Another Dead American Citizen.

I read the full article. Seems the guy was from Guatemala and had applied for asylum here in the US. When he didn't show up for his hearing, they denied his application for asylum and issued deportation orders. Unfortunately, they didn't catch up with him after denying him asylum until AFTER the crash.

Granted, this is a messed up situation, but let's be real here. Although he was an illegal immigrant, I don't really think he intended to crash head on into the car the woman was in. It was an accident, not premeditated murder.

To call it anything else is dishonest.
He made a fraudulent asylum claim. He was ordered to show up for a hearing and deliberately failed to do so. He broke several laws. Did he have a license?

It's murder in the commission of a crime. His intent doesn't matter.

You don't know that he made a fraudulent asylum claim, because the article said that his asylum was denied because he missed his hearing.

Now, if the dude had been DUI, or running from police, then I might consider adding a murder charge to it, but it was a regular accident and someone died. The only way you could call it murder is if it was premeditated and he intentionally decided to target that ladies car.
He didn't go to his hearing because he knew his claim was fraudulent.

Supposition and conjecture on your part. The OP's article says that his asylum was denied because he missed his hearing.

How about you wake up and smell the coffee, asswipe. These invaders are raping, robbing, and killing Americans by the thousands....Wait until one of them comes after you or yours.....I almost hope it happens after your continuing pathetic defense of them.
He didn't go to his hearing because he knew his claim was fraudulent.

Supposition and conjecture on your part. The OP's article says that his asylum was denied because he missed his hearing.

This is nearly as sleazy as your claims based on the Steele Dossier that led to the Mueller exoneration and the current calls for another special counsel to investigate how many and how up are the D traitors. batting .000 aren't you?
He didn't go to his hearing because he knew his claim was fraudulent.

Supposition and conjecture on your part. The OP's article says that his asylum was denied because he missed his hearing.

How about you wake up and smell the coffee, asswipe. These invaders are raping, robbing, and killing Americans by the thousands....Wait until one of them comes after you or yours.....I almost hope it happens after your continuing pathetic defense of them.

Listen. If he had actually raped or murdered someone, I would be all for pressing charges. However, this wasn't a premeditated act, it was an accident that happened to involve an illegal alien. He didn't intend to do it.
He didn't go to his hearing because he knew his claim was fraudulent.

Supposition and conjecture on your part. The OP's article says that his asylum was denied because he missed his hearing.

How about you wake up and smell the coffee, asswipe. These invaders are raping, robbing, and killing Americans by the thousands....Wait until one of them comes after you or yours.....I almost hope it happens after your continuing pathetic defense of them.
You are basic evil people aren't you Sailor?

I don't really think I am. Neither do the people I know. They all think I'm a pretty great guy. Maybe it's because I can look at things objectively and see the subtle differences instead of painting everyone with the same broad brush.

Like I said, this was an accident. If it can be proven that he had malicious intent against the woman who died, then I'd be calling for his head.

You see?
I read the full article. Seems the guy was from Guatemala and had applied for asylum here in the US. When he didn't show up for his hearing, they denied his application for asylum and issued deportation orders. Unfortunately, they didn't catch up with him after denying him asylum until AFTER the crash.

Granted, this is a messed up situation, but let's be real here. Although he was an illegal immigrant, I don't really think he intended to crash head on into the car the woman was in. It was an accident, not premeditated murder.

To call it anything else is dishonest.
He made a fraudulent asylum claim. He was ordered to show up for a hearing and deliberately failed to do so. He broke several laws. Did he have a license?

It's murder in the commission of a crime. His intent doesn't matter.

You don't know that he made a fraudulent asylum claim, because the article said that his asylum was denied because he missed his hearing.

Now, if the dude had been DUI, or running from police, then I might consider adding a murder charge to it, but it was a regular accident and someone died. The only way you could call it murder is if it was premeditated and he intentionally decided to target that ladies car.
So what you gonna do, go with the Hillary excuse? He didn't intend to do it, so let him go?
I read the full article. Seems the guy was from Guatemala and had applied for asylum here in the US. When he didn't show up for his hearing, they denied his application for asylum and issued deportation orders. Unfortunately, they didn't catch up with him after denying him asylum until AFTER the crash.

Granted, this is a messed up situation, but let's be real here. Although he was an illegal immigrant, I don't really think he intended to crash head on into the car the woman was in. It was an accident, not premeditated murder.

To call it anything else is dishonest.
He made a fraudulent asylum claim. He was ordered to show up for a hearing and deliberately failed to do so. He broke several laws. Did he have a license?

It's murder in the commission of a crime. His intent doesn't matter.

You don't know that he made a fraudulent asylum claim, because the article said that his asylum was denied because he missed his hearing.

Now, if the dude had been DUI, or running from police, then I might consider adding a murder charge to it, but it was a regular accident and someone died. The only way you could call it murder is if it was premeditated and he intentionally decided to target that ladies car.
So what you gonna do, go with the Hillary excuse? He didn't intend to do it, so let him go?

I didn't say that either. I said that to call him a murder when it was actually an accident is dishonest. At the most, maybe he could be charged with manslaughter, but that would be if it was a DUI or he was running from the police. And, while he was illegal when he had the accident, it was still an accident, he didn't do it with malicious intent. Don't stack extra crap on him that doesn't belong there.
I didn't say that either. I said that to call him a murder when it was actually an accident is dishonest. At the most, maybe he could be charged with manslaughter, but that would be if it was a DUI or he was running from the police. And, while he was illegal when he had the accident, it was still an accident, he didn't do it with malicious intent. Don't stack extra crap on him that doesn't belong there.

You're the one stacking the crap....if he wasn't here, it wouldn't have happened. PERIOD.
I read the full article. Seems the guy was from Guatemala and had applied for asylum here in the US. When he didn't show up for his hearing, they denied his application for asylum and issued deportation orders. Unfortunately, they didn't catch up with him after denying him asylum until AFTER the crash.

Granted, this is a messed up situation, but let's be real here. Although he was an illegal immigrant, I don't really think he intended to crash head on into the car the woman was in. It was an accident, not premeditated murder.

To call it anything else is dishonest.
He made a fraudulent asylum claim. He was ordered to show up for a hearing and deliberately failed to do so. He broke several laws. Did he have a license?

It's murder in the commission of a crime. His intent doesn't matter.

You don't know that he made a fraudulent asylum claim, because the article said that his asylum was denied because he missed his hearing.

Now, if the dude had been DUI, or running from police, then I might consider adding a murder charge to it, but it was a regular accident and someone died. The only way you could call it murder is if it was premeditated and he intentionally decided to target that ladies car.
So what you gonna do, go with the Hillary excuse? He didn't intend to do it, so let him go?

I didn't say that either. I said that to call him a murder when it was actually an accident is dishonest. At the most, maybe he could be charged with manslaughter, but that would be if it was a DUI or he was running from the police. And, while he was illegal when he had the accident, it was still an accident, he didn't do it with malicious intent. Don't stack extra crap on him that doesn't belong there.
He broke the law and killed somebody. While he broke the law being here. Do you agree he needs to be deported?
I read the full article. Seems the guy was from Guatemala and had applied for asylum here in the US. When he didn't show up for his hearing, they denied his application for asylum and issued deportation orders. Unfortunately, they didn't catch up with him after denying him asylum until AFTER the crash.

Granted, this is a messed up situation, but let's be real here. Although he was an illegal immigrant, I don't really think he intended to crash head on into the car the woman was in. It was an accident, not premeditated murder.

To call it anything else is dishonest.
He made a fraudulent asylum claim. He was ordered to show up for a hearing and deliberately failed to do so. He broke several laws. Did he have a license?

It's murder in the commission of a crime. His intent doesn't matter.

You don't know that he made a fraudulent asylum claim, because the article said that his asylum was denied because he missed his hearing.

Now, if the dude had been DUI, or running from police, then I might consider adding a murder charge to it, but it was a regular accident and someone died. The only way you could call it murder is if it was premeditated and he intentionally decided to target that ladies car.
So what you gonna do, go with the Hillary excuse? He didn't intend to do it, so let him go?

I didn't say that either. I said that to call him a murder when it was actually an accident is dishonest. At the most, maybe he could be charged with manslaughter, but that would be if it was a DUI or he was running from the police. And, while he was illegal when he had the accident, it was still an accident, he didn't do it with malicious intent. Don't stack extra crap on him that doesn't belong there.
He broke the law and killed somebody. While he broke the law being here. Do you agree he needs to be deported?

He needs to be deported because he missed his asylum hearing, and that is what was decided.

If law enforcement and BP had gotten to him when they wanted him deported a couple of months back, the accident wouldn't have happened.

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