Another Court Strikes Down Obamacare Subsidies In 36 States


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2013
So Obama violated the laws yet again....

And now millions are losing subsidies they thought they were getting.. Because Obama Lied and broke the laws.

Another court strikes down Obamacare subsidies in 36 states - Vox

The Eastern District ruled on Pruitt v. Burwell, a suit brought by Scott Pruitt, attorney general of Oklahoma. Curiously, this suit was filed prior to Oklahoma's decision to default to a federally-run exchange — suggesting that at least some state officials understood that subsidies could be yanked away from their citizens at some point in the future, if the attorney general's lawsuit prevailed.
Consistent with the DC Circuit's July ruling on Halbig v. Burwell, the Eastern District struck down subsidies on federally-run exchanges, asserting that the clear language of the law forecloses any interpretation authorizing those subsidies.

Judge Ronald White writes,
This is a case of statutory interpretation. "The text is what it is, no matter which side benefits." Such a case (even if affirmed on the inevitable appeal) does not "gut" or "destroy" anything. On the contrary, the court is upholding the Act as written. Congress is free to amend the ACA to provide for tax credits in both state and federal exchanges, if that is the legislative will. As the Act presently stands, "vague notions of a statute’s ‘basic purpose’ are nonetheless inadequate to overcome the words of its text regarding the specific issue under consideration" ...

The court holds that the IRS Rule is arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion or otherwise not in accordance with law, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. §706(2)(A), in excess of statutory jurisdiction, authority, or limitations, or short of statutory right, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. §706(2)(C), or otherwise is an invalid implementation of the ACA, and is hereby vacated.
Couldnt happen at a better time, right before the election.
We will shove Obamacare up Democrat ass every day.
Couldnt happen at a better time, right before the election.
We will shove Obamacare up Democrat ass every day.
When Nancy Pelosi said "We have to pass the Bill so we'll know what's in it", this is one of the things hiding in the mumbo-jumbo.

If you don't read this, and do nothing about it, don't complain when it affects you or your loved ones!!!!! This is the second Judge to have read the Obama Care document comments. More highlights of Nancy 's "pass it and Then find out what's in the bill"!!!!!! Show this to everyone nearing the ripe old age of 76. These are just a few of the things that we Seniors are going to have to deal with starting in 2014.

MEDICARE AT AGE 76, IMPORTANT PLEASE READ - ANYONE WHO DOUBTS THIS IS TRUE CAN DOWNLOAD THE NEW OBAMA CARE AND LOOK UP THE PAGES MENTIONED. THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING......THIS should be read by everyone, especially important to those over 75..... If you are younger, then it may apply to your parents....

Your hospital Medicare admittance has just changed under Obama Care.
You must be admitted by your primary Physician in order for Medicare to pay for it! If you are admitted by an emergency room doctor it is treated as outpatient care where hospital costs are not covered. This is only the tip of the iceberg for Obama Care. Just wait to see what happens in this year and 2014!

YOU ARE NOT GOING TO LIKE THIS... At age 76 when you most need it most, you are not eligible for cancer treatment * see page 272. What Nancy Pelosi didn't want us to know until after the health care bill was passed. Remember she said, "We have to pass the Bill so that we can see
what's in it." Well, here it is.

Obama Care Highlighted by Page Number THE CARE BILL HB 3200 JUDGE KITHIL IS THE 2ND OFFICIAL WHO HAS OUTLINED THESE PARTS OF THE CARE BILL. Judge KITHIL of Marble Falls , TX - highlighted the most egregious pages of HB3200 Please read this....... especially the reference to pages 58 & 59 JUDGE KITHIL wrote:
Page 50/section 152: The bill will provide insurance to all non-U.S. residents, even if they are here illegally.
Page 58 and 59: The government will have real-time access to an individual's bank account and will have the authority to make electronic fund transfers from those accounts.
Page 65/section 164: The plan will be subsidized (by the government) for all union members, union retirees and for community organizations (such as the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now -ACORN)
Page 203/line 14-15: The tax imposed under this section will not be treated as a tax. (How could anybody in their right mind come up with that?)
Page 241 and 253: Doctors will all be paid the same regardless of specialty, and the government will set all doctors' fees.
This is what they do in Sweden too. I know because Alf's daughter Ann is an OBGYN, and her husband, Thorsten, is a surgeon.........
Page 272. section 1145: Cancer hospital will ration care according to the patient's age.
Page 317 and 321: The government will impose a prohibition on hospital expansion; however, communities may petition for an exception.
Page 425, line 4-12: The government mandates advance-care planning consultations. Those on Social Security will be required to attend an "end-of-life planning" seminar every five years. (Death counseling...)
Page 429, line 13-25: The government will specify which doctors can write an end-of-life order.

HAD ENOUGH??? Judge Kathie then goes on to identify: "Finally, it is specifically stated that this bill will not apply to members of Congress. No wonder they did not see the need to read it....doesn't apply to them!!! THE AMERICAN PEOPLE NEED TO STAND UP TO WASHINGTON ..... I don't know if we can do anything, but awareness helps.
Do it, but the American people will not let it be abolished.

This will drive democrats to the polls in larger numbers than usual.

The subsidies are clearly constitutional, and Roberts court will so rule if it gets that far.
Do it, but the American people will not let it be abolished.

This will drive democrats to the polls in larger numbers than usual.

The subsidies are clearly constitutional, and Roberts court will so rule if it gets that far.
Assuming that Democrats are willing to be treated like old sick Eskimos after they reach age 76.
Plus, I can hardly wait until the Freebie Generation greatly outnumbers taxpayers.
"Hope and Change" :dance: :woohoo:
The Federal Subsidies are clearly against the law in many States. It's very clear by the wording of the law. There is no way the SCotUS will go against this ruling.
No way should the taxpayers have to fund Obamacare.

My benefits costs are going up by 30% because of that POS law.

I'm sure its the same for others as well. I will be paying for my HC and my taxdollar, hard earned by me, will be subsidizing every freeloader in America who can't pay his own costs.

The only winners in the ACA are those the rest of us will be forced to bankroll.

Such a deal.
Couldnt happen at a better time, right before the election.
We will shove Obamacare up Democrat ass every day.
When Nancy Pelosi said "We have to pass the Bill so we'll know what's in it", this is one of the things hiding in the mumbo-jumbo.

If you don't read this, and do nothing about it, don't complain when it affects you or your loved ones!!!!! This is the second Judge to have read the Obama Care document comments. More highlights of Nancy 's "pass it and Then find out what's in the bill"!!!!!! Show this to everyone nearing the ripe old age of 76. These are just a few of the things that we Seniors are going to have to deal with starting in 2014.

MEDICARE AT AGE 76, IMPORTANT PLEASE READ - ANYONE WHO DOUBTS THIS IS TRUE CAN DOWNLOAD THE NEW OBAMA CARE AND LOOK UP THE PAGES MENTIONED. THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING......THIS should be read by everyone, especially important to those over 75..... If you are younger, then it may apply to your parents....

Your hospital Medicare admittance has just changed under Obama Care.
You must be admitted by your primary Physician in order for Medicare to pay for it! If you are admitted by an emergency room doctor it is treated as outpatient care where hospital costs are not covered. This is only the tip of the iceberg for Obama Care. Just wait to see what happens in this year and 2014!

YOU ARE NOT GOING TO LIKE THIS... At age 76 when you most need it most, you are not eligible for cancer treatment * see page 272. What Nancy Pelosi didn't want us to know until after the health care bill was passed. Remember she said, "We have to pass the Bill so that we can see
what's in it." Well, here it is.

Obama Care Highlighted by Page Number THE CARE BILL HB 3200 JUDGE KITHIL IS THE 2ND OFFICIAL WHO HAS OUTLINED THESE PARTS OF THE CARE BILL. Judge KITHIL of Marble Falls , TX - highlighted the most egregious pages of HB3200 Please read this....... especially the reference to pages 58 & 59 JUDGE KITHIL wrote:
Page 50/section 152: The bill will provide insurance to all non-U.S. residents, even if they are here illegally.
Page 58 and 59: The government will have real-time access to an individual's bank account and will have the authority to make electronic fund transfers from those accounts.
Page 65/section 164: The plan will be subsidized (by the government) for all union members, union retirees and for community organizations (such as the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now -ACORN)
Page 203/line 14-15: The tax imposed under this section will not be treated as a tax. (How could anybody in their right mind come up with that?)
Page 241 and 253: Doctors will all be paid the same regardless of specialty, and the government will set all doctors' fees.
This is what they do in Sweden too. I know because Alf's daughter Ann is an OBGYN, and her husband, Thorsten, is a surgeon.........
Page 272. section 1145: Cancer hospital will ration care according to the patient's age.
Page 317 and 321: The government will impose a prohibition on hospital expansion; however, communities may petition for an exception.
Page 425, line 4-12: The government mandates advance-care planning consultations. Those on Social Security will be required to attend an "end-of-life planning" seminar every five years. (Death counseling...)
Page 429, line 13-25: The government will specify which doctors can write an end-of-life order.

HAD ENOUGH??? Judge Kathie then goes on to identify: "Finally, it is specifically stated that this bill will not apply to members of Congress. No wonder they did not see the need to read it....doesn't apply to them!!! THE AMERICAN PEOPLE NEED TO STAND UP TO WASHINGTON ..... I don't know if we can do anything, but awareness helps.

Holy shit. If this is accurate than every taxpaying American needs to read it.

Talk about a load of shit those Dem idiots have foisted on we taxpayers.

Page 65/section 164 We taxpayers will be subsidizing Unions, union retirees and community organizations? What kind of bullshit is this??

Checked it out. Its bullshit. Never mind.
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Couldnt happen at a better time, right before the election.
We will shove Obamacare up Democrat ass every day.

You sure about that? Because all I've heard about from the right is Benghazi... and when that didn't work ISIS... and now that's fading away into Ebola... is Obamacare next?
Couldnt happen at a better time, right before the election.
We will shove Obamacare up Democrat ass every day.

You sure about that? Because all I've heard about from the right is Benghazi... and when that didn't work ISIS... and now that's fading away into Ebola... is Obamacare next?
In the end, Benghazi will bite the Administration in the ass like a berserk alligator. Period.
Do it, but the American people will not let it be abolished.

This will drive democrats to the polls in larger numbers than usual.

The subsidies are clearly constitutional, and Roberts court will so rule if it gets that far.
Like a libtard knows what is constitutional. Obuthurtcare is a joke.
Couldnt happen at a better time, right before the election.
We will shove Obamacare up Democrat ass every day.

You sure about that? Because all I've heard about from the right is Benghazi... and when that didn't work ISIS... and now that's fading away into Ebola... is Obamacare next?
Obuthurt has done nothing but break the law since he got elected by the idiots.
Couldnt happen at a better time, right before the election.
We will shove Obamacare up Democrat ass every day.

You sure about that? Because all I've heard about from the right is Benghazi... and when that didn't work ISIS... and now that's fading away into Ebola... is Obamacare next?
It's the IRS
It's Obamacare
It's the worst economic performance post recession since WW2
It's foodstamps
It's disaster in Iran
It's disaster in Ukraine
It's disaster in the far East
It's Ebola
It's Benghazi
It's the VA scandal
It's the Bergdahl scandal
It's the ISIS crisis

There have been threads on these and more for weeks. Just because you dont pay attention doesnt make them fake.

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