angry liberals are planning to stage multiple protest around the DC aimed at disrupting /stopping DT


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
A group of angry liberals are planning to stage multiple protests around the District of Columbia on Inauguration Day aimed at disrupting, and hopefully stopping, President-elect Donald Trump’s swearing in.

Prostesters Plan To ‘Paralyze’ Inauguration With Traffic Jams

This isn't surprising what else can you expect from arressted development group of six year olds who can't have their way. Isn't that was babies do when something doesn't go their way. A Nation of five year olds informed with wrong information and who are all victims of socially engineered programs but too damn stupid to realize that is the game Obama has created, and this is his legacy he will leave.

the Government creates the problems, the zombies react to those problems, the Gov. comes in looking like heroes with a solution.....

Their solution isn't going to be what they expect sadly they are to low in the common sense IQ chart to realize what is going on. Once they get what they want with in our Nation they will then realize what the fk they did.
Russia just came out of this, maybe we could ship these morons to N. Korea to get a does of what they are creating here in America.
The far left always does this, they are like two year olds when they do not get their way!
That's the hope and change I've been dreaming of. I'm sure they are well stocked up on OC spray and zip ties by now. Wanna see some face plants!
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The opponents of Trump have every right to protest peacefully.

Move to another country if you don't like it.
As usual, the Lefturds are incapable of fully organizing anything effective. It'll end up with a gaggle of weirdos here and there doing little more than making fools of themselves.

The only ones who will pay attention are the butthurt so-called "journalists" in the Lame Street Media.
It won't accomplish anything positive, but by all means, keep those cameras rolling!

Discontent with Obama's legacy race war, libturds shoot the moon - go for outright civil war.

No need to shoot to kill. All we need is a dozen cheap hair dryers with long extension cords and the little snowflakes are fuckin' doomed!

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