Another corporate moocher skips America

Bam, way to go Pfizer.

If you were rational, you would have looked at that article and said to yourself, WTF, a US company wants to go to socialist Britain to escape taxes, we are going to far! Instead you took another swill of the kool-aid.

The CEO of Pfizer is........wait for it........British.

IMO, the real reason is that Pfizer has more criminal, fraud, repeat offender convictions than Koch Industries.

And your opinion is based on?
Yeah, nothing. Just fantasies and vapors. Like everything else Dems believe. Who else would believe that a half-black/half white junior senator who spent most of his time campaigning and had never run anything in his life would make a great "first black president"?

No matter how many lives they saved, they aren't in it to advance government social policy. They are in it for an evil ... wait for it ... profit. Boo! Boo!
Nationalize Pfizer now! That'll teach future corporate-moocher tax-cheaters

Bam, way to go Pfizer.

If you were rational, you would have looked at that article and said to yourself, WTF, a US company wants to go to socialist Britain to escape taxes, we are going to far! Instead you took another swill of the kool-aid.

The CEO of Pfizer is........wait for it........British.

IMO, the real reason is that Pfizer has more criminal, fraud, repeat offender convictions than Koch Industries.

I don't think Koch industries has any criminal or fraud convictions of any kind, and neither does Pfizer.

You're just blowing the usual horseshit out your nose.
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Well, after all, it is the best of both worlds for Big Pharm. First, get a law passed that makes it illegal for the government to bargain with Big Pharm for government paid RX, then move to another country, and avoid the corporate income tax as well! A republican wet dream come true!
Well, after all, it is the best of both worlds for Big Pharm. First, get a law passed that makes it illegal for the government to bargain with Big Pharm for government paid RX, then move to another country, and avoid the corporate income tax as well! A republican wet dream come true!

Your buddies Harry Reid, Nazi Pelosi and Barrack Obama are the ones who got that law passed.
Well, after all, it is the best of both worlds for Big Pharm. First, get a law passed that makes it illegal for the government to bargain with Big Pharm for government paid RX, then move to another country, and avoid the corporate income tax as well! A republican wet dream come true!

Your buddies Harry Reid, Nazi Pelosi and Barrack Obama are the ones who got that law passed.

Which law was that?
You understand that Pfizer employs thousands of people and produces cutting edge drugs like Lipitor that have saved probably hundreds of thousands of lives, right?
Why are they moving? To save on taxes. There's the problem right there.
That and the fact that you are a moron.

They moved because of corporate-greed. Plain and simple. Greedy bastards charge an arm and a leg for their cutting edge, life-saving drugs.

Like you said those bastards makes us pay for medication. It shoild be free with scientists making nothing.....nice and you complain we dont like the min wage....youre a fucking retard

So instead of paying for drugs, youd rather we have none

oh and its people like you that want the highest corporate tax in the world....this is what you get

why not rail against the rolling stones or def leppard....they avoid taxes by moving to other countries.......and they are not right wingers

stop being a fool

How ironic. Those greedy bastards move to a socialist country where the people receive free health care.
They moved because of corporate-greed. Plain and simple. Greedy bastards charge an arm and a leg for their cutting edge, life-saving drugs.

The U.K.’s corporate tax rate is 21%; presumably the effective rate there will be much lower for Pfizer, which claims to have paid an effective U.S. tax rate last year of 27.4%. By one estimate, the company would save as much as $1 billion per year—a disparity that reflects not confiscatory tax policy in the U.S., but rather a tax-slashing policy in Britain these days that’s prompted some to compare England’s green and pleasant land to the Cayman Islands.)

Yeah, those greedy bastards wanting to save $1B/year that they can spend on more R&D, better benefits for workers, or more return to stockholders.
The nerve of some companies. Don't they know all that money belongs to the governmeent?

There is no evidence the last time these large corporations were given a special tax break for repatriating their money that it created jobs.

You are buying into the same bullshit hostage taking everyone does when their particular special interest wants a gift from the government.

Kidrocks promotes raw, illegal hostage taking of private property yet you have no prob with it:
Nationalize! Nationalize! Nationalize!
The corporations who have been hoarding their money overseas now want to bring that money home. But they want a special retroactive tax cut for themselves when they do it. A retroactive tax break small businesses were not and will not ever be given.

Classic mooching.

You really don't understand this you? (Sigh)

When a corporation does business in another part of the world, they pay taxes THERE on the profits they may have made. What you want to do is tax them AGAIN simply because they and others want to bring TRILLIONS of dollars of money back into the United States that could be used to stimulate our economy and put people back to work! We should be thrilled that they want to invest in the US but idiots are doing everything that you can to make sure they keep that money where it is. Then you scratch your heads trying to figure out why you can't create jobs and the economy is treading water! Stupid this strong is scary to observe!

You are the one who does not know what is going on. When a pill is manufactured, distributed, sold, and consumed entirely in the United States, the sale is registered in Ireland! This is a tax dodge scheme.

Your argument about creating jobs was already addressed by me earlier in this topic. There is no evidence to support that claim. The last time they received this moocher tax break, it had no positive effect on the economy. You are trying to take hostages just like everyone who wants something from the government.

It is a simple fact these moochers dodged their taxes and want a retroactive tax cut that is not available to small business owners who DO pay their taxes.

I am sick and tired of you "gimme gimme gimme and make that guy over there pay for it" assholes. It is YOU who are destroying our economy. If you assholes stopped mooching, EVERYONE could have lower tax rates.

So how does this work, genius? Do you NOT comprehend that the money you want to tax simply won't come back into the US? That it WILL be kept overseas helping THEIR economies and putting THEIR people to work?

Let me guess...I'll bet you have no problem at all with another big stimulus to jump start the economy and help put people back to work...a stimulus whose cost will be added to our already ballooning national debt? THAT I bet you think is wonderful even though it's going to be paid off by our kids and grandkids!

On the other hand...we could let those multi-nationals bring an estimated 3 TRILLION dollars back into the country at ZERO cost to the US that could then be used to build OUR economy and put OUR people back to work!

But why would we want to do something like THAT? Something that is such common sense that even you people who don't have a clue about business or economics should be able to figure it out? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Well, after all, it is the best of both worlds for Big Pharm. First, get a law passed that makes it illegal for the government to bargain with Big Pharm for government paid RX, then move to another country, and avoid the corporate income tax as well! A republican wet dream come true!

Your buddies Harry Reid, Nazi Pelosi and Barrack Obama are the ones who got that law passed.

Which law was that?

The law that made it illegal for the government to bargain with Big Pharm for government paid RX. It's called Obamacare.
Liberals should be happy another major employer left the country. If all the employers leave, who is going to pay the outsized wages, provide the benefits and pay the taxes?
Nationalize Pfizer now! That'll teach future corporate-moocher tax-cheaters .

Another corporate moocher skips town | MSNBC

“Great corporations,” President Theodore Roosevelt said more than a century ago, “exist only because they are created and safe-guarded by our [government] institutions.”

One way corporations are safeguarded is that they pay less in taxes than people do. But not enough less, by the lights of Pfizer, to remain a U.S. company, as it’s been since 1849.

So the “world’s largest research-based pharmaceutical company” wants to reincorporate with AstraZeneca in Britain, where it would pay less corporate tax. Under current rules, it can do that—and still maintain its headquarters inside the U.S.

The US has the highest corporate tax rates in the industrialized world, they would be stupid not to go somewhere else.

So they will move to a country that caps how much they can charge for their drugs to approximately one third of what they charge in the US, but they will be saving money. Great deal for them. The problem is that we allow these pharmaceutical companies to charge us three times as much as they charge people in the UK, so we get double raped. It really is time to cap how much these companies can charge in the US. We could make it simple and allow for them to charge 10% above the worldwide average of all other countries. These companies have created an unbelievable amount of wealth off of the American people while the rest of the world gets the reduced rate. We are fools.
Nationalize Pfizer now! That'll teach future corporate-moocher tax-cheaters .

Another corporate moocher skips town | MSNBC

The US has the highest corporate tax rates in the industrialized world, they would be stupid not to go somewhere else.

So they will move to a country that caps how much they can charge for their drugs to approximately one third of what they charge in the US, but they will be saving money. Great deal for them. The problem is that we allow these pharmaceutical companies to charge us three times as much as they charge people in the UK, so we get double raped. It really is time to cap how much these companies can charge in the US. We could make it simple and allow for them to charge 10% above the worldwide average of all other countries. These companies have created an unbelievable amount of wealth off of the American people while the rest of the world gets the reduced rate. We are fools.

If you cap the amount drug companies can charge, then you can say bye-bye to any new drugs. Drug companies aren't going to spend billions on research so they can lose money on the results.
The US has the highest corporate tax rates in the industrialized world, they would be stupid not to go somewhere else.

So they will move to a country that caps how much they can charge for their drugs to approximately one third of what they charge in the US, but they will be saving money. Great deal for them. The problem is that we allow these pharmaceutical companies to charge us three times as much as they charge people in the UK, so we get double raped. It really is time to cap how much these companies can charge in the US. We could make it simple and allow for them to charge 10% above the worldwide average of all other countries. These companies have created an unbelievable amount of wealth off of the American people while the rest of the world gets the reduced rate. We are fools.

If you cap the amount drug companies can charge, then you can say bye-bye to any new drugs. Drug companies aren't going to spend billions on research so they can lose money on the results.

Funny you mention that. I saw a Frontline program about antibiotic resistant super bugs.
You know Pfizer was the original maker of Penicillin and had been the leader in developing all types of antibiotics.

In the interview with the CEO of Pfizer, he explained how they shut down the research efforts to make new antibiotics to fight these new, super resistant bugs.

There wasn't enough money to be made on antibiotics.

SO just think, the next time you or a loved one goes into the hospital and picks up one of these antibiotic resistant super bugs and when the doctors tell you there is nothing else to try and save your life, you will feel so much better knowing that you made the argument that Pfizer's profits are much more important that anyone's life. Especially yours.

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