Another day....another shooting

Police swarm Del Amo mall after gunman opens fire inside center

Just another shooting. You know the routine...

"Thought and Prayers"
"Thought and Prayers"
"Thought and Prayers"

And that routine is more lies from the right, more deflections from the right, and no viable solutions from the right.
And if the shooter turns out to be a not-white, not-Republican, not-NRA member, the left simply pretends it didn't happen.
Police swarm Del Amo mall after gunman opens fire inside center

Just another shooting. You know the routine...

"Thought and Prayers"
"Thought and Prayers"
"Thought and Prayers"

Yep, another triggered person with a gun. They will find he is:
  1. Either a triggered Leftard snapping because Trump is in office.
  2. Or a rightwinger totally fed up with constant attacks against every tradition this nation long held sacred.
  3. Either way, the person will NOT be a member of the NRA.
  • Planned Parenthood kills 881 babies on average a day.
  • 11 teens die a day just from texting while driving.
  • Legal gun owners own 300 million guns and a trillion rounds of ammunition. Nationwide of 360 million people, there are about 9 shooting deaths a day. More people die of the Flu.
Worldwide, you are FAR FAR more likely to die from heart disease from the food approved for you to eat (processed, packaged, fast food), air pollution, mental illness, traffic accidents, hospital mistakes or other causes.

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Thing is, no one ever successfully resisted leftist totalitarianism with abortions, texting, the flu, or processed food.

The left doesn't give a shit about shooting victims. They don't want you safe...they want you disarmed.

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