Annoying phrases....

"Agree to disagree." Argh! Makes me wanna pull my hair out. ...Well, no, not really. Makes me wanna pull the other person's hair out! :)
There have been several. I recall getting really tired of 'WMDs' and 'don't go there.'

The new one on my nerves is 'that's how I roll.'

People who start a sentence with the word "So"

People who start a sentence with the word, "Well", it is the preface of an excuse making session.

Well I use it all the time ;)...and it ain't the preface of an excuse making session.

"Well if that's how Indonesia wants to conduct the relationship, it can go and get stuffed".
In my 70's college days, I remember overhearing someone say "catch ya later". I thought how novel.
It took about a week to set sick of hearing that one LOL.

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