Another day, another jackass runs for President

He's young and attractive, but the country doesn't need theatrics and entertainment right now. Give us a Manchin; put us to sleep for a few years to recover from the shit show we have produced for ourselves.

Meanwhile, Russia has pulled out of the INF treaty too and is installing weapons where it pleases, but "promises" not to use them unless the US uses them first.

The real damage is being done to the US's standing in the world and our alliances and that is where the danger lies, not in Booker or AOC or Elizabeth Warren. This is a lot of dust in our face to keep us blind to what is really going on.
we tend to see it from a partisan viewpoint.

*if* russia is a democrat cover / sour grapes, then look what it is doing to our relationship with a difficult country. certainly isn't making it easier. should trump be tougher on them to show he will? should he show restraint as needed in the face of YOU'RE A PUPPET!!!!

i fully agree russia trolled the hell out of us. elections were a part of that. but they didn't vote nor tell people who to vote for. they just got us hating each other. til we understand that, the hate isn't likely to go anywhere. using them to feel better about ourselves has a serious potential penalty attached.
they JUST got us hating each other ????
the hate isn't likely to go anywhere.

I disagree.
from everything i've seen however, and i looked at the "facebook" ads for hours when they were first released. i saw very few ELECT TRUMP HILLARY SUCKS ads. very few. i did see a lot of black vs. white, race baiting, GOD SUCKS and just about anything where the underlying theme was pitting extreme groups against each other.

they could have done this at any point, but doing it during an election, well they fed our fears nicely which is helpful in a massive trolling campaign.

so - to me - all they did was stir the pot of extreme views and got us all riled up hating each other.

do you have actual ads that were soley election based?
Now it's Cory Booker running for President, another jackass who launched his campaign with a call to legalize marijuana.

Which is just what we need, more people smoking dope and dropping out of society.

Where do all these people come from?
Why do you think the Soviet Union keeps their society drunk on Vodka all the time? Dulls the senses
what Cory seeks to achieve is bigger than any prejudice of who he is. power and leadership are hard, and its especially difficult to those who are stereotyped because of their race. it takes tactical nous to manuever through it. President Booker possesses that nous!
desire is the root of ambition. some people are happy to be cashiers or work at McDonalds, some of us like me and Cory, want to be president one day.
Now it's Cory Booker running for President, another jackass who launched his campaign with a call to legalize marijuana.

Which is just what we need, more people smoking dope and dropping out of society.

Where do all these people come from?

If you hate them all and do not seem ecstatic about Trump...why don't you run?

jackass he is not. just look at this from Politico:

In the context of 2017’s poisonous climate, it’s “subversive,” he told me. “Defiant.” It packs, reminiscent of Tubman, Gandhi and King, “a humble radicalism,” he said. This is a phrase powerful enough to topple even the most oppressive institutions—slavery, imperial England, federally enforced racism in this country—and therefore perfect for the test Booker confronts now in Trump. But to win, he must tap into what he calls this nation’s “reservoirs of love.”

“Does any of your reservoir of love flow toward the White House?” I asked him in his office. “To President Trump?”

“I am so determined to fight and stop Donald Trump,” he said, “whether it’s taking health care away from millions of people, whether it’s putting in place a Muslim ban that I just find discriminatory and bigoted, whether it’s doing what he’s doing with our EPA or our DOJ. I want to fight him. But he will not … I’m not going to let him turn me into that which I want to fight against.”

“Meaning,” I responded, “you are going to fight him, but you are not going to hate him—therefore you love him?”

“Yeah,” Booker said. “I readily admit that.”
Now it's Cory Booker running for President, another jackass who launched his campaign with a call to legalize marijuana.

Which is just what we need, more people smoking dope and dropping out of society.

Where do all these people come from?
Just because you get high desn't mean you drop out of society in fact I am part of society every day and run my own business and have for thirty years you lying Papist. Cory Booker can run for president it's his life to waste.

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