Ann Coulter gives Sandra Fluke and her supporters a reality check.

Almost as funny as a Georgetown law student insisting the church foot the bill for her and her lezbo friends fake birth control.
Jesus's just birth control, it's been around for fifty years

Why the sudden GOP outrage that women actually want to have sex without getting pregnant?

No one is stopping them from obtaining birth control. Stay focused. The left started this by insisting that religious organizations ignore their beliefs and provide coverage for this. Fluke is an activist who has been targeting the college for some time. She is not the voice of women. She is speaking for herself and the libs who chose her to muddy the waters at the hearing. You know the hearing, the one that was to determine the legality of forcing religious organizations to provide birth control. Fluke didn't show up to argue that point. She showed up to whine about the college not providing birth control. Had nothing to do with the hearing. She should wait to see if something is constitutional before she demands it.
Almost as funny as a Georgetown law student insisting the church foot the bill for her and her lezbo friends fake birth control.

If the Republicans were paying attention to the compromise that Obama offered, and didn't want to have a hearing on the silly Blunt Amendment, this Georgetown law student wouldn't have had anything to complain about and the Catholic Church wouldn't have been put in the position to have to pay for anything it found objectionable, as long as it was self-insuring.

Her and her lezbo friends? What an asshole. BTW, you might have missed the memo. The latest smear is that Fluke's SO is a liberal Jew, from a liberal Jewish family."
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Who cares?

And what sort of weird fuck gives himself the name "Dick Tuck"????

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You admire a political hoaxer?

Of course you do. It's all about hoaxing, however you look at it.
Since Ann Coulter doesn't have any children, I have to wonder what she uses for birth control...

I'm thinking her personality.

She uses BCP. She just doesn't demand people who don't want birth control pills must buy them for her so she doesn't have to. The belief it is the responsibility of society to provide them with carefree fucking is a left wing extremist thing, not something normal people buy into.

No one is asking other people to buy them.

This is the stupidity you seem addicted to.

If you are working for your health coverge, you are EARNING that health coverage. all the government is doing here is defining parameters.
Jesus's just birth control, it's been around for fifty years

Why the sudden GOP outrage that women actually want to have sex without getting pregnant?

Why is it so difficult for you actually address the real issue instead of creating bogus straw men? Why do you have to lie if your position and side is so correct?

THAT is the real issue. You right wing turds want women to not use contraceptives, AND not be able to get an abortion if she gets pregnant.

Why don't you address the real issue? WHY do you want to dictate what a woman can and can't do?
Almost as funny as a Georgetown law student insisting the church foot the bill for her and her lezbo friends fake birth control.

Lesbian AND uses birth control?

That's two strikes with the Catholic Church
Almost as funny as a Georgetown law student insisting the church foot the bill for her and her lezbo friends fake birth control.

And you know this how? Is this another example of the conservative idea of less government?
Who cares?

And what sort of weird fuck gives himself the name "Dick Tuck"????

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Google is your friend. Dick Tuck was a famous (or infamous) political prankster who targeted his gags against Richard Nixon. Going back and reading Wikipedia, I'd say the guy was a hero.

From Tuck's entry, for what it's worth, in Wikipedia:

Tuck's most famous prank against Nixon is known as "the Chinatown Caper." During his campaign for Governor of California in 1962, Nixon visited Chinatown in Los Angeles. At the campaign stop, a backdrop of children holding "welcome" signs in English and Chinese was set up. As Nixon spoke, an elder from the community whispered that one of the signs in Chinese said, "What about the Hughes loan?" The sign was a reference to an unsecured $205,000 loan that Howard Hughes had made to Nixon's brother, Donald. Nixon grabbed a sign and, on camera, ripped it up. (Later, Tuck learned, to his chagrin, that the Chinese characters actually spelled out “What about the huge loan?”)

After the first Kennedy-Nixon debate in 1960, Tuck hired an elderly woman who put on a Nixon button and embraced the candidate in front of TV cameras. She said, "Don't worry, son! He beat you last night, but you'll get him next time."

Tuck is credited with waving a train out of the station while Nixon was still speaking, but he denies committing this prank.

Here's the full Wiki entry: Dick Tuck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And there's a Tuck website:

We'd have a celebrity in our midst if this is the real Dick Tuck.
Almost as funny as a Georgetown law student insisting the church foot the bill for her and her lezbo friends fake birth control.

If the Republicans were paying attention to the compromise that Obama offered, and didn't want to have a hearing on the silly Blunt Amendment, this Georgetown law student wouldn't have had anything to complain about and the Catholic Church wouldn't have been put in the position to have to pay for anything it found objectionable, as long as it was self-insuring.

Her and her lezbo friends? What an asshole. BTW, you might have missed the memo. The latest smear is that Fluke's SO is a liberal Jew, from a liberal Jewish family."

Compromise your morals and principles all you want, just pay your own way.
Almost as funny as a Georgetown law student insisting the church foot the bill for her and her lezbo friends fake birth control.

If the Republicans were paying attention to the compromise that Obama offered, and didn't want to have a hearing on the silly Blunt Amendment, this Georgetown law student wouldn't have had anything to complain about and the Catholic Church wouldn't have been put in the position to have to pay for anything it found objectionable, as long as it was self-insuring.

Her and her lezbo friends? What an asshole. BTW, you might have missed the memo. The latest smear is that Fluke's SO is a liberal Jew, from a liberal Jewish family."

Compromise your morals and principles all you want, just pay your own way.

She is paying her own way. She buys insurance and has a right to request what that insurance will cover
If the Republicans were paying attention to the compromise that Obama offered, and didn't want to have a hearing on the silly Blunt Amendment, this Georgetown law student wouldn't have had anything to complain about and the Catholic Church wouldn't have been put in the position to have to pay for anything it found objectionable, as long as it was self-insuring.

Her and her lezbo friends? What an asshole. BTW, you might have missed the memo. The latest smear is that Fluke's SO is a liberal Jew, from a liberal Jewish family."

Compromise your morals and principles all you want, just pay your own way.

She is paying her own way. She buys insurance and has a right to request what that insurance will cover

No, she has the right to purchase insurance that covers items she wants covered not demand that she be given insurance that suits her demands.

That Fluke broad needs to grow the fuck up.
Compromise your morals and principles all you want, just pay your own way.

She is paying her own way. She buys insurance and has a right to request what that insurance will cover

No, she has the right to purchase insurance that covers items she wants covered not demand that she be given insurance that suits her demands.

That Fluke broad needs to grow the fuck up.

As an American citizen she has a right to go to Congress and request anything she wants
She is paying her own way. She buys insurance and has a right to request what that insurance will cover

No, she has the right to purchase insurance that covers items she wants covered not demand that she be given insurance that suits her demands.

That Fluke broad needs to grow the fuck up.

As an American citizen she has a right to go to Congress and request anything she wants

And Congress has an obligation to tell her that she can ask all she wants, but they have no rightful power to oblige her.

Your statement is rather interesting.

I can go to Congress and ask them to deport you or shoot your family. Well, if I could get in front of Congress. You see, this wasn't a legitimate hearing. This was a gathering put together by a bunch of democrats who didn't like the fact that American put them in the minority and thus limited their ability to hold official hearings.

You see, on the left, because you are in the right (regardless of the facts), you can use whatever means you want to achieve your ends. After all, the left knows best....just ask Al Gore.
She is paying her own way. She buys insurance and has a right to request what that insurance will cover

No, she has the right to purchase insurance that covers items she wants covered not demand that she be given insurance that suits her demands.

That Fluke broad needs to grow the fuck up.

As an American citizen she has a right to go to Congress and request anything she wants

What normal, functioning human being goes in front of Congress and requests free contraceptives?


This chick's a nut.
No, she has the right to purchase insurance that covers items she wants covered not demand that she be given insurance that suits her demands.

That Fluke broad needs to grow the fuck up.

As an American citizen she has a right to go to Congress and request anything she wants

What normal, functioning human being goes in front of Congress and requests free contraceptives?


This chick's a nut.

So she requested to be exempt from paying a premium, as in her coverage would be free (just wanted to confirm)?

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