Another Cop Shooting Of A Black (video)


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Apr 2, 2009
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Why did he try to attack people with guns?
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How do you know he was mentally ill?

Maybe he was high on drugs and a taser wouldn't have stopped him
stupid fucker is dead and good riddance.

Shame that so may demogogues have to get everyone so riled up that deranged people think they have to do stupid shit, but that is how it goes.

You don't go at cops with your hands in your pocket and they tellin you to take them out.

Have people just gone stupid suddenly or have they always been this stupid?
This is the guy with a knife right?

You CANT taze someone with a knife. The training by the company who makes "TASER" even says so, because a taser MUST be used only as a "less lethal" device, meaning almost no change of death.

So, if you tase a man with a knife.....and he falls on the knife and dies.....YOU didn't follow the policy. EVERY police department has that.

Just to inform some of you idiots. If a cop tazes a man with a knife...the department policy was broken, and they wont cover him in court.

Is this the other guy in Ferguson that went at the police with a knife or somewhere else? Where's the story on it, the camera phone's too far back to hear anything other than I think the police said for him to get down... Though even the guy on the cell phone said "this ain't the way to do it bro"

Initially, I mean initially I think it's a bit excessive so many shots, but at the same time the guy didn't go down until that many shots so...

I need more information.
I've watched this video about a half dozen times now.

The police originally said the man was charging at them and that he was carrying the knife in an "overhand grip".

What they said directly conflicts with what we're watching, which is a troubled man who was approached about as poorly as I've seen any police approach a person. They pulled in so close it clearly agitated him. He is obviously not of sound mind and that doesn't make him an evil person whose life is worth ending without at least trying to protect first.
Is this the other guy in Ferguson that went at the police with a knife or somewhere else? Where's the story on it, the camera phone's too far back to hear anything other than I think the police said for him to get down... Though even the guy on the cell phone said "this ain't the way to do it bro"

Initially, I mean initially I think it's a bit excessive so many shots, but at the same time the guy didn't go down until that many shots so...

I need more information.

There is no other guy in Ferguson. This is the other guy, but a couple of miles from Ferguson in north St.Louis I believe.

The police said he was charging at them with an "overhand grip". That he was in attack mode.

I didn't actually see in this video any moment where he went on the attack.

I see the police driving in too close too fast, and an officer jumping out of the car with his gun pointed at the man even before the man actually did anything to them.

This is such a disgrace and it reveals how poorly trained these police officers appear to be at actually protecting and serving.
Ah yes, was the one I was thinking of.

That said, I am initially inclined to agree with your assessment of them driving in too close, though the argument could easily be made that the guy in fact was approaching them. They pulled into the only available on the side of the road spot, which was initially a good 20' plus away. This to me implies a thought process, at least in the drivers mind, that they might potentially be there a while and block traffic - which then implies that they, or at least the driver, had no intention of simply driving up and shooting this guy. (which is what was implied in the article I'd read)

Absent the reason why the officers were called in save for the brief statement of "report of a man wielding a knife", the whole "You're gonna have to shoot me" words on the part of the knife wielder, the fact that the man refused to lay down his weapon, and continued to aggressively advance upon the officers position despite repeated warnings from the officers, it is difficult for me to say their response was an abuse of power or excessive use of lethal force...

While I can see it as a bit excessive in a way, since the guys clearly lost his fucking mind, at the same time the officers should not have to risk being cut because this guy's not in a clear mental state. I certainly would not expect the officers to change weapons with as close as the man was to them.

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