Anheuser-Busch, which produces Budweiser, says it will give away free alcohol if the nation reaches Biden's goal 70% of US adults vaccinated by July 4

When are certain people going to learn that not everyone is interested in alcoholic drinks?

God bless you always!!!

When are certain people going to learn that not everyone is interested in alcoholic drinks?

God bless you always!!!

Well these vaccines makers only associates with people who drinks like them. That it is making them to think that all of the rest of society are not teetotalers.

Johnston reports that he had been in
Bosnia only a few days when he became aware of misbehavior in which many of his DynCorp colleagues were involved. He tells INSIGHT, "I noticed there were problems as soon as I got there, and I tried to be covert because I knew it was a rougher crowd than I'd ever dealt with. It's not like I don't drink or anything, but DynCorp employees would come to work drunk. A DynCorp van would pick us up every morning and you could smell the alcohol on them. There were big-time drinking issues. I always told these guys what I thought of what they were doing, and I guess they just thought I was a self-righteous fool or something, but I didn't care what they thought."

The mix of drunkenness and working on multimillion-dollar aircraft upon which the lives of
U.S. military personnel depended was a serious enough issue,

ted 3.jpg


70-80% would likely give us herd immunity.

*cracks open an ice cold Bud for breakfast at 5:25 AM*

These Cheerios taste funny. :puke:
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There is no way to reach the 70% mark. I don't think they could reach it even if they made it mandatory.

America is simply too divided and currently at war with itself.

Herd immunity will never be reached. let alone the rest of the world.
There is no way to reach the 70% mark. I don't think they could reach it even if they made it mandatory.

America is simply too divided and currently at war with itself.

Herd immunity will never be reached. let alone the rest of the world.
Herd immunity will eventually happen by vaccine or infection. Only gaining immunity by infection causes lots of damage & infertility, so eventually the Chinese virus will weed out the regressives..
There is no way to reach the 70% mark. I don't think they could reach it even if they made it mandatory.

America is simply too divided and currently at war with itself.

Herd immunity will never be reached. let alone the rest of the world.
Herd immunity will eventually happen by vaccine or infection. Only gaining immunity by infection causes lots of damage & infertility, so eventually the Chinese virus will weed out the regressives..
It causes infertility?

With China issuing a one child policy for years, I guess it makes sense they would have engineered a virus to target fertility.

In fact, Progressives around the world, like their Chinese comrades, wish to curb human population levels, so perhaps this was all planned by the lot of them if you assertion is true.

Supporting social policies like abortion on mass and promotion of a gay lifestyle can only promote depopulation to a limited degree.
There is no way to reach the 70% mark. I don't think they could reach it even if they made it mandatory.

America is simply too divided and currently at war with itself.

Herd immunity will never be reached. let alone the rest of the world.
Herd immunity will eventually happen by vaccine or infection. Only gaining immunity by infection causes lots of damage & infertility, so eventually the Chinese virus will weed out the regressives..
Say what? Claims of the virus causing infertility? Who is saying this.

The only articles I can find relate to the vaccine likely affecting the placenta of women since the vaccine for sars/covid is based on the same gene that control placenta growth in the preggies meaning if the vaccine blocks the proteins for the covid, it would also block proteins for placentas causing not infertility but loss of pregnancy. Yeah, go ahead and get those shot ladies and please keep good notes on who is pregnant and who have miscarriages.

thanks in advance

Stop making that shitty piss and brew something better before you try to bribe people with useless yet dangerous medical procedures.
There is no way to reach the 70% mark. I don't think they could reach it even if they made it mandatory.

America is simply too divided and currently at war with itself.

Herd immunity will never be reached. let alone the rest of the world.
Herd immunity will eventually happen by vaccine or infection. Only gaining immunity by infection causes lots of damage & infertility, so eventually the Chinese virus will weed out the regressives..
Say what? Claims of the virus causing infertility? Who is saying this.

The only articles I can find relate to the vaccine likely affecting the placenta of women since the vaccine for sars/covid is based on the same gene that control placenta growth in the preggies meaning if the vaccine blocks the proteins for the covid, it would also block proteins for placentas causing not infertility but loss of pregnancy. Yeah, go ahead and get those shot ladies and please keep good notes on who is pregnant and who have miscarriages.

Every woman in the vaccine trials was pregnancy tested to insure no pregnant women were vaccinated. By the end of the trials more women had gotten pregnant in the vaccinated group than in the control group.

Your link states "No evidence supports the claim that COVID-19 vaccines harm fertility or pregnancy"
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There is no way to reach the 70% mark. I don't think they could reach it even if they made it mandatory.

America is simply too divided and currently at war with itself.

Herd immunity will never be reached. let alone the rest of the world.
Herd immunity will eventually happen by vaccine or infection. Only gaining immunity by infection causes lots of damage & infertility, so eventually the Chinese virus will weed out the regressives..
Say what? Claims of the virus causing infertility? Who is saying this.

The only articles I can find relate to the vaccine likely affecting the placenta of women since the vaccine for sars/covid is based on the same gene that control placenta growth in the preggies meaning if the vaccine blocks the proteins for the covid, it would also block proteins for placentas causing not infertility but loss of pregnancy. Yeah, go ahead and get those shot ladies and please keep good notes on who is pregnant and who have miscarriages.

Every woman in the vaccine trials was pregnancy tested to insure no pregnant women were vaccinated. When the trial ended there were more pregnant women in the vaccinated group than the control group.

Your link don't prove anything!
I only get my truth and science from Dr. Fauci.

As he said, he is truth and science, therefore, anyone who attacks what he says attacks truth and science.

Makes sense to me.
sad the Xiden admin is forced to bribe people with booze to do this. Maybe if dems didn’t spend months in 2020 undermining confidence in the vaccine thus wouldn’t be necessary
I think they should stop with the incentives. The reason why vaccination rates have slowed so much is not because of the lack of incentives but just because the majority of the people who were excited to get the vaccine or knew that they needed or wanted the vaccine have pretty much gotten it. There is still a % of the population that will eventually get it after they have had more time to see how safe and effective it is and then there is going to be a % that will never get it for their own personal reasons.

I don't personally think anybody should be forced to get it or bullied or shamed into getting it or even paid off to get it. You get the vaccine, or any vaccine, because you believe that it will help you, plain and simple. Now, if you want to continue seeing a lot people to dig their feet in and never get the vaccine then keep shaming and separating them from society and you will achieve that goal. Shaming, forcing, and bullying does not work or change minds in favor of things, anything really typically.

I personally think the vaccine is safe and effective and you should get it especially if you are high risk or around high risk people, but healthy people choosing not to get the vaccine right now are not bad people or the enemy, and making them out to be and trying to exclude them from society is not going to help the vaccination rates.
Normally, rancid horse piss is not an incentive for me to do anything, much less poison my body.... and I won't be making an exception this time.

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