Another Death After Taking the Second Covid Shot

Do you think the 2.2 million number was exaggerated. That was with no mitigation and safety measures

Watch the video, starting @ the 35 second mark.

I don’t know where the video got that 1.1 million stat with social distancing because that’s sure as hell not anything I ever heard. I recall the 2.2 projection if no actions were taking and I remember models coming out on the regular that forecasted weeks ahead based on tracking the course of the virus. My question wasn’t answered though... I asked if you thought the 2.2 number is exaggerated or accurate? It’s a pretty simple calculation if you multiply the death rate by population
These stories keep coming, even though it feels like they are being downplayed

These stories are downplayed because it has been determined that taking the vaccine is in the greater public interest and will save many many more lives than it takes. There is also nothing in this story that points to the vaccine as the cause of death. And the headline even says that the guys family wants people to take the vaccine.
Mr Spock would axe"the death of the many outweighs the death of the few"?

You might think that way unless it is your wife or child
So far I haven’t seen any evidence that the vaccine has caused a death. Certainly not in the story from your OP

The CDC has done another data dump into the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines.

The data goes through January 22, 2021, with 9,845 recorded adverse events including 329 deaths following injections of the experimental COVID mRNA shots by Pfizer and Moderna.

Over 50% of the deaths are among those over the age of 75.

On the January 15, 2021 data dump, there were 181 deaths following COVID mRNA injections through January 15th.

In the current data dump going through January 22, 2021, there are only two deaths listed between January 15th and January 22nd, VAERS ID 952914 listed on January 18, 2021, and VAERS ID 958809 listed on January 20, 2021.

So 146 of the additional 148 deaths recorded during the past week were from the same time period from the end of December to January 15th – a period of roughly 2 weeks.

That’s an average of over 160 deaths a week, so far. How many more deaths will still be recorded during that time period?

As we have previously reported, studies in the past have shown that less than 1% of vaccine injuries are ever reported to the VAERS reporting system.

We are also dependent upon the CDC to supply these statistics.

There is a big difference between people dying after taking the vaccine and people dying because they took the vaccine. Have you heard of actual cases where the vaccine was the cause of death

Do you think the 2.2 million number was exaggerated. That was with no mitigation and safety measures

Watch the video, starting @ the 35 second mark.

Alarmists exist to make money, not to expose the truth. Hence we have headlines beginning with "Shocking", "Bombshell", "Exclusive", "Must Read" and the like.

Our National Enquirer is a prime example with stories of aliens from outer space, three-headed goats, et alia ad infinitum.

Belief in alarmist's claims is inversely proportional to the reader's IQ.

Do you think the 2.2 million number was exaggerated. That was with no mitigation and safety measures

Watch the video, starting @ the 35 second mark.

I don’t know where the video got that 1.1 million stat with social distancing because that’s sure as hell not anything I ever heard. I recall the 2.2 projection if no actions were taking and I remember models coming out on the regular that forecasted weeks ahead based on tracking the course of the virus. My question wasn’t answered though... I asked if you thought the 2.2 number is exaggerated or accurate? It’s a pretty simple calculation if you multiply the death rate by population

Well I can't debate with you on what you heard or read. I can say that this is what I remember reading, was that even with lock downs and masks, that we would have millions die.

Now of course as they used real data over their apparently made up numbers, the projections got more accurate.

But even then, those 'more accurate projections' were only more accurate to what we now know were false data.

We know for a fact that hospitals were intentionally over reporting deaths. Also we know that the number of infections were greatly under reported.

We know this for a fact. The data shows this.

Screenshot_2020-12-25 A closer look at U S deaths due to COVID-19.png

The hospitals were reporting deaths of people who died with other illnesses, as dying of Covid. Why would they do this? The Covid assistance bill, gave out more money to hospitals for Covid deaths, thus every single government run or private hospital in the country, had a money incentive to report any death, as a covid death.... and the data shows they did.

Additionally we know that the number of infections was greatly under reported, because the CDC found evidence of Covid-19 anti-bodies in donated blood. This shows that the number of people infected, is massively larger, than the number of infections known.

So we are over reporting deaths, and under reporting infections, and even with those numbers, the rate of death from the illness is less than 1%.

In short.... this is ridiculous.

This leads back to the original projections, which honestly... I think they were just made up lies myself. I think self-important fake scientists used this to invent a freak out session to gain attention and money to themselves.

If they actually believed what they were posting.... that's actually worse. Because you can fix immorality in the system by firing and replacing immoral people.

If these people were not acting in self-interest, and were using the absolute best science and data available, to come up with such ridiculously wrong crap.... then that tells me the entire system is corrupt and broken, to the point the people in it come up with unbelievable trash, and think they are doing good work.
“It is important to note that report of an adverse event is not documentation that a vaccine caused the event
But if you die of a heart attack or cancer and happen to have covid it's documentation that covid killed them right?

Let's see the dance now....
There was at least one death caused by a motorcycle accident that was reported as a COVID death. I think it may have been changed, but not sure of it.
If you voted for Xiden the chanches are pretty good that you're among the over 1,000,000 deceased who joined you. In which case - NO vaccine for you! If you're still among the living who voted Xiden please DO NOT vaccinate! There reports of a side effect being reversal of the indoctrination you you worked for in public schools! That can lead to your becoming a social outcast - rejected by your peers and isolated....oh, wait, if you're an obedient little snowflake you're already cowering in your basement.
If you voted for Xiden the chanches are pretty good that you're among the over 1,000,000 deceased who joined you. In which case - NO vaccine for you! If you're still among the living who voted Xiden please DO NOT vaccinate! There reports of a side effect being reversal of the indoctrination you you worked for in public schools! That can lead to your becoming a social outcast - rejected by your peers and isolated....oh, wait, if you're an obedient little snowflake you're already cowering in your basement.
A million dead people voted??? Your proof of that is...?

And it's a good thing then that Biden won by 7 million votes then, huh?
These stories keep coming, even though it feels like they are being downplayed

Downplayed? I think quite the opposite is well known the media loves to report tragedies, catastrophes etc.

There are lots of people afraid to take the shot...particuarly blacks...many of them saying they do not want to be used as guinea pigs.

Thus these reports are not helping the if there were a significant occurence meaning a high percentage of folks having very bad reactions to the vaccine but from what I have heard these ill effects are very rare.
1,000,000 (rounedd down to nearest 000) plus those invented by machines "adjusted" for "fairness". Plus illegal aliens plus those to picked ballots out of post office trash bins and the occasional dog, cat or gerbil playfully registered to vote by their liberal "caregivers".

What's amazing that it wasn't unanimous but I guess that might have been a little too obvious.
These stories keep coming, even though it feels like they are being downplayed

Downplayed? I think quite the opposite is well known the media loves to report tragedies, catastrophes etc.

There are lots of people afraid to take the shot...particuarly blacks...many of them saying they do not want to be used as guinea pigs.

Thus these reports are not helping the if there were a significant occurence meaning a high percentage of folks having very bad reactions to the vaccine but from what I have heard these ill effects are very rare.
MSM isnt talking about it at all. They have an agenda and it is do drive people to taking the vaccine.

I'm not even against taking it, and probably will myself, but we deserve to know the risks
I don’t know where the video got that 1.1 million stat with social distancing because that’s sure as hell not anything I ever heard. I recall the 2.2 projection if no actions were taking and I remember models coming out on the regular that forecasted weeks ahead based on tracking the course of the virus. My question wasn’t answered though... I asked if you thought the 2.2 number is exaggerated or accurate? It’s a pretty simple calculation if you multiply the death rate by population

From the Imperial College!

Yes, I think it is exaggerated ... better to over guestimate then under guestimate.
And it's a good thing then that Biden won by 7 million votes then, huh?
Apparently you know nothing of how the electoral college works.

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1,000,000 (rounedd down to nearest 000) plus those invented by machines "adjusted" for "fairness". Plus illegal aliens plus those to picked ballots out of post office trash bins and the occasional dog, cat or gerbil playfully registered to vote by their liberal "caregivers".

What's amazing that it wasn't unanimous but I guess that might have been a little too obvious.
Where's the proof? If you're just gonna make up numbers, go big and say it was a hundred million.
These stories keep coming, even though it feels like they are being downplayed

CDC reports 273 Deaths, 9,845 Adverse Events---from VACCINATIONS!

A buddy of mine was healthy as Hell when he got the vaccine.

Three days later he was in the ICU on a ventilator. The vaccine was the only "new" thing introduced into his life during that time frame.

I've got no plans to get the vaccine (Hell, I've had the virus) but, if I did, it would be only after the effectiveness and safety of it were beyond question. They're just not there yet...

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