Ann Coulter refers to Ted Kennedy as, "Glad he's gone human pestilence" on MJ.

Only CON$ are stupid enough to think Lafayette and John Paul Jones are founding fathers.

So Jefferson, Franklin, and Washington werent too?
There was no bust of Jefferson, Gore named Franklin himself, and he didn't point to Washington when he asked the curator to ID Lafayette and J P Jones.
Try again.

Thanks for the excellent posts on this topic.

This is a great example of wingnut received wisdom. They believe that Gore didn't recognize a bust of Franklin, just like they believe that Gore made up the story about being an inspiration for the character of Oliver in Love Story.

Maybe they think Jefferson would have sat around Monticello with looking at a bust of himself with admiration---or maybe they don't realize that Monticello was Jefferson's home.
So Jefferson, Franklin, and Washington werent too?
There was no bust of Jefferson, Gore named Franklin himself, and he didn't point to Washington when he asked the curator to ID Lafayette and J P Jones.
Try again.

Thanks for the excellent posts on this topic.

This is a great example of wingnut received wisdom. They believe that Gore didn't recognize a bust of Franklin, just like they believe that Gore made up the story about being an inspiration for the character of Oliver in Love Story.

Maybe they think Jefferson would have sat around Monticello with looking at a bust of himself with admiration---or maybe they don't realize that Monticello was Jefferson's home.
CON$ only "know" what their MessiahRushie tells them.

November 17, 2010
RUSH: It's kind of like Algore walking into a museum and pointing, "Who was that?" "That's Benjamin Franklin, Mr. Vice President." "Well, who's that?" "That's Thomas Jefferson, Mr. Vice President." He was in Monticello, at Thomas Jefferson's house. "Who's that?" "Thomas Jefferson."
Al Gore was never noted for his intelligence until he ran for president and his IQ became OFF the CHARTS, sorta like obama who doesn't know England is part of Great Britian.
There was no bust of Jefferson, Gore named Franklin himself, and he didn't point to Washington when he asked the curator to ID Lafayette and J P Jones.
Try again.

Thanks for the excellent posts on this topic.

This is a great example of wingnut received wisdom. They believe that Gore didn't recognize a bust of Franklin, just like they believe that Gore made up the story about being an inspiration for the character of Oliver in Love Story.

Maybe they think Jefferson would have sat around Monticello with looking at a bust of himself with admiration---or maybe they don't realize that Monticello was Jefferson's home.
CON$ only "know" what their MessiahRushie tells them.

November 17, 2010
RUSH: It's kind of like Algore walking into a museum and pointing, "Who was that?" "That's Benjamin Franklin, Mr. Vice President." "Well, who's that?" "That's Thomas Jefferson, Mr. Vice President." He was in Monticello, at Thomas Jefferson's house. "Who's that?" "Thomas Jefferson."
They have an aversion to intelligence, and prefer candidates like Cain, Bachmann, and Perry, none of which could be mistaken for being intelligent.
Why pay any attention to her?

She's a professional rightwing hate-monger and you know it.

Don't you ever get tired of being outraged by professional propagandists whose job it is to delight or outrage partisan imbeciles?

A quick jaunt down the aisles of your local Barnes & Noble book store will illustrate quite clearly that the quickest way to sell a book these days is to make partisan, over the top claims. People like Coulter understand that...just like Michael Moore understands that he won't be successful if he makes a movie that's impartial.

There is a difference. Whether you agree with him or not, Moore is a very creative filmmaker. All Ann does is open up her freaking mouth. Any idiot Republican can do that (and a lot of them do).

Your guys' personal hatred for people you've never met (and never will met) and couldn't keep up with intellectually if you did is kind of frightening.

This is what happens when the mob is faced with fact and truth. It grabs its torches and its rope, and starts planning a hanging.
Why pay any attention to her?

She's a professional rightwing hate-monger and you know it.

Don't you ever get tired of being outraged by professional propagandists whose job it is to delight or outrage partisan imbeciles?

A quick jaunt down the aisles of your local Barnes & Noble book store will illustrate quite clearly that the quickest way to sell a book these days is to make partisan, over the top claims. People like Coulter understand that...just like Michael Moore understands that he won't be successful if he makes a movie that's impartial.

There is a difference. Whether you agree with him or not, Moore is a very creative filmmaker. All Ann does is open up her freaking mouth. Any idiot Republican can do that (and a lot of them do).

Your explaination of the difference exposes your political leanings.

They both spew funny bullshit.
Seeing through somebody's sick little mind games is not "hatred", but you did just earn another point on RWNJ™ troll bingo, so I gotta thank you for that.

Sorry, I'm not the troll. I actually contribute substance. When was the last time (or any time) you contributed anything to a thread other than "hang the righties/kill the babies/Ann C is BAAAAD"?
Seeing through somebody's sick little mind games is not "hatred", but you did just earn another point on RWNJ™ troll bingo, so I gotta thank you for that.

Sorry, I'm not the troll. I actually contribute substance. When was the last time (or any time) you contributed anything to a thread other than "hang the righties/kill the babies/Ann C is BAAAAD"?

You won't get a truthful answer because the truth is you are right about the contributions being made/not made.
For all that the leftist mob continually screams that Rush and Coulter lie, they cannot provide a list of their lies. When they attempt, it's disjointed, garbled silliness that consists of a phrase here, a word or two there, that they have strung together to create a picture of a lie, but which is, in and of itself, simply a lie they've created.

Moore on the other
The reason that the left hates Ann Coulter so much, is because she took an activity that was solely the jurisdiction of the left, turned it around, and made it her own. Her points are valid, she's good at it... and that just makes the left absolutely scream bloody murder.

Ann Coulter, just like Rush Limbaugh, is a bomb thrower. Her and Rush make observations that everyone was thinking and they say them outloud. And for the left, that is just unacceptable. I mean if the OWS crowd stands in the middle of the intersection and screams that everyone making a million dollars or more should have their assests seized forcibly by the government and 'distributed' to the needy, but that's okay. "Why those young people just make me proud."

Van Jones, the watermelon man, can stand in front of a college group and DEMAND a violent, revolutionary over throw of the United States government, but that's okay. You see that's free speech under the first amendment.

But Ann Coulter says something about an icon of the left, Ted Kennedy, who's personal integrity is on the same level as a rutting pig, and it's as if she has spoken ill of one of the founding fathers.

Whine much?
For all that the leftist mob continually screams that Rush and Coulter lie, they cannot provide a list of their lies. When they attempt, it's disjointed, garbled silliness that consists of a phrase here, a word or two there, that they have strung together to create a picture of a lie, but which is, in and of itself, simply a lie they've created.

Moore on the other
This said in the face of both being caught in the same Gore at Monticello lie, quoted by the Weekly Sub-Standard in their review of "Slander" and a video from your MessiahRushie himself, so apparently we are to believe LimpBoy and the Weekly Sub-Standard are part of the Liberal mob. :cuckoo:

The truth is, it is piss easy for your MessiahRushie to make a LIAR out of HIMSELF

The Obama Mask Has Come Off - The Rush Limbaugh Show
March 19, 2008
RUSH: But two wrongs don't make a right.

Operation Chaos and "Civil Discourse"
May 6, 2008
RUSH: Operation Chaos is balance to all of the fraud that is being committed throughout our electoral process. George Soros is tampering with our electoral process with a huge multibillion-dollar fortune. is tampering with vast fundraising tentacles. The unions... I mean, who doesn't "tamper" with elections, if you want to get right down to it? Everybody tampers with elections because they're trying to influence the outcome. But I'm not a tamperer.

Operation Chaos Rolls Right On, and the Drive-Bys Can't Stop It
May 9, 2008
RUSH: Operation Chaos involves Republican operatives tampering in, messing around with, having fun in, Democrat elections
How did you know I was talking specifically about you, ed?

But thanks for illustrating the point. You are never so stutteringly insane as when you are ranting about conservative talking heads.
It's also the reason Huntsman is so low in the polls, despite being the most consistently conservative and experienced candidate, executively and diplomatically.

Why is it that libs are the only people who believe Huntsman is a conservative?
It's also the reason Huntsman is so low in the polls, despite being the most consistently conservative and experienced candidate, executively and diplomatically.

Why is it that libs are the only people who believe Huntsman is a conservative?

the same reason conservatives view MSNBC as far left while liberals view it as centrist or vise versa with Fox news ;)
The reason that the left hates Ann Coulter so much, is because she took an activity that was solely the jurisdiction of the left, turned it around, and made it her own. Her points are valid, she's good at it... and that just makes the left absolutely scream bloody murder.

Ann Coulter, just like Rush Limbaugh, is a bomb thrower. Her and Rush make observations that everyone was thinking and they say them outloud. And for the left, that is just unacceptable. I mean if the OWS crowd stands in the middle of the intersection and screams that everyone making a million dollars or more should have their assests seized forcibly by the government and 'distributed' to the needy, but that's okay. "Why those young people just make me proud."

Van Jones, the watermelon man, can stand in front of a college group and DEMAND a violent, revolutionary over throw of the United States government, but that's okay. You see that's free speech under the first amendment.

But Ann Coulter says something about an icon of the left, Ted Kennedy, who's personal integrity is on the same level as a rutting pig, and it's as if she has spoken ill of one of the founding fathers.

Whine much?

The bombs are truth, and that is always what unhinges them.

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