Ann Coulter gives Sandra Fluke and her supporters a reality check.

Uncensored, are you covered by medical insurance?

Kevin; Did Lord Obama personally decide what the details of your health plan would be?

Do you wait on him to decide what you'll have for dinner each night?

If so, are you aware that if a sexually active couple who wants no kids, in your insurance pool, is irresponsible and gets pregnant because they don't use contraception, you will have to pay for that?

My rates go up every year. When the plan is negotiated, the carrier informs us that prescription costs are the reason.

Do you tell them to "pay for your own fucking" in that scenario too, and petition your insurance company not to pay for the costs of pregnancy?

I negotiate my own coverage - at this time, Lord Obama doesn't decide what will or will not be covered in my plan. I realize that distresses Dear Leader and that he intends to dictate what each person will or will not have.

Do you at least agree that by insurance covering the BC pill, you and the entire insurance pool will be protected to a degree from the financial risk of an unwanted pregnancy?

I realize this is a Big Lie campaign.

Your shameful party seeks to create the fantasy that this is about birth control, when in fact it's about civil rights.

No prohibition of birth control has been passed or even considered.

Obviously the faithful drones of the fucking liars (formerly democratic) party will claim it is as part of the Big Lie, but 99.9% of plans will continue to cover contraception. You just won't be able to use the government to force the Catholics to provide them.

And Kevin, if you can't force priests to hand out prophylactics along with the Eucharist, is Obama really the supreme ruler?
People fuck whether birth control is available or not.......been doing it for a million years

That's nice.

They engage in violence and fart, too.

What we are paying for is to keep down the number of unwanted pregnancies.

You are simply telling the Big Lie.

No one has suggested ending birth control - period.

BUT you don't mind lying, if it will promote your shameful party.
You really have that little understanding of the subject? Nobody gives a shit about a 30 something year old "coed" wanting to fuck anyone she wants to...... the issue is the bullshit show she put on for the cameras and continues to. Her insurance covers the purchase of birth control pills for medical reasons. The insurance doesn't cover the minuscule cost of birth control pills and condoms....... why should they and where does it stop? Should insurance cover the handcuffs she wants her girlfriend to bind her to her bed with? How about giant double ended dildos, should insurance cover that too? Strap-ons? Why should the cost of my insurance go up to cover this asshole?

How about a car to get her to her classes, gas to go in the car, upkeep of the car, parking? What else do you want to give this jerk?

If the insurance covered the costs of handcuffs, blindfolds, or dildos, it would NOT protect the pool against the risk (and costs) of an unwanted pregnancy.

If the insurance covered the cost of a car, or gas, it would not be protecting itself from any risk whatsoever either.

But if the insurance covered the cost of the BC pill, it would be protecting itself from risk and the costs of an unwanted pregnancy, by reducing pregnancy rates drastically for women who elect to take them.

I think you're the one - sitarro - that has "little understanding of the subject".

Why is this concept of risk so hard for some of you to grasp?
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People don't get to negotiate the health insurance they want........their employers do

At this moment, people are free to work at any job they wish, provided they can convince the employer to hire them.

If you don't want to abide by Catholic morals, don't ask for a job from the Catholics.

If you want to eat pork ribs for lunch and have them provided by your employer, don't work for a Muslim Madrassa.
Uncensored, are you covered by medical insurance?

Kevin; Did Lord Obama personally decide what the details of your health plan would be?

No, he took the advice from outside experts who formed a commission, under the National Institute Of Medicine.

Do you wait on him to decide what you'll have for dinner each night?

Yes. And I like the idea that the FDA and USDA make sure my food is safe and properly labeled.
No, he took the advice from outside experts who formed a commission, under the National Institute Of Medicine.

He can fuck off.

We are still a nominally free people, despite how gravely that angers him, and you.

Obama's war to end the 1st Amendment will not end well.

Yes. And I like the idea that the FDA and USDA make sure my food is safe and properly labeled.

How many days did you mourn when Kim Il Jong died?

Are you still mourning?
Uncensored, are you covered by medical insurance?

Kevin; Did Lord Obama personally decide what the details of your health plan would be?

Do you wait on him to decide what you'll have for dinner each night?

If so, are you aware that if a sexually active couple who wants no kids, in your insurance pool, is irresponsible and gets pregnant because they don't use contraception, you will have to pay for that?

My rates go up every year. When the plan is negotiated, the carrier informs us that prescription costs are the reason.

Do you tell them to "pay for your own fucking" in that scenario too, and petition your insurance company not to pay for the costs of pregnancy?

I negotiate my own coverage - at this time, Lord Obama doesn't decide what will or will not be covered in my plan. I realize that distresses Dear Leader and that he intends to dictate what each person will or will not have.

Do you at least agree that by insurance covering the BC pill, you and the entire insurance pool will be protected to a degree from the financial risk of an unwanted pregnancy?

I realize this is a Big Lie campaign.

Your shameful party seeks to create the fantasy that this is about birth control, when in fact it's about civil rights.

No prohibition of birth control has been passed or even considered.

Obviously the faithful drones of the fucking liars (formerly democratic) party will claim it is as part of the Big Lie, but 99.9% of plans will continue to cover contraception. You just won't be able to use the government to force the Catholics to provide them.

And Kevin, if you can't force priests to hand out prophylactics along with the Eucharist, is Obama really the supreme ruler?

As I mentioned, I'm not entirely in support of the government telling employers that they can't ban their employees from getting access to safe, cheap, and cost reducing contraceptives. If a religious group wants to do something that (in my opinion) is utterly irrational, they should be able to do so, and that's their right.

That said, the reason I'm still involved in the subject is because some people seem to think that there are no good reasons - financially - for insurance to cover the pill. People think that if they choose not to pay for contraception for people in their pool of insurance, that they're somehow exempt from consequences of an unwanted pregnancy.

I understand that there's no prohibition of BC pills, but what you don't understand (from what it seems) is that by insurance covering BC pills, the folks within the pool will be more likely to be using the pill.

"More likely" is keyword.
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As I mentioned, I'm not entirely in support of the government telling employers that they can't ban their employees from getting access to safe, cheap, and cost reducing contraceptives.

Ah, more Big Lie.

How is Georgetown University stopping Sandra Fluke from getting in her car, driving to Walgreens, and buying a pack of rubbers?

Walmart will sell her BC pills for $4 a month, how is she "banned?"

The fact is, she isn't "banned" on inhibited. This is just a Big Lie campaign. The ONLY issue at play is whether Obama can FORCE the Catholics to abandon their own Ecumenical law in favor of his dictates. Obama seeks to crush the 1st Amendment as precedence for more authoritarian actions.

If a religious group wants to do something that (in my opinion) is utterly irrational, they should be able to do so, and that's their right.

Great, then you oppose Obama revoking 1st Amendment rights.

That said, the reason I'm still involved in the subject is because some people seem to think that there are no good reasons - financially - for insurance to cover the pill. People think that if they choose not to pay for contraception for people in their pool of insurance, that they're somehow exempt from consequences of an unwanted pregnancy.

I understand that there's no prohibition of BC pills, but what you don't understand (from what it seems) is that by insurance covering BC pills, the folks within the pool will be more likely to be using the pill.

"More likely" is keyword.

All of this is utterly irrelevant.

The issue is whether Obama can dictate to religious groups their position on birth control. Obama waged war on the Catholics in November and continues his war to end the 1st Amendment.
Jesus's just birth control, it's been around for fifty years

Why the sudden GOP outrage that women actually want to have sex without getting pregnant?

I'm not outraged in the least. I say let's give every liberal/Democrat woman all the free birth control they can take or want. Pay for tubal ligations, too. ANY form of contraception: the pill, Depo-Provera, Essure, NuvaRing, IUD, whatever. Abortions too. Any liberal woman who wants an abortion -- give it to her. Liberal man want a vasectomy? Free of charge. I mean if they can't AFFORD these things, they have no business having a baby and just producing more of the same.

anything it takes to keep liberals from reproducing works for me.

Then if they have sex willy nilly and contract gonorrhea or syphilis , well their insurance companies should pay for antibiotics -- providing they get to the doctor before it advances too far when their fertility may be taken care of anyway. Forever. Works for me.
Jesus's just birth control, it's been around for fifty years

Why the sudden GOP outrage that women actually want to have sex without getting pregnant?

You really have that little understanding of the subject? Nobody gives a shit about a 30 something year old "coed" wanting to fuck anyone she wants to...... the issue is the bullshit show she put on for the cameras and continues to. Her insurance covers the purchase of birth control pills for medical reasons. The insurance doesn't cover the minuscule cost of birth control pills and condoms....... why should they and where does it stop? Should insurance cover the handcuffs she wants her girlfriend to bind her to her bed with? How about giant double ended dildos, should insurance cover that too? Strap-ons? Why should the cost of my insurance go up to cover this asshole?

How about a car to get her to her classes, gas to go in the car, upkeep of the car, parking? What else do you want to give this jerk?

I don't think the issue of Ms. Flukes sex life was ever brought up at the hearing. The problem is that el-Rash-Butt changed the dialog from a womens health issue to all about Rushes alleged sexual promiscuity of Ms. Fluke. And as usual the compliant MSM lets them get away with it and even feeds the beast.

Here is Ms. Fluke.

Transcript of testimony by Sandra Fluke

Here is a good analysis of the situation.

When he called Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke a slut and a prostitute, something happened. We accept when those attacks are made against politicians and celebrities; after all, they pursue the spotlight and know that's what they'll be subjected to. But when he attacked a private citizen, he crossed the line. He pushed beyond the bounds of decency and civility and made many of us sick with his bizzare on-air diatribes about having sex, watching sex, and paying for sex.

The Limbaugh Fluke controversy pitted a powerful, loud, obnoxious, self-proclaimed king of the dittoheads against a soft-spoken but courageous Jesuit college law student. When the four-times married, three-times divorced former drug-abusing arch conservative went after someone whose only "crime" was to explain why the Affordable Care Act's contraceptive coverage was essential to women's well-being, he took ugliness to a new level.

Sandra Fluke / Rush Limbaugh - Transcripts of Her Testimony, His Slut-Shaming Comments
I'm not outraged in the least. I say let's give every liberal/Democrat woman all the free birth control they can take or want. Pay for tubal ligations, too. ANY form of contraception: the pill, Depo-Provera, Essure, NuvaRing, IUD, whatever. Abortions too. Any liberal woman who wants an abortion -- give it to her. Liberal man want a vasectomy? Free of charge. I mean if they can't AFFORD these things, they have no business having a baby and just producing more of the same.

anything it takes to keep liberals from reproducing works for me.

Then if they have sex willy nilly and contract gonorrhea or syphilis , well their insurance companies should pay for antibiotics -- providing they get to the doctor before it advances too far when their fertility may be taken care of anyway. Forever. Works for me.

For starters, no one's asking for free anything. The argument on the side of the Dems isn't "the gov't should pay for contraception for any citizen who wants it".

The argument is instead "should an employer have the right to block contraception coverage IF the insurance company provides it as a part of its services"?

There's a huge difference, UpAndAbout, between the two.
I'm not outraged in the least. I say let's give every liberal/Democrat woman all the free birth control they can take or want. Pay for tubal ligations, too. ANY form of contraception: the pill, Depo-Provera, Essure, NuvaRing, IUD, whatever. Abortions too. Any liberal woman who wants an abortion -- give it to her. Liberal man want a vasectomy? Free of charge. I mean if they can't AFFORD these things, they have no business having a baby and just producing more of the same.

anything it takes to keep liberals from reproducing works for me.

Then if they have sex willy nilly and contract gonorrhea or syphilis , well their insurance companies should pay for antibiotics -- providing they get to the doctor before it advances too far when their fertility may be taken care of anyway. Forever. Works for me.

For starters, no one's asking for free anything. The argument on the side of the Dems isn't "the gov't should pay for contraception for any citizen who wants it".

The argument is instead "should an employer have the right to block contraception coverage IF the insurance company provides it as a part of its services"?

There's a huge difference, UpAndAbout, between the two.

A religious employer should have that right, YES. They don't want their money going towards the purchase of abortion-inducing drugs, even circuitously. And let's not forget that this isn't about hormonal birth control, this is about abortifacients.

Let's stay focused on the REAL debate, shall we? Should a religiously-affiliated employer have the right to follow the precepts of their doctrine without interference from the State? The 1st Amendment says yes.
I'm not outraged in the least. I say let's give every liberal/Democrat woman all the free birth control they can take or want. Pay for tubal ligations, too. ANY form of contraception: the pill, Depo-Provera, Essure, NuvaRing, IUD, whatever. Abortions too. Any liberal woman who wants an abortion -- give it to her. Liberal man want a vasectomy? Free of charge. I mean if they can't AFFORD these things, they have no business having a baby and just producing more of the same.

anything it takes to keep liberals from reproducing works for me.

Then if they have sex willy nilly and contract gonorrhea or syphilis , well their insurance companies should pay for antibiotics -- providing they get to the doctor before it advances too far when their fertility may be taken care of anyway. Forever. Works for me.

For starters, no one's asking for free anything. The argument on the side of the Dems isn't "the gov't should pay for contraception for any citizen who wants it".

The argument is instead "should an employer have the right to block contraception coverage IF the insurance company provides it as a part of its services"?

There's a huge difference, UpAndAbout, between the two.

And, of course, liberals are long as it is a choice they want. Let someone chose something they don't like and all of a sudden, they are not so pro-choice.

I'm not outraged in the least. I say let's give every liberal/Democrat woman all the free birth control they can take or want. Pay for tubal ligations, too. ANY form of contraception: the pill, Depo-Provera, Essure, NuvaRing, IUD, whatever. Abortions too. Any liberal woman who wants an abortion -- give it to her. Liberal man want a vasectomy? Free of charge. I mean if they can't AFFORD these things, they have no business having a baby and just producing more of the same.

anything it takes to keep liberals from reproducing works for me.

Then if they have sex willy nilly and contract gonorrhea or syphilis , well their insurance companies should pay for antibiotics -- providing they get to the doctor before it advances too far when their fertility may be taken care of anyway. Forever. Works for me.

For starters, no one's asking for free anything. The argument on the side of the Dems isn't "the gov't should pay for contraception for any citizen who wants it".

The argument is instead "should an employer have the right to block contraception coverage IF the insurance company provides it as a part of its services"?
There's a huge difference, UpAndAbout, between the two.

Again, I say to the bolded question, absolutely not. NO blockage or forbidding of ANYONE getting contraception either paid for by insurance or government, whatever it takes. They should have it. That's what I'm saying. It should be provided to the liberal/Democrat women by any means possible. NOBODY should be blocking this.
I'm not outraged in the least. I say let's give every liberal/Democrat woman all the free birth control they can take or want. Pay for tubal ligations, too. ANY form of contraception: the pill, Depo-Provera, Essure, NuvaRing, IUD, whatever. Abortions too. Any liberal woman who wants an abortion -- give it to her. Liberal man want a vasectomy? Free of charge. I mean if they can't AFFORD these things, they have no business having a baby and just producing more of the same.

anything it takes to keep liberals from reproducing works for me.

Then if they have sex willy nilly and contract gonorrhea or syphilis , well their insurance companies should pay for antibiotics -- providing they get to the doctor before it advances too far when their fertility may be taken care of anyway. Forever. Works for me.

For starters, no one's asking for free anything. The argument on the side of the Dems isn't "the gov't should pay for contraception for any citizen who wants it".

The argument is instead "should an employer have the right to block contraception coverage IF the insurance company provides it as a part of its services"?

There's a huge difference, UpAndAbout, between the two.

And, of course, liberals are long as it is a choice they want. Let someone chose something they don't like and all of a sudden, they are not so pro-choice.


yes! If their choice is contraception or abortion, give it to them. Make it available, affordable, even free if need be.
And, of course, liberals are long as it is a choice they want. Let someone chose something they don't like and all of a sudden, they are not so pro-choice.


Same can be said about the Republicans.

Specifically, many social Christian conservatives will preach "keep government involvement out of my life!", yet at the same time support candidates who want to use the government to outlaw practices that are deemed "sinful" - such as gay marriage, or in the recent case of Santorum - "hardcore pornography".
Again, I say to the bolded question, absolutely not. NO blockage or forbidding of ANYONE getting contraception either paid for by insurance or government, whatever it takes. They should have it. That's what I'm saying. It should be provided to the liberal/Democrat women by any means possible. NOBODY should be blocking this.

Yes, and that's fine, I think your opinion is totally valid.

I was simply correcting you, because your first post made it seem like you thought this was a conversation about Dems arguing that everyone should get free birth control, which is not the case.
And, of course, liberals are long as it is a choice they want. Let someone chose something they don't like and all of a sudden, they are not so pro-choice.


Same can be said about the Republicans.

Specifically, many social Christian conservatives will preach "keep government involvement out of my life!", yet at the same time support candidates who want to use the government to outlaw practices that are deemed "sinful" - such as gay marriage, or in the recent case of Santorum - "hardcore pornography".

There again, I'm all for gay marriage -- it should be encouraged, legalized in every state. As I saw posted somewhere else: all gay men and women should be allowed to marry, any woman who wants an abortion should have one, and of course any liberal/Democrat who instead wants conctraception they can't afford should have it - what about 3 generations we'll be rid of Democrats.
People don't get to negotiate the health insurance they want........their employers do

At this moment, people are free to work at any job they wish, provided they can convince the employer to hire them.

If you don't want to abide by Catholic morals, don't ask for a job from the Catholics.

If you want to eat pork ribs for lunch and have them provided by your employer, don't work for a Muslim Madrassa.

I'm all for it if Catholics want to enforce their ideology on their non-catholic employees.........up until the time they accept public money

Once they accept public money, they accept public rules

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