Ann Coulter gives Sandra Fluke and her supporters a reality check.

Jesus's just birth control, it's been around for fifty years

Why the sudden GOP outrage that women actually want to have sex without getting pregnant?

Let us not forget about all the GOP politicians that want to have sex without getting their interns pregnant.....

Hey, when one of our guys gets a staff member pregnant and then drowns her in an Oldsmobile, perhaps we'll all be interested in your moralizing on the subject . . . although I really doubt it.

Who are you talking about?

If you are covered by medical insurance, you have no choice. Your insurance company will pay for her pregnancy. Do you realize that?

While we all realize that the government, at the behest of the left, is whittling away at all of our free choices where insurance is concerned, it is still a matter of personal choice whether to insure with that company in the first place. Do YOU realize THAT, and just exactly how much do you hate the existence of that remaining freedom?

Cecilie, if you read the whole thread, I was responding to TakeAStepBack’s misconception that he has the choice to pay for “neither”, referring to both the Pill and the Pregnancy.

I told him, that if he was covered by medical insurance, he would not have a choice on whether or not he would be ‘paying’ for her pregnancy, because there’s an extraordinarily high probably that his medical insurance company would be covering some (if not all) of the medical procedures associated with giving birth.

That’s again why I mention “IF” he was covered by medical insurance.

And apparently, because I made that point – that insurance companies cover pregnancies – apparently I “hate the existence” of the freedom that gives insurance companies the right to cover the things that they want to. Your response doesn't make any sense. Explain, lady.
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Incorrect. As usual. It's more about mandates that force others to pay for it. You try to make it sound as though middle-aged white males are keeping contrceptives from women. Which is simply not true adn worse, trying to move the subject to something it is not.

Typical progressive.

The advisory panel, for the Blunt amendment, was certainly all middle-aged white males. As for mandates to the healthcare insurance industry, this is nothing new. Telling that industry what baseline services they must provide is a necessary and just function of government.

But your logic is lacking. Should interstate providers of healthcare insurance not be forced to provide prostate screening, because women have no need of it? That's your essential argument. The bottom line remains. The only prescription drugs that the right wingers want excluded from the health insurance baseline is female contraceptives.

Y'know, asshole, since Gabby Giffords resigned, every single elected representative I have is male, and off the top of my head, I believe they're all white and middle-aged. I elected them, with the help of my fellow constituents, to speak for me. That is MY choice, as a woman. Who the FUCK elected YOU to speak for me, or any other woman, that you feel it's okay to barge in and impose YOUR ideas of what's good for women and what women should want over that of the officials I elected? Those "middle-aged white males" that you're constantly bitching and moaning about have the imprimatur of MY vote. What claim to legitimacy do YOU have, Penis Breath?

Actually, douche bag, I have every right to express my opinion of people wanting to get government back in the bedroom, and turn back the clock on Grisworld v Connecticut which has been the law of the land for over 40 years. If you don't want to use contraception, don't. But you don't have the right to tell me I don't have the right to say exactly what I think of the behavior of public officials.

As for your stupidity regarding who those "middle-aged white males" under discussion are, they are not elected. The were asked to be an advisory panel, regarding female contraception. Damn, you're stupid.

"Penis Breath"? Suppose I used a term like "**** Breath" to describe you? I wouldn't of course stoop to your level, but it would be interesting to see your expected double standard, and the reactionary pissants jump all over me.
I'm is the argument "a woman's medical decisions regarding reproduction" have anything at all to do with "the government should not force employers to pay for birth control"?

If you are going to force employers to foot the bill, then employers are going to have some questions about exactly what they're paying for.

So you know, you brought the employers into the bedroom. How do you like it?
Actually, douche bag, I have every right to express my opinion of people wanting to get government back in the bedroom, and turn back the clock on Grisworld v Connecticut which has been the law of the land for over 40 years. If you don't want to use contraception, don't. But you don't have the right to tell me I don't have the right to say exactly what I think of the behavior of public officials.

Wow Dick Suck, you sure put a lot of effort into the Big Lie.

How long did it take you to purge the last fragments of integrity?

As for your stupidity regarding who those "middle-aged white males" under discussion are, they are not elected. The were asked to be an advisory panel, regarding female contraception. Damn, you're stupid.

"Penis Breath"? Suppose I used a term like "**** Breath" to describe you? I wouldn't of course stoop to your level, but it would be interesting to see your expected double standard, and the reactionary pissants jump all over me.

Hey, you chose to be "Dick Suck," so penis breath is sort of expected...
I'm is the argument "a woman's medical decisions regarding reproduction" have anything at all to do with "the government should not force employers to pay for birth control"?

It's just more Big Lie technique.

Dick Suck wants to pretend that someone is making birth control illegal.

The Big Lie sells better than the truth. The fucking liars (formerly democratic) party did focus groups and found that lying and claiming that Republicans were trying to make birth control illegal polled more favorably for Il Douche, Obama - than the truth that Obama is revoking the First Amendment.

Dick Suck is lying for it's party.

If you are going to force employers to foot the bill, then employers are going to have some questions about exactly what they're paying for.

So you know, you brought the employers into the bedroom. How do you like it?

As long as the First Amendment is considered the law of the land, Obama won't rest. Dick Suck is a drone in the army of Obama - his job is to promote the Big Lie.
Actually, douche bag, I have every right to express my opinion of people wanting to get government back in the bedroom, and turn back the clock on Grisworld v Connecticut which has been the law of the land for over 40 years. If you don't want to use contraception, don't. But you don't have the right to tell me I don't have the right to say exactly what I think of the behavior of public officials.

Wow Dick Suck, you sure put a lot of effort into the Big Lie.

How long did it take you to purge the last fragments of integrity?

Educate yourself, moron. Griswold v. Connecticut - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The advisory panel, for the Blunt amendment, was certainly all middle-aged white males. As for mandates to the healthcare insurance industry, this is nothing new. Telling that industry what baseline services they must provide is a necessary and just function of government.

But your logic is lacking. Should interstate providers of healthcare insurance not be forced to provide prostate screening, because women have no need of it? That's your essential argument. The bottom line remains. The only prescription drugs that the right wingers want excluded from the health insurance baseline is female contraceptives.

Y'know, asshole, since Gabby Giffords resigned, every single elected representative I have is male, and off the top of my head, I believe they're all white and middle-aged. I elected them, with the help of my fellow constituents, to speak for me. That is MY choice, as a woman. Who the FUCK elected YOU to speak for me, or any other woman, that you feel it's okay to barge in and impose YOUR ideas of what's good for women and what women should want over that of the officials I elected? Those "middle-aged white males" that you're constantly bitching and moaning about have the imprimatur of MY vote. What claim to legitimacy do YOU have, Penis Breath?

Actually, douche bag, I have every right to express my opinion of people wanting to get government back in the bedroom, and turn back the clock on Grisworld v Connecticut which has been the law of the land for over 40 years. If you don't want to use contraception, don't. But you don't have the right to tell me I don't have the right to say exactly what I think of the behavior of public officials.

As for your stupidity regarding who those "middle-aged white males" under discussion are, they are not elected. The were asked to be an advisory panel, regarding female contraception. Damn, you're stupid.

"Penis Breath"? Suppose I used a term like "**** Breath" to describe you? I wouldn't of course stoop to your level, but it would be interesting to see your expected double standard, and the reactionary pissants jump all over me.

You're also a tyrant....

Sometimes tyrannical "opinions" can land your ass in trouble...
Actually, douche bag, I have every right to express my opinion of people wanting to get government back in the bedroom, and turn back the clock on Grisworld v Connecticut which has been the law of the land for over 40 years. If you don't want to use contraception, don't. But you don't have the right to tell me I don't have the right to say exactly what I think of the behavior of public officials.

Wow Dick Suck, you sure put a lot of effort into the Big Lie.

How long did it take you to purge the last fragments of integrity?

Educate yourself, moron. Griswold v. Connecticut - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The case is famous, not because of the subject, but because of the outlandish activist decision that was handed down by asshole Douglas & Co.

Here is from the dissenting opinion (Steward & Black):

Since 1879 Connecticut has had on its books a law which forbids the use of contraceptives by anyone. I think this is an uncommonly silly law. As a practical matter, the law is obviously unenforceable, except in the oblique context of the present case. As a philosophical matter, I believe the use of contraceptives in the relationship of marriage should be left to personal and private choice, based upon each individual's moral, ethical, and religious beliefs. As a matter of social policy, I think professional counsel about methods of birth control should be available to all, so that each individual's choice can be meaningfully made. But we are not asked in this case to say whether we think this law is unwise, or even asinine. We are asked to hold that it violates the United States Constitution. And that I cannot do.

So, seems you might want to educate yourself.
The advisory panel, for the Blunt amendment, was certainly all middle-aged white males. As for mandates to the healthcare insurance industry, this is nothing new. Telling that industry what baseline services they must provide is a necessary and just function of government.

But your logic is lacking. Should interstate providers of healthcare insurance not be forced to provide prostate screening, because women have no need of it? That's your essential argument. The bottom line remains. The only prescription drugs that the right wingers want excluded from the health insurance baseline is female contraceptives.

Y'know, asshole, since Gabby Giffords resigned, every single elected representative I have is male, and off the top of my head, I believe they're all white and middle-aged. I elected them, with the help of my fellow constituents, to speak for me. That is MY choice, as a woman. Who the FUCK elected YOU to speak for me, or any other woman, that you feel it's okay to barge in and impose YOUR ideas of what's good for women and what women should want over that of the officials I elected? Those "middle-aged white males" that you're constantly bitching and moaning about have the imprimatur of MY vote. What claim to legitimacy do YOU have, Penis Breath?

Actually, douche bag, I have every right to express my opinion of people wanting to get government back in the bedroom, and turn back the clock on Grisworld v Connecticut which has been the law of the land for over 40 years. If you don't want to use contraception, don't. But you don't have the right to tell me I don't have the right to say exactly what I think of the behavior of public officials.

As for your stupidity regarding who those "middle-aged white males" under discussion are, they are not elected. The were asked to be an advisory panel, regarding female contraception. Damn, you're stupid.

"Penis Breath"? Suppose I used a term like "**** Breath" to describe you? I wouldn't of course stoop to your level, but it would be interesting to see your expected double standard, and the reactionary pissants jump all over me.

You're right, you DO have a right to interject your unsolicited, unwanted opinion into debates that have fuck-all to do with you . . . and so does everyone else. The POINT, shitforbrains, is that YOU are the one who keeps harping on how "middle-aged, white males are deciding women's reproductive choices" while completely missing the fact that YOU'RE TRYING TO DO THE SAME THING. I realize that being a liberal male automatically puts you two standard deviations below me on the IQ scale, but even someone of your limited brain wattage should be able to see what a fucking hypocrite you're being . . . especially when you've been hit upside your thick, Neanderthal head with it.

Feel free to use any term you like. In the first place, I'm not a liberal female, so I'm not hypocritical enough to shriek about my interchangeability with men and then retire to the fainting couch with smelling salts the first time someone doesn't treat me with kid gloves. In the second place, I think I've made it obvious that I don't consider you worthy to line my cat's litter box, so why in the hell should your opinion mean shit to me?

As for the advisory panel, who asked them to participate? Um, that would be elected officials. Who asked YOU to stick your two cents worth in? Nobody. So we're back to SOMEONE has legitimacy to speak to the issue, and SOMEONE is just trying to impose the opinion of himself and his penis onto women.

And by the way, I just LOVE the misogyny you display while trying to claim the right to speak for the women you so obviously hate (unless they're toeing your party line). Even more hypocrisy.
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Y'know, asshole, since Gabby Giffords resigned, every single elected representative I have is male, and off the top of my head, I believe they're all white and middle-aged. I elected them, with the help of my fellow constituents, to speak for me. That is MY choice, as a woman. Who the FUCK elected YOU to speak for me, or any other woman, that you feel it's okay to barge in and impose YOUR ideas of what's good for women and what women should want over that of the officials I elected? Those "middle-aged white males" that you're constantly bitching and moaning about have the imprimatur of MY vote. What claim to legitimacy do YOU have, Penis Breath?

Actually, douche bag, I have every right to express my opinion of people wanting to get government back in the bedroom, and turn back the clock on Grisworld v Connecticut which has been the law of the land for over 40 years. If you don't want to use contraception, don't. But you don't have the right to tell me I don't have the right to say exactly what I think of the behavior of public officials.

As for your stupidity regarding who those "middle-aged white males" under discussion are, they are not elected. The were asked to be an advisory panel, regarding female contraception. Damn, you're stupid.

"Penis Breath"? Suppose I used a term like "**** Breath" to describe you? I wouldn't of course stoop to your level, but it would be interesting to see your expected double standard, and the reactionary pissants jump all over me.

You're also a tyrant....

Sometimes tyrannical "opinions" can land your ass in trouble...

Wanting women to maintain their reproductive rights, with over 40 years of case law, is tyrannical? Yeah, and day is night and up is down when you step to the right wing looking glass.

That's relevant, how?

No one is seeking to make birth control illegal, Dick Suck.

You're just lying for your shameful party.

No, what you and your ilk is seeking is to have government enact laws regarding a regulated industry, in such a way that it respects establishment of specific religions. You want to see a violation of a woman's privacy, which is a right that Griswold, and about 8 other Supreme Court precedents maintain is an individual right. This in the face of a blue ribbon panel of outside experts in public health made the recommendation that contraceptive be part of baseline health insurance.

No one is questioning the right of the Catholic Church to be against contraception, which I see as pretty whimsical (so do a majority of Catholics btw). What's in question is the right of the Church to demand legislation be altered because of some Papal Bull about contraception. What is the public purpose in making this change? Did Obama not offer a fair compromise?

So yeah, I see you wanting to turn the clock back to where government dictates what happens between consenting adults in the privacy of their bedroom.
I thought you were the ones who wanted laws enacted regarding free health care and birth control for ALL...and who passed the laws requiring employers to fund it???

Cold feet?
I thought you were the ones who wanted laws enacted regarding free health care and birth control for ALL...and who passed the laws requiring employers to fund it???

Cold feet?

Who ever said anything about free?

You listen to too much rightwing talk radio
Free enough.

Not free to the employers certainly.

but free for the women having the the behest of the government.

So the government advocating for sex without consequences...that puts them right in the bedroom, where you want them.
Free enough.

Not free to the employers certainly.

but free for the women having the the behest of the government.

So the government advocating for sex without consequences...that puts them right in the bedroom, where you want them.

What the government is advocating for is a policy that will reduce the costs of healthcare overall, all while giving those who are insured more choices.

The Repubs are saying, "wait", is it right for the government to make me do something?

Both are valid arguments.

But I think you're misconstruing the facts to say that the government is "advocating for sex without consequences". That's not their aim.
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Actually, douche bag, I have every right to express my opinion of people wanting to get government back in the bedroom, and turn back the clock on Grisworld v Connecticut which has been the law of the land for over 40 years. If you don't want to use contraception, don't. But you don't have the right to tell me I don't have the right to say exactly what I think of the behavior of public officials.

As for your stupidity regarding who those "middle-aged white males" under discussion are, they are not elected. The were asked to be an advisory panel, regarding female contraception. Damn, you're stupid.

"Penis Breath"? Suppose I used a term like "**** Breath" to describe you? I wouldn't of course stoop to your level, but it would be interesting to see your expected double standard, and the reactionary pissants jump all over me.

You're also a tyrant....

Sometimes tyrannical "opinions" can land your ass in trouble...

Wanting women to maintain their reproductive rights, with over 40 years of case law, is tyrannical? Yeah, and day is night and up is down when you step to the right wing looking glass.

Wouldn't it be up to WOMEN to decide what is and isn't tyrannical over them? Here's a newsflash, Penis Bearer: you're lecturing a bunch of women on what "women's reproductive rights" are and should be and how they should be protected. If you had two brain cells to rub together in your whole, testosterone-soaked head, you would clue in to how completely ass-backward, bullshit WRONG that is.
Free enough.

Not free to the employers certainly.

but free for the women having the the behest of the government.

So the government advocating for sex without consequences...that puts them right in the bedroom, where you want them.

People have sex.....been doing it for millions of years

What birth control does is allows them to have sex without the fear of an unwanted pregnancy. Why do you want "consequences" every time you have sex?

Are you that uptight?
Yes, people have had sex for years and years (millions? really?)

And the result of sex has always been pregnancy.

Which is why we have institutions like protect women when they are pregnant, and to provide a stable environment for children.

Because for many years, it has been in man's best interests to procreate.

Responsibly. That means..have sex responsibly.

When you don't, you end up with a whole population of criminal and neglected people...

Telling them they should have unfettered sex is not the answer.

And if you don't like the consequences of sex, I advise you to take it up with God. Because there ARE consequences to sex, whether you like it or not.

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