Ann Coulter gives Sandra Fluke and her supporters a reality check.

Yes, people have had sex for years and years (millions? really?)

And the result of sex has always been pregnancy.

Which is why we have institutions like protect women when they are pregnant, and to provide a stable environment for children.

Because for many years, it has been in man's best interests to procreate.

Responsibly. That means..have sex responsibly.

When you don't, you end up with a whole population of criminal and neglected people...

Telling them they should have unfettered sex is not the answer.

And if you don't like the consequences of sex, I advise you to take it up with God. Because there ARE consequences to sex, whether you like it or not.

The goal of sex doesn't always have to be "have a baby", nor does it always have to be the "result" of sex. You can also enjoy sex for fun.

It's a great way to spend an afternoon, and burn a couple of calories.

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Yes, people have had sex for years and years (millions? really?)

And the result of sex has always been pregnancy.

Which is why we have institutions like protect women when they are pregnant, and to provide a stable environment for children.

Because for many years, it has been in man's best interests to procreate.

Responsibly. That means..have sex responsibly.

When you don't, you end up with a whole population of criminal and neglected people...

Telling them they should have unfettered sex is not the answer.

And if you don't like the consequences of sex, I advise you to take it up with God. Because there ARE consequences to sex, whether you like it or not.

People fuck for fun........god wants it that way
If god didn't want you to fuck....he wouldn't make it feel so good

It is not dirty, it is a natural act that all animals do....and yes, we are animals too. But we also are aware of our environment and that all that fun fucking leads to children. We like to limit children to the number we can comfortably support but we don't want to give up hot, sweaty, bed rocking sex. That is where birth control comes in

It allows us to fuck like crazy and not produce ten or eleven children
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Yes, people have had sex for years and years (millions? really?)

And the result of sex has always been pregnancy.

Which is why we have institutions like protect women when they are pregnant, and to provide a stable environment for children.

Because for many years, it has been in man's best interests to procreate.

Responsibly. That means..have sex responsibly.

When you don't, you end up with a whole population of criminal and neglected people...

Telling them they should have unfettered sex is not the answer.

And if you don't like the consequences of sex, I advise you to take it up with God. Because there ARE consequences to sex, whether you like it or not.

so sex is only for procreation not recreation?
People fuck for fun........god wants it that way
If god didn't want you to fuck....he wouldn't make it feel so good

It is not dirty, it is a natural act that all animals do....and yes, we are animals too. But we also are aware of our environment and that all that fun fucking leads to children. We like to limit children to the number we can comfortably support but we don't want to give up hot, sweaty, bed rocking sex. That is where birth control comes in

It allows us to fuck like crazy and not produce ten or eleven children

So you talk to God now ?
People fuck for fun........god wants it that way
If god didn't want you to fuck....he wouldn't make it feel so good

It is not dirty, it is a natural act that all animals do....and yes, we are animals too. But we also are aware of our environment and that all that fun fucking leads to children. We like to limit children to the number we can comfortably support but we don't want to give up hot, sweaty, bed rocking sex. That is where birth control comes in

It allows us to fuck like crazy and not produce ten or eleven children

So you talk to God now ?

Especially when I am fucking...

Oh god.......oh God......Oh GOD


That's relevant, how?

No one is seeking to make birth control illegal, Dick Suck.

You're just lying for your shameful party.
The big lie is that the GOP does not want to make the birth control pill illegal.

The GOP goal is to make the BC pill illegal in TWO steps. First get the fetus declared a "person" FROM THE TIME OF CONCEPTION. And second have the BC pill declared an ABORTIFACIENT. The GOP have already tried on numerous occasions, both on a Federal and State level, to have "personhood" legally imposed on the fetus FROM THE TIME OF CONCEPTION. Once they succeed at that, then it's only a matter of time before the BC pill is history.

New Evangelical Documentary Exposes Abortifacient Qualities of the Birth Control Pill, Promotes NFP |
New Evangelical Documentary Exposes Abortifacient Qualities of the Birth Control Pill, Promotes NFP


  • Wed May 27, 2009 11:15 EST

By Alex Bush

May 27, 2009 ( – A documentary called “28 Days on the Pill” has been released that seeks expose the abortifacient properties of the birth control pill. The documentary explains that many forms of birth control pills contain progestins, which thin the endometrium, the walls of the uterus, which in turn causes it to become inhospitable to a conceived ovum. This inhospitality may cause a newly conceived human being not to implant in the endometrium and cause an abortion
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Free enough.

Not free to the employers certainly.

but free for the women having the the behest of the government.

So the government advocating for sex without consequences...that puts them right in the bedroom, where you want them.

Nope, it keeps them out. The choice is up to the individuals involved, and not some rightwing loons.
Rush went a bit over the line. He also apologized.

Coulter is simply noting that Fluke went out of her way to become the center of attention.

she got attention beyond what she was hoping for in some ways.

Ho hum.

I'm quite sure it won't affect her future job prospects.
You're also a tyrant....

Sometimes tyrannical "opinions" can land your ass in trouble...

Wanting women to maintain their reproductive rights, with over 40 years of case law, is tyrannical? Yeah, and day is night and up is down when you step to the right wing looking glass.

Wouldn't it be up to WOMEN to decide what is and isn't tyrannical over them? Here's a newsflash, Penis Bearer: you're lecturing a bunch of women on what "women's reproductive rights" are and should be and how they should be protected. If you had two brain cells to rub together in your whole, testosterone-soaked head, you would clue in to how completely ass-backward, bullshit WRONG that is.

Rush went a bit over the line. He also apologized.

Coulter is simply noting that Fluke went out of her way to become the center of attention.

she got attention beyond what she was hoping for in some ways.

Ho hum.

I'm quite sure it won't affect her future job prospects.

And I notice that Fluke didn't protest herself being made the center of attention...not ONE iota.

She was a plant...her purpose was nefarious.
People fuck for fun........god wants it that way
If god didn't want you to fuck....he wouldn't make it feel so good

It is not dirty, it is a natural act that all animals do....and yes, we are animals too. But we also are aware of our environment and that all that fun fucking leads to children. We like to limit children to the number we can comfortably support but we don't want to give up hot, sweaty, bed rocking sex. That is where birth control comes in

It allows us to fuck like crazy and not produce ten or eleven children

So you talk to God now ?

who are you to say he does not?
Since Ann Coulter doesn't have any children, I have to wonder what she uses for birth control...

I'm thinking her personality.

She uses BCP. She just doesn't demand people who don't want birth control pills must buy them for her so she doesn't have to. The belief it is the responsibility of society to provide them with carefree fucking is a left wing extremist thing, not something normal people buy into.
Since Ann Coulter doesn't have any children, I have to wonder what she uses for birth control...

I'm thinking her personality.

She uses BCP. She just doesn't demand people who don't want birth control pills must buy them for her so she doesn't have to. The belief it is the responsibility of society to provide them with carefree fucking is a left wing extremist thing, not something normal people buy into.
Fluke isn't normal, and a women on a quest to be a tool of the left that will soon be forgotten as Sheehan once her purpose is served.
People fuck for fun........god wants it that way
If god didn't want you to fuck....he wouldn't make it feel so good

It is not dirty, it is a natural act that all animals do....and yes, we are animals too. But we also are aware of our environment and that all that fun fucking leads to children. We like to limit children to the number we can comfortably support but we don't want to give up hot, sweaty, bed rocking sex. That is where birth control comes in

It allows us to fuck like crazy and not produce ten or eleven children

So you talk to God now ?

who are you to say he does not?

Did I say that ?

Don't think so.

I asked a question.
Since Ann Coulter doesn't have any children, I have to wonder what she uses for birth control...

I'm thinking her personality.

She uses BCP. She just doesn't demand people who don't want birth control pills must buy them for her so she doesn't have to. The belief it is the responsibility of society to provide them with carefree fucking is a left wing extremist thing, not something normal people buy into.
Fluke isn't normal, and a women on a quest to be a tool of the left that will soon be forgotten as Sheehan once her purpose is served.

So why wouldn't Blunt allow a law student, with standing regarding Georgetown's policy, to speak, in spite of being asked to by the Democratic members of that committee? In fact, why didn't Blunt ask for any medical experts who advised on that policy to speak? Perhaps he just wanted a pony show for the Evangelicals, without any consideration of the public purpose of the Amendment he proposed. Nope, all he wanted was a set of hand picked theologians to speak on the subject.

It is interesting to see the right wing try to smear her like they did with Cindy Sheehan.
Yes, people have had sex for years and years (millions? really?)

And the result of sex has always been pregnancy.

Which is why we have institutions like protect women when they are pregnant, and to provide a stable environment for children.

Because for many years, it has been in man's best interests to procreate.

Responsibly. That means..have sex responsibly.

When you don't, you end up with a whole population of criminal and neglected people...

Telling them they should have unfettered sex is not the answer.

And if you don't like the consequences of sex, I advise you to take it up with God. Because there ARE consequences to sex, whether you like it or not.

so sex is only for procreation not recreation?

Did I say that?

Let's stick to the actual words that are said, shall we? This will be a practice in discipline for you, which apparently you need.

Do you think we should never take part in any activity that has consequences?

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