Another example of biased MSM! There were 109 directly affect travelers...not 90,000!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The number of people affected by Trump’s travel ban: About 90,000

The number of people affected by Trump’s travel ban: About 90,000

And so this "professional" journalistic interest in truth gave Trump 4 Pinocchios.

So who is right?
“Only 109 people out of 325,000 were detained and held for questioning.”
— President Trump, tweet, Jan, 30, 2017

“Remember we’re talking about a universe of 109 people. There were 325,000 people that came into this country over a 24 hour period from another country. 109 of them were stopped for additional screening.”
— White House press secretary Sean Spicer, press briefing, Jan. 30, 2017
So this is where Trump came up with the number... actually detained travelers... 109!

So where did the Post come up with 90,000?????
The executive order means that visa holders will not be able to travel to the United States for at least 90 days. Or, if they are in the United States currently, they will not be able to leave and assume that they can return before the travel suspension ends.

According to State Department statistics, that’s how many people received either nonimmigrant or immigrant visas from the seven affected countries in fiscal year 2015.

Here’s the breakdown by country: 87,587
Total 72,162 nonimmigrant visas... 15,425 immigrant visas.
Iran: 35,363 nonimmigrant visas, 7,179 immigrant visas
Iraq: 13,499 nonimmigrant visas, 2,010 immigrant visas
Syria: 10,061 nonimmigrant visas, 1,901 immigrant visas
Sudan: 5,080 nonimmigrant visas, 1,642 immigrant visas
Yemen: 4,525 nonimmigrant visas, 3,143 immigrant visas
Libya: 3,303 nonimmigrant visa, 272 immigrant visas
Somalia: 331 nonimmigrant visas, 1,078 immigrant visas

Folks.... how many of these 87,587 have NOT traveled to the USA?
How many have actually traveled to the USA and have been detained?????

NO WHERE NEAR 87,587 ! But again this is the biased MSM attempts to mislead with headlines
and unless you read further.... you will see the Post admits..
"The universe of people likely affected by the travel suspension is around 90,000 — not 109."
"LIKELY affected" NOT AFFECTED....
Once again biased inaccurate data being circulated as FACTS!
FOLKS the MSM is snookering YOU! Lying to you!
Remember this chart folks... the MSM donated money to Hillary so do you think they can be honest?
The number of people affected by Trump’s travel ban: About 90,000

The number of people affected by Trump’s travel ban: About 90,000

And so this "professional" journalistic interest in truth gave Trump 4 Pinocchios.

So who is right?
“Only 109 people out of 325,000 were detained and held for questioning.”
— President Trump, tweet, Jan, 30, 2017

“Remember we’re talking about a universe of 109 people. There were 325,000 people that came into this country over a 24 hour period from another country. 109 of them were stopped for additional screening.”
— White House press secretary Sean Spicer, press briefing, Jan. 30, 2017
So this is where Trump came up with the number... actually detained travelers... 109!

So where did the Post come up with 90,000?????
The executive order means that visa holders will not be able to travel to the United States for at least 90 days. Or, if they are in the United States currently, they will not be able to leave and assume that they can return before the travel suspension ends.

According to State Department statistics, that’s how many people received either nonimmigrant or immigrant visas from the seven affected countries in fiscal year 2015.

Here’s the breakdown by country: 87,587
Total 72,162 nonimmigrant visas... 15,425 immigrant visas.
Iran: 35,363 nonimmigrant visas, 7,179 immigrant visas
Iraq: 13,499 nonimmigrant visas, 2,010 immigrant visas
Syria: 10,061 nonimmigrant visas, 1,901 immigrant visas
Sudan: 5,080 nonimmigrant visas, 1,642 immigrant visas
Yemen: 4,525 nonimmigrant visas, 3,143 immigrant visas
Libya: 3,303 nonimmigrant visa, 272 immigrant visas
Somalia: 331 nonimmigrant visas, 1,078 immigrant visas

Folks.... how many of these 87,587 have NOT traveled to the USA?
How many have actually traveled to the USA and have been detained?????

NO WHERE NEAR 87,587 ! But again this is the biased MSM attempts to mislead with headlines
and unless you read further.... you will see the Post admits..
"The universe of people likely affected by the travel suspension is around 90,000 — not 109."
"LIKELY affected" NOT AFFECTED....
Once again biased inaccurate data being circulated as FACTS!
FOLKS the MSM is snookering YOU! Lying to you!
Remember this chart folks... the MSM donated money to Hillary so do you think they can be honest?
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I'm pretty sure the lefties here know they've been had, they're asking for tax returns again and going to the mattresses to blockade an investigation into voter fraud that no one is even concerning themselves with, something about an American land grab in America by Americans, they have nothing to do until the media gives its new marching orders.
Lying by the left wing media is an every day occurrence. Sadly, too many Americans still get their news from them.

The lib MSM is currently doing all they can to divide and inflame Americans. We see these radicalized lefties on this board every day. If you know any lefties personally, you know they are OUTRAGED!!! The outrage is based on lies, but they can't see it.
Fake news or what??

Journalists are so busy trying to make the news they forget to report it accurately.
Anymore contributions by me to this board is really aimed at those few honest Democrats and the larger number of people that don't yet understand how the biased
MSM has affected ALL our lives in the past 8 years.

For example I've put this information on this board several times to illustrate how a direct effect on all our lives Obamacare, was promoted even though the fundamental
point made by Obama.."I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today" was a LIE!
Falsehood 1)
Obama admits that of that 46 million 10 million were NOT CITIZENS!
"It's an overcount because it counts noncitizens. Take out the 9.7 million noncitizens and the actual number is closer to 36 million.
So Obama is sloppy by saying it is for "Americans" but not accounting for the noncitizens, which leaves him off by about 22 percent.
Number of those without health insurance about 46 million
Falsehood 2)
14 million Americans were Eligible for MEDICAID BEFORE ACA!
Obama failed to get 14 million people eligible for Medicaid enrolled. That's all that is needed. .
There was NO NEED for Obamacare to cover these 14 million as all they needed to do is REGISTER!!!
Those 14 million should have been told they were eligible under EXISTING LAWS and there was NO NEED for ACA!
But in fact of the supposedly 20 million covered now by ACA nearly 61 percent of that gain was offset by a reduction of nearly 3.8 million individuals with employer-sponsored coverage. During the same period, Medicaid enrollment increased by almost 6.1 million—people that were eligible BEFORE ACA!
Falsehood 3)
18 million under 34 didn't NEED insurance. Can afford employers' plans as they make over $50k.
Falsehood 4)
Many veterans qualify for cost-free health care services based on a compensable service-connected condition or other qualifying factors.
NOTE Total Unique Patients of VA: 5,830,130
Determine Cost of Care - Health Benefits

So when you add up the above you will see there NEVER WERE 46 million uninsured Americans!

But have you heard any of this from the MSM? Has anyone done an expose of this gross falsehood that was the principle reason for ACA!

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