Ann Coulter's Answer to Canada!

Note to Pubes: Rights are not given to us by God.

[ame=]YouTube - God given rights or are they?[/ame]

4:20 to end.
"Oh, Canada, glorious and almost free..."

So you would like to split hairs and say that Canada is almost a freedom of speech zone, and therefore should not be linked to Iran and China?

Bogus. Don't tell me that I can't express my viewpoint, unless you wear the label of censorship.

Mark Steyn in Canada faced similar thinking: “In Canada, the official complaint about my own so-called "flagrant Islamophobia"—filed by the Canadian Islamic Congress—attributes to me the following "assertions":
America will be an Islamic Republic by 2040. There will be a break for Muslim prayers during the Super Bowl. There will be a religious police enforcing Islamic norms. The USS Ronald Reagan will be renamed after Osama bin Laden. Females will not be allowed to be cheerleaders. Popular American radio and TV hosts will be replaced by Imams.
In fact, I didn’t "assert" any of these things. They are plot twists I cited in my review of Robert Ferrigno’s novel, Prayers for the Assassin. It’s customary in reviewing novels to cite aspects of the plot. For example, a review of Moby Dick will usually mention the whale. These days, apparently, the Canadian Islamic Congress and the government’s human rights investigators (who have taken up the case) believe that describing the plot of a novel should be illegal.” . A Dark Day for the Enlightenment by Bruce Bawer, City Journal 20 January 2010

And you want the EU excused as well?
"January 20, 2010—the Dutch establishment’s most serious effort yet against Wilders gets under way, as he is forced to go to criminal court to defend his right to speak his mind. Wilders is, of course, not the first European to face legal action for criticizing Islam; such luminaries as Oriana Fallaci and Brigitte Bardot also appear on that honor roll."
A Dark Day for the Enlightenment by Bruce Bawer, City Journal 20 January 2010

"Italian writer Oriana Fallaci—after writing of the contradiction between Islam and the Western tradition of liberty—was being sued in France, Italy, Switzerland, and most other European jurisdictions by groups who believed her opinions were not merely offensive, but criminal. "

And, as for your valient defense, as in "I spend not an inconsiderable amount of time disabusing Canadians that American conservatives are not redneck racists" you might wish to pass this on to your oh-so-enlightened friends:
"On the bright side, Steyn states “It’s a different situation in America, which has the First Amendment and a social consensus that increasingly does not exist in Europe.”
But nowhere is it more evident that Jefferson was correct in stating that the price of liberty is eternal vigilance.

We must be eternally aware of any restrictions on our rights of free speech, whether it be regulation of the internet, of talk radio, or any communication." Ibid.

Its beyond silly to analogize a complaint against Mark Steyn to the Human Rights Tribunal as "splitting hairs" compared to violent political suppression in Iran and China. Your argument is tantamount to saying that America, Iran and China are all pretty much the same in the application of human rights, given that America, Iran and China all kill prisoners. A reasonable person would dismiss that argument as nonsense. I would dismantle all the Human Rights Commissions in Canada, but to compare the HRCs with the kangaroo trials in Asia is not a serious argument.

Plus, Steyn has been there before.

Human rights complaints against Maclean's magazine were filed in December 2007 by the Canadian Islamic Congress with the Canadian Human Rights Commission, the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal and the Ontario Human Rights Commission. Maclean's magazine was accused of publishing eighteen Islamophobic articles between January 2005 and July 2007. The articles in question included a column by Mark Steyn titled "The Future Belongs to Islam".[1][2] The CIC complaint accused the Maclean's articles of being "flagrantly Islamophobic" and claimed the magazine "subjects Canadian Muslims to hatred and contempt."[3]

The Ontario Human Rights Commission ruled that it did not have the jurisdiction to hear the complaint. The British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal heard the complaint in June 2008 and issued a ruling on October 10, 2008 dismissing the complaint. The Canadian Human Rights Commission dismissed the federal complaint on June 26, 2008 without referring the matter to a tribunal.[4]

Human rights complaints against Maclean's magazine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But its not like this doesn't happen in America.

In 2005 the Bush administration attempted to muzzle Dr. James Hansen, the world’s most famous climate scientist. Hansen, a top NASA scientist, publicly commented on data that convinced him 2005 was one of the hottest years on record. He also drew attention to the Bush administration’s scientific censorship.

As Hansen courageously protested, public affairs offices at certain environmental science-oriented government agencies were imposing strict rules on employees. For example, they required that all media inquiries be referred to public affairs offices, which would then determine which staff could “most appropriately” answer them.

The public affairs offices went so far as to demand that public affairs officials sit in during all interviews with scientists.

EPA attempt to limit free speech by agency lawyers Laurie Williams and Allan Zabel violates the law (posting from Climate Science Watch)

Other scientists working for the US federal government have also encountered problems with freedom of speech under the Bush administration. Former Surgeon General Richard Carmona told Congressional investigators that the federal officials weakened or suppressed public health reports to support a political agenda. He also said that the administration would not allow him to speak to the public about a number of different health policy issues, including stem cell research, emergency contraception, sex education, and global health. Administration officials have also written Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports on global warming for political purposes.

Freedom of Speech in Government Science
Toro, trying to debate with Ann Coulter err Politicalchic is futile since she is batshit insane.
Find me an example of anything she has said or written in its full context that would demonstrate inadequate or sloppy research.

She exclaimed that Canada fought in Vietnam alongside the US (they did not) and ARGUED when told she was wrong. She's a mental lightweight.

Canada was obligated to stay non combative due to its NATO role in Vietnam though it did have some peace keeping troops there in 1973. Canada was openly supportive of the US efforts in Vietnam however.

So give me the link to the quotation--IN CONTEXT--where Coulter said anything different. And no I won't accept something off a leftwing blog for that.

And did you graduate from a university like Cornell with honors and/or get a law degree from a prestigious school? Have you written six NY Times best sellers in a row? Have you managed to write a highly successful syndicated column on political and social commentary? Do you get repeatedly invited to speak at major universities and other prestigious institutions?

Let's compare your mental credentials with what you describe as Ann's 'lightweight' ones.

Canada's freedom of speech rules are not America's freedom of speech rules.

But they are certainly entitled to interpret freedom of speech as they please...for their citizens and for their guests.

Jeesh, next PC will be calling for the UN to set rules for all nations.

ROFLMNAO... Wow... that's HEAVY!

So, one has the freedom to speak... if one is in America.

Understand kids... Because your Rights are a purely function of what the US Government says that your Rights are...

Recognize the humanist point of view?

'If you go to Canada... you only have the rights that the CANADIAN government says ya have.'

Which is certainly a confusing point; where one considers that the British Crown felt the same way about the Rights of our founding Father's... yet, here we are a separate and sovereign nation, from Great Britain.

Here's a clue; our rights and their inherent responsibility, are endowed to us by our Creator; and this is without regard to what a government has to say on the issue; which necessarily includes the Canukistani Government or the subjective interpretation of the Progressive Academics... (read: fascists).
Yes, you are obligated to follow the rules as a guest of another country. If you don't like it, stay in your bunker.

Well sure... because whatever the rules are in other countries define what's right? right?

I mean if another nation provided for Rape as being legal and customary and the rightful entitlement of men; well then it would fall to women in that country to submit to violent sexual assualt.

If Adult/child sex was a function of accepted cultral mores... Perfectly fine... because they're entitled to do whatever the hell they wanna DO!

After all it's their COUNTRY... Right?

Slavery? Hey, if they say it's cool... then it's their country.

OH! Hey... How about racial, sexual bigotry? Prejudice against fat-chicks?

Wasn't it you that was lamenting Iran's recent execution of a dozen or so Iranian fags?

Or would ya like to take the time; here and now, to stand up and defend the RIGHT of the Iranian government to murder those queers?
Let's compare your mental credentials with what you describe as Ann's 'lightweight' ones.

You think Coulter's hawt.


If I was a guy I might. Since she has been engaged to guys I'm assuming she's straight but I don't know for sure nor do I care.

I know I am straight though, so how 'hawt' she may or may not be is not much of an issue for me.
Let's compare your mental credentials with what you describe as Ann's 'lightweight' ones.

You think Coulter's hawt.


If I was a guy I might. Since she has been engaged to guys I'm assuming she's straight but I don't know for sure nor do I care.

I know I am straight though, so how 'hawt' she may or may not be is not much of an issue for me.







Are you implying you're NOT A GUY?
You think Coulter's hawt.


If I was a guy I might. Since she has been engaged to guys I'm assuming she's straight but I don't know for sure nor do I care.

I know I am straight though, so how 'hawt' she may or may not be is not much of an issue for me.







Are you implying you're NOT A GUY?

Nope. I may be chasing a few more loose marbles these days than I used to, but I'm pretty darn sure I'm not a guy.
If I was a guy I might. Since she has been engaged to guys I'm assuming she's straight but I don't know for sure nor do I care.

I know I am straight though, so how 'hawt' she may or may not be is not much of an issue for me.







Are you implying you're NOT A GUY?

Nope. I may be chasing a few more loose marbles these days than I used to, but I'm pretty darn sure I'm not a guy.






So, that would make you female, right?
Some of Ann's more "charming" quotes:

"If you wanted to teach people about the great things about America, a college campus is the last place you’d send them. Even fanatical Muslim terrorists don’t hate America like liberals do." Ann Coulter -- CPAC conference, 2002

(Ironically, she wants to go speak to a college. Ignorant woman.)

"On the bright side, and in conclusion, at least college campuses serve as sort of internment camp for useless leftists in wartime. We know where they are, this way. And, as General Patton said, 'I love it when they come out and shoot at me because then I know where they are and I can shoot the bastards.'" -- Ann Coulter, CPAC conference, 2002

"This man should not be allowed near the president with a loaded gun. At the least, he's an immature nut. At worst, he's a ticking time bomb, in a simmering rage at America's supposed mistreatment of Muslims.

These alleged civil liberties concerns have only one purpose: to give Muslims a cushion for another attack on America. There is no principled basis for opposition to using Arab appearance as a factor in airport screening procedures." -- Ann Coulter's "If the profile fits...," 1/10/02

"Congress could pass a law tomorrow requiring that all aliens from Arabic countries leave....We should require passports to fly domestically. Passports can be forged, but they can also be checked with the home country in case of any suspicious-looking swarthy males." -- Coulter's columns within two weeks after September 11, 2001

"In contemplating college liberals, you really regret, once again, that John Walker is not getting the death penalty. We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals by making them realize that they could be killed, too. Otherwise they will turn out into outright traitors." -- CPAC conference, 2002

"I don't know, how about ... NO ARABS?" -- Ann Coulter's "Would Mohamed Atta object to armed pilots?" 5/30/02

And from Ann to you Fox:

“I think [women] should be armed but should not [be allowed to] vote. No, they all have to give up their vote, not just, you know, the lady clapping and me. The problem with women voting — and your Communists will back me up on this — is that, you know, women have no capacity to understand how money is earned. They have a lot of ideas on how to spend it. And when they take these polls, it’s always more money on education, more money on child care, more money on day care.”
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A genuine conservative on only one of Ann Coulter's so called 'jokes.'

"I watched Ann Coulter last night in the gayest way I could. I was on a stairmaster at a gym, slack-jawed at her proud defense of calling someone a "faggot" on the same stage as presidential candidates and as an icon of today's conservative movement. The way in which Fox News and Sean Hannity and, even more repulsively, Pat Cadell, shilled for her was a new low for Fox, I think - and for what remains of decent conservatism. "We're all friends here," Hannity chuckled at the end. Yes, they were. And no faggots were on the show to defend themselves. That's fair and balanced.

I'm not going to breathe more oxygen into this story except to say a couple of things that need saying. Coulter has an actual argument in self-defense and it's worth addressing. Her argument is that it was a joke and that since it was directed at a straight man, it wasn't homophobic. It was, in her words, a "school-yard taunt," directed at a straight man, meaning a "wuss" and a "sissy". Why would gays care? She is "pro-gay," after all. Apart from backing a party that wants to strip gay couples of all legal rights by amending the federal constitution, kick them out of the military where they are putting their lives on the line, put them into "reparative therapy" to "cure" them, keep it legal to fire them in many states, and refusing to include them in hate crime laws, Coulter is very pro-gay. As evidence of how pro-gay she is, check out all the gay men and women in America now defending her.

Her defense, however, is that she was making a joke, not speaking a slur. Her logic suggests that the two are mutually exclusive. They're not. And when you unpack Coulter's joke, you see she does both. Her joke was that the world is so absurd that someone like Isaiah Washington is forced to go into rehab for calling someone a "faggot." She's absolutely right that this is absurd and funny and an example of p.c. insanity. She could have made a joke about that - a better one, to be sure - but a joke. But she didn't just do that. She added to the joke a slur: "John Edwards is a faggot." That's why people gasped and then laughed and clapped so heartily. I was in the room, so I felt the atmosphere personally. It was an ugly atmosphere, designed to make any gay man or woman in the room feel marginalized and despised. To put it simply, either conservatism is happy to be associated with that atmosphere, or it isn't. I think the response so far suggests that the conservative elites don't want to go there, but the base has already been there for a very long time. (That's why this affair is so revealing, because it is showing which elites want to pander to bigots, and which do not.)"
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Note to Pubes: Rights are not given to us by God.

YouTube - God given rights or are they?

4:20 to end.


And this you're advancing on the intellectual authority of the hippy-dippy weatherman?

Well I'll see your bet and raise ya the Founding Father's the US:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights..."

Now the distinction here, is that George Carlin made his observations... in jest, at absolutely no risk to himself or anyone else and towards the purpose of appealing to a decadent popularity.

Which sits in sharp contrast to the Founding Father's advancing their observations despite the near certainty that such would result in the loss of their property, their lives, the lives of their families, friends and constituents.

The truth is Junior; In the Absence of God, there are no human rights.
A genuine conservative on only one of Ann Coulter's so called 'jokes.'

"I watched Ann Coulter last night in the gayest way I could. I was on a stairmaster at a gym, slack-jawed at her proud defense of calling someone a "faggot" on the same stage as presidential candidates and as an icon of today's conservative movement. The way in which Fox News and Sean Hannity and, even more repulsively, Pat Cadell, shilled for her was a new low for Fox, I think - and for what remains of decent conservatism. "We're all friends here," Hannity chuckled at the end. Yes, they were. And no faggots were on the show to defend themselves. That's fair and balanced.

I'm not going to breathe more oxygen into this story except to say a couple of things that need saying. Coulter has an actual argument in self-defense and it's worth addressing. Her argument is that it was a joke and that since it was directed at a straight man, it wasn't homophobic. It was, in her words, a "school-yard taunt," directed at a straight man, meaning a "wuss" and a "sissy". Why would gays care? She is "pro-gay," after all. Apart from backing a party that wants to strip gay couples of all legal rights by amending the federal constitution, kick them out of the military where they are putting their lives on the line, put them into "reparative therapy" to "cure" them, keep it legal to fire them in many states, and refusing to include them in hate crime laws, Coulter is very pro-gay. As evidence of how pro-gay she is, check out all the gay men and women in America now defending her.

Her defense, however, is that she was making a joke, not speaking a slur. Her logic suggests that the two are mutually exclusive. They're not. And when you unpack Coulter's joke, you see she does both. Her joke was that the world is so absurd that someone like Isaiah Washington is forced to go into rehab for calling someone a "faggot." She's absolutely right that this is absurd and funny and an example of p.c. insanity. She could have made a joke about that - a better one, to be sure - but a joke. But she didn't just do that. She added to the joke a slur: "John Edwards is a faggot." That's why people gasped and then laughed and clapped so heartily. I was in the room, so I felt the atmosphere personally. It was an ugly atmosphere, designed to make any gay man or woman in the room feel marginalized and despised. To put it simply, either conservatism is happy to be associated with that atmosphere, or it isn't. I think the response so far suggests that the conservative elites don't want to go there, but the base has already been there for a very long time. (That's why this affair is so revealing, because it is showing which elites want to pander to bigots, and which do not.)"

Faggot - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan

ROFL... Oh GOD! That's precious... Andy Sullivan is a conservative?


Sweet mother that's hysterical... (in at least two contexts and on several levels).

Now understand kids... these are the same people who PROUDLY changed a members avatar to reflect a similar denigration of the sacred devients...

Sullivan needs to tuck it up tight, pull up his hose and quit being such a snarky little bitch...
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some of ann's more "charming" quotes:

"if you wanted to teach people about the great things about america, a college campus is the last place you’d send them. Even fanatical muslim terrorists don’t hate america like liberals do." ann coulter -- cpac conference, 2002

(ironically, she wants to go speak to a college. Ignorant woman.)

"on the bright side, and in conclusion, at least college campuses serve as sort of internment camp for useless leftists in wartime. We know where they are, this way. And, as general patton said, 'i love it when they come out and shoot at me because then i know where they are and i can shoot the bastards.'" -- ann coulter, cpac conference, 2002

"i don't know, how about ... No arabs?" -- ann coulter's "would mohamed atta object to armed pilots?" 5/30/02

and from ann to you fox:

“i think [women] should be armed but should not [be allowed to] vote. no, they all have to give up their vote, not just, you know, the lady clapping and me. The problem with women voting — and your communists will back me up on this — is that, you know, women have no capacity to understand how money is earned. They have a lot of ideas on how to spend it. and when they take these polls, it’s always more money on education, more money on child care, more money on day care.”

ROFLMNAO... Funny stuff!
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Some of Ann's more "charming" quotes:

"If you wanted to teach people about the great things about America, a college campus is the last place you’d send them. Even fanatical Muslim terrorists don’t hate America like liberals do." Ann Coulter -- CPAC conference, 2002

(Ironically, she wants to go speak to a college. Ignorant woman.)

So there's something ignorant about wanting to express your thoughts and advocacies where they are most radically oppossed?


You can't make this crap up kids...

Revolutionaries just aren't what they used to be.

And understand kids... Gomer here, likely thinks of herself as a 'free-thinker'... willing to brave the threat of casting her point of view EVEN IF EVERYONE AGREES WITH HER!
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I actually certified that some years ago... I looked for it and couldn't put my hands on it, but if memory serves the certification is a solid 9 point analysis of certifiable hotness. :eusa_drool:

I prefer brunets.

Oh Dude... who doesn't?

And how about those green eye'd red heads?

When they're Hawt, They're HAWT.....when they're not......

There's not a lot of stuff between the ends of the spectrum with redheads.....

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