Another Bigot compares herself to Rosa Parks

There's really no point in arguing with you about this, I don't know why I let myself. Continue as you were, and Sieg Gellar!
Why is there no point. Pam Gellar speaks out again the mass murder of Christians and innocent people at the hands of non Muslims.

Yet to you she's "Joseph Goebbles"? :cuckoo:

She "speaks out" against Muslims in the same sense that Goebbels was just "speaking out" against how Jews.

She speaks out against political Islam, she speaks out against the behavior of Islamic savages, she speaks out against the massacres of Christians and minorities at the hands of Islamists. She's a brave woman who stands up for freedom and equal rights for all, even though she knows that she might be killed for it. She confronts hatred and barbarism and isn't afraid of backing down. Those are heroic values.
She makes no difference in who she speaks out against. She hates muslims. Shes a cheap whore bigot.
Sure it makes a difference.
No she doesnt make a difference. I know you called her an it but she is a female.
What happened in Nazi Germany is already happening in the Muslim world.

There's really no point in arguing with you about this, I don't know why I let myself. Continue as you were, and Sieg Gellar!
Why is there no point. Pam Gellar speaks out again the mass murder of Christians and innocent people at the hands of non Muslims.

Yet to you she's "Joseph Goebbles"? :cuckoo:

She "speaks out" against Muslims in the same sense that Goebbels was just "speaking out" against how Jews.

She speaks out against political Islam, she speaks out against the behavior of Islamic savages, she speaks out against the massacres of Christians and minorities at the hands of Islamists. She's a brave woman who stands up for freedom and equal rights for all, even though she knows that she might be killed for it. She confronts hatred and barbarism and isn't afraid of backing down. Those are heroic values.

By all means, you can feel free to worship at the alter of Gellar as much as you like.

That doesn't change the fact that she's disgusting, vile and a disgrace to Judaism and Jews all around the world, it just puts you in that category as well.
Does that mean it puts you guys in the category that justify Islamic terrorism and barbarism, and against Gellar's rights to express her opinions?

I'd rather be in Gellars category. Thanks.
There's really no point in arguing with you about this, I don't know why I let myself. Continue as you were, and Sieg Gellar!
Why is there no point. Pam Gellar speaks out again the mass murder of Christians and innocent people at the hands of non Muslims.

Yet to you she's "Joseph Goebbles"? :cuckoo:

She "speaks out" against Muslims in the same sense that Goebbels was just "speaking out" against how Jews.

She speaks out against political Islam, she speaks out against the behavior of Islamic savages, she speaks out against the massacres of Christians and minorities at the hands of Islamists. She's a brave woman who stands up for freedom and equal rights for all, even though she knows that she might be killed for it. She confronts hatred and barbarism and isn't afraid of backing down. Those are heroic values.

By all means, you can feel free to worship at the alter of Gellar as much as you like.

That doesn't change the fact that she's disgusting, vile and a disgrace to Judaism and Jews all around the world, it just puts you in that category as well.
Does that mean it puts you guys in the category that justify Islamic terrorism and barbarism, and against Gellar's rights to express her opinions?

I'd rather be in Gellars category. Thanks.

No. I accept that Gellar has a "right" to express her hateful propaganda, just as if he were alive today, Goebbels would have that same "right".
Not ONE of you hyenas has showed us anything that proves all the accusations leveled against Gellar. You guys remind of Dracula at the sight of a cross. LOL
Why is there no point. Pam Gellar speaks out again the mass murder of Christians and innocent people at the hands of non Muslims.

Yet to you she's "Joseph Goebbles"? :cuckoo:

She "speaks out" against Muslims in the same sense that Goebbels was just "speaking out" against how Jews.

She speaks out against political Islam, she speaks out against the behavior of Islamic savages, she speaks out against the massacres of Christians and minorities at the hands of Islamists. She's a brave woman who stands up for freedom and equal rights for all, even though she knows that she might be killed for it. She confronts hatred and barbarism and isn't afraid of backing down. Those are heroic values.

By all means, you can feel free to worship at the alter of Gellar as much as you like.

That doesn't change the fact that she's disgusting, vile and a disgrace to Judaism and Jews all around the world, it just puts you in that category as well.
Does that mean it puts you guys in the category that justify Islamic terrorism and barbarism, and against Gellar's rights to express her opinions?

I'd rather be in Gellars category. Thanks.

No. I accept that Gellar has a "right" to express her hateful propaganda...

Good. Hateful to you. Truthful to others.
She "speaks out" against Muslims in the same sense that Goebbels was just "speaking out" against how Jews.

She speaks out against political Islam, she speaks out against the behavior of Islamic savages, she speaks out against the massacres of Christians and minorities at the hands of Islamists. She's a brave woman who stands up for freedom and equal rights for all, even though she knows that she might be killed for it. She confronts hatred and barbarism and isn't afraid of backing down. Those are heroic values.

By all means, you can feel free to worship at the alter of Gellar as much as you like.

That doesn't change the fact that she's disgusting, vile and a disgrace to Judaism and Jews all around the world, it just puts you in that category as well.
Does that mean it puts you guys in the category that justify Islamic terrorism and barbarism, and against Gellar's rights to express her opinions?

I'd rather be in Gellars category. Thanks.

No. I accept that Gellar has a "right" to express her hateful propaganda...

Good. Hateful to you. Truthful to others.

Goebbels. Hateful to some, truthful to others.
Why is there no point. Pam Gellar speaks out again the mass murder of Christians and innocent people at the hands of non Muslims.

Yet to you she's "Joseph Goebbles"? :cuckoo:

She "speaks out" against Muslims in the same sense that Goebbels was just "speaking out" against how Jews.

She speaks out against political Islam, she speaks out against the behavior of Islamic savages, she speaks out against the massacres of Christians and minorities at the hands of Islamists. She's a brave woman who stands up for freedom and equal rights for all, even though she knows that she might be killed for it. She confronts hatred and barbarism and isn't afraid of backing down. Those are heroic values.

By all means, you can feel free to worship at the alter of Gellar as much as you like.

That doesn't change the fact that she's disgusting, vile and a disgrace to Judaism and Jews all around the world, it just puts you in that category as well.
Does that mean it puts you guys in the category that justify Islamic terrorism and barbarism, and against Gellar's rights to express her opinions?

I'd rather be in Gellars category. Thanks.

No. I accept that Gellar has a "right" to express her hateful propaganda, just as if he were alive today, Goebbels would have that same "right".
Rosa Parks would have never said anything like this Gellar broad.
She "speaks out" against Muslims in the same sense that Goebbels was just "speaking out" against how Jews.

She speaks out against political Islam, she speaks out against the behavior of Islamic savages, she speaks out against the massacres of Christians and minorities at the hands of Islamists. She's a brave woman who stands up for freedom and equal rights for all, even though she knows that she might be killed for it. She confronts hatred and barbarism and isn't afraid of backing down. Those are heroic values.

By all means, you can feel free to worship at the alter of Gellar as much as you like.

That doesn't change the fact that she's disgusting, vile and a disgrace to Judaism and Jews all around the world, it just puts you in that category as well.
Does that mean it puts you guys in the category that justify Islamic terrorism and barbarism, and against Gellar's rights to express her opinions?

I'd rather be in Gellars category. Thanks.

No. I accept that Gellar has a "right" to express her hateful propaganda, just as if he were alive today, Goebbels would have that same "right".
Rosa Parks would have never said anything like this Gellar broad.

I don't know much about Rosa Parks as a person, but I certainly have no reason to think she would.

Pamela Gellar is a special kind of vile.
Rosa Park was not anywhere near Geller in terms of courage and bravery!
Rosa Parks was an activist fraud when she boarded that bus. Nothing courageous or heroic about her. Geller on the other hand is heroic standing up and facing jihad in the name of free speech. You liberals make me sick. Fucking cowards kissing Islamist asses.
Fox host Martha MacCallum noted that Geller has taken criticism from the staff of Charlie Hebdo and American conservatives such as Bill Donahue of the Catholic League. Donald Trump also called Geller's actions "DUMB!" and said her cartoon contest was just "taunting" people.

Geller brushed off Trump's critique, and then rolled out an analogy that left MacCallum reeling.

"What would he have said about Rosa Parks?" Geller said. "'Rosa Parks should never have gone to the front of the bus. She's taunting people.'"

What a loon.

It's refreshing to at least see some conservatives denounce her ignorance, hate, and stupidity.
There's only so far one can walk with shit on one's shoes and not acknowledge it. :thup:
What she did by organizing a 'draw Mohammed' contest was speech. Offensive, crass and bigoted speech, but speech.

I wonder how many Conservatives who defend her today would jump to the defense of a flag burner?

Burning a flag is speech. Offensive, crass and rude speech, yet speech.

People have a right to express themselves artistically while Mohammedans are murdering people like savage animals. I see nothing wrong with it. In fact it should be encouraged.
Right. Because the best way to make peace with hornets is to throw rocks at their nest.

No but if they expressed their right to criticize Islamists and Mohammad's teachings in every city in the West, it would surely deflate the bullies and their strategy of shutting down free speech through the use of violence.
Liberals won't do it. They're cowards.

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