Another case as to why I oppose the death penalty

And that is part of the process. Honestly is there really so much of a difference between taking someones life and taking 25 years of someones life in error?

Considering DP cases take at least 10 years to resolve, that is plenty of time to find any error.

ask the guy in the OP or just read the story and see how happy he and his mother are that he has finally been released. i would dare say they would emphatically state there is a huge difference between DP and losing 25 years of your life behind bars. if he had been executed, there would be no joyful reunion and no further time to spend together, something they can now enjoy.

again, DP inmates have been exonerated, some posthumously.

When was the last one that was exonerated totally after execution? Are you going back to the 60's or 50's for that one?

here is an article with a study...long article only read first page and they listed one from 1995...they make a good point that we may never truly once they are executed, not much is done to further find out if they were innocent.

Exonerated After Execution: 12 Men (And One Woman) Found Innocent After Being Put to Death | MadameNoire you now see a difference between DP and 25 years?
I don't lose sleep worrying about what 'the world' thinks of the US.

One thing I really love is how convicts are given access to weight lifting equipment. It's a sign of our enlightened attitude that we allow them to bulk up like Mr Universe so when they get out they are ten times as lethal. So awesome.

Actually, most states have either abandoned the death penalty or use it rarely. It is only our god fearing Bible Belt states that still insist on killing. Even the companies that make the chemical used in executions are fefusing to sell it

Time for the US to enter the 21st century and start to lead by example

why do you have to be so ignorant and turn this into a christian bashing thread?

CA, hardly bible thumping state, is the nation's number one DP executioner.

Its just Rightwinger being Rightwinger.

I thought Texas has passed CA for #1 in giving felons the dirt nap?
Actually, most states have either abandoned the death penalty or use it rarely. It is only our god fearing Bible Belt states that still insist on killing. Even the companies that make the chemical used in executions are fefusing to sell it

Time for the US to enter the 21st century and start to lead by example

why do you have to be so ignorant and turn this into a christian bashing thread?

CA, hardly bible thumping state, is the nation's number one DP executioner.

Its just Rightwinger being Rightwinger.

I thought Texas has passed CA for #1 in giving felons the dirt nap?

CA still has 3X the total number executed
ask the guy in the OP or just read the story and see how happy he and his mother are that he has finally been released. i would dare say they would emphatically state there is a huge difference between DP and losing 25 years of your life behind bars. if he had been executed, there would be no joyful reunion and no further time to spend together, something they can now enjoy.

again, DP inmates have been exonerated, some posthumously.

When was the last one that was exonerated totally after execution? Are you going back to the 60's or 50's for that one?

here is an article with a study...long article only read first page and they listed one from 1995...they make a good point that we may never truly once they are executed, not much is done to further find out if they were innocent.

Exonerated After Execution: 12 Men (And One Woman) Found Innocent After Being Put to Death | MadameNoire

yeah, the first paragraph is so loaded with bias that of course it makes them all look innocent.

Most death row inmates do not have the resources or time necessary to determine their innocence before it is too late -

That statement is the most ridiculous. Once a person is convicted and given the DP lawyers come out of the woodwork to represent, how do the appeals last so long then?
So lets release some of them and have them move in with you. Got an extra bedroom?

And how we treat out prisoners and the number of prisoners in unrelated.

Why should we release them? Give them life in prison like most civilized countries do

You were complaining about us having the largest percentage of population in prison. A simple solution is to let them go. I'm sure your neighborhood would be perfect for that.

Actually, I would let the nonviolent drug offenders go. Free up a lot of space in our prisons
why do you have to be so ignorant and turn this into a christian bashing thread?

CA, hardly bible thumping state, is the nation's number one DP executioner.

Its just Rightwinger being Rightwinger.

I thought Texas has passed CA for #1 in giving felons the dirt nap?

CA still has 3X the total number executed

Since what date?

California has not executed anyone in 8 years and I doubt they ever will
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Why should we release them? Give them life in prison like most civilized countries do

You were complaining about us having the largest percentage of population in prison. A simple solution is to let them go. I'm sure your neighborhood would be perfect for that.

Actually, I would let the nonviolent drug offenders go. Free up a lot of space in our prisons

Until they boost your 51" plasma, then you will be calling for their heads.
Man cleared of NYC murder after 25 years in prison

From the start, Fleming told authorities he had been in Orlando when a friend, Darryl "Black" Rush, was shot to death in Brooklyn early on Aug. 15, 1989. Authorities suggested the shooting was motivated by a dispute over money.

Fleming had plane tickets, videos and postcards from his trip, said his lawyers, Anthony Mayol and Taylor Koss. But prosecutors at the time suggested he could have made a quick round-trip plane jaunt to be in New York, and a woman testified that she had seen him shoot Rush. He was sentenced to 25 years to life in prison and was due to have his first parole hearing soon.

The eyewitness recanted her testimony soon after Fleming's 1990 conviction, saying she had lied so police would cut her loose for an unrelated arrest, but Fleming lost his appeals.

Man cleared of NYC murder after 25 years in prison

this is without a doubt egregious prosecutorial misconduct. the DA who handled the case should be criminally charged. in fact, in any case like this the DA should be criminally charged.

The Death Penalty is too expensive and there is no possibility for reversible error.

Reflections on the Guillotine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Man cleared of NYC murder after 25 years in prison

From the start, Fleming told authorities he had been in Orlando when a friend, Darryl "Black" Rush, was shot to death in Brooklyn early on Aug. 15, 1989. Authorities suggested the shooting was motivated by a dispute over money.

Fleming had plane tickets, videos and postcards from his trip, said his lawyers, Anthony Mayol and Taylor Koss. But prosecutors at the time suggested he could have made a quick round-trip plane jaunt to be in New York, and a woman testified that she had seen him shoot Rush. He was sentenced to 25 years to life in prison and was due to have his first parole hearing soon.

The eyewitness recanted her testimony soon after Fleming's 1990 conviction, saying she had lied so police would cut her loose for an unrelated arrest, but Fleming lost his appeals.

Man cleared of NYC murder after 25 years in prison

this is without a doubt egregious prosecutorial misconduct. the DA who handled the case should be criminally charged. in fact, in any case like this the DA should be criminally charged.

The Death Penalty is too expensive and there is no possibility for reversible error.

Reflections on the Guillotine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Neither is there if we lock some guy up for life and he dies in prison. Considering most of the effort on innocence projects relate to the death penalty, How sure are you that innocent people are dying in jail of natural causes?
Its just Rightwinger being Rightwinger.

I thought Texas has passed CA for #1 in giving felons the dirt nap?

CA still has 3X the total number executed

Since what date?

California has not executed anyone in 8 years and I doubt they ever will

do tell us why no one has been executed in 8 years....HINT: not because CA doesn't want to

your lame attempt at bashing christians failed again
CA still has 3X the total number executed

Since what date?

California has not executed anyone in 8 years and I doubt they ever will

do tell us why no one has been executed in 8 years....HINT: not because CA doesn't want to

your lame attempt at bashing christians failed again

Actually.....yes it is Christians who insist on taking life in their Biblical eye for an eye vengeance.

The bulk of the states actively involved in executions are our christian bible belt states. Baptists to be specific


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and non christians aren't involved at all


cite some specific evidence or keep quiet. your stats proving NOTHING about your claim. you know that whole correlation thingy...

btw...the pope has issued an edict that the church is virtually wholly opposed to the DP

facts rightwinger...facts
and i notice you cowardly ran away from my question about WHY ca hasn't executed anyone in 8 years....oooooops....realized your mistake didn't you....
and i notice you cowardly ran away from my question about WHY ca hasn't executed anyone in 8 years....oooooops....realized your mistake didn't you....

It is tied up in litigation. Gov Brown will not approve an execution even if it is allowed
Either way, California has only executed 13 in the last 38 years while Texas has executed 481

You have failed to explain your claim that California has 3X the executions that Texas has
and non christians aren't involved at all


cite some specific evidence or keep quiet. your stats proving NOTHING about your claim. you know that whole correlation thingy...

btw...the pope has issued an edict that the church is virtually wholly opposed to the DP

facts rightwinger...facts

Religious Groups? Official Positions on Capital Punishment | Pew Research Center's Religion & Public Life Project


Although the Catechism of the Catholic Church sanctions the use of the death penalty as a last recourse, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has repeatedly called for the abolition of capital punishment in the United States in all circumstances.

Episcopal Church

Since the 1958 General Convention, U.S. Episcopal bishops have maintained a position against the death penalty


All of the major Jewish movements in the United States either advocate for the abolition of the death penalty or have called for at least a temporary moratorium on its use. The Conservative, Reform and Reconstructionist movements in the United States oppose the death penalty in all instances


In the United States, where Islamic law – Shariah – is not legally enforced, there is no official Muslim position on the issue of the death penalty. In Islamic countries, however, capital punishment is sanctioned in only two instances: cases involving intentional murder or physical harm of another; and intentional harm or threat against the state, including the spread of terror.

National Association of Evangelicals

Since its 1972 and 1973 resolutions on the issue, the National Association of Evangelicals has continued to support the use of capital punishment in cases involving premeditated murder as well as crimes such as hijacking and kidnapping where people are physically harmed.

National Council of Churches

The National Council of Churches, which represents 35 mainstream Protestant and Orthodox churches, has advocated for the abolition of the death penalty since 1968.

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A)

Since its first official statement on the issue in 1959, reaffirmed again in 1977 and 1978, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has opposed the death penalty.

Southern Baptist Convention

In 2000, the Southern Baptist Convention issued a resolution in support of the fair and equitable use of capital punishment.

United Methodist Church

In 1956, the General Conference of the United Methodist Church passed legislation officially declaring the church’s opposition to the death penalty. In 1980 and 2000, the church passed resolutions reaffirming its opposition and encouraging its membership to advocate for the abolition of capital punishment.

Unless you are making the claim that it is the Muslims in southern states forcing the death penalty, you are full of shit
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so most christian churches are opposed to the DP


way to prove your point

and it still does nothing to prove that the DP rate has anything to do with christianity or christians. just because you have a survey of a few churches, not majority churches btw, that support it....does not prove the DP rate is because those people support it. all one has to do is look at china's DP rate to see you are full of shite.

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