Ann Coulter's Answer to Canada!

Who on the left is as verbally abusive as Ann Coulter?

Bill Meher.
George Carlin......

....Just off the top of my head..

Thank you. (I am not allowed to respond to Maggie's posts.) There are others assuming that Ann Coulter is verbally abusive. I don't see her anywhere near as verbally abusive as many here on USMB, both left and right, but I suppose that sort of thing is in the eye of the beholder.
MDN2000>>>"Ann Coulter does not lie, does not distort the truth, she simply tells it as it is with humor.
This is more than enough to bring out the ugly hatred Liberals and Marxist hide within their hearts."
There is plenty of blame and very obvious hatred on both sides and all around. I am not going to try to provoke yours, but if you want to be honest I think you will have to admit that you didn't discover the "ugly hatred Liberals and Marxists hide" while lacking any hatred of your own. As for me, I myself "once was HALF BLIND, but now I see myself as well as I see others" Therefore when I feel the uglies rising up, I bow out and come back when I feel more loving and kind.

I believe Ann Coulter does not lie nor does she intentionally tell any untruth. Her scholarship is generally impeccable. She does use metaphors annoying to certain ideologies or segments of society. She does exaggerate for effect. She does intentionally make provocative statements without qualifying them which often really does stir up hornets nexts among the prejudiced, highly partisan, and ignorant. :)

But to the prejudiced, highly partisan, and ignorant, hers is hate speech that 'should not be tolerated' while they remain silent on rapper lyrics that absolutely do incite violence, degrade women in the most vulgar ways, and worse. They tolerate the most idiotic anti-American rhetoric from revered celebrities. They dismiss hateful or incendiary or insulting or intentionally dishonest rhetoric, illustrations, metaphors, et al from the left as 'free speech' or 'inconsequential'.

But when asked for a 'hateful' in context statement from Ann Coulter, they have a really hard time coming up with one. She is successful. She is popular. She is conservative. And that's plenty for them to condemn her to hell.

Comparing rappers to Ann Coulter? Who listens to rap music who would even have a clue who Ann Coulter is? I don't know why you guys can't just admit that she has one purpose, whenever she opens her mouth, and that is to elicit an angry reaction. Here are a few of her more infamous comments:

"We just want Jews to be perfected, as they say." --arguing that it would be better if we were all Christian.
[Angering all Jews, of course]

"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president. It's kind of a pipe dream, it's a personal fantasy of mine, but I don't think it's going to happen. And it is a good way of making the point that women are voting so stupidly, at least single women. It also makes the point, it is kind of embarrassing, the Democratic Party ought to be hanging its head in shame, that it has so much difficulty getting men to vote for it. I mean, you do see it's the party of women and 'We'll pay for health care and tuition and day care -- and here, what else can we give you, soccer moms?'"
[Angering MOST women, one would hope]

"These broads are millionaires, lionized on TV and in articles about them, reveling in their status as celebrities and stalked by griefparrazies. I have never seen people enjoying their husband's deaths so much." -on 9/11 widows who have been critical of the Bush administration
[Showing her complete lack of 'humanistic' sympathy]

"We need somebody to put rat poisoning in Justice Stevens' creme brulee. That's just a joke, for you in the media."
[Just being a dumb bitch]

"We need to execute people like (John Walker Lindh) in order to physically intimidate liberals."
[Even dumber]

*"My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building."

*"God gave us the earth. We have dominion over the plants, the animals, the trees. God said, 'Earth is yours. Take it. Rape it. It's yours.'"

*"Liberals hate America, they hate flag-wavers, they hate abortion opponents, they hate all religions except Islam, post 9/11. Even Islamic terrorists don't hate America like liberals do. They don't have the energy. If they had that much energy, they'd have indoor plumbing by now."

*"I think the government should be spying on all Arabs, engaging in torture as a televised spectator sport, dropping daisy cutters wantonly throughout the Middle East and sending liberals to Guantanamo."

*"We've finally given liberals a war against fundamentalism, and they don't want to fight it. They would, except it would put them on the same side as the United States."

*"Press passes can't be that hard to come by if the White House allows that old Arab Helen Thomas to sit within yards of the President."
[And then there's that nine-year old inner child which is also visible to even the most casual observer.]

* Each clearly shows the woman is also quite insane.
Of course Newby is correct...

But your response!

Insightful! Nuanced! A bit on the tortuous side,,,but, still subtle. And a little fruity and full-bodied.

And the hours of preparation! I am in awe.

She simply created a little if story in her imaginings try to ignore Any coulters lies and excagerations..the facts are no one but Ann Coulter canceled her speech and there were no reported or confirmed threats or violence

Let me see if I have this right: A Tea Party assembly would make you nervous because of the potential for threatenings of violence.

I have little concern over tea part protest being violent

The noisy, rambunctious crowd in Canada, an entire order of magnitude more hostile and vocal than any TP crowd, would be completely non-threatening to you...if you were the object of their chants like Ann was?

If you cant handle the heat stay out of the kitchen.. people protest ,just the other Day I saw a crowd of about 30 loudly protesting the plight of the chicken at KFC

And BTW Ann said to B. O'Reilly the police called where she and her BG were waiting for things to calm down and said it was canceled. My own assessment is that she is fearless, far more than many of those who allude to courage here at USMB

The Ottawa police state no such calls were ever made and Coulter alone chose to canceled the event
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Who on the left is as verbally abusive as Ann Coulter?

Bill Meher.
George Carlin......

....Just off the top of my head..

Thank you. (I am not allowed to respond to Maggie's posts.) There are others assuming that Ann Coulter is verbally abusive. I don't see her anywhere near as verbally abusive as many here on USMB, both left and right, but I suppose that sort of thing is in the eye of the beholder.

Just go ahead and say it.


I'll also take some blame.:redface:

If I had to lecture Lesbian Canadians, I'm pretty sure the words "Rug-Munchers" would slip out and I'd suffer anal penetration at the tender mercies of some Bull-Dyke Mountie equipped with a 12 inch strap-on.
Who on the left is as verbally abusive as Ann Coulter?

Bill Meher.
George Carlin......

....Just off the top of my head..

I actually should have said which woman on the left. There are several men who make their living being nasties both on the left and right. But I can think of no woman on the left who rise to the level of Ann Coulter's viscious harrangues.
Bill Meher.
George Carlin......

....Just off the top of my head..

Thank you. (I am not allowed to respond to Maggie's posts.) There are others assuming that Ann Coulter is verbally abusive. I don't see her anywhere near as verbally abusive as many here on USMB, both left and right, but I suppose that sort of thing is in the eye of the beholder.

Just go ahead and say it.


I'll also take some blame.:redface:

If I had to lecture Lesbian Canadians, I'm pretty sure the words "Rug-Munchers" would slip out and I'd suffer anal penetration at the tender mercies of some Bull-Dyke Mountie equipped with a 12 inch strap-on.

Okay, you got a belly laugh with that one. But at some risk (for you), I will say that I didn't have you in mind with my comment. :)

Edit. I wish I had added that those quoting Coulter's hate speech be dangled over hot coals or something until they agree to go look up the full context of the stuff they quote. In most cases, within the full context of her comments, the statements are not hateful at all. What the media.....and internet pundits.....usually do is take one line without showing to what it refers. Or in a 10-minute segment they take one line from the beginning and another five or ten minutes later and put them together making it look like she is saying something she didn't say at all.

Coulter is a far more honest person than are many who presume to judge her.
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As great as our Constitution is, it was written and adopted some 223 years ago, a time when those living had no idea what the future would hold. It is my belief and the belief of many others, that if the writers of the Constitution were to draft the document today, it would not resemble the 1787 version, not exactly.

No one will ever know for sure; but I am of the belief that our forefathers would not tolerate the cries of "kill the blacks" or "kill the Jews" or anything along those lines, and would have written laws to prevent citizens of this Country from living in fear of persecution. :neutral:

While the specific rantings that you give as examples of speech have to a great degree been addressed by the Supreme Court, and, generally require proximity and ability to commit physical acts, your post is exemplary in spotlighting the political-philosophical diffeences that spit our country today.

Traditionalists, or conservatives, place more faith in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence than do folks like yourself, Progressives or liberals.

You have stated a main theorem of the Progressives of the early 20th century, let me list them:
a. The Constitution was ‘old,’ and not equipped to deal with ‘new social ills.’
b. Not limited government, but expansive government was necessary.
c. The outdated concepts of checks and balances were obstacles for the Progressives’ agenda.
d. ‘Social Justice’ requires the redistribution of private property, and the Constitution stood in the way.
e. The new view attacked the social compact and natural rights of citizens theory embodied by the Constitution.
f. The rights of the collective, the state, surpass those of the individual.

The overriding weakness as my side sees your perspective is the dimunition of the individual as the most important denominator of society.

While it is difficult to predict exactly when your perspective will destroy our society, it is clear from history, that totalist viewpoints do just that.

Should any of the above list require elucidation, I would be only too happy to provide same.
Please don't hesitate- as this is a discussion of primary importance.

Before any amendments were passed there was probably as much debate as there was in the Federalist Papers which formed the basis of the original Constitution. It should be no surprise to anyone that the same types of ideological debates have continued over time, and right up until today. Ironically, I believe it is precisely that type of debate that the framers hoped would establish a middle ground. And THAT is what remains perfect about the Constitution.

Ah, the old Maggie has returned!

Good to see this one.

"...continued over time..." An excellent vertex for this discussion!

The preeminence of my perspective was the period of the ratification of the Constitution, until the Civil War.

For the Progressive, from the Civil War to the present.

The salient point is that the pendulum swing is beyond that of a normal lifespan. Thus, we must apply more than individual experience to decide the benefits of each.

"...establish a middle ground..." is impossible!

Either one or the other will prevail...and the benefits of conservativism, free market and the superiority of the individual have been shown to benenfit society, while progressivism, socialism and statism, as seen in the totalist supremacies of the past century have resulted in torture, mass murder, enslavement and poverty.

I appreciate your endeavor of linking modern liberalism to an assumed interest by the Founders, but I fear this is more founded in your desires as a good person, than in any real desire by true progressives to fulfull the promise of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.

No, my friend, there are too many syncretic inconsistencies between the two.

For one, the source of our "inalienable rights."

We believe that all are born with them, and they come from, as stated in the Preamble,
“Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.” Locke stated as much.

Woodrow Wilson essay “Socialism and Democracy” ‘Limitations of public authority must be put aside; the state may cross that boundary at will.’ The collective is not limited by individual rights.

I don't know if you saw the seminar at Hillsdale College called "Reviving the Constitiution," but if you wish to see it, you can on line, or you can purchase the DVD. An excellent presentation.
Who on the left is as verbally abusive as Ann Coulter?

Bill Meher.
George Carlin......

....Just off the top of my head..

Thank you. (I am not allowed to respond to Maggie's posts.) There are others assuming that Ann Coulter is verbally abusive. I don't see her anywhere near as verbally abusive as many here on USMB, both left and right, but I suppose that sort of thing is in the eye of the beholder.

Why aren't you "allowed" to respond to my posts? That's ridiculous. There's only two people here that I formally complained to the mods about, one was a long time ago, yet they both continue to respond to me. I didn't expect those complaints to generate any verbotten warnings; it was my way of venting against what appeared to be their stalking me. I also have only one person on ignore, and that's not you either. Whatever are you talking about?
Will someone remind Maggie that it was she herself who not that long ago requested that I leave her alone. And I have religiously respected that request ever since.
Will someone remind Maggie that it was she herself who not that long ago requested that I leave her alone. And I have religiously respected that request ever since.

People forget what they say at times in emotional fits or such. It's honorable of you to remember though.
"If it becomes apparent that civility is futile, I'll adjust my responses to reflect the intellectual acuity of my opponent."
I don't believe that anyone reading my posts will find that there is and problem with my "intellectual acuity ," nor do I believe that you find there to be any fault there as well.
I hope you've noticed the differences between the post I directed toward Coulter and my most recent response to you. If not, then perhaps I do have a problem. :lol:

Your statement comes across rather as a vapid excuse for your less than intellectual post, the one with the gesture that is so common in school yards and street corners.
It does? I simply can't imagine how I'll ever be able to live with that. In all seriousness, did you truly expect me to offer a point-by-point breakdown and analysis of Coulter's drivel? My response was at least as intelligent as anything uttered by Coulter and has the additional advantage of being more concise.

No, it seems that you were unable to compete in the arena of ideas, and the result was a somewhat jejune cartoon.

If you are afraid to joust on a higher level, merely continue in that vein and I will read that as your capitulation.
I'll do my best to hold back the tears if it ever comes to that. I haven't forgotten about the lackluster quality of your posts regarding my religion and I hardly believe that you'll have an easier time attempting to defend a buffoon like Coulter. Grandiloquence is not an adequate substitute for a cogent argument.
Who on the left is as verbally abusive as Ann Coulter?

Bill Meher.
George Carlin......

....Just off the top of my head..

I actually should have said which woman on the left. There are several men who make their living being nasties both on the left and right. But I can think of no woman on the left who rise to the level of Ann Coulter's viscious harrangues.

If I gave an example, and if it was a Black Woman, then would you say, "OH!, I should have said which white woman on the left???"
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If you're able to establish contact with Ms. Coulter, please tell her that although I'm flattered by her advances, I've decided to limit myself to sexual partners who are both human and female.

Sadly... I don't think I'll be able to pass that on to her directly; but I will slip a note to let security know that you've apparently failed to refill your prescriptions...

Come on Haji...

You know what's gonna happen if you don't get back on the cure... you're gonna be walkin' down the mall with your ball bearing coat on again; and you aren't always going to be able to count on their being a Buy 1-get 1 Koran sale, with a free prayer rug at "Muslims Are Us", to pull ya out of it.

No one wants to see Muslim sprayed all over the food court man... It's bad for business and its a BITCH getting you people out of the grout.

It's pretty obvious you've learned your lessons in vitriol directly from Ms. Coulter herself. Pathetic. I really did give you more credit for being less shallow than some of the other cons here. But maybe I have you mixed up with someone else. Your disgusting remarks only prove that you are no better than those to whom your remarks are directed. What's the word for that? Oh yeah, Hypocrite with a capital H.


Oh I hear ya Sis...

No vitriol in the Kalam post to which I was responding:

Kalam's response to Monsieur Coulter on behalf of Canada:



I call this the "Palestinian syndrome..." Nothing they do requires accountability on their part.

Humanists... The ends justify the deceitful means.
In the interests of accuracy, my friend, you may wish to re-analyze your post.

As it stands, it is, of course, not true.

The origin of the episode remains the letter from the provost of the U. of Otttawa, as:

"widely disseminating his letter to at least a half-dozen intermediaries before it reached me -- in advance of my visit in order to recommend that I familiarize myself with Canada's criminal laws regarding hate speech.
Apparently Canadian law forbids "promoting hatred against any identifiable group," which the provost, Francois A. Houle advised me, "would not only be considered inappropriate, but could in fact lead to criminal charges."
Welcome to

Now, when one compares the above with your frenzied statement "The Canadian government has had nothing to do with this." it remains to be asked, who would bring charges or even arrest Ms. Coulter???

Would it be the private police of the university who might impose some penalties on Ms. Coulter for infracting 'Canadian law'?

Or do you, in that fevered imagination, contemplate a vigilate army doing so???

Or is it possible that you are totally in error, and the laws of Canada are in some direct way related to "The Canadian government" ?

And, if that is the case, exactly what variety of blowhard would that make you, eh?

One who comprehends the paragraph you posted.

In the interests of accuracy, read it again.
While the specific rantings that you give as examples of speech have to a great degree been addressed by the Supreme Court, and, generally require proximity and ability to commit physical acts, your post is exemplary in spotlighting the political-philosophical diffeences that spit our country today.

Traditionalists, or conservatives, place more faith in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence than do folks like yourself, Progressives or liberals.

You have stated a main theorem of the Progressives of the early 20th century, let me list them:
a. The Constitution was ‘old,’ and not equipped to deal with ‘new social ills.’
b. Not limited government, but expansive government was necessary.
c. The outdated concepts of checks and balances were obstacles for the Progressives’ agenda.
d. ‘Social Justice’ requires the redistribution of private property, and the Constitution stood in the way.
e. The new view attacked the social compact and natural rights of citizens theory embodied by the Constitution.
f. The rights of the collective, the state, surpass those of the individual.

The overriding weakness as my side sees your perspective is the dimunition of the individual as the most important denominator of society.

While it is difficult to predict exactly when your perspective will destroy our society, it is clear from history, that totalist viewpoints do just that.

Should any of the above list require elucidation, I would be only too happy to provide same.
Please don't hesitate- as this is a discussion of primary importance.

Before any amendments were passed there was probably as much debate as there was in the Federalist Papers which formed the basis of the original Constitution. It should be no surprise to anyone that the same types of ideological debates have continued over time, and right up until today. Ironically, I believe it is precisely that type of debate that the framers hoped would establish a middle ground. And THAT is what remains perfect about the Constitution.

Ah, the old Maggie has returned!

Good to see this one.

"...continued over time..." An excellent vertex for this discussion!

The preeminence of my perspective was the period of the ratification of the Constitution, until the Civil War.

For the Progressive, from the Civil War to the present.

The salient point is that the pendulum swing is beyond that of a normal lifespan. Thus, we must apply more than individual experience to decide the benefits of each.
That said, then you do confess there ARE benefits of "each," yes?

"...establish a middle ground..." is impossible!
100%, of course not. But the reason separation of power is explicit in many clauses of the Constitution is an attempt at finding middle ground. Without that attempt, a dictatorship (or monarchy) would have taken place almost immediately. "We the people" are the operative words in the Constitution, meaning no distinction between political persuasion or any other characteristic. (Of course, that had to be expanded upon almost immediately, however.)

Either one or the other will prevail...and the benefits of conservativism, free market and the superiority of the individual have been shown to benenfit society, while progressivism, socialism and statism, as seen in the totalist supremacies of the past century have resulted in torture, mass murder, enslavement and poverty.
One or the other prevails in almost all election cycles because the one outgoing has been deemed NOT to be of benefit to the people. And I wouldn't be mentioning regimes that promote torture, mass murder or poverty as being exclusive of liberalism. I think you could just casually ask your average Iraqi trying to pick up the pieces from our great adventure in "liberating" them about that.

I appreciate your endeavor of linking modern liberalism to an assumed interest by the Founders, but I fear this is more founded in your desires as a good person, than in any real desire by true progressives to fulfull the promise of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.
I simply believe "freedom" means different things to different classes of people.

No, my friend, there are too many syncretic inconsistencies between the two.

For one, the source of our "inalienable rights."

We believe that all are born with them, and they come from, as stated in the Preamble,
“Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.” Locke stated as much.

Woodrow Wilson essay “Socialism and Democracy” ‘Limitations of public authority must be put aside; the state may cross that boundary at will.’ The collective is not limited by individual rights.

I don't know if you saw the seminar at Hillsdale College called "Reviving the Constitiution," but if you wish to see it, you can on line, or you can purchase the DVD. An excellent presentation.

If things on a daily basis quiet down, I would love to watch the DVD. Thanks for the heads up.
Will someone remind Maggie that it was she herself who not that long ago requested that I leave her alone. And I have religiously respected that request ever since.

People forget what they say at times in emotional fits or such. It's honorable of you to remember though.

Well thank you. I wasn't trying to be honorable. Just doing my thing, trying to stay out of trouble, and only stir the pot juuuuuuuuuuuust enuf.
I, on the other hand, see the censorship of Canada, or of the EU, as akin to that of China, Iran, etc.

This is the kind of American conservative nonsense that drives me up a wall.

I was not in Ottawa, so I - like you - really have no idea what happened. But I'm willing to give Coulter the benefit of the doubt, because I have seen this happen on Canadian universities before where the Left shouts down those with whom they disagree. Universities are supposed to be bastions of free speech and free thought, and when a band of thugs shouts down someone - anyone - on campus, it diminishes the purpose of a university.

Having said that, to equate Canada and Europe with Iran and China displays an ignorance that absolutely staggering and is so ridiculous that it shouldn't even be dignified with a response. Iran and China imprison, torture and kill those who speak out against the government. Surely conservatives aren't so stupid as to realize the same thing is happening in Canada and Europe?

In Canada, there is a widespread belief that American conservatives are ignorant, racist rednecks. People like Anne Coulter merely reinforce that opinion. I spend not an inconsiderable amount of time disabusing Canadians that American conservatives are not redneck racists, but its hard to contradict that they aren't ignorant.
In Canada, there is a widespread belief that American conservatives are ignorant, racist rednecks. People like Anne Coulter merely reinforce that opinion. I spend not an inconsiderable amount of time disabusing Canadians that American conservatives are not redneck racists, but its hard to contradict that they aren't ignorant.

However, we have a much higher standard for our 'ignorant, racist, rednecks' here in America:

Ann Hart Coulter was born December 8, 1961 in New York City. Coulter graduated with honors from Cornell University in 1984 and received her law degree at University of Michigan Law School, where she was an editor of The Michigan Law Review.

Coulter served as a law clerk in Kansas City for Pasco Bowman II of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit. After briefly working in private practice in New York City, Coulter went to work for the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee in 1995, handling crime and immigration issues for Sen. Spencer Abraham of Michigan.
I believe Ann Coulter does not lie nor does she intentionally tell any untruth. Her scholarship is generally impeccable.

Impeccable? Scholarship? I don't think you are allowed to use her name and "scholarship" in the same sentence. You typed that with a straight face, didn't you?

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