Another Black Loser Gets Shot By Police - Jacob Blake Deserved What He Got

With the big question being why were they trying to detain him?
That is irrelevant.

Possibly violating someone's civil rights are never irrelevant.
His civil rights werent violated. Where did you get that weird idea?

We have no idea if that is true yet or not. Unless they can state why they wanted to question and taser him his rights were violated.
A warrant was issued for his arrest the day before. Quit commenting on stories you arent familiar with. Your ignorance based opinions are completely worthless here.

I'll note you didn't provide a link.
Your boy is a sex offender too. You fucking people never fail to defend the worst people in our society.

According to the criminal complaint, Blake and two women were at the Brass Monkey tavern, 1436 Junction Avenue, Saturday when Blake got into an argument with another patron and pulled a black handgun. Blake pointed the gun at the other man, and the magazine fell to the floor. The bartender told Blake to leave, and he did but then pointed the gun through the window at patrons inside the bar before walking south on Junction Avenue.

I've heard people relating the ownership of a gun with sexual inferrences but never quite to this extent.
Bro, for fuck sake, go research your boy. He is an illegal gun owning, gun brandishing, child endangering, sex offender.

He might be. It doesn't give the police the right to try and kill him.
Damn, your domestic violence causing sex offender had a knife. Now what do you have to say, idiot? :laugh:

He might have. He might not have. He was leaving and was shot in the back.

Sometimes they lie.

Sacramento police shot man holding cellphone in his grandmother's yard

Ex-Baton Rouge police officer accused of lying about shooting will face grand jury
Black crime sure has ruined the reputation of your people. You guys do so much shooting that it makes everyone paranoid.
Exactly. What is it? 13% black population but they are responsible for 90% of violent crime?
Or just a simple rule of engagement that lethal force only be used as a last resort when an actual threat is present and not a perceived or imagined threat. The three officers did nothing to physically restrain or prevent what happened. The had no control of the scene. But maybe that was by design. Innocence by incompetence.

The circumstances of when deadly force is authorized are hardly ambiguous. This is from Cornell Law School (my notes in bold):

§ 1047.7 Use of deadly force.

(a) Deadly force means that force which a reasonable person would consider likely to cause death or serious bodily harm. Its use may be justified only under conditions of extreme necessity, when all lesser means have failed or cannot reasonably be employed. A protective force officer is authorized to use deadly force only when one or more of the following circumstances exists:

(1) Self-Defense. When deadly force reasonably appears to be necessary to protect a protective force officer who reasonably believes himself or herself to be in imminent danger of death or serious bodily harm.

Blake was carrying neither a gun or a knife. There was no gun in his car, therefore the police on scene should've been able to employ other measures to subdue him...

(2) Serious offenses against persons. When deadly force reasonably appears to be necessary to prevent the commission of a serious offense against a person(s) in circumstances presenting an imminent danger of death or serious bodily harm (e.g. sabotage of an occupied facility by explosives).

Again, with no weapon available to Blake, there was no imminent danger to anyone...

(3) Nuclear weapons or nuclear explosive devices. When deadly force reasonably appears to be necessary to prevent the theft, sabotage, or unauthorized control of a nuclear weapon or nuclear explosive device.

(4) Special nuclear material. When deadly force reasonably appears to be necessary to prevent the theft, sabotage, or unauthorized control of special nuclear material from an area of a fixed site or from a shipment where Category II or greater quantities are known or reasonably believed to be present.

Note: (These offenses are considered by the Department of Energy to pose a significant threat of death or serious bodily harm)

I don't think we really need to discuss these two...

(5) Apprehension. When deadly force reasonably appears to be necessary to apprehend or prevent the escape of a person reasonably believed to: (i) have committed an offense of the nature specified in paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(4) 1 of this section; or (ii) be escaping by use of a weapon or explosive or who otherwise indicates that he or she poses a significant threat of death or serious bodily harm to the protective force officer or others unless apprehended without delay.

Blake was not fleeing from the commission of a crime, and the warrant for his arrest fails to satisfy this requirement, nor was he using a weapon of any type which may have been a danger to the police officer...

(b) Additional Considerations Involving Firearms. If it becomes necessary to use a firearm, the following precautions shall be observed:

(1) A warning, e.g. an order to halt, shall be given, if feasible, before a shot is fired.

(2) Warning shots shall not be fired.


The cop who fired the seven shots is fucked. There's simply no way for a reasonable person to reach the conclusion that firing seven bullets into the man from behind was the way to handle this...
The cops were protecting those 3 poor children in the car. This lunatic criminal fleeing from police and trying to either arm himself or get in the car to inherently endanger those children. The dude wouldn't follow police instruction. Sucks to be him, but no jury will condemn the police on this.
Absolutly. The cop had to shoot that unarmed sober black man to protect his children int he back seat of his are. It' as plain as the nose on Trump's face!!!!
Pure irony.
The protesters are literally shouting exactly that at you, dope.
LMAO @ the Stupid Shit Leftist are so Gullible to believe ....

You people do not live in the same reality as the rest of this Country.
Gullible to believe ....

You people do not live in the same reality as the rest of this Country
Tell us what they're "really" saying, Nostradumbass.
Then what did you mean by that you think blacks are scary? It seems to speak for itself. Sounds like prejudice to me
Liberals always project their own fears, ignorance, incompetence, and racism on others. The lack the cognitive ability to realize not everyone shares their flaws.

Exactly. Hutch Starskey brought up the stone cold shit that blacks are scary unprompted and irrelevant to the discussion. He was getting his fears of scary blacks out by projecting his own feelings onto others
Exactly. @Hutch Starskey brought up the stone cold shit that blacks are scary unprompted and irrelevant to the discussion. He was getting his fears of scary blacks out by projecting his own feelings onto others
Your failure to understand the context and relevance of my post only speaks to your own incompetence and lack of self awarenesss, loser.

What context clarifies your statement that blacks are scary? I don't see how different contexts change the meaning of that. At least you're honest that blacks scare you. Kudos for that.

Just FYI, blacks are people. No more, no less. No reason to be particularly afraid of them versus anyone else
I don't see
Exactly my point.

You changed the meaning of those words. You're a disingenuous hack
Cops for years got away with breaking the law. Turn about is fair play.
So you think just because some cops in the past did wrong things it justifies attacking other innocent cops today? You are the epitome of an idiot.

Absolutely not. That's why it's so important to weed out the cops who can't do the job without killing unarmed people.

You keep ignoring it, but it's a flash second to grab a gun and shoot a cop dead. You keep ignoring that.

Nope. Already answered you. The cops should have never let him open the door to his car. They fucked up. Now their facing attempted murder charges. Which is really, kind of unfair. Clearly their training didn't prepare them for this.

Why shouldn't they have allowed him to open his door?

Kaz is making excuses for shooting him seven times, in the back, at point blank range, in front of his children. He claims the cops thought he was reaching for a gun.

There's nothing at all wrong with him opening his door, unless he was going for a gun. If that's what the cops were worried bout, they should have never let him open the door. Kaz is just dancing. Anything to defend the home team.

When you say things like "in front of his children" you show that you're appealing to emotion, not logic.

Why did he defy cops in front of his children? What a terrible example that was

Again, why was he not allowed to get in his car and leave?

Because the police discovered that there was a warrant for his arrest...

When? How? He had no obligation to tell them anything. He had committed no crime.

Yes, he did. There was an open warrant out for his arrest which had absolutely nothing to do with this incident...

He had committed no crime in breaking up a fight. He is free to leave.

That's what the cops had to sort out. Being in the middle of a fight is clearly probable cause

Breaking up a fight is not illegal. The police are not providing any sort of alternative situation. They do when it tends to exonerate them. They don't when it doesn't.

And if the cops did something wrong, then he should follow up later. Not ignore them and put them in a life threatening situation by going into his car where they can't see what's going on

None of the cops lives were threatened.
Not yet and we know that you prefer the requirement to be the criminal draws and fires first before the police can respond
Not yet and we know that you prefer the requirement to be the criminal draws and fires first before the police can respond
Or just a simple rule of engagement that lethal force only be used as a last resort when an actual threat is present and not a perceived or imagined threat. The three officers did nothing to physically restrain or prevent what happened. The had no control of the scene. But maybe that was by design. Innocence by incompetence.

Did you see a longer clip that showed that or did you pull it out of your ass? You can't conclude that from the clip in the OP, insufficient evidence
Did you see a longer clip that showed that or did you pull it out of your ass? You can't conclude that from the clip in the OP, insufficient evidence
Which officer stepped in front of him to prevent him from walking around the car?

At the start of the clip he was walking to the car and the cops were behind him. How the hell would they have stepped in front of him from behind him?

So you admit you did pull it out of your ass, you didn't see more clip than we did which completely doesn't support your bull shit claim
At the start of the clip he was walking to the car and the cops were behind him. How the hell would they have stepped in front of him from behind him?

That is some seriously weak shit, dude.
Three cops. No one stopped him.
They're fucked.

It's "weak" that cops standing behind him when he was walking didn't step in front of him? You really are an intellectual vacuum
It's "weak" that cops standing behind him when he was walking didn't step in front of him? You really are an intellectual vacuum
Three officers and not a single one had enough situational awareness or control over the situation to prevent a tragedy not only to Blake but their own carreers and society at large.

You made that up since you apparently saw the same clip I did in the OP where the cops were standing behind him
same clip I did in the OP where the cops were standing behind him
Again your incompetence let's you down.

If their goal was to prevent him from getting in his car..... they failed. The fact that they were all behind him and no one circled around the back of the vehicle to intercept him is clear evidence of their ineptitude.

You're an idiot. There's no one someone circling around the car would have gotten there first. Just more of your wanting as you say "scary blacks" getting killed because you think somehow a race war will help Democrats
You changed the meaning of those words. You're a disingenuous hack
I changed nothing.
That was your premise. That you "did not see". I simply agreed.

You took those three words out of context, which completely changed the meaning. You know that cutting posts is not supposed to change the meaning. You're a disingenuous hack
You took those three words out of context, which completely changed the meaning. You know that cutting posts is not supposed to change the meaning. You're a disingenuous hack
I did no such thing. That was the context. Your entire post was you explaining how "you don't see". I was going to quote it for all to see but you've since deleted it and are now being rather disingenuous yourself.
I see you cannot stand by your own posts.

You're a liar, go fuck yourself
You're a liar, go fuck yourself
Then show us the post and what meaning I changed. Or just keep crying.

Who is "us?" You and the voices in your head?
Who is "us?" You and the voices in your head?
The readers, dope.
Wipe the snot hanging off your face and take care of it.

And you think the readers are all on your side? WTF, don't you read any of the replies to you? Trust me, they're not all on your side.

Speak for yourself
nd you think the readers are all on your side? WTF, don't you read any of the replies to you? Trust me, they're not all on your side.

Speak for yourself
I said nothing about sides, dope.
You said I misrepresented you. Obviously to the readers. Show us.
Oh that's right. You deleted it. Out of embarrassment no doubt.

Keep crying though.

Obviously you're light in the front of your pants since you so deeply crave the validation of others. "I" is far more powerful than "us." Well, it would be if you had a pair.

Not playing your ad hominem bull shit, Maam. Speak for yourself
Obviously you're light in the front of your pants since you so deeply crave the validation of others. "I" is far more powerful than "us." Well, it would be if you had a pair.

Not playing your ad hominem bull shit, Maam. Speak for yourself
Jesus....You are an incompetent dolt.
I just explained it to you.
I couldn't have "misrepresented you" to "I", dope.
Exactly. What is it? 13% black population but they are responsible for 90% of violent crime?

No, 13% commit about half of violent crime, at least for murders
No, 13% commit about half of violent crime, at least for murders
Of course you post some moronic bullshit. You have the reasoning ability of a turnip.

13% don't commit half the murders, dope.
There's nearly 48 million black folks in that 13%
99.9% of black folks don't murder anyone just as 99.9% of whites don't.
Exactly. What is it? 13% black population but they are responsible for 90% of violent crime?

No, 13% commit about half of violent crime, at least for murders
No, 13% commit about half of violent crime, at least for murders
Of course you post some moronic bullshit. You have the reasoning ability of a turnip.

13% don't commit half the murders, dope.
There's nearly 48 million black folks in that 13%
99.9% of black folks don't murder anyone just as 99.9% of whites don't.

Wrong again. Facts don't care about your feelings. You can draw whatever conclusion you may, but the fact is the fact.

" According to the US Department of Justice, African Americans accounted for 52.5% of all homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with Whites 45.3% and "Other" 2.2%."

Mostly the blacks killed blacks

Exactly. What is it? 13% black population but they are responsible for 90% of violent crime?

No, 13% commit about half of violent crime, at least for murders
No, 13% commit about half of violent crime, at least for murders
Of course you post some moronic bullshit. You have the reasoning ability of a turnip.

13% don't commit half the murders, dope.
There's nearly 48 million black folks in that 13%
99.9% of black folks don't murder anyone just as 99.9% of whites don't.

Wrong again. Facts don't care about your feelings. You can draw whatever conclusion you may, but the fact is the fact.

" According to the US Department of Justice, African Americans accounted for 52.5% of all homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with Whites 45.3% and "Other" 2.2%."

Mostly the blacks killed blacks

Wrong again.
Do the arithmetic yourself, retard.
5000 murders ÷ 48m = .01%
99.99% of black folks murder no one. That's assuming each murder was committed by a different person.
Exactly. What is it? 13% black population but they are responsible for 90% of violent crime?

No, 13% commit about half of violent crime, at least for murders
No, 13% commit about half of violent crime, at least for murders
Of course you post some moronic bullshit. You have the reasoning ability of a turnip.

13% don't commit half the murders, dope.
There's nearly 48 million black folks in that 13%
99.9% of black folks don't murder anyone just as 99.9% of whites don't.

Wrong again. Facts don't care about your feelings. You can draw whatever conclusion you may, but the fact is the fact.

" According to the US Department of Justice, African Americans accounted for 52.5% of all homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with Whites 45.3% and "Other" 2.2%."

Mostly the blacks killed blacks

Wrong again.
Do the arithmetic yourself, retard.
5000 murders ÷ 48m = .01%
99.99% of black folks murder no one. That's assuming each murder was committed by a different person.

Um ... OK? It's like someone said Rumpelstiltskin and you lost it.

I told you I'm drawing no conclusion, but the fact is that half of all murders are committed by blacks. Your arguing that most blacks don't commit murder is true, but doesn't contradict that half of the murders are committed by blacks
You are a

"Unrest continued in Kenosha early Monday morning after police shot a man in the 2800 block of 40th Street sometime after 5:11 p.m., the encounter partially captured in a video that showed an officer firing several shots at close range into the man's back. Wisconsin officials identified the shooting victim as Jacob Blake, a Black man. He was in serious condition at Froedtert Hospital in Milwaukee as of early Monday morning, law enforcement said."

First of all, this guy is no victim, he brought all of this on himself. Witnesses claim the police were called to a domestic disturbance at which the suspect was attempting to break up a fight...I am sure there is more than what the video shows, but the video itself clearly shows the man disobeying police orders, walking to his car to get a weapon -- and the police had no choice but to shoot this guy has a criminal record.....

Now the governor is taking the side of the black thug and not the police; there are riots in the streets of Democrat run Kenosha..none of this rioting and violence will be happening in Trump's second term -- he is allowing it to happen now to teach dumb black voters a lesson, but when he is re-elected -- he will turn the streets crimson with their blood and cleanse our nation..

You are a horrible person.
You are a

"Unrest continued in Kenosha early Monday morning after police shot a man in the 2800 block of 40th Street sometime after 5:11 p.m., the encounter partially captured in a video that showed an officer firing several shots at close range into the man's back. Wisconsin officials identified the shooting victim as Jacob Blake, a Black man. He was in serious condition at Froedtert Hospital in Milwaukee as of early Monday morning, law enforcement said."

First of all, this guy is no victim, he brought all of this on himself. Witnesses claim the police were called to a domestic disturbance at which the suspect was attempting to break up a fight...I am sure there is more than what the video shows, but the video itself clearly shows the man disobeying police orders, walking to his car to get a weapon -- and the police had no choice but to shoot this guy has a criminal record.....

Now the governor is taking the side of the black thug and not the police; there are riots in the streets of Democrat run Kenosha..none of this rioting and violence will be happening in Trump's second term -- he is allowing it to happen now to teach dumb black voters a lesson, but when he is re-elected -- he will turn the streets crimson with their blood and cleanse our nation..

You are a horrible person.

You want dead cops. What are you going to do when you get them and no one will be a cop?
UPDATE: The Toronto Raptors and Boston Celtics are seriously considering "Boycotting" their series in the NBA playoffs in protest of this shooting

as a Gordon Hayward fan, now it's personal!
Exactly. What is it? 13% black population but they are responsible for 90% of violent crime?

No, 13% commit about half of violent crime, at least for murders
No, 13% commit about half of violent crime, at least for murders
Of course you post some moronic bullshit. You have the reasoning ability of a turnip.

13% don't commit half the murders, dope.
There's nearly 48 million black folks in that 13%
99.9% of black folks don't murder anyone just as 99.9% of whites don't.

Wrong again. Facts don't care about your feelings. You can draw whatever conclusion you may, but the fact is the fact.

" According to the US Department of Justice, African Americans accounted for 52.5% of all homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with Whites 45.3% and "Other" 2.2%."

Mostly the blacks killed blacks

Wrong again.
Do the arithmetic yourself, retard.
5000 murders ÷ 48m = .01%
99.99% of black folks murder no one. That's assuming each murder was committed by a different person.

Um ... OK? It's like someone said Rumpelstiltskin and you lost it.

I told you I'm drawing no conclusion, but the fact is that half of all murders are committed by blacks. Your arguing that most blacks don't commit murder is true, but doesn't contradict that half of the murders are committed by blacks
Um ... OK? It's like someone said Rumpelstiltskin and you lost it.

I told you I'm drawing no conclusion, but the fact is that half of all murders are committed by blacks. Your arguing that most blacks don't commit murder is true, but doesn't contradict that half of the murders are committed by blacks

Except that's not what you said.
You said this dopey nonsense.
No, 13% commit about half of violent crime, at least for murders

Actually half of all murders are committed by a very, very small percentage of blacks.
"Blacks" are no more responsible for the murders than the 99.99% of white folks are.
You are a

"Unrest continued in Kenosha early Monday morning after police shot a man in the 2800 block of 40th Street sometime after 5:11 p.m., the encounter partially captured in a video that showed an officer firing several shots at close range into the man's back. Wisconsin officials identified the shooting victim as Jacob Blake, a Black man. He was in serious condition at Froedtert Hospital in Milwaukee as of early Monday morning, law enforcement said."

First of all, this guy is no victim, he brought all of this on himself. Witnesses claim the police were called to a domestic disturbance at which the suspect was attempting to break up a fight...I am sure there is more than what the video shows, but the video itself clearly shows the man disobeying police orders, walking to his car to get a weapon -- and the police had no choice but to shoot this guy has a criminal record.....

Now the governor is taking the side of the black thug and not the police; there are riots in the streets of Democrat run Kenosha..none of this rioting and violence will be happening in Trump's second term -- he is allowing it to happen now to teach dumb black voters a lesson, but when he is re-elected -- he will turn the streets crimson with their blood and cleanse our nation..

You are a horrible person.

You want dead cops. What are you going to do when you get them and no one will be a cop?

That's demagoguery - a lie dressed up in emotional hysterics. No one wants dead cops. We want cops who can handle a dangerous situation without letting it turn into a shitshow.
Exactly. What is it? 13% black population but they are responsible for 90% of violent crime?

No, 13% commit about half of violent crime, at least for murders
No, 13% commit about half of violent crime, at least for murders
Of course you post some moronic bullshit. You have the reasoning ability of a turnip.

13% don't commit half the murders, dope.
There's nearly 48 million black folks in that 13%
99.9% of black folks don't murder anyone just as 99.9% of whites don't.

Wrong again. Facts don't care about your feelings. You can draw whatever conclusion you may, but the fact is the fact.

" According to the US Department of Justice, African Americans accounted for 52.5% of all homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with Whites 45.3% and "Other" 2.2%."

Mostly the blacks killed blacks

Wrong again.
Do the arithmetic yourself, retard.
5000 murders ÷ 48m = .01%
99.99% of black folks murder no one. That's assuming each murder was committed by a different person.

Um ... OK? It's like someone said Rumpelstiltskin and you lost it.

I told you I'm drawing no conclusion, but the fact is that half of all murders are committed by blacks. Your arguing that most blacks don't commit murder is true, but doesn't contradict that half of the murders are committed by blacks
Um ... OK? It's like someone said Rumpelstiltskin and you lost it.

I told you I'm drawing no conclusion, but the fact is that half of all murders are committed by blacks. Your arguing that most blacks don't commit murder is true, but doesn't contradict that half of the murders are committed by blacks

Except that's not what you said.
You said this dopey nonsense.
No, 13% commit about half of violent crime, at least for murders

Actually half of all murders are committed by a very, very small percentage of blacks.
"Blacks" are no more responsible for the murders than the 99.99% of white folks are.

That 13% commit 50% of murders doesn't contradict that most people in that 13% commit none of those murders.

Obviously most blacks are not murderers. I'm not even clear what point you're trying to make
You are a

"Unrest continued in Kenosha early Monday morning after police shot a man in the 2800 block of 40th Street sometime after 5:11 p.m., the encounter partially captured in a video that showed an officer firing several shots at close range into the man's back. Wisconsin officials identified the shooting victim as Jacob Blake, a Black man. He was in serious condition at Froedtert Hospital in Milwaukee as of early Monday morning, law enforcement said."

First of all, this guy is no victim, he brought all of this on himself. Witnesses claim the police were called to a domestic disturbance at which the suspect was attempting to break up a fight...I am sure there is more than what the video shows, but the video itself clearly shows the man disobeying police orders, walking to his car to get a weapon -- and the police had no choice but to shoot this guy has a criminal record.....

Now the governor is taking the side of the black thug and not the police; there are riots in the streets of Democrat run Kenosha..none of this rioting and violence will be happening in Trump's second term -- he is allowing it to happen now to teach dumb black voters a lesson, but when he is re-elected -- he will turn the streets crimson with their blood and cleanse our nation..

You are a horrible person.

You want dead cops. What are you going to do when you get them and no one will be a cop?

That's demagoguery - a lie dressed up in emotional hysterics. No one wants dead cops. We want cops who can handle a dangerous situation without letting it turn into a shitshow.

Bull shit. When people say that cops have to wait to see what a guy reaching into his car is going to do before using force is wanting the cops to be dead. And clearly Democrats want a race war. You pump for it every day on the site. Democrats keep downplaying and denying the riots and looters and conflate them with the peaceful demonstrators.

If you didn't want a race war, then some things might be consistent with wanting it and other things contradict it. But when EVERYTHING you're doing leads to dead cops and a race war, that clearly is the objective, not demagoguery
You are a

"Unrest continued in Kenosha early Monday morning after police shot a man in the 2800 block of 40th Street sometime after 5:11 p.m., the encounter partially captured in a video that showed an officer firing several shots at close range into the man's back. Wisconsin officials identified the shooting victim as Jacob Blake, a Black man. He was in serious condition at Froedtert Hospital in Milwaukee as of early Monday morning, law enforcement said."

First of all, this guy is no victim, he brought all of this on himself. Witnesses claim the police were called to a domestic disturbance at which the suspect was attempting to break up a fight...I am sure there is more than what the video shows, but the video itself clearly shows the man disobeying police orders, walking to his car to get a weapon -- and the police had no choice but to shoot this guy has a criminal record.....

Now the governor is taking the side of the black thug and not the police; there are riots in the streets of Democrat run Kenosha..none of this rioting and violence will be happening in Trump's second term -- he is allowing it to happen now to teach dumb black voters a lesson, but when he is re-elected -- he will turn the streets crimson with their blood and cleanse our nation..

You are a horrible person.

You want dead cops. What are you going to do when you get them and no one will be a cop?

That's demagoguery - a lie dressed up in emotional hysterics. No one wants dead cops. We want cops who can handle a dangerous situation without letting it turn into a shitshow.

Bull shit.

Nope. It's true. No one wants dead cops. You're making that up, because the truth doesn't support your position.

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