Ann Coulter flays New York Times <sniff> God, I love that woman!


Gold Member
Oct 11, 2016
Regarding the Nigerian "doctor" in the Bronx who shot up the hospital:

Close observers will notice the same basic pattern over and over again. Immigrants from backward cultures develop extravagant expectations about their lives in America, fail to master the most rudimentary civic habits, and then erupt in shooting rampages when their lives aren’t turning out as planned.
Sweet Coulter ridicule: Ann Coulter: Immigrant Of The Week: Henry Bello (Obotetukudo) | VDARE - premier news outlet for patriotic immigration reform

The libtards may have these guys, but we have Ann Coulter. Advantage: us!


So now the delusion is so advanced that they think only immigrants shoot up places and kill people....Who do you think they learned it from? The natives..
Yes but they have to be liberals , only Dems shoot people , except for cops, and they are all Pubs.
So now the delusion is so advanced that they think only immigrants shoot up places and kill people....Who do you think they learned it from? The natives..

We have enough crazies in our country the way it is. Why import more of them to add to our problems, and especially why bring in people from the third world? It's a prescription for disaster.
Regarding the Nigerian "doctor" in the Bronx who shot up the hospital:

Close observers will notice the same basic pattern over and over again. Immigrants from backward cultures develop extravagant expectations about their lives in America, fail to master the most rudimentary civic habits, and then erupt in shooting rampages when their lives aren’t turning out as planned.
Sweet Coulter ridicule: Ann Coulter: Immigrant Of The Week: Henry Bello (Obotetukudo) | VDARE - premier news outlet for patriotic immigration reform

The libtards may have these guys, but we have Ann Coulter. Advantage: us!


These guys all look like Croatians. Can't trust 'em, they'll take over your country starting with the banks and then the news media and then and then...
And what's the common thread with all those whites shooting up people?

Bad luck huh?
My post actually was about the dishonesty of the New York Times and Coulter's perfect skewering of those pig bitches.

And, by the way, don't think it doesn't matter. The reason you erroneously believe whites (Americans) are the only ones going on shooting rampages is because you trust news outlets like Carlos Slim's New York Times. If you got real news, you would know that, in fact, whites are less likely to go on a shooting rampage than blacks or Muslims. See? Now you've had your ignorance exposed. That's what you get for trusting these liars:

So now the delusion is so advanced that they think only immigrants shoot up places and kill people....Who do you think they learned it from? The natives..
Right, because there is no violence in Africa. By the way, hater, my post said nothing at all about "only immigrants shooting..." Lying is a sign of weakness.
So now the delusion is so advanced that they think only immigrants shoot up places and kill people....Who do you think they learned it from? The natives..
Right, because there is no violence in Africa. By the way, hater, my post said nothing at all about "only immigrants shooting..." Lying is a sign of weakness.
Your crap is getting old, Michael Eisner stepped down as CEO of Disney and Disney sold out ABC to Comcast....Derpa, derp..
And what's the common thread with all those whites shooting up people?

Bad luck huh?
My post actually was about the dishonesty of the New York Times and Coulter's perfect skewering of those pig bitches.

And, by the way, don't think it doesn't matter. The reason you erroneously believe whites (Americans) are the only ones going on shooting rampages is because you trust news outlets like Carlos Slim's New York Times. If you got real news, you would know that, in fact, whites are less likely to go on a shooting rampage than blacks or Muslims. See? Now you've had your ignorance exposed. That's what you get for trusting these liars:


I didn't say they were the only ones shooting bit they are clearly earning 1st place. That is if you believe reality. But it seems you don't believe things simply based on who says or writes it. Since you don't believe me for that reason, you are a smart man.
“Table 1 provides the names of the 90 identified post–WorldWar II African American serial killers and the time period and state(s) in which they operated. Cases ranged from Monroe Hickson in 1945 to Lorenzo Gilyard and Daniel Jones in 2004. It is noted that African American serial killers were particularly well represented during the 1980s (as were White serial killers). There were 34 known African American serial killers in the 10 years from 1980 through 1989 (an average of 3.4 per year) compared with only 24 in the 34-year period between 1945 and 1979 (an average of 0.70 per year). Based on these figures, there were approximately 5 times more African American serial killers operating in the 1980s than there were from 1945 to 1979. Likewise, the 13-year period between 1990 and the first half of 2004 revealed 32 African American serial killers—an average of about 2.3 per year.

“The 90 identified African American serial killers compose 21.8% of the sample of Black and White killers. This figure approximates the 22% estimate made by Hickey`s (1997) sample of 337 serial killers of all races operating in the United States across a 165-year period.

“Far from being absent or severely underrepresented in the ranks of serial killers, then, African Americans are represented among serial killers at a rate approximately twice one would expect based on the average percentage of African Americans in the population (approximately 10.5%) across the 58-year time period examined.

“Given these findings, the next task is to try to determine why the reality is so far removed from the myth.” (Emphasis added)

Actually, I think we know where the myth comes from—Hollywood, as above, for one. The protective function of the MSM`s reporting habits for another.

African American comedian John Ridley has a joke that goes “You never see any black serial killers. Sure, we`ve got these gangs; they kill one or two people. But you white people—you`re not happy `til you got 35, 40 bodies piled up in your basement.

Well, he`s right that you never see these guys—they`re not featured on Movie of the Week. But they`re there. Here`s the table:



You can Google any of the names, and get more information.

Note that one of the ones in the early list is Winston Moseley, who stabbed Kitty Genovese. He counts a serial killer because he killed two other women, as well. As I blogged awhile back:

“Everyone one has heard about the Kitty Genovese murder, and most of what you`ve heard about neighbors ignoring her screams is wrong. What you haven`t heard about the Kitty Genovese murder is that her killer, Winston Mosely, is black. (A TV movie based on the Kitty Genovese murder portrayed her killer as white.) You can say `Kitty Genovese was killed when her neighbors ignored her screams…` but you can`t say `Kitty Genovese was killed by a black man…` it`s just not allowed.”

So the number of black serial killers is, as Anthony Walsh, says above, “approximately twice one would expect based on the average percentage of African Americans.”

That means black serial killers are only underrepresented compared to the rate of regular, normal, street-corner crime in the African American community, which is even higher—the New Century Foundation`s Color Of Crime [PDF] says that

“Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.”

Black serial killers fall below that standard. But that`s all.
And what's the common thread with all those whites shooting up people?

Bad luck huh?
Going postal is a pure white action in society...
You are wrong. That's what you get for trusting the Washington Post. Embarrassing ignorance.

If T says do not read the NY times or Post that is what I read. More people trust CNN than T. T is over in Poland blasting our news.

So who do you read or listen to, T, Rush, Coulter, Hannity, Beck, etc.
Regarding the Nigerian "doctor" in the Bronx who shot up the hospital:

Close observers will notice the same basic pattern over and over again. Immigrants from backward cultures develop extravagant expectations about their lives in America, fail to master the most rudimentary civic habits, and then erupt in shooting rampages when their lives aren’t turning out as planned.
Sweet Coulter ridicule: Ann Coulter: Immigrant Of The Week: Henry Bello (Obotetukudo) | VDARE - premier news outlet for patriotic immigration reform

The libtards may have these guys, but we have Ann Coulter. Advantage: us!


So, how many times have people from backwards countries done as you have said? And is this rate HIGHER than people from non-backwards countries and the USA going around killing people? Or do we just make up that it's higher because it's more convenient that way?
Regarding the Nigerian "doctor" in the Bronx who shot up the hospital:

Close observers will notice the same basic pattern over and over again. Immigrants from backward cultures develop extravagant expectations about their lives in America, fail to master the most rudimentary civic habits, and then erupt in shooting rampages when their lives aren’t turning out as planned.
Sweet Coulter ridicule: Ann Coulter: Immigrant Of The Week: Henry Bello (Obotetukudo) | VDARE - premier news outlet for patriotic immigration reform

The libtards may have these guys, but we have Ann Coulter. Advantage: us!


So, how many times have people from backwards countries done as you have said? And is this rate HIGHER than people from non-backwards countries and the USA going around killing people? Or do we just make up that it's higher because it's more convenient that way?
The point of my post was the New York Times hiding certain information from us. Sheesh.
Regarding the Nigerian "doctor" in the Bronx who shot up the hospital:

Close observers will notice the same basic pattern over and over again. Immigrants from backward cultures develop extravagant expectations about their lives in America, fail to master the most rudimentary civic habits, and then erupt in shooting rampages when their lives aren’t turning out as planned.
Sweet Coulter ridicule: Ann Coulter: Immigrant Of The Week: Henry Bello (Obotetukudo) | VDARE - premier news outlet for patriotic immigration reform

The libtards may have these guys, but we have Ann Coulter. Advantage: us!


So, how many times have people from backwards countries done as you have said? And is this rate HIGHER than people from non-backwards countries and the USA going around killing people? Or do we just make up that it's higher because it's more convenient that way?
The point of my post was the New York Times hiding certain information from us. Sheesh.

Is it the job of the New York Times to tell you EVERY piece of information going?

It's really weird that the right seem to think the media somehow has to do certain things as private companies, and yet elected officials don't have to do anything.
Is it the job of the New York Times to tell you EVERY piece of information going?

Stop the dissembling. The New York Times is baldly dishonest and the long time enemy of the white Christian majority in this country.

Eleven days after a Ferguson, Missouri police officer set off a media frenzy and days of rioting and looting when he shot and killed a black man named Mike Brown, a white man named Terence Groessel was shot by Dallas, TX police officers, setting off...well, nothing.

In response to the Missouri shooting, thousands of protestors gathered from all over the country for night after night of molotov cocktails, tear gas, armored personnel carriers, businesses burnt to the ground, and, of course, the media circus. The response to the Texas shooting was decidedly more muted. When asked for a comment, a guest in the hotel behind which Mr. Groessel died told a reporter that he never liked to hear of someone losing his life, but he hoped justice was served.

“No justice. No peace”, chanted the peaceful protesters in Missouri. Then the sun went down and the peaceful protesters transformed into a violent mob. We are against looting and stuff, the New York Times editorialized, but here is the real problem. In the St. Louis area, whites tend to live in white neighborhoods and blacks tend to live in black neighborhoods. So right there you've got segregation. And the people in the white neighborhoods are generally richer and pretty much run things. So there's inequality. “It is clear”, explained the Times, noting the higher rate of traffic stops of blacks than whites in Ferguson, “that local governments have not dispensed justice equally”.

You see? No justice. And it is the local whites who are, clearly, the problem.

Thankfully, the New York Times has discovered a solution. The federal government “may be able to answer the many questions surrounding the death of Michael Brown”.

There are certainly questions surrounding the death of Mr. Groessel eleven days later in Dallas. Mr. Groessel was sitting in his pick-up truck in the parking lot of the hotel where he was a registered guest. The engine was idling, drawing the attention of two cops in a patrolling cruiser and leading them to wonder, inexplicably, whether the truck was stolen. With lights flashing, the cruiser pulled up behind the pick-up truck and the cops got out. As they approached the truck, say the cops, Mr. Groessel displayed a gun, whereupon the cops unloaded their weapons into the truck, striking Mr. Groessel twice in the abdomen. Still in his pick-up truck, Mr Groessel then fired his own gun into his own head, according to Dallas police, killing himself.

I can come up with a half dozen questions about that scenario just off the top of my head, yet even as I feel unmoved to go loot Dallas, the New York Times feels no need to encourage the feds to take over in the Groessel matter.

And the chief of police in Dallas is black.

(If you are reading this aloud to a friend, pause at this point and look up blankly at your friend as if waiting for a response. When your friend finally shrugs and says something like “so? what's that supposed to mean” you say “exactly” then look back down and continue reading).

Mr. Groessel wasn't even the first white man shot by Dallas police in the days following the shooting of Mike Brown in Ferguson, MO. Only one day after the Missouri shooting, an unarmed 26-year-old white man named Andrew Scott Gaynier was shot and killed by Dallas police officer Antonio Hudson when Gaynier lunged at the officer. Despite the obvious parallels between the Gaynier and Brown shootings, those crickets you hear chirping is the New York Times demanding justice for Mr. Gaynier.

The New York Times' call for “justice” for Mr. Brown lays the blame for the “fury” in the streets of St Louis on the “the white power structure that dominates City Councils and police departments like the ones in Ferguson”. It cites as proof of white oppression the whiteness of the mayor, the whiteness of the chief of police, and the whiteness of the city council of Ferguson. But, “the disparity is most evident in the Ferguson Police Department,” writes the New York Times, “of which only three of 53 officers are black.”

But hold on just a second there, New York Times editorial board. Only one of your 18 members is black. That makes the oppressive white power structure at the Ferguson police department slightly more black than the editorial board of the New York Times, which has no power at all.

To make its case against local whites the Times cites Missouri Department of Motor Vehicle data:
  1. Blacks suffer traffic stops out of proportion to their numbers in the general population.
  2. Most traffic cops are white.
  3. Therefore, racism.
But a reasonably intelligent twelve-year-old could see the giant hole in that syllogism. Um, what if blacks break more traffic rules than whites? Assuming the intelligent adults writing op eds for the New York Times are at least as savvy as twelve-year-olds, you have to wonder why the editorial board would stake out its position in boob territory.

A look at the data from the Missouri DMV relied upon by the Times' editorial writers doesn't reassure. The very data the Times cites in support of its theory that injustices committed by whites are at the root of the fury in Missouri actually undermine the theory. That is, if you look at all the data.

While it is true that, proportionally, blacks are stopped for traffic violations more than whites in Ferguson, the same chart shows whites are stopped proportionally more than Latinos, Asians, Native Americans, and others. Did the editorial board miss that? If disproportionate ticketing by race is evidence of racial injustice, then the racist white cops of Ferguson are racist against whites in four out of five non-white racial groups.

The New York Times' argument that whites are responsible for blacks rioting and looting in Missouri collapses under its own absurdity, but the fact that the editorial writers took only the data that support their claim and discarded the data that flatten their house of cards suggests outright journalistic malfeasance.

So what gives with the Times?

Perhaps the answer can be found on the New York Times editorial page itself. Alongside the call for justice for Mike Brown appeared a piece “Why Jews Are Worried” in which we learn anti-Jewish attacks are on the rise in Europe, and, even though Muslims are the attackers, they are Europeans now and, anyway, white Christians are to blame for Muslim hatred of Jews since European missionaries “imported” anti-Semitism into the Middle East in the first place.

Yes, you read that right. According to an opinion piece appearing in the New York Times, white European Christians are to blame for Muslims not liking Jews.

If you notice a pattern, don't—that would make you a conspiracy nut—but if you were a newspaper hellbent on race war, you would faithfully republish everything having to do with race appearing on the opinion pages of the New York Times. If you are not a newspaper hellbent on race war, just keep repeating, "It is racist to notice the war on whites. It is racist to notice the war on whites. It is racist to notice the war on whites. "

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