Bull Ring Anonymous1977: emilynghiem is Asian I support Freedmen's Town plan for Constitutional equality

Hi Anonymous1977
I was trying to be sympathetic
That was not intended at all to be racist
but sensitive and not judging you if you are Native American and going off against Whites.
I was trying to make sense of why you would project onto me,
so I was asking if this were the reason.
My apologies and did not mean to offend, but to understand the reason offense was occurring here.

Stop harrassing her. You are a wicked man! You need to repent!

Here Jeremiah,

Here is a racist statement from her in this thread:

"May I ask are you part Native American
The people I have seen suddenly turn like this,
often have Native American blood and have been betrayed
at such deep levels they cannot help when trust issues suddenly trigger."

She is a White racist masquerading as an Asian to try to stir up trouble between a Black and Asians.

She has too much time on her hands, she's dookie (human waste) in a bag of skin LOL, and she needs a life.

Peace & may God Bless you.

If you really believed I was White
you'd take me up on the 10 million bet that I'm Asian.

You are scared to deal with the Freedmen's Town issues.

This is the WILDEST excuse I've seen yet.
Accusing me of being White and stirring trouble between Blacks and Asians?

The Vietnamese landlords were the only reason the poor nonprofit volunteers
were able to stay within the neighborhood when the City evicted them.

They let me pay rent late so these nonprofit groups could stay in the Duplex they own.
These Vietnamese owners were the only reason the 10 houses were still standing.
They tried to hold onto them to sell to the community nonprofits,
but the City kept giving the money to developers and denying any help to the nonprofits
that had valid plans for restoring the historic district.

How DARE you insult the Asian and Black residents who are the only
reason we had any chance of saving those last blocks left of historic rowhouses.

Shame on you.

You can disbelieve me all you want, but how dare you
when these VIETNAMESE landlords did more than you
ever did to save this National Historic district of Black Churches and Civil Rights landmarks.

One reason they put up with Black volunteers going 4 months or more without paying rent,
and then letting me pay for them, because
I am VIETNAMESE and they trusted me to work out the plans for covering rent until they caught up.

I introduced them to my VIETNAMESE godmother
who also backed the plans and wanted to help but we may have run out of time.

The Vietnamese have history in that district also.

Sorry you have no idea how the minorities have had to stick together
when we were up against corporate developers taking advantage.

If you dare bet me 10 million dollars I am American born Vietnamese,
I posted a 10 million dollar plan to save the last 10 houses as a campus for Veterans.

If you are just making a lousy excuse to chicken out,
this is the lousiest excuse I've ever seen.

Sorry you don't get it.
I don't get you either, and thought you were serious about
addressing issues of liberating people from oppression politics controlling everything.
OK in that video link below I am show for about 8 seconds between 1:42-1:50
this is the first time I dared to look at that because I was afraid I looked nerdy.
Yep I look nerdy.

The only reason worthless, waste of skin, Anonymous1977 talks like this is that he is indeed "anonymous".

He doesn't have the balls to take on a little tiny Asian woman, face to face, in real life cuz its for sure, she'd beat the worthless crap out of him.

LOLOLOL no, Anonymous1977 talks like this because he hates White racists like emilynghiem, and who ever else would be trash enough to masquerade as someone of another race to stir up race trouble lolol.

Time running out for historic Freedman s Town - FOX 26 News MyFoxHouston
^ does this look like a white person to you. or do you see a Vietnamese female 5'3" about 115 lbs in this video ^

How can you type if you are so blind you look at me and see a White racist?

Why would I spend 60,000 on credit trying to save two Black districts with educational plans I believe are sustainable solutions for reforming govt, and liberating communities to be self-governing.

Why would I work two jobs to pay off these loans to buy more time for Black community leaders and organizations to get behind these plans?

That is a very expensive "trick" to abuse to try to stir issues between Asians and Blacks?

But hey, Anon, if you can look at that video and still believe I am a White Racist
masquerading as an Asian, I will bet you 10 millions dollars -- which you can raise for this campus district instead of me working two jobs and volunteering to try to help the residents.

I just met with Darrell Patterson, Precinct 30 Chair, if you want to verify with him I am a Vietnamese/Asian
supporter of his youth development plans for the neighborhood. We wrote these up and passed them
as a Resolution when I was volunteering as Secretary for the Precinct.
His mobile # is posted at http://www.isocracytx.net/hp-org/4d-chart.html if you want to call and verify
I am Asian and trying to help not hurt the community.

The last time someone tried to slander me this badly
it was two young Black men with the Occupy group I had set up a house for to continue their
activism in Freedmen's Town. They turned on Gladys and me, claimed they had paid for the rent
and I had taken the money, but I was the one paying the rent for them. They tried to take Gladys' property
claiming adverse possession thinking she hadn't set up the title correctly and tried to use Occupy lawyers
to find a loophole. They gave wrong information to the Occupy group and lawyers that were being screwed over, the lease was in their names, they had paid and were being evicted. When it was Gladys and me using our own money and property to keep them housed because they said they were interested in helping Freedmen's Town.

Anonymous1977 I can name more Black men
who have done more to divide and damage the community.

They have turned on me, Gladys, anyone who is trying to promote solutions
and start these "self-destructive" antics instead.

Been there, done that.

I can forgive it because I am an Asian female and don't have this Black/White crap that other people have.
I just know it blows up in people's faces for no reason.

I don't take it personally but understand you are projecting pain
because of these very Black/White genocidal issues that have gone on from generation to generation.

I found a place that provides a solution, so I am going to support that
and keep my commitment to the authors of these plans who are
all BLACK. Gladys House, Lenwood Johnson, Darrell Patterson.
I was just a volunteer when I started, and ended up being the
only financial source they could trust to lend them 10K to 14K each over the years
while the City tried to bleed their nonprofit programs out of the neighborhood.

I was only there to back them up, but ended being the only support
when everyone else like you freaks out and goes ballistic over this.

Sorry for this, but it comes with our district, just very bad karma
and it blows up when we least expect it, like a volcano.
From bad racist history that has done very damaging things.

I've tried to help but this project is bigger than me, so that's why I ask everyone for help.
I was never meant to take this on, and am just another volunteer.


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Emily is who she says she is.

Her posting style is done in an earnest attempt to mediate social issues.

She also does fundraising for freedman's and works in a non-profit field, she used to be a progressive and has converted to the constitutional party. She's also a The Christian Universalist Association All God s children No one left behind

She can be long winded and certainly not everyone's cup of tea.

If you are being harassed as you say report it to a Mod. They can determine if the PM crossed the line, :rolleyes-41:

Some people at the board have shared that they choose to read past Emily's posts or put her on ignore, you have that power of choice too.

Lastly, she is exactly who she says she is, we've talked and texted offline, she has pictures on her profile page, She posted her work email in this very thread. (unwise to do here imo)

At any rate she's got a good heart even if long winded, and her intention in any social issue is to mediate for a resolve because she believes mediation can solve the issues.
Emily is who she says she is.

Her posting style is done in an earnest attempt to mediate social issues.

She also does fundraising for freedman's and works in a non-profit field, she used to be a progressive and has converted to the constitutional party. She's also a The Christian Universalist Association All God s children No one left behind

She can be long winded and certainly not everyone's cup of tea.

If you are being harassed as you say report it to a Mod. They can determine if the PM crossed the line, :rolleyes-41:

Some people at the board have shared that they choose to read past Emily's posts or put her on ignore, you have that power of choice too.

Lastly, she is exactly who she says she is, we've talked and texted offline, she has pictures on her profile page, She posted her work email in this very thread. (unwise to do here imo)

At any rate she's got a good heart even if long winded, and her intention in any social issue is to mediate for a resolve because she believes mediation can solve the issues.

Well, with all due respect, she strikes me as a White...I respectfully declined to join in whatever social efforts she alleges to be involved in, which is some project for the betterment of Blacks, whom I don't understand why she as an allegedly Asian woman is so particularly interested in helping.

I respectfully declined, and read on some thread of hers that I saw today to someone else that she believes that I am afraid of White racist groups, who never came up in our PMs that I saw. That is White behavior (not helping Blacks,) not Asian behavior (I've never known an Asian to attack a suffering Black, whom she alleges to want to help, for no reason, but I have seen WHITES attack suffering Blacks for no reason, like the people that I continued to cite in my posts to her:



She STINKS of White racism to me, so I know that she is not Asian but a White woman...

Peace and May God Bless you.
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Thanks for explaining Anonymous1977

The fear of White Racist groups was talking to NUTZ who did reply to that. NOT TO YOU.
Sorry this wasn't clear!!! NUTZ made it clear he was afraid the Tea Party was responsible
for a lot of the White Aryan racist violent garbage. Only fear can make someone lump all that together.

I was wondering why you suddenly jumped on me for no reason.
this explains it. sorry for the misunderstanding and thank you for clearing that up!

Lots of people will point out I have a lot of "White" culture in my writing and thinking.
I am brought up in America, in Houston TX, which is very conservative.

I am a Constitutionalist so if you consider that language to be WHITE in origin, that is fair -- that
culturally the TERMS are from from European traditions, though Asclepias did point out the Native Americans
contributed and some people credit Mohammad and the laws coming from that spiritual tradition.

I believe NATURAL LAWS are universal to all people, but it was the Founding Fathers
who wrote down these laws using terms in the Constitution and Amendments that
make these NATURAL LAWS accessible to all people to use and enforce to DESCRIBE their natural rights
in order to DEFEND them and build contracts the people can have direct representation and authority in.

Sorry I sound too white for your cultural tastes.
Yes, this system is too easily abused and monopolized
and that is EXACTLY what I am trying to change. The natural laws apply to all people
so we all need equal access to means of establishing contracts and laws.
otherwise the system is hopelessly biased to keep feeding the same interests.

I agree it needs to change, and that is the point of setting up campuses in every district
so communities can build systems for themselves. Give them the tools and let them go...

Emily is who she says she is.

Her posting style is done in an earnest attempt to mediate social issues.

She also does fundraising for freedman's and works in a non-profit field, she used to be a progressive and has converted to the constitutional party. She's also a The Christian Universalist Association All God s children No one left behind

She can be long winded and certainly not everyone's cup of tea.

If you are being harassed as you say report it to a Mod. They can determine if the PM crossed the line, :rolleyes-41:

Some people at the board have shared that they choose to read past Emily's posts or put her on ignore, you have that power of choice too.

Lastly, she is exactly who she says she is, we've talked and texted offline, she has pictures on her profile page, She posted her work email in this very thread. (unwise to do here imo)

At any rate she's got a good heart even if long winded, and her intention in any social issue is to mediate for a resolve because she believes mediation can solve the issues.

Well, with all due respect, she strikes me as a White...I respectfully declined to join in whatever social efforts she alleges to be involved in, which is some project for the betterment of Blacks, whom I don't understand why she as an allegedly Asian woman is so particularly interested in helping.

I respectfully declined, and read on some thread of hers that I saw today to someone else that she believes that I am afraid of White racist groups, who never came up in our PMs that I saw. That is White behavior (not helping Blacks,) not Asian behavior (I've never known an Asian to attack a suffering Black, whom she alleges to want to help, for no reason, but I have seen WHITES attack suffering Blacks for no reason, like the people that I continued to cite in my posts to her:



She STINKS of White racism to me.

Peace and May God Bless you.
Thanks for explaining Anonymous1977

The fear of White Racist groups was talking to NUTZ who did reply to that. NOT TO YOU.
Sorry this wasn't clear!!! NUTZ made it clear he was afraid the Tea Party was responsible
for a lot of the White Aryan racist violent garbage. Only fear can make someone lump all that together.

I was wondering why you suddenly jumped on me for no reason.
this explains it. sorry for the misunderstanding and thank you for clearing that up!

Lots of people will point out I have a lot of "White" culture in my writing and thinking.
I am brought up in America, in Houston TX, which is very conservative.

I am a Constitutionalist so if you consider that language to be WHITE in origin, that is fair -- that
culturally the TERMS are from from European traditions, though Asclepias did point out the Native Americans
contributed and some people credit Mohammad and the laws coming from that spiritual tradition.

I believe NATURAL LAWS are universal to all people, but it was the Founding Fathers
who wrote down these laws using terms in the Constitution and Amendments that
make these NATURAL LAWS accessible to all people to use and enforce to DESCRIBE their natural rights
in order to DEFEND them and build contracts the people can have direct representation and authority in.

Sorry I sound too white for your cultural tastes.
Yes, this system is too easily abused and monopolized
and that is EXACTLY what I am trying to change. The natural laws apply to all people
so we all need equal access to means of establishing contracts and laws.
otherwise the system is hopelessly biased to keep feeding the same interests.

I agree it needs to change, and that is the point of setting up campuses in every district
so communities can build systems for themselves. Give them the tools and let them go...

White person, you seem to not understand things too well, so I will be crystal clear (God-Willing:)


Thanks for explaining Anonymous1977

The fear of White Racist groups was talking to NUTZ who did reply to that. NOT TO YOU.
Sorry this wasn't clear!!! NUTZ made it clear he was afraid the Tea Party was responsible
for a lot of the White Aryan racist violent garbage. Only fear can make someone lump all that together.

I was wondering why you suddenly jumped on me for no reason.
this explains it. sorry for the misunderstanding and thank you for clearing that up!

Lots of people will point out I have a lot of "White" culture in my writing and thinking.
I am brought up in America, in Houston TX, which is very conservative.

I am a Constitutionalist so if you consider that language to be WHITE in origin, that is fair -- that
culturally the TERMS are from from European traditions, though Asclepias did point out the Native Americans
contributed and some people credit Mohammad and the laws coming from that spiritual tradition.

I believe NATURAL LAWS are universal to all people, but it was the Founding Fathers
who wrote down these laws using terms in the Constitution and Amendments that
make these NATURAL LAWS accessible to all people to use and enforce to DESCRIBE their natural rights
in order to DEFEND them and build contracts the people can have direct representation and authority in.

Sorry I sound too white for your cultural tastes.
Yes, this system is too easily abused and monopolized
and that is EXACTLY what I am trying to change. The natural laws apply to all people
so we all need equal access to means of establishing contracts and laws.
otherwise the system is hopelessly biased to keep feeding the same interests.

I agree it needs to change, and that is the point of setting up campuses in every district
so communities can build systems for themselves. Give them the tools and let them go...

White person, you seem to not understand things too well, so I will be crystal clear (God-Willing:)



What are you talking about?
Do you understand I am Asian?
Why do you call out such ugly things
and complain White people are acting hateful?

If you post false things about me,
I have the right to answer.

So quit doing that, please.
You have basically accused me of lying or fraud.

So correct yourself and apologize
for accusing me of being a "White racist"
and I won't have to post to correct
FALSE accusations you made, not me.
Emily is who she says she is.

Her posting style is done in an earnest attempt to mediate social issues.

She also does fundraising for freedman's and works in a non-profit field, she used to be a progressive and has converted to the constitutional party. She's also a The Christian Universalist Association All God s children No one left behind

She can be long winded and certainly not everyone's cup of tea.

If you are being harassed as you say report it to a Mod. They can determine if the PM crossed the line, :rolleyes-41:

Some people at the board have shared that they choose to read past Emily's posts or put her on ignore, you have that power of choice too.

Lastly, she is exactly who she says she is, we've talked and texted offline, she has pictures on her profile page, She posted her work email in this very thread. (unwise to do here imo)

At any rate she's got a good heart even if long winded, and her intention in any social issue is to mediate for a resolve because she believes mediation can solve the issues.

Well, with all due respect, she strikes me as a White...I respectfully declined to join in whatever social efforts she alleges to be involved in, which is some project for the betterment of Blacks, whom I don't understand why she as an allegedly Asian woman is so particularly interested in helping.

I respectfully declined, and read on some thread of hers that I saw today to someone else that she believes that I am afraid of White racist groups, who never came up in our PMs that I saw. That is White behavior (not helping Blacks,) not Asian behavior (I've never known an Asian to attack a suffering Black, whom she alleges to want to help, for no reason, but I have seen WHITES attack suffering Blacks for no reason, like the people that I continued to cite in my posts to her:



She STINKS of White racism to me, so I know that she is not Asian but a White woman...

Peace and May God Bless you.

You can think whatever you want, but it doesn't make it true. Shrug.

She's who she says she is. If you don't like her point of view then why not just address that ?
Thanks for explaining Anonymous1977

The fear of White Racist groups was talking to NUTZ who did reply to that. NOT TO YOU.
Sorry this wasn't clear!!! NUTZ made it clear he was afraid the Tea Party was responsible
for a lot of the White Aryan racist violent garbage. Only fear can make someone lump all that together.

I was wondering why you suddenly jumped on me for no reason.
this explains it. sorry for the misunderstanding and thank you for clearing that up!

Lots of people will point out I have a lot of "White" culture in my writing and thinking.
I am brought up in America, in Houston TX, which is very conservative.

I am a Constitutionalist so if you consider that language to be WHITE in origin, that is fair -- that
culturally the TERMS are from from European traditions, though Asclepias did point out the Native Americans
contributed and some people credit Mohammad and the laws coming from that spiritual tradition.

I believe NATURAL LAWS are universal to all people, but it was the Founding Fathers
who wrote down these laws using terms in the Constitution and Amendments that
make these NATURAL LAWS accessible to all people to use and enforce to DESCRIBE their natural rights
in order to DEFEND them and build contracts the people can have direct representation and authority in.

Sorry I sound too white for your cultural tastes.
Yes, this system is too easily abused and monopolized
and that is EXACTLY what I am trying to change. The natural laws apply to all people
so we all need equal access to means of establishing contracts and laws.
otherwise the system is hopelessly biased to keep feeding the same interests.

I agree it needs to change, and that is the point of setting up campuses in every district
so communities can build systems for themselves. Give them the tools and let them go...

White person, you seem to not understand things too well, so I will be crystal clear (God-Willing:)



What are you talking about?
Do you understand I am Asian?
Why do you call out such ugly things
and complain White people are acting hateful?

If you post false things about me,
I have the right to answer.

So quit doing that, please.
You have basically accused me of lying or fraud.

So correct yourself and apologize
for accusing me of being a "White racist"
and I won't have to post to correct
FALSE accusations you made, not me.

At this point Anonymous77 is just trolling you.

You will need to forgive anonymous77 for it.

He/She thinks if they pretend you are white then the rage against your point of view is justified.

If they acknowledge you are Asian then perhaps in their personal standards they might require themselves to analyze if you make any valid points.

If you were white they probably feel they could just disregard you because of white privilege and how whites try "splain things" to everyone. :lol:
You can think whatever you want, but it doesn't make it true. Shrug.

She's who she says she is. If you don't like her point of view then why not just address that ?

I know evil Whites when I come across them...unless my computer/USMB account is being hacked & posts are being altered, she is an evil intending White person.

Again, some racist White could be hacking and altering posts to me because of my political/religious activist activities, but I'm not interested in posts allegedly from her and I haven't been reading them.

Peace, and may God bless you.
At this point Anonymous77 is just trolling you.

You will need to forgive anonymous77 for it.

He/She thinks if they pretend you are white then the rage against your point of view is justified.

If they acknowledge you are Asian then perhaps in their personal standards they might require themselves to analyze if you make any valid points.

If you were white they probably feel they could just disregard you because of white privilege and how whites try "splain things" to everyone. :lol:

Well ASSumer, since you "know" what people think so well, tell me what I am thinking right now, jack-*ss lol.
You can think whatever you want, but it doesn't make it true. Shrug.

She's who she says she is. If you don't like her point of view then why not just address that ?

I know evil Whites when I come across them...unless my computer/USMB account is being hacked & posts are being altered, she is an evil intending White person.

Again, some racist White could be hacking and altering posts to me because of my political/religious activist activities, but I'm not interested in posts allegedly from her and I haven't been reading them.

Peace, and may God bless you.

I offered to bet you 10 million dollars I am Asian.
I posted images of me.

Nobody else can imitate my weird way of writing.
I was born and brought up in America, in Houston Texas,
and speak and write English only.

Of course I am going to sound WHITE.
I went to Rice University which was founded as a WHITE school.

I went to Texas City High School when the school system
was highly rated and funded.

I think you mean the WHITE Culture.
Why you think that is evil is
your projection.

but if you keep blaming me for that,
then I will keep responding.
because that is false.

I am not this image you have in your mind.

If you want to do a free con call by skype
or by digital samba, you can see that I am
Asian using your own webcam.

My voice is recorded on my song tracks
that has a TEXAS accent.

So if that is WHITE to you then

Is that what you mean?

Sorry you are in this much pain that
it is projecting onto me. I hope this helps with your healing.

My friends Cherry Steinwender (Black) and her white husband Sigi (German)
at the Center for the Healing of Racism can tell you that I am ASIAN.
Sigi even asked to see my birth certificate where it says both my
parents are born in Vietnam, but race or color says WHITE.

So we have a joke I am a WHITE LADY because my birth certificate
says my parents are WHITE. The same Galveston County agency
states my little sister is YELLOW. go figure.

I can scan my birth certificate so we can both be RIGHT.
It says my parents are Vietnamese but their color is typed in as WHITE.

sorry this causes you so much pain.
I care about these issues and sorry they are so painful

Thank you for sharing honestly with me that you felt this way.
I am sorry for your pain and hope this helps release it and feel better later on.

Yours truly
Emily Nghiem
my real name.
Deaths Quang Xuan Nghiem helped resettle refugees - Houston Chronicle

Here's my father's obituary from 2001

My name Emily Ngoc Thuy Nghiem is listed as Emily Thuy Ngoc.
Doesn't sound very White, as I can't even pronounce this correctly with my Texas accent.

My parents' names are Quang Xuan Nghiem and San Hong Ngo Nghiem,
both very well respected in the Vietnamese community because of the work my father did
to resettle Vietnamese refugees and to build the first Vietnamese Buddhist temple in the Houston area.

If those names don't sound Asian to you, but sound White,
or if you think someone is hacking into your computer to
make my messages sound White to you,
then you have worse personal problems
than worrying if other people are "White trash racists"

If I had known you had mental perception issues you are too scared to resolve,
I never would have taken you seriously when you indicated you were serious about
empowerment of Blacks and liberation from the politically oppressing system used today.

Normally I should be insulted that you would accuse all the work in Freedmen's Town
as fraudulent.

But if you are this phobic or paranoid I feel sorry for you.

I feel bad that this will continue to affect your perception
and impair your judgment. And if you resolved this you would
be liberated from that fear. But if you insist on staying stuck
in this state of believing false things, I cannot help you.

And that means you are not set free with truth but remain enslaved
in your false beliefs you cling to because you are afraid of
the changes involved in the plans I presented for govt reform.

Stay safe and I pray you will have support to come out of
your denial and projection when you are ready to.

Sorry I took you seriously and believed you
when you don't even have enough credibility to believe me when I am telling you the truth.

Very sad. Very disapppointed that you were not serious
but playing the very games you were trying to accuse me of.


Quang Xuan Nghiem, a physician who was instrumental in helping Vietnamese refugees settle in the Gulf Coast area after the fall of Saigon, has died at the age of 69.

Nghiem, of Texas City, died Tuesday at a Webster hospital from complications associated with a stroke he suffered in 1985, said his daughter, Patricia Oanh Ngoc of Palo Alto, Calif.

Nghiem was born Oct. 17, 1931, in Hanoi, Vietnam, to Viet Xuan Nghiem and Xuan Mong Dang. He moved to the United States in 1958.

Nghiem began his medical training at the University of Paris School of Medicine. He completed his pediatric internship and residency in the United States, including a clinical fellowship in medicine at Children's Hospital Medical Center at Harvard Medical School.

In 1966, Nghiem completed a National Institutes of Health fellowship in pediatric cardiology at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston.

He was on the faculty of UTMB from 1966-1981, serving as an assistant professor of pediatric cardiology and associate professor of pediatrics.

He was acting director of pediatric cardiology from 1976 to 1981. He then established a private practice in downtown Houston.

Nghiem was active in the Houston-Galveston Vietnamese community, most notably as founder and charter president of the World Buddhism Association, Texas Vietnamese Affiliate.

"In 1975, when refugees got here, he helped people resettle," Ngoc said. He was a key member of the Gulf Coast Indo-Chinese Resettlement Committee started in Texas City, she said.

In 1985, he was named president emeritus of the Phat Quang Pagoda, the first Vietnamese Buddhist pagoda in the Houston area.

Nghiem also was a retired major in the U.S. Army Reserve.

He was preceded in death by his parents and a sister, Khanh Mong Le Thi.

He is survived by his wife, San Hong Ngo Nghiem, whom he married in 1961; sons, Alex Trung Xuan of Austin, Roland Hiep Xuan of Los Angeles and Arthur Thanh Xuan of Texas City; daughters, Patricia Oanh Ngoc of Palo Alto, Calif., Emily Thuy Ngoc of Houston and Laura Yen Ngoc of Menlo Park, Calif.; and brothers, Minh Xuan Nghiem and Hai Xuan Nghiem of Paris, France.

Visitation is from 7 to 9 tonight and from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday at Winford Funeral Home, 8514 Tybor Drive in Houston. A memorial service is set for 10 a.m. Saturday at the funeral home.

Memorial contributions may be made to the Children's Research Fund at UTMB, 301 University Blvd., Galveston, 77551; or VITAS Hospice Care, 211 E. Parkwood, Suite 108, Friendswood, 77546.
At this point Anonymous77 is just trolling you.

You will need to forgive anonymous77 for it.

He/She thinks if they pretend you are white then the rage against your point of view is justified.

If they acknowledge you are Asian then perhaps in their personal standards they might require themselves to analyze if you make any valid points.

If you were white they probably feel they could just disregard you because of white privilege and how whites try "splain things" to everyone. :lol:

Well ASSumer, since you "know" what people think so well, tell me what I am thinking right now, jack-*ss lol.

I don't have to assume, your replies to Emily say it all. :lol:
I don't have to assume, your replies to Emily say it all. :lol:

Well let me tell you, drifter, you need some language classes (if you are so confident in your ability to read/deduce what people are thinking.) I hasten to inform you that you DON'T know what I was thinking when I was posting to emilynghiem:lol:.
And, he's a fake christian.


I'm not a member of any religion, Sir...I just believe in the God of Abraham...


Thank you, Anonymous
Do you believe in making peace by not bearing false witness against your neighbor?
Because it is false that I am any kind of malicious "White/European/Caucasian" person
posing or posting pretending to be of Asian descent.
George Zimmerman was called a White Hispanic.
Maybe you mean to call me a White Asian?

If you are pointing out you disagree with my cultural biases in speech and content,
that you feel these are part of the oppressive system you fight against,
you can argue that and I do agree that the legal govt and political system IS BIASED
and oppressive because it is not equally accessible, affordable or enforceable for all people.

but it is NOT because of any ill intent you claim, especially not fraud lying or misrepresentation,
that is simply NOT THERE.

Whatever problems you see in society you are projecting onto me,
it is not coming from me because I am fighting the same things.

I lost so much trying to help my neighbors and friends in Freedmen's Town.
This battle has been taking so long, I lost years with my own family
and may never have children because I used all my credit and time
and still have not resolved that, so I lost 20 years including the ones
where I could have had children but at 48 it's likely too late unless I have time to adopt.

I have basically witnessed an invisible genocide of generations and community
tied to Freedmen's Town, all because of the OPPRESSIVE system you and I both fight.

So I have no interest in being part of the very system
that censored and destroyed an entire community
and their plans for restoration and sustainable development.
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I don't have to assume, your replies to Emily say it all. :lol:

Well let me tell you, drifter, you need some language classes (if you are so confident in your ability to read/deduce what people are thinking.) I hasten to inform you that you DON'T know what I was thinking when I was posting to emilynghiem:lol:.
I don't think ANYONE knows "what you were thinking when
you posted to me" accusing me of not being Asian! :banana:<-- banana?
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I don't have to assume, your replies to Emily say it all. :lol:

Well let me tell you, drifter, you need some language classes (if you are so confident in your ability to read/deduce what people are thinking.) I hasten to inform you that you DON'T know what I was thinking when I was posting to emilynghiem:lol:.

Are you white anonymous77?

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