Another Bad Day for Manning

What's the difference between Bradley Manning and Daniel Elsberg?
Manning was in uniform; Elsberg is a civilian.

Other than that, no difference; same patriotic motive and heroic goals. :cool:
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Another Bad Day for Bradley Manning

The latest round of activity surrounds requests by Manning’s attorney, David Coombs, to simply skip over all of this bothersome nonsense about having a Court Martial and just dismiss some of the most serious charges out of hand. So… how did that work out?
Apparently the military court didn't think much of Bradley Manning's attorney's idea to dismiss the most serious charges and consolidating all the others, which would guarantee his client a short sentence. His trial starts in September.

Do you think the court is being too tough?
The guy deserves the medal of honor for attempting to expose the Nazi regime(US govt) that wants to own the world.
I need to go to my waterfalls and pray(to me) for that asteroid strike.
Go stand in the corner until you can do some reading on this subject.

Wait. That takes reading comprehension and some commitment to staying on top of current events.

Never mind. Go stand with the rest of your pals who think this criminal is some kind of celebrated hero. He isn't. He's a sneak, a coward, and a no-holds-barred traitor who said he would obey the Constitution and wound up hurting the people of the United States and our allies..
The US Military is not substantiating any claim about informants who were murdered by Talibani/AlQaeda in Afghanistan...
That's because there weren't any. No one lost their life as a result of the release of this information. Manning is a hero. He's a true patriot. He should be given the Meddle of Honor.

All he did was report a crime. Those documents show that our government was not doing the things they were telling us they were doing. There is no difference between what Manning did and what Daniel Elsberg did. If our government is committing crimes, we have a right to know.
The criminal meddled in other's business, all right, but he's no hero.

For you and others like you who can't be bothered with current events, here's a link just one small sample of the results of his ignominious deeds:
Wikileaks cable led Iran to Hang Spy.
A leaked WikiLeaks cable led Iran to arrest and execute a man alleged to have been hired by the Mossad to assassinate a physicist, the Times of London reported Wednesday. American government officials previously have accused of WikiLeaks of endangering security by publishing confidential diplomatic cables. Analysts have connected the dots linking the publication of the U.S. document with the execution on Tuesday of Majid Jamali Fashi, 24, who was hanged after being convicted for being a Mossad agent who killed scientist Massoud Ali-Mohammadi two years ago.
Afghanistan stuff is confidential because we have troops on the ground there.
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What's the difference between Bradley Manning and Daniel Elsberg?
Manning was in uniform; Elsberg is a civilian.

Other than that, no difference; same patriotic motive and heroic goals. :cool:
You couldn't be further off the mark, because the oath taken by all enlisted men in the service of the United States of America is as follows:

I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.
Manning failed to do that. In the most deleterious of traitorous ways: forking over confidential military information to a world class blabbermouth among other things, Julian Assange.
OK, here's the one I was able to find from when the Wikileaks announcements came out in 2010:

Taliban Seeks Vengeance in Wake of WikiLeaks - The Daily Beast

August 1, 2010. After WikiLeaks published a troce of US Intelligence documents--some of which listed the names and villages of afghans who had been secretly cooperating with the American military--it didn't take long for the Taliban to react. A spokesman for the group quickly threatened to "Punish" Afghan collaborators with the U.S. and Kabul authorities against the growing Taliban insurgency. In recent days, the Taliban has demonstrated how seriously those threats should be considered. 4 days after the documents were published, death threats began arriving at the home of key tribal elders in southern Afghanistan, and one tribal elder, Khalifa Abdullah, was executed by insurgent Taliban gunmen.
There is also a very enlightening video and a huge article on the details of the 70 Afghan leaders who received "Get out or die" letters on Mullah Omar's letterhead and signed by a former GITMO detainee, Abdul Rauf Kadim, Taliban leader who had been released to Kabul and subsequently escaped Kabul custody.

This bullshit whining about unfairness to military captives at GITMO has resulted in a lot of pain for American collaborators in Afghanistan and other areas of the Middle East.
You couldn't be further off the mark, because the oath taken by all enlisted men in the service of the United States of America is as follows:

I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.
Manning failed to do that. In the most deleterious of traitorous ways: forking over confidential military information to a world class blabbermouth among other things, Julian Assange.
The military code of conduct states that soldiers do not have to obey immoral orders. And what we're doing in Iraq and Afghanistan is not only immoral, but illegal and un-Constitutional.

Since when is reporting a crime illegal?
You couldn't be further off the mark, because the oath taken by all enlisted men in the service of the United States of America is as follows:

I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.
Manning failed to do that. In the most deleterious of traitorous ways: forking over confidential military information to a world class blabbermouth among other things, Julian Assange.
The military code of conduct states that soldiers do not have to obey immoral orders. And what we're doing in Iraq and Afghanistan is not only immoral, but illegal and un-Constitutional.

Since when is reporting a crime illegal?
Check out the UCMJ,fella. Illegal orders, not immoral orders. BTW, what were the illegal orders or immoral ones he felt he should disobey. He's gonna pay the piper whatever he thought. Did he think he was playing Simon Sez?
You couldn't be further off the mark, because the oath taken by all enlisted men in the service of the United States of America is as follows:

Manning failed to do that. In the most deleterious of traitorous ways: forking over confidential military information to a world class blabbermouth among other things, Julian Assange.
The military code of conduct states that soldiers do not have to obey immoral orders. And what we're doing in Iraq and Afghanistan is not only immoral, but illegal and un-Constitutional.

Since when is reporting a crime illegal?
Check out the UCMJ,fella. Illegal orders, not immoral orders. BTW, what were the illegal orders or immoral ones he felt he should disobey. He's gonna pay the piper whatever he thought. Did he think he was playing Simon Sez?
And another point. The Code of Conduct spells out the 6 articles of behavior an American POW is bound to observe. Anything else,G.I. Joe?
You couldn't be further off the mark, because the oath taken by all enlisted men in the service of the United States of America is as follows:

I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.
Manning failed to do that. In the most deleterious of traitorous ways: forking over confidential military information to a world class blabbermouth among other things, Julian Assange.
The military code of conduct states that soldiers do not have to obey immoral orders. And what we're doing in Iraq and Afghanistan is not only immoral, but illegal and un-Constitutional.

Since when is reporting a crime illegal?
When and where did you serve?
You couldn't be further off the mark, because the oath taken by all enlisted men in the service of the United States of America is as follows:

Manning failed to do that. In the most deleterious of traitorous ways: forking over confidential military information to a world class blabbermouth among other things, Julian Assange.
The military code of conduct states that soldiers do not have to obey immoral orders. And what we're doing in Iraq and Afghanistan is not only immoral, but illegal and un-Constitutional.

Since when is reporting a crime illegal?
When and where did you serve?
Yo, porkloinboy! Where you at?

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