Anita Hill: Joe Biden’s Apology Is ‘Not Enough’

Biden has his own sordid history with women. He's known to be an old perv too. The OP probably doesn't know that though. Too much Democrat Fake News, not enough reality.
So Clarence Thomas alledges that his hearing was a high tech lynching and so it was!
Get the fuck outta here, that sorry as sell out black mf was a sex abuser and he got called out for it. I wish they would have lynched his black Uncle Tommy ass.

“He said, ‘I am sorry if she felt she didn’t get a fair hearing.’ That’s sort of an ‘I’m sorry if you were offended.’”

Anita Hill said former Vice President Joe Biden’s recent apology for his handling of her 1991 Senate testimony against then-Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas is “not enough” to make up for his failure at the time “to show leadership on this issue on behalf of women’s equality.”

“He said, ‘I am sorry if she felt she didn’t get a fair hearing.’ That’s sort of an ‘I’m sorry if you were offended,’” Hill said in a wide-ranging Washington Post interview published Wednesday in which she also compared her time in the spotlight with unfairness that remains for women facing workplace sexual harassment.

Biden, who chaired the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing considering Thomas’ Supreme Court nomination, was asked on Nov. 13 about his widely criticized handling of Hill’s testimony that Thomas had sexually harassed her when they worked together.

Hill’s testimony led to attacks on her credibility. Thomas, meanwhile, was narrowly confirmed to the high court.

“Let’s get something straight here: I believed Anita Hill. I voted against Clarence Thomas,” Biden said. He added: “I am so sorry that she had to go through what she went through.”

“The only issue in the Anita Hill case was whether or not there could be information submitted in a record without a name attached to it, anonymously accusing someone of something,” he continued, referring to criticisms that other women were not permitted to testify against Thomas.

Neither Biden nor Thomas would comment on Hill’s remarks reported in The Washington Post.

Hill said Biden’s apology omits “his role in what happened.”

“He also doesn’t understand that it wasn’t just that I felt it was not fair,” Hill said. “It was that women were looking to the Senate Judiciary Committee and his leadership to really open the way to have these kinds of hearings. They should have been using best practices to show leadership on this issue on behalf of women’s equality. And they did just the opposite.”

Hill also said that she does not feel Biden has taken “responsibility for” victimization she experienced as a result of the hearing.

More: Anita Hill: Joe Biden's Apology Is 'Not Enough'

I watched that hearing live. Biden really screwed over Anita Hill. Biden panicked after Thomas made his "high-tech lynching" comment. Anita Hill was credible then and she is credible now. She is a fine lady.
If she was so credible why did every single person at their law firm say she was full of shit????
NaziCons can't say I never call out Democrats for dishonorable behavior. Biden's behavior was dishonorable. So was Ted Kennedy's.

How about Franken? Ready to call for his resignation? Or will you wait decades then pat yourself on the back for calling him out on it?

Second piece of photographic proof positive...

So Clarence Thomas alledges that his hearing was a high tech lynching and so it was!
Get the fuck outta here, that sorry as sell out black mf was a sex abuser and he got called out for it. I wish they would have lynched his black Uncle Tommy ass.
Answer me this ass wiper, if he was abusing her why did she follow him from one job to another?

“He said, ‘I am sorry if she felt she didn’t get a fair hearing.’ That’s sort of an ‘I’m sorry if you were offended.’”

Anita Hill said former Vice President Joe Biden’s recent apology for his handling of her 1991 Senate testimony against then-Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas is “not enough” to make up for his failure at the time “to show leadership on this issue on behalf of women’s equality.”

“He said, ‘I am sorry if she felt she didn’t get a fair hearing.’ That’s sort of an ‘I’m sorry if you were offended,’” Hill said in a wide-ranging Washington Post interview published Wednesday in which she also compared her time in the spotlight with unfairness that remains for women facing workplace sexual harassment.

Biden, who chaired the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing considering Thomas’ Supreme Court nomination, was asked on Nov. 13 about his widely criticized handling of Hill’s testimony that Thomas had sexually harassed her when they worked together.

Hill’s testimony led to attacks on her credibility. Thomas, meanwhile, was narrowly confirmed to the high court.

“Let’s get something straight here: I believed Anita Hill. I voted against Clarence Thomas,” Biden said. He added: “I am so sorry that she had to go through what she went through.”

“The only issue in the Anita Hill case was whether or not there could be information submitted in a record without a name attached to it, anonymously accusing someone of something,” he continued, referring to criticisms that other women were not permitted to testify against Thomas.

Neither Biden nor Thomas would comment on Hill’s remarks reported in The Washington Post.

Hill said Biden’s apology omits “his role in what happened.”

“He also doesn’t understand that it wasn’t just that I felt it was not fair,” Hill said. “It was that women were looking to the Senate Judiciary Committee and his leadership to really open the way to have these kinds of hearings. They should have been using best practices to show leadership on this issue on behalf of women’s equality. And they did just the opposite.”

Hill also said that she does not feel Biden has taken “responsibility for” victimization she experienced as a result of the hearing.

More: Anita Hill: Joe Biden's Apology Is 'Not Enough'

I watched that hearing live. Biden really screwed over Anita Hill. Biden panicked after Thomas made his "high-tech lynching" comment. Anita Hill was credible then and she is credible now. She is a fine lady.
White women all across the country are crawling out of their wood sheds to proclaim sexual harrassment and change is a coming....Anita on the other hand, called out Uncle Tom Thomas and Orin Hatch, that wrinkled piece of shit, pretty much shammed this black woman out of thing is certain, the GOP can grope, rape, harrass and intimidate all they want....
After raping them I might just go night stick me some colored folk.

“He said, ‘I am sorry if she felt she didn’t get a fair hearing.’ That’s sort of an ‘I’m sorry if you were offended.’”

Anita Hill said former Vice President Joe Biden’s recent apology for his handling of her 1991 Senate testimony against then-Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas is “not enough” to make up for his failure at the time “to show leadership on this issue on behalf of women’s equality.”

“He said, ‘I am sorry if she felt she didn’t get a fair hearing.’ That’s sort of an ‘I’m sorry if you were offended,’” Hill said in a wide-ranging Washington Post interview published Wednesday in which she also compared her time in the spotlight with unfairness that remains for women facing workplace sexual harassment.

Biden, who chaired the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing considering Thomas’ Supreme Court nomination, was asked on Nov. 13 about his widely criticized handling of Hill’s testimony that Thomas had sexually harassed her when they worked together.

Hill’s testimony led to attacks on her credibility. Thomas, meanwhile, was narrowly confirmed to the high court.

“Let’s get something straight here: I believed Anita Hill. I voted against Clarence Thomas,” Biden said. He added: “I am so sorry that she had to go through what she went through.”

“The only issue in the Anita Hill case was whether or not there could be information submitted in a record without a name attached to it, anonymously accusing someone of something,” he continued, referring to criticisms that other women were not permitted to testify against Thomas.

Neither Biden nor Thomas would comment on Hill’s remarks reported in The Washington Post.

Hill said Biden’s apology omits “his role in what happened.”

“He also doesn’t understand that it wasn’t just that I felt it was not fair,” Hill said. “It was that women were looking to the Senate Judiciary Committee and his leadership to really open the way to have these kinds of hearings. They should have been using best practices to show leadership on this issue on behalf of women’s equality. And they did just the opposite.”

Hill also said that she does not feel Biden has taken “responsibility for” victimization she experienced as a result of the hearing.

More: Anita Hill: Joe Biden's Apology Is 'Not Enough'

I watched that hearing live. Biden really screwed over Anita Hill. Biden panicked after Thomas made his "high-tech lynching" comment. Anita Hill was credible then and she is credible now. She is a fine lady.
The apology owed is to Clarence Thomas.

Back when Biden had it right.

JOE BIDEN ON ANITA HILL IN 1998: ‘She Was Lying.’

“He said, ‘I am sorry if she felt she didn’t get a fair hearing.’ That’s sort of an ‘I’m sorry if you were offended.’”

Anita Hill said former Vice President Joe Biden’s recent apology for his handling of her 1991 Senate testimony against then-Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas is “not enough” to make up for his failure at the time “to show leadership on this issue on behalf of women’s equality.”

“He said, ‘I am sorry if she felt she didn’t get a fair hearing.’ That’s sort of an ‘I’m sorry if you were offended,’” Hill said in a wide-ranging Washington Post interview published Wednesday in which she also compared her time in the spotlight with unfairness that remains for women facing workplace sexual harassment.

Biden, who chaired the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing considering Thomas’ Supreme Court nomination, was asked on Nov. 13 about his widely criticized handling of Hill’s testimony that Thomas had sexually harassed her when they worked together.

Hill’s testimony led to attacks on her credibility. Thomas, meanwhile, was narrowly confirmed to the high court.

“Let’s get something straight here: I believed Anita Hill. I voted against Clarence Thomas,” Biden said. He added: “I am so sorry that she had to go through what she went through.”

“The only issue in the Anita Hill case was whether or not there could be information submitted in a record without a name attached to it, anonymously accusing someone of something,” he continued, referring to criticisms that other women were not permitted to testify against Thomas.

Neither Biden nor Thomas would comment on Hill’s remarks reported in The Washington Post.

Hill said Biden’s apology omits “his role in what happened.”

“He also doesn’t understand that it wasn’t just that I felt it was not fair,” Hill said. “It was that women were looking to the Senate Judiciary Committee and his leadership to really open the way to have these kinds of hearings. They should have been using best practices to show leadership on this issue on behalf of women’s equality. And they did just the opposite.”

Hill also said that she does not feel Biden has taken “responsibility for” victimization she experienced as a result of the hearing.

More: Anita Hill: Joe Biden's Apology Is 'Not Enough'

I watched that hearing live. Biden really screwed over Anita Hill. Biden panicked after Thomas made his "high-tech lynching" comment. Anita Hill was credible then and she is credible now. She is a fine lady.
The apology owed is to Clarence Thomas.

Back when Biden had it right.

JOE BIDEN ON ANITA HILL IN 1998: ‘She Was Lying.’

Why didn't Biden call the remaining female witnesses against Thomas? ANSWER: Because Thomas scared the shit out of Biden with his "high-tech lynching" comment. I watched it live. Anita Hill was totally credible.

“He said, ‘I am sorry if she felt she didn’t get a fair hearing.’ That’s sort of an ‘I’m sorry if you were offended.’”

Anita Hill said former Vice President Joe Biden’s recent apology for his handling of her 1991 Senate testimony against then-Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas is “not enough” to make up for his failure at the time “to show leadership on this issue on behalf of women’s equality.”

“He said, ‘I am sorry if she felt she didn’t get a fair hearing.’ That’s sort of an ‘I’m sorry if you were offended,’” Hill said in a wide-ranging Washington Post interview published Wednesday in which she also compared her time in the spotlight with unfairness that remains for women facing workplace sexual harassment.

Biden, who chaired the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing considering Thomas’ Supreme Court nomination, was asked on Nov. 13 about his widely criticized handling of Hill’s testimony that Thomas had sexually harassed her when they worked together.

Hill’s testimony led to attacks on her credibility. Thomas, meanwhile, was narrowly confirmed to the high court.

“Let’s get something straight here: I believed Anita Hill. I voted against Clarence Thomas,” Biden said. He added: “I am so sorry that she had to go through what she went through.”

“The only issue in the Anita Hill case was whether or not there could be information submitted in a record without a name attached to it, anonymously accusing someone of something,” he continued, referring to criticisms that other women were not permitted to testify against Thomas.

Neither Biden nor Thomas would comment on Hill’s remarks reported in The Washington Post.

Hill said Biden’s apology omits “his role in what happened.”

“He also doesn’t understand that it wasn’t just that I felt it was not fair,” Hill said. “It was that women were looking to the Senate Judiciary Committee and his leadership to really open the way to have these kinds of hearings. They should have been using best practices to show leadership on this issue on behalf of women’s equality. And they did just the opposite.”

Hill also said that she does not feel Biden has taken “responsibility for” victimization she experienced as a result of the hearing.

More: Anita Hill: Joe Biden's Apology Is 'Not Enough'

I watched that hearing live. Biden really screwed over Anita Hill. Biden panicked after Thomas made his "high-tech lynching" comment. Anita Hill was credible then and she is credible now. She is a fine lady.
The apology owed is to Clarence Thomas.

Back when Biden had it right.

JOE BIDEN ON ANITA HILL IN 1998: ‘She Was Lying.’

Why didn't Biden call the remaining female witnesses against Thomas? ANSWER: Because Thomas scared the shit out of Biden with his "high-tech lynching" comment. I watched it live. Anita Hill was totally credible.
Opinions differ. A small minority found believable. I found her huddle huddle murmur murmur with a table full of attorneys completely unbelievable.

America didn't believe her.

Thomas’s nomination was extremely popular among the public. In a July Gallup poll taken soon after Thomas’s nomination, 52 percent of Americans supported his confirmation, while just 17 percent were against it. Just after he was nominated, Thomas polled better than just about any other modern Supreme Court nominee.

After Hill came forward to testify against him in early October of 1991, Thomas’s support only rose, eventually peaking at 58 percent in Gallup’s historical tracking.

Americans were by and large in favor of delaying the confirmation vote until Hill had a chance to testify before the committee, her testimony didn’t shift opinions. Forty-seven percent of Americans thought the accusations against Thomas were not true, while 21 percent thought they were, according to a CBS News/New York Times poll conducted days before Hill testified. After her testimony was broadcast on live TV, another CBS News/New York Times poll found that an even greater share doubted Hill’s accusations; 54 percent said they thought her charges were untrue, and 27 percent thought they were true. According to a Times article on the poll, “there was little difference” in the responses from men and women.

Thomas, of course, was confirmed 52-48, and senators indicated that the polling was, in part, what convinced them to vote for him. According to a 1991 USA Today article, when asked about his vote in favor of Thomas, Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama (who was a Democrat at the time) highlighted that polls from his state showed support for the nominee. The article said that Bob Dole, then the Senate minority leader, “acknowledged Thomas would have been rejected if the polls had not swung in his favor.”

Americans Didn’t Believe Anita Hill
Last edited:

“He said, ‘I am sorry if she felt she didn’t get a fair hearing.’ That’s sort of an ‘I’m sorry if you were offended.’”

Anita Hill said former Vice President Joe Biden’s recent apology for his handling of her 1991 Senate testimony against then-Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas is “not enough” to make up for his failure at the time “to show leadership on this issue on behalf of women’s equality.”

“He said, ‘I am sorry if she felt she didn’t get a fair hearing.’ That’s sort of an ‘I’m sorry if you were offended,’” Hill said in a wide-ranging Washington Post interview published Wednesday in which she also compared her time in the spotlight with unfairness that remains for women facing workplace sexual harassment.

Biden, who chaired the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing considering Thomas’ Supreme Court nomination, was asked on Nov. 13 about his widely criticized handling of Hill’s testimony that Thomas had sexually harassed her when they worked together.

Hill’s testimony led to attacks on her credibility. Thomas, meanwhile, was narrowly confirmed to the high court.

“Let’s get something straight here: I believed Anita Hill. I voted against Clarence Thomas,” Biden said. He added: “I am so sorry that she had to go through what she went through.”

“The only issue in the Anita Hill case was whether or not there could be information submitted in a record without a name attached to it, anonymously accusing someone of something,” he continued, referring to criticisms that other women were not permitted to testify against Thomas.

Neither Biden nor Thomas would comment on Hill’s remarks reported in The Washington Post.

Hill said Biden’s apology omits “his role in what happened.”

“He also doesn’t understand that it wasn’t just that I felt it was not fair,” Hill said. “It was that women were looking to the Senate Judiciary Committee and his leadership to really open the way to have these kinds of hearings. They should have been using best practices to show leadership on this issue on behalf of women’s equality. And they did just the opposite.”

Hill also said that she does not feel Biden has taken “responsibility for” victimization she experienced as a result of the hearing.

More: Anita Hill: Joe Biden's Apology Is 'Not Enough'

I watched that hearing live. Biden really screwed over Anita Hill. Biden panicked after Thomas made his "high-tech lynching" comment. Anita Hill was credible then and she is credible now. She is a fine lady.
The apology owed is to Clarence Thomas.

Back when Biden had it right.

JOE BIDEN ON ANITA HILL IN 1998: ‘She Was Lying.’

Why didn't Biden call the remaining female witnesses against Thomas? ANSWER: Because Thomas scared the shit out of Biden with his "high-tech lynching" comment. I watched it live. Anita Hill was totally credible.

Yeah, right.

The rogue pubic hair on the Coke can was a nice touch, though. :auiqs.jpg:

“He said, ‘I am sorry if she felt she didn’t get a fair hearing.’ That’s sort of an ‘I’m sorry if you were offended.’”

Anita Hill said former Vice President Joe Biden’s recent apology for his handling of her 1991 Senate testimony against then-Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas is “not enough” to make up for his failure at the time “to show leadership on this issue on behalf of women’s equality.”

“He said, ‘I am sorry if she felt she didn’t get a fair hearing.’ That’s sort of an ‘I’m sorry if you were offended,’” Hill said in a wide-ranging Washington Post interview published Wednesday in which she also compared her time in the spotlight with unfairness that remains for women facing workplace sexual harassment.

Biden, who chaired the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing considering Thomas’ Supreme Court nomination, was asked on Nov. 13 about his widely criticized handling of Hill’s testimony that Thomas had sexually harassed her when they worked together.

Hill’s testimony led to attacks on her credibility. Thomas, meanwhile, was narrowly confirmed to the high court.

“Let’s get something straight here: I believed Anita Hill. I voted against Clarence Thomas,” Biden said. He added: “I am so sorry that she had to go through what she went through.”

“The only issue in the Anita Hill case was whether or not there could be information submitted in a record without a name attached to it, anonymously accusing someone of something,” he continued, referring to criticisms that other women were not permitted to testify against Thomas.

Neither Biden nor Thomas would comment on Hill’s remarks reported in The Washington Post.

Hill said Biden’s apology omits “his role in what happened.”

“He also doesn’t understand that it wasn’t just that I felt it was not fair,” Hill said. “It was that women were looking to the Senate Judiciary Committee and his leadership to really open the way to have these kinds of hearings. They should have been using best practices to show leadership on this issue on behalf of women’s equality. And they did just the opposite.”

Hill also said that she does not feel Biden has taken “responsibility for” victimization she experienced as a result of the hearing.

More: Anita Hill: Joe Biden's Apology Is 'Not Enough'

I watched that hearing live. Biden really screwed over Anita Hill. Biden panicked after Thomas made his "high-tech lynching" comment. Anita Hill was credible then and she is credible now. She is a fine lady.
The apology owed is to Clarence Thomas.

Back when Biden had it right.

JOE BIDEN ON ANITA HILL IN 1998: ‘She Was Lying.’

Why didn't Biden call the remaining female witnesses against Thomas? ANSWER: Because Thomas scared the shit out of Biden with his "high-tech lynching" comment. I watched it live. Anita Hill was totally credible.
Opinions differ. A small minority found believable. I found her huddle huddle murmur murmur with a table full of attorneys completely unbelievable.

America didn't believe her.

Thomas’s nomination was extremely popular among the public. In a July Gallup poll taken soon after Thomas’s nomination, 52 percent of Americans supported his confirmation, while just 17 percent were against it. Just after he was nominated, Thomas polled better than just about any other modern Supreme Court nominee.

After Hill came forward to testify against him in early October of 1991, Thomas’s support only rose, eventually peaking at 58 percent in Gallup’s historical tracking.

Americans were by and large in favor of delaying the confirmation vote until Hill had a chance to testify before the committee, her testimony didn’t shift opinions. Forty-seven percent of Americans thought the accusations against Thomas were not true, while 21 percent thought they were, according to a CBS News/New York Times poll conducted days before Hill testified. After her testimony was broadcast on live TV, another CBS News/New York Times poll found that an even greater share doubted Hill’s accusations; 54 percent said they thought her charges were untrue, and 27 percent thought they were true. According to a Times article on the poll, “there was little difference” in the responses from men and women.

Thomas, of course, was confirmed 52-48, and senators indicated that the polling was, in part, what convinced them to vote for him. According to a 1991 USA Today article, when asked about his vote in favor of Thomas, Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama (who was a Democrat at the time) highlighted that polls from his state showed support for the nominee. The article said that Bob Dole, then the Senate minority leader, “acknowledged Thomas would have been rejected if the polls had not swung in his favor.”

Americans Didn’t Believe Anita Hill

Well, would Americans have believed the other female witnesses against Thomas - if Biden had called them? They were waiting to testify.

“He said, ‘I am sorry if she felt she didn’t get a fair hearing.’ That’s sort of an ‘I’m sorry if you were offended.’”

Anita Hill said former Vice President Joe Biden’s recent apology for his handling of her 1991 Senate testimony against then-Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas is “not enough” to make up for his failure at the time “to show leadership on this issue on behalf of women’s equality.”

“He said, ‘I am sorry if she felt she didn’t get a fair hearing.’ That’s sort of an ‘I’m sorry if you were offended,’” Hill said in a wide-ranging Washington Post interview published Wednesday in which she also compared her time in the spotlight with unfairness that remains for women facing workplace sexual harassment.

Biden, who chaired the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing considering Thomas’ Supreme Court nomination, was asked on Nov. 13 about his widely criticized handling of Hill’s testimony that Thomas had sexually harassed her when they worked together.

Hill’s testimony led to attacks on her credibility. Thomas, meanwhile, was narrowly confirmed to the high court.

“Let’s get something straight here: I believed Anita Hill. I voted against Clarence Thomas,” Biden said. He added: “I am so sorry that she had to go through what she went through.”

“The only issue in the Anita Hill case was whether or not there could be information submitted in a record without a name attached to it, anonymously accusing someone of something,” he continued, referring to criticisms that other women were not permitted to testify against Thomas.

Neither Biden nor Thomas would comment on Hill’s remarks reported in The Washington Post.

Hill said Biden’s apology omits “his role in what happened.”

“He also doesn’t understand that it wasn’t just that I felt it was not fair,” Hill said. “It was that women were looking to the Senate Judiciary Committee and his leadership to really open the way to have these kinds of hearings. They should have been using best practices to show leadership on this issue on behalf of women’s equality. And they did just the opposite.”

Hill also said that she does not feel Biden has taken “responsibility for” victimization she experienced as a result of the hearing.

More: Anita Hill: Joe Biden's Apology Is 'Not Enough'

I watched that hearing live. Biden really screwed over Anita Hill. Biden panicked after Thomas made his "high-tech lynching" comment. Anita Hill was credible then and she is credible now. She is a fine lady.
The apology owed is to Clarence Thomas.

Back when Biden had it right.

JOE BIDEN ON ANITA HILL IN 1998: ‘She Was Lying.’

Why didn't Biden call the remaining female witnesses against Thomas? ANSWER: Because Thomas scared the shit out of Biden with his "high-tech lynching" comment. I watched it live. Anita Hill was totally credible.

Yeah, right.

The rogue pubic hair on the Coke can was a nice touch, though. :auiqs.jpg:

I thought Long Dong Silver was better.


“He said, ‘I am sorry if she felt she didn’t get a fair hearing.’ That’s sort of an ‘I’m sorry if you were offended.’”

Anita Hill said former Vice President Joe Biden’s recent apology for his handling of her 1991 Senate testimony against then-Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas is “not enough” to make up for his failure at the time “to show leadership on this issue on behalf of women’s equality.”

“He said, ‘I am sorry if she felt she didn’t get a fair hearing.’ That’s sort of an ‘I’m sorry if you were offended,’” Hill said in a wide-ranging Washington Post interview published Wednesday in which she also compared her time in the spotlight with unfairness that remains for women facing workplace sexual harassment.

Biden, who chaired the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing considering Thomas’ Supreme Court nomination, was asked on Nov. 13 about his widely criticized handling of Hill’s testimony that Thomas had sexually harassed her when they worked together.

Hill’s testimony led to attacks on her credibility. Thomas, meanwhile, was narrowly confirmed to the high court.

“Let’s get something straight here: I believed Anita Hill. I voted against Clarence Thomas,” Biden said. He added: “I am so sorry that she had to go through what she went through.”

“The only issue in the Anita Hill case was whether or not there could be information submitted in a record without a name attached to it, anonymously accusing someone of something,” he continued, referring to criticisms that other women were not permitted to testify against Thomas.

Neither Biden nor Thomas would comment on Hill’s remarks reported in The Washington Post.

Hill said Biden’s apology omits “his role in what happened.”

“He also doesn’t understand that it wasn’t just that I felt it was not fair,” Hill said. “It was that women were looking to the Senate Judiciary Committee and his leadership to really open the way to have these kinds of hearings. They should have been using best practices to show leadership on this issue on behalf of women’s equality. And they did just the opposite.”

Hill also said that she does not feel Biden has taken “responsibility for” victimization she experienced as a result of the hearing.

More: Anita Hill: Joe Biden's Apology Is 'Not Enough'

I watched that hearing live. Biden really screwed over Anita Hill. Biden panicked after Thomas made his "high-tech lynching" comment. Anita Hill was credible then and she is credible now. She is a fine lady.
The apology owed is to Clarence Thomas.

Back when Biden had it right.

JOE BIDEN ON ANITA HILL IN 1998: ‘She Was Lying.’

Why didn't Biden call the remaining female witnesses against Thomas? ANSWER: Because Thomas scared the shit out of Biden with his "high-tech lynching" comment. I watched it live. Anita Hill was totally credible.
Opinions differ. A small minority found believable. I found her huddle huddle murmur murmur with a table full of attorneys completely unbelievable.

America didn't believe her.

Thomas’s nomination was extremely popular among the public. In a July Gallup poll taken soon after Thomas’s nomination, 52 percent of Americans supported his confirmation, while just 17 percent were against it. Just after he was nominated, Thomas polled better than just about any other modern Supreme Court nominee.

After Hill came forward to testify against him in early October of 1991, Thomas’s support only rose, eventually peaking at 58 percent in Gallup’s historical tracking.

Americans were by and large in favor of delaying the confirmation vote until Hill had a chance to testify before the committee, her testimony didn’t shift opinions. Forty-seven percent of Americans thought the accusations against Thomas were not true, while 21 percent thought they were, according to a CBS News/New York Times poll conducted days before Hill testified. After her testimony was broadcast on live TV, another CBS News/New York Times poll found that an even greater share doubted Hill’s accusations; 54 percent said they thought her charges were untrue, and 27 percent thought they were true. According to a Times article on the poll, “there was little difference” in the responses from men and women.

Thomas, of course, was confirmed 52-48, and senators indicated that the polling was, in part, what convinced them to vote for him. According to a 1991 USA Today article, when asked about his vote in favor of Thomas, Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama (who was a Democrat at the time) highlighted that polls from his state showed support for the nominee. The article said that Bob Dole, then the Senate minority leader, “acknowledged Thomas would have been rejected if the polls had not swung in his favor.”

Americans Didn’t Believe Anita Hill

Well, would Americans have believed the other female witnesses against Thomas - if Biden had called them? They were waiting to testify.
It was bullshit.
It was about Abortion
Nobody was fooled then.
Nobody was fooled recently with Kavanaugh.

“He said, ‘I am sorry if she felt she didn’t get a fair hearing.’ That’s sort of an ‘I’m sorry if you were offended.’”

Anita Hill said former Vice President Joe Biden’s recent apology for his handling of her 1991 Senate testimony against then-Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas is “not enough” to make up for his failure at the time “to show leadership on this issue on behalf of women’s equality.”

“He said, ‘I am sorry if she felt she didn’t get a fair hearing.’ That’s sort of an ‘I’m sorry if you were offended,’” Hill said in a wide-ranging Washington Post interview published Wednesday in which she also compared her time in the spotlight with unfairness that remains for women facing workplace sexual harassment.

Biden, who chaired the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing considering Thomas’ Supreme Court nomination, was asked on Nov. 13 about his widely criticized handling of Hill’s testimony that Thomas had sexually harassed her when they worked together.

Hill’s testimony led to attacks on her credibility. Thomas, meanwhile, was narrowly confirmed to the high court.

“Let’s get something straight here: I believed Anita Hill. I voted against Clarence Thomas,” Biden said. He added: “I am so sorry that she had to go through what she went through.”

“The only issue in the Anita Hill case was whether or not there could be information submitted in a record without a name attached to it, anonymously accusing someone of something,” he continued, referring to criticisms that other women were not permitted to testify against Thomas.

Neither Biden nor Thomas would comment on Hill’s remarks reported in The Washington Post.

Hill said Biden’s apology omits “his role in what happened.”

“He also doesn’t understand that it wasn’t just that I felt it was not fair,” Hill said. “It was that women were looking to the Senate Judiciary Committee and his leadership to really open the way to have these kinds of hearings. They should have been using best practices to show leadership on this issue on behalf of women’s equality. And they did just the opposite.”

Hill also said that she does not feel Biden has taken “responsibility for” victimization she experienced as a result of the hearing.

More: Anita Hill: Joe Biden's Apology Is 'Not Enough'

I watched that hearing live. Biden really screwed over Anita Hill. Biden panicked after Thomas made his "high-tech lynching" comment. Anita Hill was credible then and she is credible now. She is a fine lady.
Did you sleep through the Biden aide accusing him of sexually assaulting her? Biden didn't go after Thomas because Biden was doing things far worse than Thomas was EVER accused of!

“He said, ‘I am sorry if she felt she didn’t get a fair hearing.’ That’s sort of an ‘I’m sorry if you were offended.’”

Anita Hill said former Vice President Joe Biden’s recent apology for his handling of her 1991 Senate testimony against then-Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas is “not enough” to make up for his failure at the time “to show leadership on this issue on behalf of women’s equality.”

“He said, ‘I am sorry if she felt she didn’t get a fair hearing.’ That’s sort of an ‘I’m sorry if you were offended,’” Hill said in a wide-ranging Washington Post interview published Wednesday in which she also compared her time in the spotlight with unfairness that remains for women facing workplace sexual harassment.

Biden, who chaired the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing considering Thomas’ Supreme Court nomination, was asked on Nov. 13 about his widely criticized handling of Hill’s testimony that Thomas had sexually harassed her when they worked together.

Hill’s testimony led to attacks on her credibility. Thomas, meanwhile, was narrowly confirmed to the high court.

“Let’s get something straight here: I believed Anita Hill. I voted against Clarence Thomas,” Biden said. He added: “I am so sorry that she had to go through what she went through.”

“The only issue in the Anita Hill case was whether or not there could be information submitted in a record without a name attached to it, anonymously accusing someone of something,” he continued, referring to criticisms that other women were not permitted to testify against Thomas.

Neither Biden nor Thomas would comment on Hill’s remarks reported in The Washington Post.

Hill said Biden’s apology omits “his role in what happened.”

“He also doesn’t understand that it wasn’t just that I felt it was not fair,” Hill said. “It was that women were looking to the Senate Judiciary Committee and his leadership to really open the way to have these kinds of hearings. They should have been using best practices to show leadership on this issue on behalf of women’s equality. And they did just the opposite.”

Hill also said that she does not feel Biden has taken “responsibility for” victimization she experienced as a result of the hearing.

More: Anita Hill: Joe Biden's Apology Is 'Not Enough'

I watched that hearing live. Biden really screwed over Anita Hill. Biden panicked after Thomas made his "high-tech lynching" comment. Anita Hill was credible then and she is credible now. She is a fine lady.
The apology owed is to Clarence Thomas.

Back when Biden had it right.

JOE BIDEN ON ANITA HILL IN 1998: ‘She Was Lying.’

Why didn't Biden call the remaining female witnesses against Thomas? ANSWER: Because Thomas scared the shit out of Biden with his "high-tech lynching" comment. I watched it live. Anita Hill was totally credible.
Opinions differ. A small minority found believable. I found her huddle huddle murmur murmur with a table full of attorneys completely unbelievable.

America didn't believe her.

Thomas’s nomination was extremely popular among the public. In a July Gallup poll taken soon after Thomas’s nomination, 52 percent of Americans supported his confirmation, while just 17 percent were against it. Just after he was nominated, Thomas polled better than just about any other modern Supreme Court nominee.

After Hill came forward to testify against him in early October of 1991, Thomas’s support only rose, eventually peaking at 58 percent in Gallup’s historical tracking.

Americans were by and large in favor of delaying the confirmation vote until Hill had a chance to testify before the committee, her testimony didn’t shift opinions. Forty-seven percent of Americans thought the accusations against Thomas were not true, while 21 percent thought they were, according to a CBS News/New York Times poll conducted days before Hill testified. After her testimony was broadcast on live TV, another CBS News/New York Times poll found that an even greater share doubted Hill’s accusations; 54 percent said they thought her charges were untrue, and 27 percent thought they were true. According to a Times article on the poll, “there was little difference” in the responses from men and women.

Thomas, of course, was confirmed 52-48, and senators indicated that the polling was, in part, what convinced them to vote for him. According to a 1991 USA Today article, when asked about his vote in favor of Thomas, Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama (who was a Democrat at the time) highlighted that polls from his state showed support for the nominee. The article said that Bob Dole, then the Senate minority leader, “acknowledged Thomas would have been rejected if the polls had not swung in his favor.”

Americans Didn’t Believe Anita Hill

Well, would Americans have believed the other female witnesses against Thomas - if Biden had called them? They were waiting to testify.
It was bullshit.
It was about Abortion
Nobody was fooled then.
Nobody was fooled recently with Kavanaugh.
I disagree. Leftists were fooled then and they were fooled with Cavanaugh. To be fair, leftists are easily fooled.

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