Ann Coulter in response to those who call Obamacare "the law of the land"....


VIP Member
Jun 2, 2013
"So are our immigration laws"

Haha got 'em!

It was passed illegally without the House ever voting on the Senate bill and became law absent a single Republican vote -- even "the girls from Maine" and "the girl from Arizona" -- the only major legislation ever enacted on a strict party-line vote. The Supreme Court had to violate the Constitution's separation of powers to uphold Obamacare as a "tax" -- despite the fact that no elected body could ever have enacted such a massive tax hike even with the sleazy parliamentary tricks used to pass this bill.

Proving that everyone hates it, Congress has now exempted itself from Obamacare's provisions, having asked for, and received, a waiver from President Obama.

Yes, these are the exact same politicians who lecture us that Obamacare is "the law of the land!" (So are our immigration laws.)
The House didn't vote on the Senate bill? That would be news to the House!

I think the main thing she was trying to explain is the irony in the elitist "too bad it's the law" attitude liberals hold towards Obamacare while calling for reform or showing no tolerance to our immigration laws

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