Anonymous Unvaccinated Reporting System

FINALLY, you Virtuous Vaccinated, there's something you can do! You can snitch on your unvaccinated, unwashed, unholy friends, family and neighbors and (I'm sure, well I think) that information will go directly to your Public Health Network!

Don't you feel better, virtuous, more holy and righteous!? Check it out. AURS: the Anonymous Unvaccinated Reporting System

Right away, I am reminded of an ill-conceived Android app that came out several years ago, called GunGeoMarker. The basic idea was ostensibly to create a crowdsourced database of firearm-related “hazards”; in reality, an effort to dox legitimate firearm owners.

It was defeated by large numbers of people submitting bogus entries to it, filling its database with invalid data.

This site seems ripe for a similar treatment.


On further digging, I find that this site is not what it appears. It's actually a publicity stunt, of sorts, by someone running for Governor in California. This appears at the bottom of the About page of the site:

Disclaimer: The AURS is a satirical critique by political candidate David Alexander Bramante, in association with his campaign David Bramante for Governor 2021.
David is hoping to point out how dangerously close our society is to having a company like AURS exist, and a world where friends, family and neighbors are reporting each other to authorities.
The emergency orders and government mandates must end, especially those involving vaccinations. David is the only candidate not accepting donations for his bid as California Governor.
Please help get David elected in the upcoming September 14, 2021 recall election, by spreading this website, its meaning, and by pledging your vote. For more information about his campaign, visit: AURS – Report Not Filed – David Alexander Bramante
You like the idea that there is some liberal tears involved here don't you? Grow up. If you died from covid at this point I would celebrate.

And as an answer to your question: absolutely people who want to see people die for such light reasons must be politically defeated. Yes. Their ideas must never hold sway for obvious reasons. So yes, to see their ideas lose makes me happy. That does not however mean that I want them to die.

Because I am not miserable. thank God.
Right away, I am reminded of an ill-conceived Android app that came out several years ago, called GunGeoMarker. The basic idea was ostensibly to create a crowdsourced database of firearm-related “hazards”; in reality, an effort to dox legitimate firearm owners.

It was defeated by large numbers of people submitting bogus entries to it, filling its database with invalid data.

This site seems ripe for a similar treatment.


On further digging, I find that this site is not what it appears. It's actually a publicity stunt, of sorts, by someone running for Governor in California. This appears at the bottom of the About page of the site:

Disclaimer: The AURS is a satirical critique by political candidate David Alexander Bramante, in association with his campaign David Bramante for Governor 2021.
David is hoping to point out how dangerously close our society is to having a company like AURS exist, and a world where friends, family and neighbors are reporting each other to authorities.
The emergency orders and government mandates must end, especially those involving vaccinations. David is the only candidate not accepting donations for his bid as California Governor.
Please help get David elected in the upcoming September 14, 2021 recall election, by spreading this website, its meaning, and by pledging your vote. For more information about his campaign, visit: AURS – Report Not Filed – David Alexander Bramante

I knew that, hence the parentheses in the OP. But it's so close to our current reality that it almost is believable.
Just get the shot and quit being a pussy.

It'd be entertaining to see you try to make be submit to this risky medical experiment. Go ahead and try. We'll see who the pussy really is.

[Hint: It's the cretin who is so ignorant, so brainwashed, and so scared of an overhyped flu bug that poses no significance threat to him, that he not only has submitted to a dangerous experimental drug to “protect” him from it, has literally begged government to strip him of his essential freedoms and to destroy the economy; and who wants to make everyone else suffer the same ills that he's stupidly chosen to bring on himself.]
Happy as a clam. I just don't have any concern left for the psychos doing everything they can to prolong the pandemic

Wrong. People who are happy do not wish death on people for so light a cause, and then say they would celebrate. Or maybe you're just mentally unwell. That could be it too.
Happy as a clam. I just don't have any concern left for the psychos doing everything they can to prolong the pandemic

FEAR is what prolongs pandemics. Once people are no longer in fear, it will dissipate.

Its actually Sleepy Joe et al that want to prolong it with their mask mandates and all of that. But Biden isn't psychotic (at least not because of this). Its in his best interest to extend the pandemic as long as possible and make people as dependent as possible on government largesse.
Why are those who are vaccinated and "protected" from covid so fearful? There are dozens of reasons why someone may chose not to get vaccinated and the only people potentially affected are other people who have chosen not to get vaccinated.

Are informed adults allowed to decide how they live their lives?


The #CoronaHoax2020 is based on fear. Those who have fallen most hard for it are those who are most susceptible to being deceived and brainwashed into living in fear and submission under tyrants and criminals.

And the existence of those of us who are not so easily frightened and brainwashed, who are capable of seeing and thinking for ourselves, is deeply offensive and disturbing to that sort.

In a broader sense, it seems to be a solid trait of those on the left wrong to seek to achieve “equality”, not by making any effort to improve themselves, but rather by trying to drag those who are clearly superior to them down to their own level.
Wrong. People who are happy do not wish death on people for so light a cause, and then say they would celebrate. Or maybe you're just mentally unwell. That could be it too.
Most drunk drivers make it home OK. Should drunk driving be allowed? I despise you just like I would any drunk behind the wheel endangering the public with their reckless behavior. .
Why are drunk drivers not allowed on the roads? There's your answer.
Drunk drivers are in an impaired state and incapable of driving a car with care. Sober and lucid people who make decisions cannot be compared to drunk drivers. Apples and oranges.


In fact, there's an inversion here.

We've got those who are deeply impaired by fear and brainwashing condemn those of us who are sober and lucid for being so, and demanding that we be punished for it.

Modern LIbEralism truly is a mental disease, isn't it?
From the site's "About" page:

Disclaimer: The AURS is a satirical critique by political candidate David Alexander Bramante, in association with his campaign David Bramante for Governor 2021.

Playing into the fears and paranoia of Trumpsters. It's almost unfair.
She is now trying to claim that she knew this all along.
Just mind your own business, Karen.
Putting a comment up on this board invites replies. Jerkwad could have kept his antivax bullshit to himself if he didn't want to be chided for his idiocy.

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