Another Dead American Citizen.

If we had stopped the criminal at the border it would never have happened. Democrats love dead American women too much. Especially dead white American women.
Killed by an illegal alien!

Police: Illegal Alien Released by Feds Killed Alabama Mother of Two

A young illegal alien who was caught and released by federal immigration officials is now accused of killing a Mobile, Alabama mother and teacher in a head-on, hit-and-run crash.
Sonya Jones — a 49-year-old mother and teacher at Mobile’s Living Word Christian Center Kingdom Academy — was killed by 16-year-old illegal alien Domingo Francisco Marcos, from Guatemala, in a head-on, hit-and-run collision on March 18, Mobile County officials say.

It’s sad that democrats don’t care what happens to Americans! They simply do not care!

Hey, I read TWO articles today where Americans killed Americans.
Start a thread! Wipe your ass! Suck your toes!
I figured this thread was about who kills who in America and could use some grounding.
You are wrong. This thread is about illegals crossing our borders and killing our citizens! So GFY!


I assume that's something to type when you're embarassed about what you have to say?

How many illegals do we have anyways?
Killed by an illegal alien!

Police: Illegal Alien Released by Feds Killed Alabama Mother of Two

A young illegal alien who was caught and released by federal immigration officials is now accused of killing a Mobile, Alabama mother and teacher in a head-on, hit-and-run crash.
Sonya Jones — a 49-year-old mother and teacher at Mobile’s Living Word Christian Center Kingdom Academy — was killed by 16-year-old illegal alien Domingo Francisco Marcos, from Guatemala, in a head-on, hit-and-run collision on March 18, Mobile County officials say.

It’s sad that democrats don’t care what happens to Americans! They simply do not care!
Was this one of our 40000 annual gun deaths?
2 by an immigrant paying taxes for us old white farts SS?
Here comes that libtarded rebuttable! Start a thread on gun violence moron. This one is about fucking illegals killing Americans!

Nice foul mouth.
Trump U?
Gun violence?
Rubes commenting?
The perfect irony.
I think we rubes kill way more per person than the dreaded brown people.
Our 5 year olds kill more by accident with stupid parent guns
Look it up
Killed by an illegal alien!

Police: Illegal Alien Released by Feds Killed Alabama Mother of Two

A young illegal alien who was caught and released by federal immigration officials is now accused of killing a Mobile, Alabama mother and teacher in a head-on, hit-and-run crash.
Sonya Jones — a 49-year-old mother and teacher at Mobile’s Living Word Christian Center Kingdom Academy — was killed by 16-year-old illegal alien Domingo Francisco Marcos, from Guatemala, in a head-on, hit-and-run collision on March 18, Mobile County officials say.

It’s sad that democrats don’t care what happens to Americans! They simply do not care!

Hey, I read TWO articles today where Americans killed Americans.
Start a thread! Wipe your ass! Suck your toes!
I figured this thread was about who kills who in America and could use some grounding.
You are wrong. This thread is about illegals crossing our borders and killing our citizens! So GFY!


I assume that's something to type when you're embarassed about what you have to say?

How many illegals do we have anyways?
Not enough
As an old white fart I need them to pay for my socialist benefits
If we had stopped the criminal at the border it would never have happened. Democrats love dead American women too much. Especially dead white American women.
There is no power delegated over immigration in our federal Constitution. We have an Express power enumerated to Establish an Uniform rule of Naturalization. We should have no illegal problem and should be generating revenue from foreign nationals because we have a Commerce Clause.
Killed by an illegal alien!

Police: Illegal Alien Released by Feds Killed Alabama Mother of Two

A young illegal alien who was caught and released by federal immigration officials is now accused of killing a Mobile, Alabama mother and teacher in a head-on, hit-and-run crash.
Sonya Jones — a 49-year-old mother and teacher at Mobile’s Living Word Christian Center Kingdom Academy — was killed by 16-year-old illegal alien Domingo Francisco Marcos, from Guatemala, in a head-on, hit-and-run collision on March 18, Mobile County officials say.

It’s sad that democrats don’t care what happens to Americans! They simply do not care!
Was this one of our 40000 annual gun deaths?
2 by an immigrant paying taxes for us old white farts SS?
Here comes that libtarded rebuttable! Start a thread on gun violence moron. This one is about fucking illegals killing Americans!

Nice foul mouth.
Trump U?
Gun violence?
Rubes commenting?
The perfect irony.
I think we rubes kill way more per person than the dreaded brown people.
Our 5 year olds kill more by accident with stupid parent guns
Look it up
That’s not the subject dude! Either address the topic or GFY!
If we had stopped the criminal at the border it would never have happened. Democrats love dead American women too much. Especially dead white American women.

You obviously didn't read the OP's link, because if you had, you would have seen that the woman who died in the accident was an African American.
Killed by an illegal alien!

Police: Illegal Alien Released by Feds Killed Alabama Mother of Two

A young illegal alien who was caught and released by federal immigration officials is now accused of killing a Mobile, Alabama mother and teacher in a head-on, hit-and-run crash.
Sonya Jones — a 49-year-old mother and teacher at Mobile’s Living Word Christian Center Kingdom Academy — was killed by 16-year-old illegal alien Domingo Francisco Marcos, from Guatemala, in a head-on, hit-and-run collision on March 18, Mobile County officials say.

It’s sad that democrats don’t care what happens to Americans! They simply do not care!
Surrender Soirée

If the rulers don't stop having an asylum policy, they don't want to protect us and must be overthrown. Remember, the French gave asylum to the Ayatollah Khomeini, and we all know what doormats they are. No cheap-labor Nannygate Republican proposes canceling that policy,either, so quit trying to use this openly open-borders pose of the Dhimmicrats to trick us into supporting the Right's own quiet treason.
Import the third world, become the third world.
We need a wall...
Amputate Both Ideological Wings

Why are wages so low in the shithole countries? What class gets rich on low wages here? If someone owns a man's work, he owns that man.

I'm sick of the Right pretending to be patriotic when they treat real Americans like cash cows. They are nothing but Redcoats, and you know what manly Americans did to those HeirHead scum. All those who see this as treason by one party are economic sissyboys.
I read the full article. Seems the guy was from Guatemala and had applied for asylum here in the US. When he didn't show up for his hearing, they denied his application for asylum and issued deportation orders. Unfortunately, they didn't catch up with him after denying him asylum until AFTER the crash.

Granted, this is a messed up situation, but let's be real here. Although he was an illegal immigrant, I don't really think he intended to crash head on into the car the woman was in. It was an accident, not premeditated murder.

To call it anything else is dishonest.
He made a fraudulent asylum claim. .
If You've Heard of Someone, Don't Listen to Him

So what? No one should be allowed to make an asylum claim. Banning such a hole in the wall is the only effective solution to this problem that the united bipartisan ruling class inflicted on us.

Take away their future and make their spoiled sons take the blame for this cheap-labor tyranny. Get something done, which won't happen if you listen to those who set themselves above all the rest of us.
Killed by an illegal alien!

Police: Illegal Alien Released by Feds Killed Alabama Mother of Two

A young illegal alien who was caught and released by federal immigration officials is now accused of killing a Mobile, Alabama mother and teacher in a head-on, hit-and-run crash.
Sonya Jones — a 49-year-old mother and teacher at Mobile’s Living Word Christian Center Kingdom Academy — was killed by 16-year-old illegal alien Domingo Francisco Marcos, from Guatemala, in a head-on, hit-and-run collision on March 18, Mobile County officials say.

It’s sad that democrats don’t care what happens to Americans! They simply do not care!

Hey, I read TWO articles today where Americans killed Americans.

Were any of those Americans where they were illegally?
I read the full article. Seems the guy was from Guatemala and had applied for asylum here in the US. When he didn't show up for his hearing, they denied his application for asylum and issued deportation orders. Unfortunately, they didn't catch up with him after denying him asylum until AFTER the crash.

Granted, this is a messed up situation, but let's be real here. Although he was an illegal immigrant, I don't really think he intended to crash head on into the car the woman was in. It was an accident, not premeditated murder.

To call it anything else is dishonest.
He made a fraudulent asylum claim. He was ordered to show up for a hearing and deliberately failed to do so. He broke several laws. Did he have a license?

It's murder in the commission of a crime. His intent doesn't matter.

You don't know that he made a fraudulent asylum claim, because the article said that his asylum was denied because he missed his hearing.

Now, if the dude had been DUI, or running from police, then I might consider adding a murder charge to it, but it was a regular accident and someone died. The only way you could call it murder is if it was premeditated and he intentionally decided to target that ladies car.

If he missed the hearing, it was because his claim was fraudulent! Just how stupid can you possibly get? Why else would he have blown it off?

Never mind! A titless WAVE like you was probably a mental group Cat IV slot at the end of the month, trying to make goal for a recruiter, station, zone or district!
Last edited:
He didn't go to his hearing because he knew his claim was fraudulent.

Supposition and conjecture on your part. The OP's article says that his asylum was denied because he missed his hearing.

How about you wake up and smell the coffee, asswipe. These invaders are raping, robbing, and killing Americans by the thousands....Wait until one of them comes after you or yours.....I almost hope it happens after your continuing pathetic defense of them.

Listen. If he had actually raped or murdered someone, I would be all for pressing charges. However, this wasn't a premeditated act, it was an accident that happened to involve an illegal alien. He didn't intend to do it.

Intent has nothing to do with it. If he were not here illegally, the victim would still be alive!
I read the full article. Seems the guy was from Guatemala and had applied for asylum here in the US. When he didn't show up for his hearing, they denied his application for asylum and issued deportation orders. Unfortunately, they didn't catch up with him after denying him asylum until AFTER the crash.

Granted, this is a messed up situation, but let's be real here. Although he was an illegal immigrant, I don't really think he intended to crash head on into the car the woman was in. It was an accident, not premeditated murder.

To call it anything else is dishonest.
He made a fraudulent asylum claim. He was ordered to show up for a hearing and deliberately failed to do so. He broke several laws. Did he have a license?

It's murder in the commission of a crime. His intent doesn't matter.

You don't know that he made a fraudulent asylum claim, because the article said that his asylum was denied because he missed his hearing.

Now, if the dude had been DUI, or running from police, then I might consider adding a murder charge to it, but it was a regular accident and someone died. The only way you could call it murder is if it was premeditated and he intentionally decided to target that ladies car.
So what you gonna do, go with the Hillary excuse? He didn't intend to do it, so let him go?

I didn't say that either. I said that to call him a murder when it was actually an accident is dishonest. At the most, maybe he could be charged with manslaughter, but that would be if it was a DUI or he was running from the police. And, while he was illegal when he had the accident, it was still an accident, he didn't do it with malicious intent. Don't stack extra crap on him that doesn't belong there.

He killed an American citizen while in the commission of the crime of being an illegal alien.
Thoughts & Prayers
The day an illegal does a mass shooting?

The nation will mourn together and get political will together to make some truly epic changes. :dunno:

Meaningful gun regulations and big beautiful wall in one giant omnibus compromise bill?
I read the full article. Seems the guy was from Guatemala and had applied for asylum here in the US. When he didn't show up for his hearing, they denied his application for asylum and issued deportation orders. Unfortunately, they didn't catch up with him after denying him asylum until AFTER the crash.

Granted, this is a messed up situation, but let's be real here. Although he was an illegal immigrant, I don't really think he intended to crash head on into the car the woman was in. It was an accident, not premeditated murder.

To call it anything else is dishonest.
Granted, this is a messed up situation, but let's be real here. Although he was an illegal immigrant, I don't really think he intended to crash head on into the car the woman was in. It was an accident, not premeditated murder.

To call it anything else is dishonest.


I read the full article. Seems the guy was from Guatemala and had applied for asylum here in the US. When he didn't show up for his hearing, they denied his application for asylum and issued deportation orders. Unfortunately, they didn't catch up with him after denying him asylum until AFTER the crash.

Granted, this is a messed up situation, but let's be real here. Although he was an illegal immigrant, I don't really think he intended to crash head on into the car the woman was in. It was an accident, not premeditated murder.

To call it anything else is dishonest.
Granted, this is a messed up situation, but let's be real here. Although he was an illegal immigrant, I don't really think he intended to crash head on into the car the woman was in. It was an accident, not premeditated murder.

To call it anything else is dishonest.


Maya May-I

Your post is what the upper class calls "racist." That word never means anything that should be taken as a moral fault. It always defends savages who don't know right from wrong. It is just a buzz word invented by spoiled snobs.

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