Ann Coulter wants to Infect Illegal Children with Ebola...

I don't take her Seriously... But I also don't like the Dishonest Tactics of the Left when they Abuse Satire amongst their Gullible Base.

That's EXACTLY what this Site is trying to do.

They (and the Onion) never go after Liberals the same way.

In that they are Agenda Driven and not Satire at all, instead a Tool.



I'm not talking about you specifically, but there are many on the right who do believe she means what she says. She gets her name in the news, and it sells books. That's all she cares about.

Ultimately that's EXACTLY what the Community Organizer in Chief is doing also...

Difference?... Ann's not nor will she ever be President.

They are both Shitty Douchebags that are opposite sides of the same coin.


In real life Coulter has said things much worse than the OP

That is what he does....and he soaks good money from conservatives for doing it
In real life Coulter has said things much worse than the OP

That is what he does....and he soaks good money from conservatives for doing it

Quote it ya fucking Pre-Op Dipshit.



I take offense to your calling coulter an "it"

He may have his gender issues, but that does not make him less of a human
In real life Coulter has said things much worse than the OP

That is what he does....and he soaks good money from conservatives for doing it

Quote it ya fucking Pre-Op Dipshit.



I take offense to your calling coulter an "it"

He may have his gender issues, but that does not make him less of a human

^Is Threatened by Confident Women who don't know what's better for them because he certainly does...

Liberals are AWESOME!... Nothing like calling a Woman a Man because she beats you up on the Issues.



And how Hateful and Absurd the "Satire" is that they do about Conservatives?
Those two words describe conservatives to a tee without using any satire.

Your own avatar suggests you're a conservative. If that's a self portrait then you look like you're stuck in the 1960's like most pseudo-liberal democrat lefty neocons.
It's a caricature of Doug Martsch. I don't expect any conservative to know who that is. But by all means, keep spouting you're ignorance.
Ann Coulter: ?Give Ebola to Migrant Children? - The Daily Currant

^I have actually seen people frothing at the mouth irate that Ann would say such a thing and that this is what she, FOXNews and all Rightwing Nutters are all about.

Problem is... It's Satire.

You will likely see it come up in your news feed with an Emotional Liberal letting the World know what a **** Ann is.

Be sure to point out the Obvious Satire Site for what it is.

"The Global Satirical Newspaper of Record"

You even notice how this Site and others like the Onion can't go after Liberals?...

And how Hateful and Absurd the "Satire" is that they do about Conservatives?

Why do Liberals like to Lie so much and then Hide behind what they've done as "Entertainment" knowing full well that their Base will lap this shit up and repost it as True?

Because Liars Lie... It's what they do. :thup:



Such is the nature of evil.

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