Another corporate moocher skips America

A small business is charged the same tax rate as a large international business.

The large business is able to escape taxes while small business is not.

All these years the large businesses have been stashing away their money and avoiding taxes. Meanwhile, the small businesses have been paying those taxes.

The large businesses are now demanding a retroactive tax cut on all that money for themselves so they can bring that money into the US. This is a retroactive tax cut the small businesses were not and will not be given.

I am all for lowering the business tax. I am not in favor of giving special interests their own special breaks that are not given to smaller businesses. That's bullshit, and it is exactly how an unnatural concentration of wealth and an unlevel playing field are created.
You understand that Pfizer employs thousands of people and produces cutting edge drugs like Lipitor that have saved probably hundreds of thousands of lives, right?
Why are they moving? To save on taxes. There's the problem right there.
That and the fact that you are a moron.

They moved because of corporate-greed. Plain and simple. Greedy bastards charge an arm and a leg for their cutting edge, life-saving drugs.

The U.K.’s corporate tax rate is 21%; presumably the effective rate there will be much lower for Pfizer, which claims to have paid an effective U.S. tax rate last year of 27.4%. By one estimate, the company would save as much as $1 billion per year—a disparity that reflects not confiscatory tax policy in the U.S., but rather a tax-slashing policy in Britain these days that’s prompted some to compare England’s green and pleasant land to the Cayman Islands.)

Yeah, those greedy bastards wanting to save $1B/year that they can spend on more R&D, better benefits for workers, or more return to stockholders.
The nerve of some companies. Don't they know all that money belongs to the governmeent?

Those greedy bastards just want to give themselves millions more in bonuses first and foremost... the rest will just have to trickle-down to the workers afterwards.
They moved because of corporate-greed. Plain and simple. Greedy bastards charge an arm and a leg for their cutting edge, life-saving drugs.

The U.K.’s corporate tax rate is 21%; presumably the effective rate there will be much lower for Pfizer, which claims to have paid an effective U.S. tax rate last year of 27.4%. By one estimate, the company would save as much as $1 billion per year—a disparity that reflects not confiscatory tax policy in the U.S., but rather a tax-slashing policy in Britain these days that’s prompted some to compare England’s green and pleasant land to the Cayman Islands.)

Yeah, those greedy bastards wanting to save $1B/year that they can spend on more R&D, better benefits for workers, or more return to stockholders.
The nerve of some companies. Don't they know all that money belongs to the governmeent?

Those greedy bastards just want to give themselves millions more in bonuses first and foremost... the rest will just have to trickle-down to the workers afterwards.

You know this because? Oh yeah, Rachel Maddow told you.
What a fucking ignorant tool.
You understand that Pfizer employs thousands of people and produces cutting edge drugs like Lipitor that have saved probably hundreds of thousands of lives, right?
Why are they moving? To save on taxes. There's the problem right there.
That and the fact that you are a moron.

They moved because of corporate-greed. Plain and simple. Greedy bastards charge an arm and a leg for their cutting edge, life-saving drugs.

The U.K.’s corporate tax rate is 21%; presumably the effective rate there will be much lower for Pfizer, which claims to have paid an effective U.S. tax rate last year of 27.4%. By one estimate, the company would save as much as $1 billion per year—a disparity that reflects not confiscatory tax policy in the U.S., but rather a tax-slashing policy in Britain these days that’s prompted some to compare England’s green and pleasant land to the Cayman Islands.)

Yeah, those greedy bastards wanting to save $1B/year that they can spend on more R&D, better benefits for workers, or more return to stockholders.
The nerve of some companies. Don't they know all that money belongs to the governmeent?

There is no evidence the last time these large corporations were given a special tax break for repatriating their money that it created jobs.

You are buying into the same bullshit hostage taking everyone does when their particular special interest wants a gift from the government.
A small business is charged the same tax rate as a large international business.

The large business is able to escape taxes while small business is not.

All these years the large businesses have been stashing away their money and avoiding taxes. Meanwhile, the small businesses have been paying those taxes.

The large businesses are now demanding a retroactive tax cut on all that money for themselves so they can bring that money into the US. This is a retroactive tax cut the small businesses were not and will not be given.

I am all for lowering the business tax. I am not in favor of giving special interests their own special breaks that are not given to smaller businesses. That's bullshit, and it is exactly how an unnatural concentration of wealth and an unlevel playing field are created.

So again, you're against bringing good money into the US because you want tax revenue? Forget the number of jobs that money would be creating, taking jobless folk off unemployment, and, getting more individual tax money. That's what you're against. Just to be clear.
They moved because of corporate-greed. Plain and simple. Greedy bastards charge an arm and a leg for their cutting edge, life-saving drugs.

The U.K.’s corporate tax rate is 21%; presumably the effective rate there will be much lower for Pfizer, which claims to have paid an effective U.S. tax rate last year of 27.4%. By one estimate, the company would save as much as $1 billion per year—a disparity that reflects not confiscatory tax policy in the U.S., but rather a tax-slashing policy in Britain these days that’s prompted some to compare England’s green and pleasant land to the Cayman Islands.)

Yeah, those greedy bastards wanting to save $1B/year that they can spend on more R&D, better benefits for workers, or more return to stockholders.
The nerve of some companies. Don't they know all that money belongs to the governmeent?

There is no evidence the last time these large corporations were given a special tax break for repatriating their money that it created jobs.

You are buying into the same bullshit hostage taking everyone does when their particular special interest wants a gift from the government.

It's not a gift to allow someone to keep more of the money they have earned.
Yeah, those greedy bastards wanting to save $1B/year that they can spend on more R&D, better benefits for workers, or more return to stockholders.
The nerve of some companies. Don't they know all that money belongs to the governmeent?

There is no evidence the last time these large corporations were given a special tax break for repatriating their money that it created jobs.

You are buying into the same bullshit hostage taking everyone does when their particular special interest wants a gift from the government.

It's not a gift to allow someone to keep more of the money they have earned.

That is a failed argument. The tax break one person gets comes at the expense of someone else, fool. It comes at the expense of higher tax rates for all of us. Do you even understand how tax expenditures work and their cost?
Nationalize Pfizer now! That'll teach future corporate-moocher tax-cheaters .

Another corporate moocher skips town | MSNBC

“Great corporations,” President Theodore Roosevelt said more than a century ago, “exist only because they are created and safe-guarded by our [government] institutions.”

One way corporations are safeguarded is that they pay less in taxes than people do. But not enough less, by the lights of Pfizer, to remain a U.S. company, as it’s been since 1849.

So the “world’s largest research-based pharmaceutical company” wants to reincorporate with AstraZeneca in Britain, where it would pay less corporate tax. Under current rules, it can do that—and still maintain its headquarters inside the U.S.

Why do you think a corporation is obligated to stay here so the government can pick its bones clean?

Good! Corporate America rips off Americans... the gov't in turn can rip off corporate America. I don't feel sorry for corporate moochers like you do, no way Jose.
A small business is charged the same tax rate as a large international business.

The large business is able to escape taxes while small business is not.

All these years the large businesses have been stashing away their money and avoiding taxes. Meanwhile, the small businesses have been paying those taxes.

The large businesses are now demanding a retroactive tax cut on all that money for themselves so they can bring that money into the US. This is a retroactive tax cut the small businesses were not and will not be given.

I am all for lowering the business tax. I am not in favor of giving special interests their own special breaks that are not given to smaller businesses. That's bullshit, and it is exactly how an unnatural concentration of wealth and an unlevel playing field are created.

So again, you're against bringing good money into the US because you want tax revenue? Forget the number of jobs that money would be creating, taking jobless folk off unemployment, and, getting more individual tax money. That's what you're against. Just to be clear.

I'm not against bringing money into the US. I am against one group being handed a giant advantage at the expense of another group. I am against an unlevel playing field.

It is possible to be for lower taxes, as I am, and at the same time be against special interests getting special favors, you know.
Lower the tax rate and business will stay in the US.

Its that simple, really.
It's not a gift to allow someone to keep more of the money they have earned.

Let's say a stretch of road in front of two houses represents the entire tax burden for those two houses. And let's say that tax burden is $5000. Furthermore, House A has a total income of $50,000 and House B has a total income of $50,000.

Common sense dictates each house would pay $2500 in taxes. That works out to a 5 percent tax rate.

But noooooo...not in 'Merka!

House A is mortgaged, while House B is rented. House A therefore gets a $500 discount from their taxes.

House A also has a couple of kids. Therefore, House A gets another $500 discount from their taxes.

Total tax burden for House A is therefore $1500 instead of their fair share of $2500. This is where you celebrate someone getting to keep more of their money and then promptly stop thinking.

However, House B will now have to cough up $3500 if the budget is to be balanced. That means their tax has to be raised to 7 percent from the original 5 percent.

This is how your deductions are equal to an ObamaPhone or food stamps. They have to be paid for by other taxpayers. In fact, your deductions, exemptions, and credits are far, far greater than the cost of food stamps or ObamaPhones. What's more, the mortgage interest deduction is highly regressive.

House A and House B earn identical incomes, but one is paying $1500 in taxes while the other is paying $3500. This is beyond outrageous.

What's more, House B refuses to pay 7 percent in taxes. All the House B's of America revolt. As a result, the government only charges them 6 percent (still higher than the original 5 percent) and then borrows the rest from the Fed and China and a bunch of other countries.

And that is how we got $17 trillion in debt. Your deductions, credits, and exemptions which add up to $1.2 trillion a year. Seriously. That is not an exaggeration. Tax expenditures add up to $1.2 trillion a year.

Now go and look at what the federal deficit has been each year.
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What mooching did they do?

And if you are so against it why are you upset with the right who complains about all "Moochers"
If we stopped giving out tax breaks and subsidies, we could easily balance the budget and lower tax rates for everyone.
What mooching did they do?

The corporations who have been hoarding their money overseas now want to bring that money home. But they want a special retroactive tax cut for themselves when they do it. A retroactive tax break small businesses were not and will not ever be given.

Classic mooching.
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If we stopped giving out tax breaks and subsidies, we could easily balance the budget and lower tax rates for everyone.

Complete agreement.

Wouldnt hurt to cut out corruption and waste too
What mooching did they do?

The corporations who have been hoarding their money overseas now want to bring that money home. But they want a special retroactive tax cut for themselves when they do it.

Classic mooching.

So they are mooching because they want to keep what they earned? I dont think that's what mooching means.
Nationalize Pfizer now! That'll teach future corporate-moocher tax-cheaters .

Another corporate moocher skips town | MSNBC

“Great corporations,” President Theodore Roosevelt said more than a century ago, “exist only because they are created and safe-guarded by our [government] institutions.”

One way corporations are safeguarded is that they pay less in taxes than people do. But not enough less, by the lights of Pfizer, to remain a U.S. company, as it’s been since 1849.

So the “world’s largest research-based pharmaceutical company” wants to reincorporate with AstraZeneca in Britain, where it would pay less corporate tax. Under current rules, it can do that—and still maintain its headquarters inside the U.S.

Leave it to a left wing fascist to want to nationalize a company
Nationalize Pfizer now! That'll teach future corporate-moocher tax-cheaters .

Another corporate moocher skips town | MSNBC

Why do you think a corporation is obligated to stay here so the government can pick its bones clean?

Good! Corporate America rips off Americans... the gov't in turn can rip off corporate America. I don't feel sorry for corporate moochers like you do, no way Jose.

Corporate America doesn't rip off Americans. We get a 1000 times better deal from corporations than we get from government.

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