Ann Coulter refers to Ted Kennedy as, "Glad he's gone human pestilence" on MJ.

Why don't you answer Ed's post, KG. .... KG. Cagey. Gotcha.

Because I don't take him seriously. He's a far left extremist loon, there's no point in engaging a whackjob.

Oh. Then you should never speak to him again.

OR: Address the issue about Ann's three lies in as many minutes.

Yes, as I said, ed has no credibility. His wackiness neutralizes it.

How did you know I was talking specifically about you, ed?

But thanks for illustrating the point. You are never so stutteringly insane as when you are ranting about conservative talking heads.
Obviously I suddenly became "credible" enough for you to reply to me, but you still are too afraid to comment on having the pack of liars you worship debunked by the Gore at Monticello group lie.
We all know that Coulter and Limpbaugh lie for fun and profit.

The links for Coulter have been provided in this thread, by Ed and by me, and Ed gave you a prime example of Limpbaugh's lies in this thread.

Let's don't argue over something so obvious.
I don't know that.
Nor does anyone else who pays attention.

Your links haven't proved anything, except that you guys are asshats.
trANNy Coulter calling someone else "human pestilence". Ironic.
I'm sure you'd like to see all trannies euthanized.

Thank goodness this isn't a liberal "paradise". Not yet.
I'm sure you'd like to see all trannies euthanized.

Thank goodness this isn't a liberal "paradise". Not yet.

Who is it that you think you're fooling with this stuff?

I'm truly amazed how many mentally ill people post here on a daily basis, and give each other positive rep for completely unhinged posts. It's freakish.
I'm sure you'd like to see all trannies euthanized.

Thank goodness this isn't a liberal "paradise". Not yet.

Who is it that you think you're fooling with this stuff?

I'm truly amazed how many mentally ill people post here on a daily basis, and give each other positive rep for completely unhinged posts. It's freakish.

Here's what gets me-I've posted on boards for about ten years. Ten years ago, the posters were just as unhinged, just as disconnected from reality, just as fact challenged. But they were a fringe of the GOP, never satisfied that the GOP was "conservative" enough. But now, these guys are right in line with the GOP lineup. The candidates are leaders are as crazy as these guys.
I'm sure you'd like to see all trannies euthanized.

Thank goodness this isn't a liberal "paradise". Not yet.

Who is it that you think you're fooling with this stuff?

I'm truly amazed how many mentally ill people post here on a daily basis, and give each other positive rep for completely unhinged posts. It's freakish.

Yes, it certainly is. I can hear you guys rep each other as fast as your chubby, greasy little fingers will let you....:lol::lol:
Who is it that you think you're fooling with this stuff?

I'm truly amazed how many mentally ill people post here on a daily basis, and give each other positive rep for completely unhinged posts. It's freakish.

Here's what gets me-I've posted on boards for about ten years. Ten years ago, the posters were just as unhinged, just as disconnected from reality, just as fact challenged. But they were a fringe of the GOP, never satisfied that the GOP was "conservative" enough. But now, these guys are right in line with the GOP lineup. The candidates are leaders are as crazy as these guys.

how funny..if we lined up the posters who have ADMITTED to mental illness on this site, you'd have a far left roster that would make the DNC proud...
Who is it that you think you're fooling with this stuff?

I'm truly amazed how many mentally ill people post here on a daily basis, and give each other positive rep for completely unhinged posts. It's freakish.

Here's what gets me-I've posted on boards for about ten years. Ten years ago, the posters were just as unhinged, just as disconnected from reality, just as fact challenged. But they were a fringe of the GOP, never satisfied that the GOP was "conservative" enough. But now, these guys are right in line with the GOP lineup. The candidates are leaders are as crazy as these guys.

Well, the really good news is the fringe is still only up to 15-20% of the populace. I think the word must get around ye olde Waldorf Hysteria "HEY!! THERE'S THIS COOL THING CALLED THE INTERNET WHERE YOU CAN SHARE ALL YOUR TRUTHS EVERYWHERE ALL THE TIME! IT'S GREAT!! !!!11!!eleventy11!!!!!11!"
Who is it that you think you're fooling with this stuff?

I'm truly amazed how many mentally ill people post here on a daily basis, and give each other positive rep for completely unhinged posts. It's freakish.

Yes, it certainly is. I can hear you guys rep each other as fast as your chubby, greasy little fingers will let you....:lol::lol:

Chubby, greasy?

Case rested. Thanks, Toots!
I'm truly amazed how many mentally ill people post here on a daily basis, and give each other positive rep for completely unhinged posts. It's freakish.

Here's what gets me-I've posted on boards for about ten years. Ten years ago, the posters were just as unhinged, just as disconnected from reality, just as fact challenged. But they were a fringe of the GOP, never satisfied that the GOP was "conservative" enough. But now, these guys are right in line with the GOP lineup. The candidates are leaders are as crazy as these guys.

how funny..if we lined up the posters who have ADMITTED to mental illness on this site, you'd have a far left roster that would make the DNC proud...

Yeah, no. I'd be needing links.

Your side though? Undiagnosed, untreated. Ugly everywhere, all the time. I feel for the people in your immediate vicinity.
Lol...well maybe you think people are ugly.

Myself, I love them. Even the crazy ones.

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