Another Death After Taking the Second Covid Shot

These stories keep coming, even though it feels like they are being downplayed

These vaccines are instruments of genocide. That's it.
If I asked this earlier, I can't remember what was said, but why isn't one injection enough?

God bless you always!!!


No government source anywhere on the planet is claiming the vaccines will prevent spread of the disease or even allow the vaccinated to lead freer, fuller lives. Why then would all governments insist their citizens get the jab?
These stories keep coming, even though it feels like they are being downplayed

These stories are downplayed because it has been determined that taking the vaccine is in the greater public interest and will save many many more lives than it takes. There is also nothing in this story that points to the vaccine as the cause of death. And the headline even says that the guys family wants people to take the vaccine.
Mr Spock would axe"the death of the many outweighs the death of the few"?

You might think that way unless it is your wife or child
If I asked this earlier, I can't remember what was said, but why isn't one injection enough?

God bless you always!!!


I think they are trying to say "see it's super duper safe because I had it 23 times!"

The problem is, vaccines like all medications, can have different effects on different people. One person may have a very bad reaction, while another has no negative effects at all, no matter how many times they try it.

But my problem still is that from the death rates we have seen thus far, you still have a better chance of dying in a car accident on the way to getting the vaccine, than you do of dying of covid.
If I asked this earlier, I can't remember what was said, but why isn't one injection enough?

God bless you always!!!


No government source anywhere on the planet is claiming the vaccines will prevent spread of the disease or even allow the vaccinated to lead freer, fuller lives. Why then would all governments insist their citizens get the jab?

Politics. The bottom line is, they have whipped people up into a terrified frenzy, and they have to validate that position.

Regardless of having scientific evidence of whether the vaccine works, if the government didn't promote that everyone must get vaccinate, then they would be attacked from every direction for it. Because why are you not pushing the vaccine, if the virus is as deadly as you claim?

Honestly, just think about it. If they didn't push the vaccine, then that would be an admission that the virus wasn't that bad. And if they dared to admit the virus isn't that bad, just think about the world wide wrath that would pour from the citizens on their governments for doing all this lock down isolation crap?
I'm not trying to stir up the anti-vaccine crowd here but most of the health professionals and teachers in my very large community across our fruited plane and in Israel have received the 1st shot and none have died and that includes a lot of MDs in their 60s and older.
These stories keep coming, even though it feels like they are being downplayed

These stories are downplayed because it has been determined that taking the vaccine is in the greater public interest and will save many many more lives than it takes. There is also nothing in this story that points to the vaccine as the cause of death. And the headline even says that the guys family wants people to take the vaccine.
Mr Spock would axe"the death of the many outweighs the death of the few"?

You might think that way unless it is your wife or child
If I asked this earlier, I can't remember what was said, but why isn't one injection enough?

God bless you always!!!

I think they are trying to say "see it's super duper safe because I had it 23 times!"

The problem is, vaccines like all medications, can have different effects on different people. One person may have a very bad reaction, while another has no negative effects at all, no matter how many times they try it.

But my problem still is that from the death rates we have seen thus far, you still have a better chance of dying in a car accident on the way to getting the vaccine, than you do of dying of covid.
If it really were to take 23 times for it to finally do whatever people want it to do, that would be rather sad in my opinion.

God bless you always!!!

If I asked this earlier, I can't remember what was said, but why isn't one injection enough?

God bless you always!!!


No government source anywhere on the planet is claiming the vaccines will prevent spread of the disease or even allow the vaccinated to lead freer, fuller lives. Why then would all governments insist their citizens get the jab?

Politics. The bottom line is, they have whipped people up into a terrified frenzy, and they have to validate that position.

Regardless of having scientific evidence of whether the vaccine works, if the government didn't promote that everyone must get vaccinate, then they would be attacked from every direction for it. Because why are you not pushing the vaccine, if the virus is as deadly as you claim?

Honestly, just think about it. If they didn't push the vaccine, then that would be an admission that the virus wasn't that bad. And if they dared to admit the virus isn't that bad, just think about the world wide wrath that would pour from the citizens on their governments for doing all this lock down isolation crap?
Who do you think is responsible for whipping people into a frenzy? And why do you think they did it?
If I asked this earlier, I can't remember what was said, but why isn't one injection enough?

God bless you always!!!


No government source anywhere on the planet is claiming the vaccines will prevent spread of the disease or even allow the vaccinated to lead freer, fuller lives. Why then would all governments insist their citizens get the jab?

Politics. The bottom line is, they have whipped people up into a terrified frenzy, and they have to validate that position.

Regardless of having scientific evidence of whether the vaccine works, if the government didn't promote that everyone must get vaccinate, then they would be attacked from every direction for it. Because why are you not pushing the vaccine, if the virus is as deadly as you claim?

Honestly, just think about it. If they didn't push the vaccine, then that would be an admission that the virus wasn't that bad. And if they dared to admit the virus isn't that bad, just think about the world wide wrath that would pour from the citizens on their governments for doing all this lock down isolation crap?
Who do you think is responsible for whipping people into a frenzy? And why do you think they did it?

Who is responsible? That would take more research than I'm willing to put in. You would have to look at who said what, first.

The best guess would be the Imperial College of London.

They are the ones who put out that 2.2 Million people would die. Which had everyone freaking out.

Why did they do it? The same reason they predict everything is the end of the world. Because it gets view, it gather attention, and because it gains them support from government. Obviously we have to sign over $100 Billion in research grants to stop the doom virus before it wipes out the planet.
So how many have died from the vaccine?
3 possibles no definites. Out of something like 35,000,000 shots. Even if they all turn out to be caused by the vaccine that's literally a one in a million chance.

By contrast as of this moment more than one out of every thousand people who live in the US have died of the virus. Not one in one thousand who have contracted the virus, one out of every thousand people in the US.

That's a difference of three orders of magnitude.
If I asked this earlier, I can't remember what was said, but why isn't one injection enough?

God bless you always!!!


No government source anywhere on the planet is claiming the vaccines will prevent spread of the disease or even allow the vaccinated to lead freer, fuller lives. Why then would all governments insist their citizens get the jab?

Politics. The bottom line is, they have whipped people up into a terrified frenzy, and they have to validate that position.

Regardless of having scientific evidence of whether the vaccine works, if the government didn't promote that everyone must get vaccinate, then they would be attacked from every direction for it. Because why are you not pushing the vaccine, if the virus is as deadly as you claim?

Honestly, just think about it. If they didn't push the vaccine, then that would be an admission that the virus wasn't that bad. And if they dared to admit the virus isn't that bad, just think about the world wide wrath that would pour from the citizens on their governments for doing all this lock down isolation crap?
Who do you think is responsible for whipping people into a frenzy? And why do you think they did it?

Who is responsible? That would take more research than I'm willing to put in. You would have to look at who said what, first.

The best guess would be the Imperial College of London.

They are the ones who put out that 2.2 Million people would die. Which had everyone freaking out.

Why did they do it? The same reason they predict everything is the end of the world. Because it gets view, it gather attention, and because it gains them support from government. Obviously we have to sign over $100 Billion in research grants to stop the doom virus before it wipes out the planet.

Do you think the 2.2 million number was exaggerated. That was with no mitigation and safety measures
These stories keep coming, even though it feels like they are being downplayed

You think some people would find it odd that we had a daily death count of the Covid on MSM but not a peep from the MSM about the deaths and adverse reactions from the experimental jab. That should give some an example of who funds the MSM and the agenda.
These stories keep coming, even though it feels like they are being downplayed

These stories are downplayed because it has been determined that taking the vaccine is in the greater public interest and will save many many more lives than it takes. There is also nothing in this story that points to the vaccine as the cause of death. And the headline even says that the guys family wants people to take the vaccine.
Mr Spock would axe"the death of the many outweighs the death of the few"?

You might think that way unless it is your wife or child
So far I haven’t seen any evidence that the vaccine has caused a death. Certainly not in the story from your OP

The CDC has done another data dump into the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines.

The data goes through January 22, 2021, with 9,845 recorded adverse events including 329 deaths following injections of the experimental COVID mRNA shots by Pfizer and Moderna.

Over 50% of the deaths are among those over the age of 75.

On the January 15, 2021 data dump, there were 181 deaths following COVID mRNA injections through January 15th.

In the current data dump going through January 22, 2021, there are only two deaths listed between January 15th and January 22nd, VAERS ID 952914 listed on January 18, 2021, and VAERS ID 958809 listed on January 20, 2021.

So 146 of the additional 148 deaths recorded during the past week were from the same time period from the end of December to January 15th – a period of roughly 2 weeks.

That’s an average of over 160 deaths a week, so far. How many more deaths will still be recorded during that time period?

As we have previously reported, studies in the past have shown that less than 1% of vaccine injuries are ever reported to the VAERS reporting system.

We are also dependent upon the CDC to supply these statistics.


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