Ann Coulter gives Sandra Fluke and her supporters a reality check.

That ship has sailed, right-wingers. You have already lost this battle and the war, but please continue arguing the benefits of Betamax.

Nobody cares what you think.
The ship that has sailed is liberal control of Capitol Hill. It ends in November.
Hey Salty...It was claimed in November of 2008 that since the new President was a black guy, everything was gonna be roses for black people. How's that working out for ya?
Oh that's right. He has told you he needs "just one more term" and he's going to make it all better. Because "yes, I had other things going on, but I ma here for you now. Please vote for me this November"....
What is the difference between a politician who makes all kinds of promises and then does nothing and a two bit carnival charlatan?....Nothing.

You're an asshole.
You are dismissed as an Obama sycophant. Your posts ignored.

They are just bar whores.


That's fucking hilarious
And I'm going to bet that a) couples having sex as an expression of love and bonding aren't going through $1000 a year in birth control

How do you figure?

I'd argue that the more loving and fiery your relationship is, the more you'll spend on contraception.

If you express your love 4 times weekly, and don't want a kid yet, you'd probably find it in your best interest to invest in some form of contraception to protect yourselves.

If you sleep in a separate bed than your spouse, when faced with the contraception investment you'd probably say "screw it", why spend on contraception? ....we don't have sex anyways.

Hey dummy.....The pill is taken once a day whether the woman has sex or not.
" you'd probably find it in your best interest to invest in some form of contraception to protect yourselves."....The operatives being "best interest" and "invest"...

This is working out great...

I really hope Republicans keep this on the front burner right up till the election
Hey dummy.....The pill is taken once a day whether the woman has sex or not.
" you'd probably find it in your best interest to invest in some form of contraception to protect yourselves."....The operatives being "best interest" and "invest"...

Hey dummy, first of all I mention the word “contraception” specifically – not the pill. And secondly, you can’t argue that the sexually active couple will probably be more likely to BE ON the pill than the non-sexually active couple, because a couple might take the risk of not being protected if they have sex once a year, but it would be foolish to take that risk if they have sex four times a week.


PERSONALLY, I’d rather pay for contraceptives for sexually active couples within my insurance pool than pay for their inevitable pregnancy.

Think of it this way. Let’s say that you and nine other sexually active women (who don’t want kids at this time) are in an insurance pool. Would you rather your insurance company dish out $100 for birth control, or take the risk and have your insurance pay out $12,000+ each when they get pregnant? Note that if the baby is born prematurely, or if the woman gets gestational diabetes, or a c-section, ect, these costs can rise to the $100,000+ range.

You’re going TO PAY for the irresponsible decisions of people in your insurance pool whether you like it or not, with this case in the form of an unwanted pregnancy by a sexually active female who is not trying to have a child but gets pregnant anyways.

Personally, I like to protect myself from risk (this is the key concept here), and therefore I’d support my insurance company if they offered the pill to women who want it.
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What the government is advocating for is a policy that will reduce the costs of healthcare overall, all while giving those who are insured more choices.

Wow, what a wonderful and benevolent ruler we have, all while reducing the costs...

{The strategy of hide and delay may have collapsed with a new Congressional Budget Office report that reveals that the current 10-year cost of ObamaCare is an astounding $1.76 trillion. That's nearly double the $900 billion President Obama told a special session of Congress on Sept. 9, 2009, that ObamaCare would cost. He also claimed the "plan will not add to our deficit."

The new projection is from 2013 to 2022, and when 2014 arrives and costs and taxes are in sync, the 10-year cost of ObamaCare is expected to be well in excess of $2 trillion. Fact is, the administration has no clue and never had one concerning how much ObamaCare and its consequences would drive up costs, a fact grudgingly admitted to by Kathleen Sebelius, secretary of Health and Human Services, under questioning by Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis.}

ObamaCare's True 10-Year Cost Out By CBO At $1.76 Trillion -

Heckuvajob Barry.

The Repubs are saying, "wait", is it right for the government to make me do something?

Both are valid arguments.

But I think you're misconstruing the facts to say that the government is "advocating for sex without consequences". That's not their aim.

The Repubs are saying, "Wait, we kind of liked that whole constitution thing."

Obama doesn't, though. Not one bit.
Who ever said anything about free?

You listen to too much rightwing talk radio

Yeah, you just want to rule with an iron fist, you don't care WHO pays for it.....

Actually, I don't care

And I don't care who pays for your insulin or who pays for your blood pressure medication or who pays for your heart pills

It's all part of being in an insurance pool
People fuck for fun........god wants it that way
If god didn't want you to fuck....he wouldn't make it feel so good

That's nice.

Pay for your own fucking

It is not dirty, it is a natural act that all animals do....and yes, we are animals too. But we also are aware of our environment and that all that fun fucking leads to children. We like to limit children to the number we can comfortably support but we don't want to give up hot, sweaty, bed rocking sex. That is where birth control comes in

It allows us to fuck like crazy and not produce ten or eleven children

That's nice.

Pay for your own fucking (which I'm sure you do.)

So sparky, should the Catholic Church and other Catholic institutions be forced by Dear Leader to pay for your hookers?
That's nice.

Pay for your own fucking

Uncensored, are you covered by medical insurance?

If so, are you aware that if a sexually active couple who wants no kids, in your insurance pool, is irresponsible and gets pregnant because they don't use contraception, you will have to pay for that?

Do you tell them to "pay for your own fucking" in that scenario too, and petition your insurance company not to pay for the costs of pregnancy?

Do you at least agree that by insurance covering the BC pill, you and the entire insurance pool will be protected to a degree from the financial risk of an unwanted pregnancy?
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Actually, I don't care

Do you support Obama in his war to end the 1st Amendment?


And I don't care who pays for your insulin or who pays for your blood pressure medication or who pays for your heart pills

It's all part of being in an insurance pool

Great, then Obama can fuck off and let a free people negotiate the health plans they want.
Pay a little now or a lot later. I thought righties were supposed to be better at finance than that! :doubt:

So, can you list the verbiage of the provisions outlawing birth control?


There is not such thing?

You're just using the Big Lie?

How about that....
People fuck for fun........god wants it that way
If god didn't want you to fuck....he wouldn't make it feel so good

That's nice.

Pay for your own fucking

It is not dirty, it is a natural act that all animals do....and yes, we are animals too. But we also are aware of our environment and that all that fun fucking leads to children. We like to limit children to the number we can comfortably support but we don't want to give up hot, sweaty, bed rocking sex. That is where birth control comes in

It allows us to fuck like crazy and not produce ten or eleven children

That's nice.

Pay for your own fucking (which I'm sure you do.)

So sparky, should the Catholic Church and other Catholic institutions be forced by Dear Leader to pay for your hookers?

People fuck whether birth control is available or not.......been doing it for a million years

What we are paying for is to keep down the number of unwanted pregnancies.
Actually, I don't care

Do you support Obama in his war to end the 1st Amendment?


And I don't care who pays for your insulin or who pays for your blood pressure medication or who pays for your heart pills

It's all part of being in an insurance pool

Great, then Obama can fuck off and let a free people negotiate the health plans they want.

People don't get to negotiate the health insurance they want........their employers do
Jesus's just birth control, it's been around for fifty years

Why the sudden GOP outrage that women actually want to have sex without getting pregnant?

You really have that little understanding of the subject? Nobody gives a shit about a 30 something year old "coed" wanting to fuck anyone she wants to...... the issue is the bullshit show she put on for the cameras and continues to. Her insurance covers the purchase of birth control pills for medical reasons. The insurance doesn't cover the minuscule cost of birth control pills and condoms....... why should they and where does it stop? Should insurance cover the handcuffs she wants her girlfriend to bind her to her bed with? How about giant double ended dildos, should insurance cover that too? Strap-ons? Why should the cost of my insurance go up to cover this asshole?

How about a car to get her to her classes, gas to go in the car, upkeep of the car, parking? What else do you want to give this jerk?

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