Another Angry White Male Shooting.?!

There is nothing funny about all those White male psychopaths shooting innocent people. And it seems to happening more frequently.!!?
You know you're wrong about this, dont you? Whites are underrepresented among mass killers.

The FBI stats say the average serial killer, and mass shooter profile, is a white male between the ages of 19 to 65!. check the FBI Stats Mr. Death Angel or Hells Angel?!
I provided a link proving you're wrong. How about you do the same
Here we have another Angry White male shooting at a Synagogue. John Earnest came from a good church going family. But as is always the case, these angry white males vents their anger on innocent people.When will these situations end.?! Your thoughts.?

You know what pisses off angry white males? People who go around talking about angry white males while ignoring everything else going on in the world as though there was some sort of epidemic with angry white males.

almost 100 percent of violent gun crime is minority on minority, in large cities...

Obviously, white middle aged men in Idaho are the problem!

Muslims are working in concert globally, killing dozens of Christians a day.

Christian men who live in rural Oregon must be stopped!
Probably at the same time every race of male stops killing people.
So buy plenty of guns and ammo

I agree with your suggestion to buy lots of Guns and Ammo, it seems like the Angry White male racists are on the increase here in the United States of America. !?
I'd expect it after years of dealing with angry women, black males, and Hispanics. I'd be surprised if white males hadn't had enough.

What about years of slavery, the rape of Black women, and Killer white cops?, why aren't black men going on a rampage against white people?. I would think there would be more Black male Psycho shooters, but the majority seem to be white males?!!

Blacks have been running around killing people. That’s why our prisons are full of negroes.

But hey, let’s just keep pretending it’s just whites committing all violent crimes. That way we can feel good about hating whites.
Here we have another Angry White male shooting at a Synagogue. John Earnest came from a good church going family. But as is always the case, these angry white males vents their anger on innocent people.When will these situations end.?! Your thoughts.?
Probably long before all the non white shootings involving radical Muslims, Blacks and the many largely illegal Hispanics.
There is nothing funny about all those White male psychopaths shooting innocent people. And it seems to happening more frequently.!!?
You know you're wrong about this, dont you? Whites are underrepresented among mass killers.

The FBI stats say the average serial killer, and mass shooter profile, is a white male between the ages of 19 to 65!. check the FBI Stats Mr. Death Angel or Hells Angel?!
Meh, *average* serial killers. No such thing.

Also, show the FBI stat that shows that....

"African-Americans comprise the largest racial minority group among serial killers, representing approximately 20 percent of the total."

"The myth that all serial killers are white is routinely fueled and reinforced by the entertainment news media. This situation persists because the major news outlets, particularly television networks such as HLN, are far more likely to provide coverage of homicides and missing person cases involving white victims than incidents involving racial minority victims.

"This biased reporting practice is most acute when a white victim is female. Crime news stories that become major media events almost always feature an attractive white female as the victim. Nicole Brown Simpson is the quintessential example of this phenomenon. It is hard to think of a recent, high-profile case that did not follow this pattern."

Serial Killer Myth #6: They Are All White.
Probably at the same time every race of male stops killing people.
So buy plenty of guns and ammo

I agree with your suggestion to buy lots of Guns and Ammo, it seems like the Angry White male racists are on the increase here in the United States of America. !?
I'd expect it after years of dealing with angry women, black males, and Hispanics. I'd be surprised if white males hadn't had enough.

What about years of slavery, the rape of Black women, and Killer white cops?, why aren't black men going on a rampage against white people?. I would think there would be more Black male Psycho shooters, but the majority seem to be white males?!!

Blacks have been running around killing people. That’s why our prisons are full of negroes.

But hey, let’s just keep pretending it’s just whites committing all violent crimes. That way we can feel good about hating whites.

Oh sure, its just news media propoganda, All the real killers are black males who were selling drugs. The white male killer psychopaths is just some FBI statistical mistake?! . Wake up ! The Shooters in many of these situations are WHITE MALES!!!.
"...The racial diversity of serial killers generally mirrors that of the overall U.S. population. There are well documented cases of African-American, Latino and Asian-American serial killers."

"Although they are not household names like their infamous white counterparts, examples of prolific racial minority serial killers are Coral Eugene Watts, a black man from Michigan, known as the “Sunday Morning Slasher,” who murdered at least seventeen women in Michigan and Texas; Anthony Edward Sowell, a black man known as the “Cleveland Strangler” who kidnapped, raped and murdered eleven women in Ohio; and Rafael Resendez-Ramirez, a Mexican national known as the “Railroad Killer,” who killed as many as fifteen men and women in Kentucky, Texas, and Illinois."
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Probably at the same time every race of male stops killing people.
So buy plenty of guns and ammo

I agree with your suggestion to buy lots of Guns and Ammo, it seems like the Angry White male racists are on the increase here in the United States of America. !?
I'd expect it after years of dealing with angry women, black males, and Hispanics. I'd be surprised if white males hadn't had enough.

What about years of slavery, the rape of Black women, and Killer white cops?, why aren't black men going on a rampage against white people?. I would think there would be more Black male Psycho shooters, but the majority seem to be white males?!!
Oh look! Another race bating liar!
Hating WHITES, MEN, JEWS, ISRAEL, CAPITALISM, PATRIOTISM, NATIONALISM, HETEROSEXUALS, AMERICAN HISTORY, etc, and making up false narratives to feed the derangement is all what the DEMOCRATS are about today. They can't bash the president anymore because he's turned America around from the brink of destruction at the hands of their little kenyan muslim America hating dog turd, so it's on their new fantasy, bashing WHITE PEOPLE, especially white men and their TOXIC MASCULINITY. But hey, don't look a gift horse in the mouth. How many WHITE VOTERS do you think are going to be TURNED ON by this latest democrat derangement? Basically... NONE. Only the rabid American hating LEFT is going to buy into this garbage, and they are an INCREASING MINORITY.

Democrats hate THEMSELVES. Democrats are PROFESSIONALLY OFFENDED and LOOK for BOGUS reasons to SHUT PEOPLE UP and DESTROY America.

Democrats are the party of trash, period, end of story.
Probably at the same time every race of male stops killing people.
So buy plenty of guns and ammo

I agree with your suggestion to buy lots of Guns and Ammo, it seems like the Angry White male racists are on the increase here in the United States of America. !?
Im not sure what you mean?
What makes you think this shooter is racist?
What about other racist white males shooting people?
Are racists the only killers we should worry about?

What makes people think that the shooter at the temple was a racist? Simple, he left behind a few manifestos where he said that Jews needed to be eliminated.
Hating WHITES, MEN, JEWS, ISRAEL, CAPITALISM, PATRIOTISM, NATIONALISM, HETEROSEXUALS, AMERICAN HISTORY, etc, and making up false narratives to feed the derangement is all what the DEMOCRATS are about today. They can't bash the president anymore because he's turned America around from the brink of destruction at the hands of their little kenyan muslim America hating dog turd, so it's on their new fantasy, bashing WHITE PEOPLE, especially white men and their TOXIC MASCULINITY.

Democrats hate THEMSELVES. Democrats are PROFESSIONALLY OFFENDED and LOOK for BOGUS reasons to SHUT PEOPLE UP and DESTROY America.

Democrats are the party of trash, period, end of story.

I'am Black and voted for Donald Trump! , and I predicted that he would beat Hillary Clinton and told other blacks that he would win the presidential election. This still does not change FBI stats about White male mass shooters!
The man in Las Vegas killed more people in American History. And he was a White male.!! This is a Fact!!.
Hating WHITES, MEN, JEWS, ISRAEL, CAPITALISM, PATRIOTISM, NATIONALISM, HETEROSEXUALS, AMERICAN HISTORY, etc, and making up false narratives to feed the derangement is all what the DEMOCRATS are about today. They can't bash the president anymore because he's turned America around from the brink of destruction at the hands of their little kenyan muslim America hating dog turd, so it's on their new fantasy, bashing WHITE PEOPLE, especially white men and their TOXIC MASCULINITY.

Democrats hate THEMSELVES. Democrats are PROFESSIONALLY OFFENDED and LOOK for BOGUS reasons to SHUT PEOPLE UP and DESTROY America.

Democrats are the party of trash, period, end of story.

I'am Black and voted for Donald Trump! , and I predicted that he would beat Hillary Clinton and told other blacks that he would win the presidential election. This still does not change FBI stats about White male mass shooters!
The man in Las Vegas killed more people in American History. And he was a White male.!! This is a Fact!!.

What was the color of the somebodies who flew the planes into the twin towers?
Hating WHITES, MEN, JEWS, ISRAEL, CAPITALISM, PATRIOTISM, NATIONALISM, HETEROSEXUALS, AMERICAN HISTORY, etc, and making up false narratives to feed the derangement is all what the DEMOCRATS are about today. They can't bash the president anymore because he's turned America around from the brink of destruction at the hands of their little kenyan muslim America hating dog turd, so it's on their new fantasy, bashing WHITE PEOPLE, especially white men and their TOXIC MASCULINITY.

Democrats hate THEMSELVES. Democrats are PROFESSIONALLY OFFENDED and LOOK for BOGUS reasons to SHUT PEOPLE UP and DESTROY America.

Democrats are the party of trash, period, end of story.

I'am Black and voted for Donald Trump! , and I predicted that he would beat Hillary Clinton and told other blacks that he would win the presidential election. This still does not change FBI stats about White male mass shooters!
The man in Las Vegas killed more people in American History. And he was a White male.!! This is a Fact!!.
You've already been proven WRONG. Don't you at some point realize you've embarrassed yourself enough?
Hating WHITES, MEN, JEWS, ISRAEL, CAPITALISM, PATRIOTISM, NATIONALISM, HETEROSEXUALS, AMERICAN HISTORY, etc, and making up false narratives to feed the derangement is all what the DEMOCRATS are about today. They can't bash the president anymore because he's turned America around from the brink of destruction at the hands of their little kenyan muslim America hating dog turd, so it's on their new fantasy, bashing WHITE PEOPLE, especially white men and their TOXIC MASCULINITY.

Democrats hate THEMSELVES. Democrats are PROFESSIONALLY OFFENDED and LOOK for BOGUS reasons to SHUT PEOPLE UP and DESTROY America.

Democrats are the party of trash, period, end of story.

I'am Black and voted for Donald Trump! , and I predicted that he would beat Hillary Clinton and told other blacks that he would win the presidential election. This still does not change FBI stats about White male mass shooters!
The man in Las Vegas killed more people in American History. And he was a White male.!! This is a Fact!!.
You've already been proven WRONG. Don't you at some point realize you've embarrassed yourself enough?
They never are embarassed. It's one of the weirdest things about them. I think it's because they have no soul, no character, no honor, no integrity.
What about the DAILY, BLACK ON BLACK killing in CHICAGO?

That completely ECLIPSES any shooting some nut case white freak did.
Hating WHITES, MEN, JEWS, ISRAEL, CAPITALISM, PATRIOTISM, NATIONALISM, HETEROSEXUALS, AMERICAN HISTORY, etc, and making up false narratives to feed the derangement is all what the DEMOCRATS are about today. They can't bash the president anymore because he's turned America around from the brink of destruction at the hands of their little kenyan muslim America hating dog turd, so it's on their new fantasy, bashing WHITE PEOPLE, especially white men and their TOXIC MASCULINITY.

Democrats hate THEMSELVES. Democrats are PROFESSIONALLY OFFENDED and LOOK for BOGUS reasons to SHUT PEOPLE UP and DESTROY America.

Democrats are the party of trash, period, end of story.

I'am Black and voted for Donald Trump! , and I predicted that he would beat Hillary Clinton and told other blacks that he would win the presidential election. This still does not change FBI stats about White male mass shooters!
The man in Las Vegas killed more people in American History. And he was a White male.!! This is a Fact!!.
You've already been proven WRONG. Don't you at some point realize you've embarrassed yourself enough?
They never are embarassed. It's one of the weirdest things about them. I think it's because they have no soul, no character, no honor, no integrity.
Or just plain too STUPID.
Hating WHITES, MEN, JEWS, ISRAEL, CAPITALISM, PATRIOTISM, NATIONALISM, HETEROSEXUALS, AMERICAN HISTORY, etc, and making up false narratives to feed the derangement is all what the DEMOCRATS are about today. They can't bash the president anymore because he's turned America around from the brink of destruction at the hands of their little kenyan muslim America hating dog turd, so it's on their new fantasy, bashing WHITE PEOPLE, especially white men and their TOXIC MASCULINITY.

Democrats hate THEMSELVES. Democrats are PROFESSIONALLY OFFENDED and LOOK for BOGUS reasons to SHUT PEOPLE UP and DESTROY America.

Democrats are the party of trash, period, end of story.

I'am Black and voted for Donald Trump! , and I predicted that he would beat Hillary Clinton and told other blacks that he would win the presidential election. This still does not change FBI stats about White male mass shooters!
The man in Las Vegas killed more people in American History. And he was a White male.!! This is a Fact!!.

What was the color of the somebodies who flew the planes into the twin towers?

The color of the somebodies that flew the planes on 9/11 was light brown (as in Arabic).

What was the color of the somebody's who blew up the Boston marathon?

That's easy, those 2 people were lily white.

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