Ann Coulter gives Sandra Fluke and her supporters a reality check.

And I'm going to bet that a) couples having sex as an expression of love and bonding aren't going through $1000 a year in birth control

How do you figure?

I'd argue that the more loving and fiery your relationship is, the more you'll spend on contraception.

If you express your love 4 times weekly, and don't want a kid yet, you'd probably find it in your best interest to invest in some form of contraception to protect yourselves.

If you sleep in a separate bed than your spouse, when faced with the contraception investment you'd probably say "screw it", why spend on contraception? ....we don't have sex anyways.
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The goal of sex doesn't always have to be "have a baby", nor does it always have to be the "result" of sex. You can also enjoy sex for fun.

It's a great way to spend an afternoon, and burn a couple of calories.


This is the same theory which, when applied to eating, results in the shoppers at your local WalMart.

Just because something feels good does NOT put it in the "purely entertainment" category, nor does it mean we should try to pass laws to circumvent the laws of nature that we don't like.

Couples rarely have sex for the purpose of creating a child. The greater purpose of sex has always been to develop a close personal, physical bond in a couple. And yes, that involves sex for fun. That is the reason people have sex

To imply that a couple desiring to have sex without the possibility of children is somehow immoral is ridiculous
The issue is we as adults are solely responsible for birth control.
Your side has tried to make this a women's health issue and an issue of morality. It is neither.
This is an issue of financial and personal responsibility.
In other words if you want to screw, keep your fucking hands out of other people's wallets. Pay for your own shit.
And I'm going to bet that a) couples having sex as an expression of love and bonding aren't going through $1000 a year in birth control

How do you figure?

I'd argue that the more loving and fiery your relationship is, the more you'll spend on contraception.

If you express your love 4 times weekly, and don't want a kid yet, you'd probably find it in your best interest to invest in some form of contraception to protect yourselves.

If you sleep in a separate bed than your spouse, when faced with the contraception investment you'd probably say "screw it", why spend on contraception? ....we don't have sex anyways.

Too much information.
This is the same theory which, when applied to eating, results in the shoppers at your local WalMart.

Just because something feels good does NOT put it in the "purely entertainment" category, nor does it mean we should try to pass laws to circumvent the laws of nature that we don't like.

Couples rarely have sex for the purpose of creating a child. The greater purpose of sex has always been to develop a close personal, physical bond in a couple. And yes, that involves sex for fun. That is the reason people have sex

To imply that a couple desiring to have sex without the possibility of children is somehow immoral is ridiculous
The issue is we as adults are solely responsible for birth control.
Your side has tried to make this a women's health issue and an issue of morality. It is neither.
This is an issue of financial and personal responsibility.
In other words if you want to screw, keep your fucking hands out of other people's wallets. Pay for your own shit.

Yea, but if someone is in YOUR insurance pool, you have two options:

1.) Pay collectively for their birth control ($16 yearly for a large pool)
2.) Pay collectively for their pregnancy, when it happens eventually ($12,000-$200,000+ if there are complications).

You're going to have to pay for their irresponsible sex either way, whether you like it or not (if you're part of an insurance pool).

You can preach personal responsibility all you want, but at the end of the day, those people are still going to be in your insurance pool affecting the total costs your insurance provider has to dish out, and ultimately the premium the provider charges.

Personally, I'd curb the risk by giving them access to BC pills, because I don't trust everyone to make responsible decisions.
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And I'm going to bet that a) couples having sex as an expression of love and bonding aren't going through $1000 a year in birth control

How do you figure?

I'd argue that the more loving and fiery your relationship is, the more you'll spend on contraception.

If you express your love 4 times weekly, and don't want a kid yet, you'd probably find it in your best interest to invest in some form of contraception to protect yourselves.

If you sleep in a separate bed than your spouse, when faced with the contraception investment you'd probably say "screw it", why spend on contraception? ....we don't have sex anyways.

Too much information.


Just illustrating the difference between:

:argue: (no potential babies)


:suck: (lots of potential babies)
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How do you figure?

I'd argue that the more loving and fiery your relationship is, the more you'll spend on contraception.

If you express your love 4 times weekly, and don't want a kid yet, you'd probably find it in your best interest to invest in some form of contraception to protect yourselves.

If you sleep in a separate bed than your spouse, when faced with the contraception investment you'd probably say "screw it", why spend on contraception? ....we don't have sex anyways.

Too much information.


Just showing the difference between:




Mission accomplished.
This is the same theory which, when applied to eating, results in the shoppers at your local WalMart.

Just because something feels good does NOT put it in the "purely entertainment" category, nor does it mean we should try to pass laws to circumvent the laws of nature that we don't like.

Couples rarely have sex for the purpose of creating a child. The greater purpose of sex has always been to develop a close personal, physical bond in a couple. And yes, that involves sex for fun. That is the reason people have sex

To imply that a couple desiring to have sex without the possibility of children is somehow immoral is ridiculous
The issue is we as adults are solely responsible for birth control.
Your side has tried to make this a women's health issue and an issue of morality. It is neither.
This is an issue of financial and personal responsibility.
In other words if you want to screw, keep your fucking hands out of other people's wallets. Pay for your own shit.

People can screw whether birth control is available or not

The issue is responsible family planning and it is in societies best interests that unwanted children be kept to a minimum
People can screw whether birth control is available or not

The issue is responsible family planning and it is in societies best interests that unwanted children be kept to a minimum

No hate larger than calling another human being unwanted.
Yes, and it leads to abortions which the rightwing claims to despise

We can find both calling children unwanted and abortion wrong. You fail.

Well can't have it both ways

You can't bitch about the number of abortions and then whine when people use birth control to prevent unwanted pregnancy

Sure I can. Except for the bitching and whining parts. I'll leave that to you. You're way more qualified.
My brother in laws recent hospital stay cost $119,000 for his first day in intensive care.

Pay that out of your pocket.
My brother in laws recent hospital stay cost $119,000 for his first day in intensive care.

Pay that out of your pocket.


Why would we ever ask just what in the hell a hospital can do to anyone or for anyone that costs $119,000.

Fantanstic fact.

Useless argument.
Wouldn't it be up to WOMEN to decide what is and isn't tyrannical over them? Here's a newsflash, Penis Bearer: you're lecturing a bunch of women on what "women's reproductive rights" are and should be and how they should be protected. If you had two brain cells to rub together in your whole, testosterone-soaked head, you would clue in to how completely ass-backward, bullshit WRONG that is.


And you'll notice that I'm not objecting to HER two cents worth here. I'm objecting to YOURS.

You might also want to notice that there are whole bunches of women out there who disagree with you AND her, and our vaginas make us just as qualified to set the boundaries of "women's rights issues" as hers does. And your penis disqualifies YOU entirely, by your own words.

Once again, Penis Bearer, butt out until you have a vagina. We girls are perfectly capable of talking it out without your input.

You fucking hypocrite. You're perfectly willing to have middle-aged, white males to determine the extent of your rights, without a whine.
That ship has sailed, right-wingers. You have already lost this battle and the war, but please continue arguing the benefits of Betamax.
In an article appropriately entitled The Vagina Diatribes written on 03/14/2012, Ann Coulter pulls the mask of Sandra Fluke. Here are highlights of that article:

“What with liberal women constantly talking about their vaginas suddenly pretending to be offended by the word "s l u t," and conservatives pretending to be as pussified as liberals about the nasty names they've been called, I never got an answer to the most pressing question about Sandra Fluke: Who are you again?

“Was Fluke dragged out of obscurity after the women of America took a vote and chose her as our spokeswoman? Please, Sandra, we know how deeply private, publicity-shy and terribly busy with law school you are, but we need you to speak for us!

“I don't think that happened. Rather, Fluke is the latest in a long line of my absolute favorite liberal typology: hysterical drama queens. ….These fantasists inject themselves into a boiling-hot public debate and then claim victim status when anyone criticizes them......In full indignation, Fluke said her critics were trying "to silence women's voices." She said this on ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, NPR and a number of other national media outlets.”

The full text of the article written by the incomparable Ann Coulter, the woman liberals love to hate, can be read at the following link

Who is Sandra Fluke? - HUMAN EVENTS

OK. Now let's see how long it takes all the resident liberals to attack Ann Coulter personally. The typical liberal response is to claim she is either (1) ugly or (2) really a man. Ann gets teary eyed from all the snide remarks. I heard she cries all the way to the bank.

Who is Ann Coulter again??

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