Security Council still holds in its iron hands, still with the same Russian guns and French guns and British guns.

I think an interesting question would be whether the entente can continue raping Poland, Hungary, and Italy endlessly forever, by creating people like Czechs, Slovaks, Romanians, Serbs, Ukrainians, Belorussians, and so on?

Well, the only people you listed I personally have an issue with are Ukrainians.

Ukrainians butchered many Poles in Wolyn.

There should be something that can be done in Europe, that proves to everybody forever, that you can't legalize a border by killing, butchering, deporting, and exiling people from their homelands.

These practices started with ww2. So they are not that old. Currently, the ww2 entente leaders still keep absolute control over Europe. The Ukraine, and all the others can be dismantled, if we address the top, and the examples such as Wolyn are a part of the collection to make the case.

The EU will protest against border reparations. But that is the only way. Western Ukraine needs to go back to Poland, western Czech Republic needs to go back to Germany, and the Hungarian crown lands of St Steven need to be restored in original form.

But now the EU will not even allow language concessions, and to appeal to the anti Russian Ukrainian public, the EU may kill even more Poles and even Hungarians.

Why would we dismantle Ukraine, but not Germany.
I don't support dismantling any country, BTW.

We need to dismantle certain countries, because the globalists started it. After dismantling Austria Hungary, the license exists to dismantle any country. Germany can be dismantled too. France badly needs its dismantling. Spain is dismantling itself on October 1st. The European Union remains a lie most likely, quite easily, unless most if not all of its countries are dismantled. Some members are very small though and there is no room to dismantle them, e.g. Holland or Hungary or Denmark, but most of them need dismantling.

Austria- Hungary had stolen land from others in the first place.
Yes. This is for Poland what is Trianon for Hungary, only not as highly bad.

So now if Poland wants its real land back, then it first needs to challenge the new division of the world, which the UN Security Council still holds in its iron hands, still with the same Russian guns and French guns and British guns.

I think an interesting question would be whether the entente can continue raping Poland, Hungary, and Italy endlessly forever, by creating people like Czechs, Slovaks, Romanians, Serbs, Ukrainians, Belorussians, and so on?

Well, the only people you listed I personally have an issue with are Ukrainians.

Ukrainians butchered many Poles in Wolyn.

There should be something that can be done in Europe, that proves to everybody forever, that you can't legalize a border by killing, butchering, deporting, and exiling people from their homelands.

These practices started with ww2. So they are not that old. Currently, the ww2 entente leaders still keep absolute control over Europe. The Ukraine, and all the others can be dismantled, if we address the top, and the examples such as Wolyn are a part of the collection to make the case.

The EU will protest against border reparations. But that is the only way. Western Ukraine needs to go back to Poland, western Czech Republic needs to go back to Germany, and the Hungarian crown lands of St Steven need to be restored in original form.

But now the EU will not even allow language concessions, and to appeal to the anti Russian Ukrainian public, the EU may kill even more Poles and even Hungarians.

Why would we dismantle Ukraine, but not Germany.
I don't support dismantling any country, BTW.

We need to dismantle certain countries, because the globalists started it. After dismantling Austria Hungary, the license exists to dismantle any country. Germany can be dismantled too. France badly needs its dismantling. Spain is dismantling itself on October 1st. The European Union remains a lie most likely, quite easily, unless most if not all of its countries are dismantled. Some members are very small though and there is no room to dismantle them, e.g. Holland or Hungary or Denmark, but most of them need dismantling.

Austria- Hungary had stolen land from others in the first place.

If you mean the division of the Kingdom of Poland then you are right in that single respect. Although it was a lot to do with the Polish nobility removing the office of the Royal and replacing the Kingdom with some invention that they called a a Republic of Nobles or something. Quite odd, and the division probably would not have happened, had they kept the office of the King. By the way, based on the 1911 counting, Austria Hungary itself suggested a United States style reorganization of itself, called the United States of Greater Austria, which would have created a Polish member state within that structure, so this negates your assertion.
Last edited:
However, the AFD have won 90 seats.

Anti-fascist protests break out in Germany as far-right party enters parliament for the first time in strongest showing since Nazi era - but humbled Merkel still wins largest share of vote
  • Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union party won most votes with 32.5 per cent support, exit polls say
  • Far-right Alternative For Germany won 13.5 per cent and will enter the German parliament for the first time
  • Thousands of protesters took to the streets to denounce the result, chanting slogans about 'Nazi pigs'
  • Merkel's coalition partner, the SPD, polled at historic low and said they will not serve in the new government
  • SPD leader Matin Schulz admitted that decision to let in millions of migrants had divide the nation
By Chris Pleasance and Allan Hall In Berlin for MailOnline and Kelly Mclaughlin For Mailonline

PUBLISHED: 09:33, 24 September 2017 | UPDATED: 23:43, 24 September 2017

Read more: Merkel's party wins largest vote share in German election | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
So what did they win ?
Fuck all.
Pack up and move to an Islamic Theocracy nation.

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