Ann Coulter Says She’d Blame Hurricane On Lesbian Mayor Before Climate Change

And a liberal college professor gets canned........
This professor says he thinks Texas deserves this and gets fired....meanwhile, has the D-Mo Snowflake Rep been canned yet for calling for Trump's assassination?
She should be...but if not recalled, I would hope the people in her district would vote her out of office in 2018....which is more than what we can say about the people of North Carolina...on more than one occasion.
Dumb as driveway gravel.

Has Pat Roberston or Westboro blamed gays yet?

If not, I'm sure they will.
Why is Coulter comparing climate change to lesbians?

It wouldn’t be a devastating storm without someone trying to blame the gays!

Yes, everyone, Ann Coulter is back at it. This time the right-wing media pundit is using Twitter to insinuate that “Houston electing a lesbian mayor” is a more likely explanation for Hurricane Harvey than climate change.

Yep, you read that right.

Ann Coulter Says She’d Blame Hurricane On Lesbian Mayor Before Climate Change

Shame on lesbians! Yep, natural disasters bring out the best in people. Can't wait to hear Pat Robertson's take on it.

Why not? That explanation is just as plausible and just as scientifically supported.

You mean like "clean coal"?
At least Coulter did not pose holding a faux bloodied severed head of the Mayor when she made the comment....

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hey, don't blame kathy griffin! :eusa_hand:

donald is the one who declared war on his fellow Americans while lusting openly for legal decapitations.

how HILARIOUS that her sarcastic humor wasn't politically correct enough for delicate trumpswabs...........

Not to mention Trump's "2nd Amendment" remedy for Hillary.
Folks need to find God. This isn't about one's political agenda. Let's just pray for the folks in Texas and lend our help in any way we can. Don't allow the powers-that-be in the Media to make it about Politics for you as an individual. Be above that petty hate stuff. Just lend a helping hand the best way you can. God bless.

Find God? Where? Which one? There are thousands?

Pick one...

Lists of deities - Wikipedia

Not to mention that godists believe their god did this.


Look at the list Lakhota posted. Do you realize that, as an atheist, I don't believe in only one more of them than you?

BUT, I agree 100% of the last of your post -

"... lend our help in any way we can. Don't allow the powers-that-be in the Media to make it about Politics for you as an individual. Be above that petty hate stuff. Just lend a helping hand the best way you can."
And for anyone who missed this.
The Climate Change issue just shows everyone that left wingers are hysterical, fanatical, unreasonable, irrational and easily exploited by fear mongering dirty left wing politicians
Folks need to find God. This isn't about one's political agenda. Let's just pray for the folks in Texas and lend our help in any way we can. Don't allow the powers-that-be in the Media to make it about Politics for you as an individual. Be above that petty hate stuff. Just lend a helping hand the best way you can. God bless.

Find God? Where? Which one? There are thousands?

Pick one...

Lists of deities - Wikipedia

I choose the only God, the God of Abraham. The rest of those fake deities are just peanuts in the turd. Notice that the world is beginning to feel the wrath of God in floods, fires, earthquakes and other natural disasters for all the sinful acts taking place. Ain't no such Goddamn thing as "karma.'' What you're witnessing is plain ol' retribution. It's all in the Good Book.

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