Another difference between Liberals & Conservatives

It's fairly simple:

A liberal is more concerned about distributing the eggs that the golden goose produces, a conservative is more concerned about the health of the golden goose.

I liked that, funny.

I thought of it like this, we're all on the same ship. The Conservatives are checking the horizon and watching for shoals and reefs.

The Liberals are making sure that everyone gets an equal chance at shuffleboard.

Liberals are also checking to make sure there are enough lifeboats in case the ship hits a reef.
They should have check the maps and they would have missed the shoals. The boat is leaking so fast they can't save it. Better learn to swim.
I liked that, funny.

I thought of it like this, we're all on the same ship. The Conservatives are checking the horizon and watching for shoals and reefs.

The Liberals are making sure that everyone gets an equal chance at shuffleboard.

Liberals are also checking to make sure there are enough lifeboats in case the ship hits a reef.
They should have check the maps and they would have missed the shoals. The boat is leaking so fast they can't save it. Better learn to swim.

You guys sent all the jobs overseas. That is why we have such high unemployment. YOUR FAULT.

Now can Obama bring back the jobs YOUR PARTY lost? I don't know. But it is your party that sold us down the river for cheap foreign labor. Both at home and abroad.

And when you can't deny it any more, you'll admit it and say that it was inevidable.

PS. Everything you said, you guys said the same thing about Clinton.

And, you voted for Bush, so why should anyone listen to you?

Can you show us the data that supports the your claim the all jobs went overseas and is 100% directly related to the high unemployment? Do you think that the real estate bubble bursting had any significant impact on unemployemtn? From your statement, it appears you that you don't or that you believe the jobs sent overseas also caused the real estate bubble to burst.

Look up how many jobs in the manufacturing sector have been lost since 2000. Do your own homework.

The GOP caused the real estate bubble too. Do I have to prove that to you too?

And jobs going overseas has to do with the real estate bubble too. It's all connected my friend. If millions of people lose their jobs, its going to affect home sales and prices.

PS. I have yet to ever get a reply back from any right winger when I have asked for links or proof. And your request is good proof that you guys aren't really deep thinkers. I bet you don't even know that unemployment is connected to crime rates and prison populations. You need proof for that too?

You bring a chuckle to my face every time I read a post of yours. Go to for your search. You will find that mfg in 1959 was roughly 29% of the workforce and has since dropped to 10%. Mfg as a % of the workforce has dropped for the most part every year but this is countered with growth in the service sector.

You made the claim "You guys sent all the jobs overseas. That is why we have such high unemployment." "All" is an absolute statement which makes me find your claim hard to believe. You make no mention of the impact NAFTA has had on manufacturing. You also do not mention anything about increased manufacturing productivity/efficiency that as the company grows the number of employees can stay constant. In other words, the company keeps the people it has but makes more products. You also do not mention the impact of an aging workforce nor do you discuss the characteristics of today's generation and the attributes they seek in a job and/or a career. You also fail to mention the impact from the requirements other countries place on U.S. manufacturers if they want to sell its product in the foreign country.

As long as there is sufficient manufacturing capacity to meet the defense needs of us, then if a person gets a job in the service sector; what makes a service sector job less desirable than manufacturing?

There has been enough discussion on who’s responsible for the real estate/financial crisis. Life is easy if you can pin ones problems on a single entity. How can you show your displeasure for a problem if the problem resulted from greed on everyone's part...politicians (greed for power), company's (greed for money) and people (greed for easy wealth). Maybe greed is the problem....everyone is greedy.
Fixed it for you :eusa_whistle:

Not sure, but I think that's not allowed.

What I AM sure about is that I'm a whiny crybaby who can't take a joke. So please, don't try to joke with me because I don't like it and that makes it friggin rude. mmkay?.

I fixed it for you this time. :eusa_whistle:

No, if it were fixed it would tell us what's so painfully obvious: that you're an ill-mannered, juvenile twit who thinks his ignorant boorishness is the height of wit.

And I'm glad I can't take a joke. Otherwise, I might be married to you. FLUSH!
Not sure, but I think that's not allowed.

What I AM sure about is that I'm a whiny crybaby who can't take a joke. So please, don't try to joke with me because I don't like it and that makes it friggin rude. mmkay?.

I fixed it for you this time. :eusa_whistle:

No, if it were fixed it would tell us what's so painfully obvious: that you're an ill-mannered, juvenile twit who thinks his ignorant boorishness is the height of wit.

And I'm glad I can't take a joke. Otherwise, I might be married to you. FLUSH!
A step up from your current hubby, I'm thinking. :lol:
It's iteresting sometimes to sit back an observe the turf war between competing political philosposhies as they battle for our hearts and minds, and especially the territory they control. While there is such a thing as going too far and exceptions notwithstanding, I've generally observed the following: Liberals can more or less be as bigoted as they like with impunity, but if a conservative levies even the slightest criticism on anyone the liberals have identified as protected he is an intolerant bigot. Half of you know this to be true and the other half denies it vehemently and labels me a bigot for pointing it out. Conversely, conservatives can shit all over this country, it's CIC and it's military with impunity, but if a liberal expresses even the slightest disapproval of this country, it's policies, the CIC or any military action, he is unAmerican and unpatriotic.

And we all buy it. Well, at least half of it anyway.

DISCLAIMER: I am using the terms liberal and conservative in accordance with my general understanding of common, contemporary usage, not as I would define them if it were up to me. To me, liberal is the opposite of authoritarian and conservative is the opposite of progressive. That's why I label myself the oxymoronic liberal-conservative. As best as I can estimate contemporarily speaking, liberals are authoritarian-progressive and conservatives are authoritarian-conservative. They are both authoritarian, they just prioritize differently.

I'm curious. When have you ever seen a conservative shitting on the US, the President, and the military?

There are plenty of "conservative" factions that delight in shitting all over the current President. Are you kidding?

I'm afraid that isn't an answer. "Everyone knows" just tells me that YOU don't really know.
Another conservative argument. See how, contrary to the liberals, he does not get all emotion and resort to ad hom attacks, childish tantrums, and infantile statements of winning?

I showed you the US government date your ignorant motherfucker... OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN

The motherfucking federal budget and the motherfucking reporting of the motherfucking government financials is done during the motherfucking FISCAL YEAR

You are in intellectually dishonest piece of partisan apeshit.... you do not get to twist things away from reality

the facts are there, posted, and in your motherfucking face


There was no fiscal year with any surplus... there was a deficit each and every motherfucking year

This is exactly why I have the ignore list and it gets turned back on....

You cannot present facts to an ignorant partisan with an obvious agenda

good riddance you ignorant fuck... I can only hope and pray that nobody quotes your ignorant shit so I no longer have to see it

Yep. We can clearly see the difference between liberals and conservatives when it comes to ad hom attacks and emotional childish tantrums.
Another conservative showing facts, logic and reason as opposed to adhom. And thanked by Willow, another conservative.

Iriefag being intellectually dishonest and attempting to twist away from the truth?? Say it ain't so

Another conservative showing facts, logic and reason as opposed to adhom. And thanked by Willow, another conservative.

Iriefag being intellectually dishonest and attempting to twist away from the truth?? Say it ain't so


so you've never said someone is a "fucking moron"....?

Yurt... but it's coming from the ignorant fucker who ignores the facts that are put right in front of him, time after time, after time...

We've shown him the facts with every yearly financial review of the federal government showing there was no surplus in any fiscal year (the govt does run and report on the fiscal year), and it's like the ignorant piece of shit hold his fingers in his ears and screams "la la la la", as if he were a 3 year old with a temper tantrum

He's a partisan tool along the rating of a Bobo... they is no help for the likes of that, unless they step in front of a bus... the death or subsequent possible brain damage would actually be an improvement
Another conservative showing facts, logic and reason as opposed to adhom. And thanked by Willow, another conservative.

Iriefag being intellectually dishonest and attempting to twist away from the truth?? Say it ain't so


so you've never said someone is a "fucking moron"....?

I don't think so. After Divecon called me a fucking moron for making a factual assertion he claimed was incorrect but I proved he was dead wrong, I wrote that it was clear to see who the fucking moron is. Is that what you are referring to?

But whether I did or not is irrelevant. The claim in this thread is that only liberals resort to emotional appeal and ad hom attacks.
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LMAO! Here in this very thread, another conservative having a tantrum, demonstrating yet again its not "liberals" who get emotional and resort to adhoms.

@ Political Chick, Indiana Oracle and others who maintained it is the liberals who do this -- enough for a retraction, or should I continue?

Another conservative showing facts, logic and reason as opposed to adhom. And thanked by Willow, another conservative.

so you've never said someone is a "fucking moron"....?

Yurt... but it's coming from the ignorant fucker who ignores the facts that are put right in front of him, time after time, after time...

We've shown him the facts with every yearly financial review of the federal government showing there was no surplus in any fiscal year (the govt does run and report on the fiscal year), and it's like the ignorant piece of shit hold his fingers in his ears and screams "la la la la", as if he were a 3 year old with a temper tantrum

He's a partisan tool along the rating of a Bobo... they is no help for the likes of that, unless they step in front of a bus... the death or subsequent possible brain damage would actually be an improvement

@ Diamond Dave -- thanks for popping in and so effectively helping me to prove the rebuttal.
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Another conservative demonstrating how they, unlike liberals, rely on facts and logic as opposed to emotional ad homs.

yeah, then we were attacked
and that nearly destroyed the economy

Nearly destroyed the economy, eh? Not suggesting you'd be one for hyperbole, but how much did the economy decline after 9-11?
you are nothing but a partisan hack
if you dont think the 9/11 attacks nearly destroyed the economy, then you are also an IDIOT


because i know any research done for you would be a waste of time
you are a fucking idiot and you will remain a fucking idiot
get your head out of Obama's ass for a change
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Good one for study on Liberals vs. Conservatives. Here, Divecon (the conservative) had made the assertion that 9-11 "nearly destroyed" the economy, which I (the liberal) had challenged, as show in the previous post:

because i know any research done for you would be a waste of time
you are a fucking idiot and you will remain a fucking idiot
get your head out of Obama's ass for a change

Quarter - real GDP % change

2000q1 0.25%
2000q2 1.57%
2000q3 -0.11%
2000q4 0.52%
2001q1 -0.12%
2001q2 0.31%
2001q3 -0.35% <- Quarter ending 9/30/01
2001q4 0.39%
2002q1 0.68%
2002q2 0.54%
2002q3 0.59%

We can see how the economy was so nearly destroyed after 9/11 by these figures from the BEA.
yeah a .66 change is nothing
:rolleyes: you just PWN3D yourself

For which Divecon neg repped me, as is his MO when he is shown wrong in an argument.

Was it the conservative or liberal who resorted to facts and logic?

Was it the conservative or liberal who resorted to emotional ad homs?
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You've made a convincing case, Iriemon. "Conservatives" are more apt to emotional outbursts and personal attacks.
all i know is that there is a liberal finger pointer in this thread...

both sides do it, so you can put your itchy trigger finger away now...
You've made a convincing case, Iriemon. "Conservatives" are more apt to emotional outbursts and personal attacks.

The proponents of the claim that it is liberals who behave this way haven't admitted so, but thanks, I agree the point is made enough.

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