Another active shooter

This is something that seemed to die down during pun intended...but why as soon as we get another democrat president we begin to see mass shooters again? happened under Clinton Obama and the anti 2nd amendment RINO Bush...makes me wonder if all of those stories about CIA mind control are true....
Lets face it...dems want to take guns away and need us to want that too...what better way than to create more random shootings....

It didn’t die down Scooter. You just want to believe it did.

lying commie

Ok. What was the lie? The lists provided by the link? Those are based on crime reports aren’t they? I faked crime reports? Or did I fake the list?

That is the problem with radicals. Any information they don’t like is automatically denounced as a lie. Sadly. Neither side has an exclusive on this trait.

This is something that seemed to die down during pun intended...but why as soon as we get another democrat president we begin to see mass shooters again? happened under Clinton Obama and the anti 2nd amendment RINO Bush...makes me wonder if all of those stories about CIA mind control are true....
Lets face it...dems want to take guns away and need us to want that too...what better way than to create more random shootings....

It didn’t die down Scooter. You just want to believe it did.

lying commie

Ok. What was the lie? The lists provided by the link? Those are based on crime reports aren’t they? I faked crime reports? Or did I fake the list?

That is the problem with radicals. Any information they don’t like is automatically denounced as a lie. Sadly. Neither side has an exclusive on this trait.

The lie is the Gun Violence Archive...

Notice they use the combination of words "Mass Shooting." This is to lie to uniformed Americans because when they see those two words, they subliminally add "Public," to the combination.

The GVA knows that Americans understand a "Mass Public Shooting," to be an individual walking into a public place and shooting innocent men, women and children.

The GVA, in order to get their number up....add gang shootings.....which is the lie.

Of the 10,235 gun murders in the U.S. in 2019, over 70-80% of the victims are criminals, murdered by other criminals. Of the remaining victims, the vast majority are friends and family of the criminals accidentally hit instead of the criminal they associate with. And these murders occur in tiny sections of democrat party controlled cities....

Americans understand that they have almost nothing to fear from regular criminal gun long as they don't associate with criminals and don't have violent criminals in their families, and as long as they stay out of gang controlled sections of democrat party controlled cities....

They do, however, fear mass public shootings because those are random, and target normal people in normal places. and they are made to seem more prevalent than they actually are by the democrat media covering them 24/7 when they happen.

For example, according to Mother Jones, the anti-gun, left wing news organization, there were ...

12 mass public shootings in 2018
10 mass public shootings in 2019
1 mass public shooting in 2020

Mother Jones uses the actual FBI definition of a mass public shooting...

US mass shootings, 1982–2021: Data from Mother Jones’ investigation

Dating back to at least 2005, the FBI and leading criminologists essentially defined a mass shooting as a single attack in a public place in which four or more victims were killed. We adopted that baseline for fatalities when we gathered data in 2012 on three decades worth of cases.

  • Here is a description of the criteria we use:
    • The perpetrator took the lives of at least four people. A 2008 FBI report identifies an individual as a mass murderer—versus a spree killer or a serial killer—if he kills four or more people in a single incident (not including himself), typically in a single location. (*In 2013, the US government’s fatality baseline was revised down to three; our database reflects this change beginning from Jan. 2013, as detailed above.)
    • The killings were carried out by a lone shooter. (Except in the case of the Columbine massacre and the Westside Middle School killings, which involved two shooters.)
    • The shootings occurred in a public place. (Except in the case of a party on private property in Crandon, Wisconsin, and another in Seattle, where crowds of strangers had gathered, essentially constituting a public crowd.)
    • Crimes primarily related to gang activity or armed robbery are not included, nor are mass killings that took place in private homes (often stemming from domestic violence).
    • Perpetrators who died or were wounded during the attack are not included in the victim tallies.
    • We included a handful of cases also known as “spree killings“—cases in which the killings occurred in more than one location, but still over a short period of time, that otherwise fit the above criteria.
    • ----------------------
Our research focused on indiscriminate rampages in public places resulting in four or more victims killed by the attacker. We exclude shootings stemming from more conventionally motivated crimes such as armed robbery or gang violence. (Or in which the perpetrators have not been identified.) Other news outlets and researchers have since published larger tallies that include a wide range of gun crimes in which four or more people have been either wounded or killed. While those larger datasets of multiple-victim shootings are useful for studying the broader problem of gun violence, our investigation provides an in-depth look at a distinct phenomenon—from the firearms used and mental health factors to the growing copycat problem. Tracking mass shootings is complex; we believe ours is the most useful approach for studying this specific phenomenon.

The actual number of mass shootings from Mother Jones.......

Here you go...the number of mass public shootings according to Mother Jones...rabid, anti gun, left wing news source.....not the NRA...

The list below comes from the old definition of 4 killed to make a shooting a mass shooting...if you now go to the link there are more than listed below...but that is because Mother Jones changed the list from the time I first posted it...and changed to obama's new standard of only 3 dead to make a mass shooting...

I have put obama's updated number in parenthesis..........

we will see....

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation


2018... 12

2017: 11 ( 5 according to the old standard)


2015....4 ( obama's new standard....7)

2014....2 (4)












2002 not listed so more than likely 0

















1985... not listed so probably 0


1983...not listed so probably 0


This is something that seemed to die down during pun intended...but why as soon as we get another democrat president we begin to see mass shooters again? happened under Clinton Obama and the anti 2nd amendment RINO Bush...makes me wonder if all of those stories about CIA mind control are true....
Lets face it...dems want to take guns away and need us to want that too...what better way than to create more random shootings....

It didn’t die down Scooter. You just want to believe it did.

lying commie

Ok. What was the lie? The lists provided by the link? Those are based on crime reports aren’t they? I faked crime reports? Or did I fake the list?

That is the problem with radicals. Any information they don’t like is automatically denounced as a lie. Sadly. Neither side has an exclusive on this trait.

As my post #1,042 points out, the GVA lies by adding all shootings to their database vs. actual mass public shootings....they do this to scare uninformed people into thinking mass public shootings happen all the time...when they are actually more rare than getting hit by lightning multiple times........

This is something that seemed to die down during pun intended...but why as soon as we get another democrat president we begin to see mass shooters again? happened under Clinton Obama and the anti 2nd amendment RINO Bush...makes me wonder if all of those stories about CIA mind control are true....
Lets face it...dems want to take guns away and need us to want that too...what better way than to create more random shootings....

It didn’t die down Scooter. You just want to believe it did.

Why are Democrats so violent?

This is something that seemed to die down during pun intended...but why as soon as we get another democrat president we begin to see mass shooters again? happened under Clinton Obama and the anti 2nd amendment RINO Bush...makes me wonder if all of those stories about CIA mind control are true....
Lets face it...dems want to take guns away and need us to want that too...what better way than to create more random shootings....

It didn’t die down Scooter. You just want to believe it did.

lying commie

Ok. What was the lie? The lists provided by the link? Those are based on crime reports aren’t they? I faked crime reports? Or did I fake the list?

That is the problem with radicals. Any information they don’t like is automatically denounced as a lie. Sadly. Neither side has an exclusive on this trait.

The lie is the Gun Violence Archive...

Notice they use the combination of words "Mass Shooting." This is to lie to uniformed Americans because when they see those two words, they subliminally add "Public," to the combination.

The GVA knows that Americans understand a "Mass Public Shooting," to be an individual walking into a public place and shooting innocent men, women and children.

The GVA, in order to get their number up....add gang shootings.....which is the lie.

Of the 10,235 gun murders in the U.S. in 2019, over 70-80% of the victims are criminals, murdered by other criminals. Of the remaining victims, the vast majority are friends and family of the criminals accidentally hit instead of the criminal they associate with. And these murders occur in tiny sections of democrat party controlled cities....

Americans understand that they have almost nothing to fear from regular criminal gun long as they don't associate with criminals and don't have violent criminals in their families, and as long as they stay out of gang controlled sections of democrat party controlled cities....

They do, however, fear mass public shootings because those are random, and target normal people in normal places. and they are made to seem more prevalent than they actually are by the democrat media covering them 24/7 when they happen.

For example, according to Mother Jones, the anti-gun, left wing news organization, there were ...

12 mass public shootings in 2018
10 mass public shootings in 2019
1 mass public shooting in 2020

Mother Jones uses the actual FBI definition of a mass public shooting...

US mass shootings, 1982–2021: Data from Mother Jones’ investigation

Dating back to at least 2005, the FBI and leading criminologists essentially defined a mass shooting as a single attack in a public place in which four or more victims were killed. We adopted that baseline for fatalities when we gathered data in 2012 on three decades worth of cases.

  • Here is a description of the criteria we use:
    • The perpetrator took the lives of at least four people. A 2008 FBI report identifies an individual as a mass murderer—versus a spree killer or a serial killer—if he kills four or more people in a single incident (not including himself), typically in a single location. (*In 2013, the US government’s fatality baseline was revised down to three; our database reflects this change beginning from Jan. 2013, as detailed above.)
    • The killings were carried out by a lone shooter. (Except in the case of the Columbine massacre and the Westside Middle School killings, which involved two shooters.)
    • The shootings occurred in a public place. (Except in the case of a party on private property in Crandon, Wisconsin, and another in Seattle, where crowds of strangers had gathered, essentially constituting a public crowd.)
    • Crimes primarily related to gang activity or armed robbery are not included, nor are mass killings that took place in private homes (often stemming from domestic violence).
    • Perpetrators who died or were wounded during the attack are not included in the victim tallies.
    • We included a handful of cases also known as “spree killings“—cases in which the killings occurred in more than one location, but still over a short period of time, that otherwise fit the above criteria.
    • ----------------------
Our research focused on indiscriminate rampages in public places resulting in four or more victims killed by the attacker. We exclude shootings stemming from more conventionally motivated crimes such as armed robbery or gang violence. (Or in which the perpetrators have not been identified.) Other news outlets and researchers have since published larger tallies that include a wide range of gun crimes in which four or more people have been either wounded or killed. While those larger datasets of multiple-victim shootings are useful for studying the broader problem of gun violence, our investigation provides an in-depth look at a distinct phenomenon—from the firearms used and mental health factors to the growing copycat problem. Tracking mass shootings is complex; we believe ours is the most useful approach for studying this specific phenomenon.

The actual number of mass shootings from Mother Jones.......

Here you go...the number of mass public shootings according to Mother Jones...rabid, anti gun, left wing news source.....not the NRA...

The list below comes from the old definition of 4 killed to make a shooting a mass shooting...if you now go to the link there are more than listed below...but that is because Mother Jones changed the list from the time I first posted it...and changed to obama's new standard of only 3 dead to make a mass shooting...

I have put obama's updated number in parenthesis..........

we will see....

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation


2018... 12

2017: 11 ( 5 according to the old standard)


2015....4 ( obama's new standard....7)

2014....2 (4)












2002 not listed so more than likely 0

















1985... not listed so probably 0


1983...not listed so probably 0

Mass shootings in America didn’t begin until the court removed God from public schools in 1962.
Colorado has all the measures that
Because it is. It's an AR-15 Clone. What this is going to do is to have the County reintroduce the bill that reads, instead of "Assault Rifle", it will read "Ar-15 and it's various Clones" and will be legal.
Why do you call it an ASSAULT rifle? It does not do that. It is an inanimate object. It assaults no one. You gun-grabbers are idiots. The government does not want you to own any gun that has even a slight chance of thwarting a hostile government takeover.

I don't call it an Assault Rifle. It's not a military rifle therefore it can't be called an Assault Rifle even though it's a clone of a M-16 Carbine (M-4). It IS an AR-15 Clone though. And if they law reads that the "AR-15 and it's various clones are banned" then it's legal as per the Federal Courts.

Good luck. I hope you're the one who gets to go door to door in order to collect all of them.

There you go again. You didn't pay attention to the history of the Thompson Model 1920 and the 1934 NFA law. There was no door to door collections and in 10 years, the Thompson Model 1920 became a non issue. The problem with you gunnutters is that you are so ill informed by the history of firearms you are dangerous to everyone around you and yourself.

It doesn't require a knowledge of history to blow some fucker's head off when he comes through my door at 3 in the morning.

Nor does it take history to blow anyone away in a Super Market either and that is what we are discussing. Pay attention.

No. What we are discussing is an act of Islamic terrorism committed by a radicalized Syrian refugee who wanted to kill Americans. And you Democrat's idiotic response in calling for more gun control to deny law-abiding Americans from owning firearms.

What you refuse to discuss is your party's failed immigration polices that are putting American citizens at the risk of being murdered, just like we saw today. You continue to ignore mental health issues, always blaming the crime on the gun. You don't even enforce the existing gun laws already on the books, many time letting the criminals walk away scott-free. You even ignore the fact that there are Islamic terrorists in this country who want to kill Americans, while you view conservative Americans as your real enemy.

One of the first things your idiot President did was to scrap President Trump's restrictions against entry to America from terrorist countries, most of which are Middle Eastern countries.

You ignorant fuckers just don't get it, do you? I sincerely doubt if you ever will.

No, that's what you want to steer it to. And Party Politics has nothing to do with the shooting. In fact, the Cops performed well, it's not a governments fault. It's not my fault. Hell, it's not even your fault. It's just a fruitcake that bought a gun to kill a bunch of people because he wanted to. No Hospital or Mental Health Care could have stopped it. There was no real warning. Just Bnagidy, Banidy Banidy, the deed is done.

if the assault rifle ban was still in effect, fewer would have died.

if better screening was in place, the mentally unstable shooter would not have been able to buy the gun.

if the magazine size was limited, fewer would have died.

I don't think so in this case. The features of the AR were never really realized. He was a crappy, inexperienced shooter. He was stopped before the speed and reloading factor of the AR became a factor. He could have done the same job with a 40 SW Semi Auto Handgun loaded with 15 rounds. He only had 15 556 rounds to work with so even a handgun with good killing power could have done the same job. And both weapons would have been legal.

In Colorado, the mag size IS limited to 15 and that is probably what save a lot of lives. He killed 11, wounded X number and ran out of ammo. And before he could swap out to another 15 round mag, got stopped cold. The Cops did their jobs fantastic. No good guy with a gun would have changed anything. Regardless of anything, those 11 would still be dead, those X number would still be wounded and he would still be under arrest. All of this went down in a matter of seconds.
NO ONE is claiming to taking away all the guns, except RW's
Does it require a signed confession of intent from the left?

You people are blindly stumbling toward mass confiscation even if many libs like you dont realize it yet
RWNJ conspiracy theories thanks to the NRA, every time a democrat is in office, so the gullible will buy more guns, been happening for decades.
Too bad gun owners are not as gullible as lefties who dont even know their own minds

gun grabbers praise any country that has totally banned firearms and its the obvious goal of the left in America

Yep, for decades that's what the NRA and RWNJ's claim every time a democrat is in office "total confiscation" of guns.

"Too bad gun owners are not as gullible as lefties who dont even know their own minds"?

That gets the morons to buy more weapons, they are convinced will be banned.

If they get banned why are RWNJ's buying more of them?

'Stable geniuses", like their dear leader?

I don't want to do anything to destroy your illusion, but you should ask the former SKS owners in California who had their weapons confiscated if they gave them up willingly.

Not my illusion, RW'S are buying more of them.
As far as the SKS, is an old weapon, not used by any military in the world anymore and has a fixed magazine that only holds 10 rounds.
From what I read they were given $230, IF you refused to register it and complied with a background check.
So, they weren't confiscated, unless the person, let them be.

So, they took a perfectly legal firearm and declared them to be illegal if you didn't ask for their permission to keep it and you don't see that as a problem? Good grief, you're an idiot.

Nothing like the RW morons that buy something convinced it will be banned.
No one is more brain dead than that.
"They gonna ban AR's, I'm a gonna git two".
It's none of your business what anyone buys, commie.

Wish you were in charge.
Then you would mind me buying a 1000 lbs. of ammonium nitrate, for no particular reason, moron.
Buy it yourself commie.

Trump U. reading comprehension correspondence school grad?
"Then you would mind ME buying a 1000 lbs. of ammonium nitrate, for no particular reason, moron".
Yeah, it shows.

First off, you couldn't buy a thousand pounds of ammonium nitrate for no particular purpose. Any feed store in this country would look at you like you're stupid or something, and you'd probably get a visit from some surly-looking gentlemen dressed in black.

Second, I don't need a "particular reason" to purchase an AR-15, except for "go fuck yourself." That's a good enough reason.

Why? It shouldn't be anyone's business what I need Ammonium Nitrate for? Right?

Buying an AR-15 just say's to everyone "I can't shoot and I need a weapon with training wheels, until I learn".
Law abiding citizens have a right to self defense

you want to take that right away
If you need an AR or an AK for "self defense", you may as well just carry a cast iron skillet, they're worthless.
I am not all that fond of using any rifle for self defense in a crowded urban environment. However in a rural area either an AR or AK would be an excellent choice as a weapon for use against two legged attackers.
Any semi- auto would work in that situation.
“Any semi- auto would work in that situation.”

Fair point. In a rural area you are not as concerned about near neighbors so you can use a semi-auto rifle or pistol. In fact even a revolver would work or a lever action rife or shotgun. The AR or AK has the advantage of accuracy at long range combined with magazine capacity.
Colorado has all the measures that
Because it is. It's an AR-15 Clone. What this is going to do is to have the County reintroduce the bill that reads, instead of "Assault Rifle", it will read "Ar-15 and it's various Clones" and will be legal.
Why do you call it an ASSAULT rifle? It does not do that. It is an inanimate object. It assaults no one. You gun-grabbers are idiots. The government does not want you to own any gun that has even a slight chance of thwarting a hostile government takeover.

I don't call it an Assault Rifle. It's not a military rifle therefore it can't be called an Assault Rifle even though it's a clone of a M-16 Carbine (M-4). It IS an AR-15 Clone though. And if they law reads that the "AR-15 and it's various clones are banned" then it's legal as per the Federal Courts.

Good luck. I hope you're the one who gets to go door to door in order to collect all of them.

There you go again. You didn't pay attention to the history of the Thompson Model 1920 and the 1934 NFA law. There was no door to door collections and in 10 years, the Thompson Model 1920 became a non issue. The problem with you gunnutters is that you are so ill informed by the history of firearms you are dangerous to everyone around you and yourself.

It doesn't require a knowledge of history to blow some fucker's head off when he comes through my door at 3 in the morning.

Nor does it take history to blow anyone away in a Super Market either and that is what we are discussing. Pay attention.

No. What we are discussing is an act of Islamic terrorism committed by a radicalized Syrian refugee who wanted to kill Americans. And you Democrat's idiotic response in calling for more gun control to deny law-abiding Americans from owning firearms.

What you refuse to discuss is your party's failed immigration polices that are putting American citizens at the risk of being murdered, just like we saw today. You continue to ignore mental health issues, always blaming the crime on the gun. You don't even enforce the existing gun laws already on the books, many time letting the criminals walk away scott-free. You even ignore the fact that there are Islamic terrorists in this country who want to kill Americans, while you view conservative Americans as your real enemy.

One of the first things your idiot President did was to scrap President Trump's restrictions against entry to America from terrorist countries, most of which are Middle Eastern countries.

You ignorant fuckers just don't get it, do you? I sincerely doubt if you ever will.

No, that's what you want to steer it to. And Party Politics has nothing to do with the shooting. In fact, the Cops performed well, it's not a governments fault. It's not my fault. Hell, it's not even your fault. It's just a fruitcake that bought a gun to kill a bunch of people because he wanted to. No Hospital or Mental Health Care could have stopped it. There was no real warning. Just Bnagidy, Banidy Banidy, the deed is done.

if the assault rifle ban was still in effect, fewer would have died.

if better screening was in place, the mentally unstable shooter would not have been able to buy the gun.

if the magazine size was limited, fewer would have died.

I don't think so in this case. The features of the AR were never really realized. He was a crappy, inexperienced shooter. He was stopped before the speed and reloading factor of the AR became a factor. He could have done the same job with a 40 SW Semi Auto Handgun loaded with 15 rounds. He only had 15 556 rounds to work with so even a handgun with good killing power could have done the same job. And both weapons would have been legal.

In Colorado, the mag size IS limited to 15 and that is probably what save a lot of lives. He killed 11, wounded X number and ran out of ammo. And before he could swap out to another 15 round mag, got stopped cold. The Cops did their jobs fantastic. No good guy with a gun would have changed anything. Regardless of anything, those 11 would still be dead, those X number would still be wounded and he would still be under arrest. All of this went down in a matter of seconds.
NO ONE is claiming to taking away all the guns, except RW's
Does it require a signed confession of intent from the left?

You people are blindly stumbling toward mass confiscation even if many libs like you dont realize it yet
RWNJ conspiracy theories thanks to the NRA, every time a democrat is in office, so the gullible will buy more guns, been happening for decades.
Too bad gun owners are not as gullible as lefties who dont even know their own minds

gun grabbers praise any country that has totally banned firearms and its the obvious goal of the left in America

Yep, for decades that's what the NRA and RWNJ's claim every time a democrat is in office "total confiscation" of guns.

"Too bad gun owners are not as gullible as lefties who dont even know their own minds"?

That gets the morons to buy more weapons, they are convinced will be banned.

If they get banned why are RWNJ's buying more of them?

'Stable geniuses", like their dear leader?

I don't want to do anything to destroy your illusion, but you should ask the former SKS owners in California who had their weapons confiscated if they gave them up willingly.

Not my illusion, RW'S are buying more of them.
As far as the SKS, is an old weapon, not used by any military in the world anymore and has a fixed magazine that only holds 10 rounds.
From what I read they were given $230, IF you refused to register it and complied with a background check.
So, they weren't confiscated, unless the person, let them be.

So, they took a perfectly legal firearm and declared them to be illegal if you didn't ask for their permission to keep it and you don't see that as a problem? Good grief, you're an idiot.

Nothing like the RW morons that buy something convinced it will be banned.
No one is more brain dead than that.
"They gonna ban AR's, I'm a gonna git two".
It's none of your business what anyone buys, commie.

Wish you were in charge.
Then you would mind me buying a 1000 lbs. of ammonium nitrate, for no particular reason, moron.
Buy it yourself commie.

Trump U. reading comprehension correspondence school grad?
"Then you would mind ME buying a 1000 lbs. of ammonium nitrate, for no particular reason, moron".
Yeah, it shows.

First off, you couldn't buy a thousand pounds of ammonium nitrate for no particular purpose. Any feed store in this country would look at you like you're stupid or something, and you'd probably get a visit from some surly-looking gentlemen dressed in black.

Second, I don't need a "particular reason" to purchase an AR-15, except for "go fuck yourself." That's a good enough reason.

Why? It shouldn't be anyone's business what I need Ammonium Nitrate for? Right?

Buying an AR-15 just say's to everyone "I can't shoot and I need a weapon with training wheels, until I learn".
Law abiding citizens have a right to self defense

you want to take that right away
If you need an AR or an AK for "self defense", you may as well just carry a cast iron skillet, they're worthless.
I am not all that fond of using any rifle for self defense in a crowded urban environment. However in a rural area either an AR or AK would be an excellent choice as a weapon for use against two legged attackers.
Or an SKS or M-1 Carbine.
Colorado has all the measures that
Because it is. It's an AR-15 Clone. What this is going to do is to have the County reintroduce the bill that reads, instead of "Assault Rifle", it will read "Ar-15 and it's various Clones" and will be legal.
Why do you call it an ASSAULT rifle? It does not do that. It is an inanimate object. It assaults no one. You gun-grabbers are idiots. The government does not want you to own any gun that has even a slight chance of thwarting a hostile government takeover.

I don't call it an Assault Rifle. It's not a military rifle therefore it can't be called an Assault Rifle even though it's a clone of a M-16 Carbine (M-4). It IS an AR-15 Clone though. And if they law reads that the "AR-15 and it's various clones are banned" then it's legal as per the Federal Courts.

Good luck. I hope you're the one who gets to go door to door in order to collect all of them.

There you go again. You didn't pay attention to the history of the Thompson Model 1920 and the 1934 NFA law. There was no door to door collections and in 10 years, the Thompson Model 1920 became a non issue. The problem with you gunnutters is that you are so ill informed by the history of firearms you are dangerous to everyone around you and yourself.

It doesn't require a knowledge of history to blow some fucker's head off when he comes through my door at 3 in the morning.

Nor does it take history to blow anyone away in a Super Market either and that is what we are discussing. Pay attention.

No. What we are discussing is an act of Islamic terrorism committed by a radicalized Syrian refugee who wanted to kill Americans. And you Democrat's idiotic response in calling for more gun control to deny law-abiding Americans from owning firearms.

What you refuse to discuss is your party's failed immigration polices that are putting American citizens at the risk of being murdered, just like we saw today. You continue to ignore mental health issues, always blaming the crime on the gun. You don't even enforce the existing gun laws already on the books, many time letting the criminals walk away scott-free. You even ignore the fact that there are Islamic terrorists in this country who want to kill Americans, while you view conservative Americans as your real enemy.

One of the first things your idiot President did was to scrap President Trump's restrictions against entry to America from terrorist countries, most of which are Middle Eastern countries.

You ignorant fuckers just don't get it, do you? I sincerely doubt if you ever will.

No, that's what you want to steer it to. And Party Politics has nothing to do with the shooting. In fact, the Cops performed well, it's not a governments fault. It's not my fault. Hell, it's not even your fault. It's just a fruitcake that bought a gun to kill a bunch of people because he wanted to. No Hospital or Mental Health Care could have stopped it. There was no real warning. Just Bnagidy, Banidy Banidy, the deed is done.

if the assault rifle ban was still in effect, fewer would have died.

if better screening was in place, the mentally unstable shooter would not have been able to buy the gun.

if the magazine size was limited, fewer would have died.

I don't think so in this case. The features of the AR were never really realized. He was a crappy, inexperienced shooter. He was stopped before the speed and reloading factor of the AR became a factor. He could have done the same job with a 40 SW Semi Auto Handgun loaded with 15 rounds. He only had 15 556 rounds to work with so even a handgun with good killing power could have done the same job. And both weapons would have been legal.

In Colorado, the mag size IS limited to 15 and that is probably what save a lot of lives. He killed 11, wounded X number and ran out of ammo. And before he could swap out to another 15 round mag, got stopped cold. The Cops did their jobs fantastic. No good guy with a gun would have changed anything. Regardless of anything, those 11 would still be dead, those X number would still be wounded and he would still be under arrest. All of this went down in a matter of seconds.
NO ONE is claiming to taking away all the guns, except RW's
Does it require a signed confession of intent from the left?

You people are blindly stumbling toward mass confiscation even if many libs like you dont realize it yet
RWNJ conspiracy theories thanks to the NRA, every time a democrat is in office, so the gullible will buy more guns, been happening for decades.
Too bad gun owners are not as gullible as lefties who dont even know their own minds

gun grabbers praise any country that has totally banned firearms and its the obvious goal of the left in America

Yep, for decades that's what the NRA and RWNJ's claim every time a democrat is in office "total confiscation" of guns.

"Too bad gun owners are not as gullible as lefties who dont even know their own minds"?

That gets the morons to buy more weapons, they are convinced will be banned.

If they get banned why are RWNJ's buying more of them?

'Stable geniuses", like their dear leader?

I don't want to do anything to destroy your illusion, but you should ask the former SKS owners in California who had their weapons confiscated if they gave them up willingly.

Not my illusion, RW'S are buying more of them.
As far as the SKS, is an old weapon, not used by any military in the world anymore and has a fixed magazine that only holds 10 rounds.
From what I read they were given $230, IF you refused to register it and complied with a background check.
So, they weren't confiscated, unless the person, let them be.

So, they took a perfectly legal firearm and declared them to be illegal if you didn't ask for their permission to keep it and you don't see that as a problem? Good grief, you're an idiot.

Nothing like the RW morons that buy something convinced it will be banned.
No one is more brain dead than that.
"They gonna ban AR's, I'm a gonna git two".
It's none of your business what anyone buys, commie.

Wish you were in charge.
Then you would mind me buying a 1000 lbs. of ammonium nitrate, for no particular reason, moron.
Buy it yourself commie.

Trump U. reading comprehension correspondence school grad?
"Then you would mind ME buying a 1000 lbs. of ammonium nitrate, for no particular reason, moron".
Yeah, it shows.

First off, you couldn't buy a thousand pounds of ammonium nitrate for no particular purpose. Any feed store in this country would look at you like you're stupid or something, and you'd probably get a visit from some surly-looking gentlemen dressed in black.

Second, I don't need a "particular reason" to purchase an AR-15, except for "go fuck yourself." That's a good enough reason.

Why? It shouldn't be anyone's business what I need Ammonium Nitrate for? Right?

Buying an AR-15 just say's to everyone "I can't shoot and I need a weapon with training wheels, until I learn".
Law abiding citizens have a right to self defense

you want to take that right away
If you need an AR or an AK for "self defense", you may as well just carry a cast iron skillet, they're worthless.
I am not all that fond of using any rifle for self defense in a crowded urban environment. However in a rural area either an AR or AK would be an excellent choice as a weapon for use against two legged attackers.
Or an SKS or M-1 Carbine.
Every weapon mentioned on this thread will eventually be on the lib banned list
White male, born on May 5, 1983; He is 5'7" tall and 200 pounds. His criminal history includes drug paraphernalia and possession. He is also known to be violent towards police.

Party Affiliation: Unaffiliated
Registered to Vote In: Boulder County, Colorado
Registration Date: 05/23/2019
Voter Status: Inactive
Status Reason: Undeliverable Ballot

Also threatened to kill a Denver DA in 2015...

Man accused of threatening to kill Denver DA

You mean like RW radicals who talk about killing cops if the cops come to take their guns?
Do you really believe being willing to kill agents of the state when they come to disarm you is a "radical" position?

Considering pretty much all of history, it seems quite reasonable to me.
The way you talk, I feel deprived. Safe, but deprived.
Did the two lib lawyers in St Louis feel safe when rioters tore down their gate and invaded their properity?

how about the Korean shop owners in LA during the Rodney King riots?

you hope that day will never come but you really dont know

have fun calling 911 when you realize your mistake

Can you bring us up to speed on the 2 St Louis Lawyers you are speaking of. Link please.
White male, born on May 5, 1983; He is 5'7" tall and 200 pounds. His criminal history includes drug paraphernalia and possession. He is also known to be violent towards police.

Party Affiliation: Unaffiliated
Registered to Vote In: Boulder County, Colorado
Registration Date: 05/23/2019
Voter Status: Inactive
Status Reason: Undeliverable Ballot

Also threatened to kill a Denver DA in 2015...

Man accused of threatening to kill Denver DA

You mean like RW radicals who talk about killing cops if the cops come to take their guns?
Do you really believe being willing to kill agents of the state when they come to disarm you is a "radical" position?

Considering pretty much all of history, it seems quite reasonable to me.

Well let’s consider. The same people advocating that action are the ones who scream so and so would be alive if he obeyed the orders of the cop. They are the ones who shout that the person resisting illegal orders or actions of a cop should comply and fight it out in court.

But when they are threatened with their rights being violated. Well kill all the cops.

Anyone who says a cop was wrong to do this or that is denounced by these same people as radicals. So by their own definition they are radicals aren’t they?
White male, born on May 5, 1983; He is 5'7" tall and 200 pounds. His criminal history includes drug paraphernalia and possession. He is also known to be violent towards police.

Party Affiliation: Unaffiliated
Registered to Vote In: Boulder County, Colorado
Registration Date: 05/23/2019
Voter Status: Inactive
Status Reason: Undeliverable Ballot

Also threatened to kill a Denver DA in 2015...

Man accused of threatening to kill Denver DA

You mean like RW radicals who talk about killing cops if the cops come to take their guns?
Do you really believe being willing to kill agents of the state when they come to disarm you is a "radical" position?

Considering pretty much all of history, it seems quite reasonable to me.

Well let’s consider. The same people advocating that action are the ones who scream so and so would be alive if he obeyed the orders of the cop. They are the ones who shout that the person resisting illegal orders or actions of a cop should comply and fight it out in court.

But when they are threatened with their rights being violated. Well kill all the cops.

Anyone who says a cop was wrong to do this or that is denounced by these same people as radicals. So by their own definition they are radicals aren’t they?
There's some conflict there, yeah..... a lot of people are still stuck having some faith in the system; they haven't yet come around and realized that it has been weaponized against them, and they can't expect anything but indifference from it, at best. More likely, outright hostility.....
It takes a while for the paradigm shift necessary to take place.

Now I grew up being taught to keep my clothes, boots and weapons where I could find them in the dark, and to always have a back way out, lol.

This is something that seemed to die down during pun intended...but why as soon as we get another democrat president we begin to see mass shooters again? happened under Clinton Obama and the anti 2nd amendment RINO Bush...makes me wonder if all of those stories about CIA mind control are true....
Lets face it...dems want to take guns away and need us to want that too...what better way than to create more random shootings....

It didn’t die down Scooter. You just want to believe it did.

lying commie

Ok. What was the lie? The lists provided by the link? Those are based on crime reports aren’t they? I faked crime reports? Or did I fake the list?

That is the problem with radicals. Any information they don’t like is automatically denounced as a lie. Sadly. Neither side has an exclusive on this trait.

As my post #1,042 points out, the GVA lies by adding all shootings to their database vs. actual mass public shootings....they do this to scare uninformed people into thinking mass public shootings happen all the time...when they are actually more rare than getting hit by lightning multiple times........
It is you that uses statistics to lie and try to bury the assault type weapon's damage in mass shootings.
as you claim you need an AK for its killing power and then claim they are irrelevant in mass shootings.

This is something that seemed to die down during pun intended...but why as soon as we get another democrat president we begin to see mass shooters again? happened under Clinton Obama and the anti 2nd amendment RINO Bush...makes me wonder if all of those stories about CIA mind control are true....
Lets face it...dems want to take guns away and need us to want that too...what better way than to create more random shootings....

It didn’t die down Scooter. You just want to believe it did.

lying commie

Ok. What was the lie? The lists provided by the link? Those are based on crime reports aren’t they? I faked crime reports? Or did I fake the list?

That is the problem with radicals. Any information they don’t like is automatically denounced as a lie. Sadly. Neither side has an exclusive on this trait.

As my post #1,042 points out, the GVA lies by adding all shootings to their database vs. actual mass public shootings....they do this to scare uninformed people into thinking mass public shootings happen all the time...when they are actually more rare than getting hit by lightning multiple times........
It is you that uses statistics to lie and try to bury the assault type weapon's damage in mass shootings.
as you claim you need an AK for its killing power and then claim they are irrelevant in mass shootings.
Oh for fucks sake.....

Will you drama queen mothefuckers just shove a marijuana suppository up yourself and calm your hysterical asses down already?

This is something that seemed to die down during pun intended...but why as soon as we get another democrat president we begin to see mass shooters again? happened under Clinton Obama and the anti 2nd amendment RINO Bush...makes me wonder if all of those stories about CIA mind control are true....
Lets face it...dems want to take guns away and need us to want that too...what better way than to create more random shootings....

It didn’t die down Scooter. You just want to believe it did.

lying commie

Ok. What was the lie? The lists provided by the link? Those are based on crime reports aren’t they? I faked crime reports? Or did I fake the list?

That is the problem with radicals. Any information they don’t like is automatically denounced as a lie. Sadly. Neither side has an exclusive on this trait.

As my post #1,042 points out, the GVA lies by adding all shootings to their database vs. actual mass public shootings....they do this to scare uninformed people into thinking mass public shootings happen all the time...when they are actually more rare than getting hit by lightning multiple times........
It is you that uses statistics to lie and try to bury the assault type weapon's damage in mass shootings.
as you claim you need an AK for its killing power and then claim they are irrelevant in mass shootings.
Don't get your panties in a wad, moron. Here is a list of 49 mass shootings in the US. The overwhelming majority were HANDGUNS. There are a few AR's/223. I only noted one AK variant--7.62x39, which is an SKS, not an AK. Your argument is patently false. STFU.
The only places mass shootings occur are in countries where the government wants more gun control. And in those countries, it is ALWAYS in places that are designated as "gun-free" zones.

Fuck gun control.

We're never going to accept it.

If you told me that guns gave me ass-rape anal herpes and penis rot, I would still have guns.

Fuck you. We're not giving them up. Period.

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