Another example of how liberals lie and manipulate you


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
Not going to mention the school district, because I'm not giving out personal info on my kid's school district.

But here's the deal. Last time my kid's school district put a levy on the ballot, voters said no. They were tired of voting yes to levies only to have the school sytem not put it toward education, but gym floors, new tile, and the like.

So, in 2011, the voters said no to a new levy.

So, my kid's school district came back this year and said, "if we don't get this levy passed we will have to cut the sports programs or really raise the price to participate."

Well, people just FREAKED! Oh, we can't lose the sports programs, what about the kids! :eusa_boohoo:

Naturally, the levy passed.

ONE WEEK after the levy passed, my kid's school just made an annoucement concerning the sports program, (just heard it on the radio not 15 minutes ago). They are RAISING THE PRICE to participate in the sports programs like football, ANYWAY.

They are raising the price for high school sports participation from $100 to $240! And the price for Middle School sports participation from $50 to $150! :mad:

Now, I don't care, because my kid isn't in sports, but THIS IS A SPIT IN THE EYE to every parent who voted yes on the levy to save sports. Double and TRIPLE the price to participate in this economy and AFTER we voted to raise property taxes???

This should be a lesson and a clarion call to NEVER trust this school district again. I will vote NO on every levy from now on.

This is so brazen, and so arrogant I hope there are a lot of parents who throw a fit about this.

Unbelievable! And it should be a lesson. Liberals will LIE and try to manipulate and scare you to get you to vote a tax hike, AND THEN THEY WILL SCREW YOU, ANYWAY. NEVER TRUST THEM.

(and that's why I'm glad I voted no on this levy, I wish there had been more voters who had done the same. Once again, I've been proven right, but it's little comfort)

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They are greedy, takers, lier's and thief's. They are outed for sure since Obby got it.
Hey they want the freebie pensions etc.. Little do they know, if the Liberal agenda succeeds they'll be throw to the wolves like the Mob was in the 70's and 80's. No longer needed or useful.

We have news for them. There day is just about over. November 2012, if not a civil war will end it.
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The voters here have never seen a tax increase they didn't like. Especially if it is a tax increase on someone else.

The cycle is always the same. The local news, which is very left leaning, will report that if we don't get the tax increase, schools will have to shorten the school year, police will be taken off the streets, convicts will be released from prison early, and grandma won't be able to get her Medicaid prescriptions. They work real hard to scare the bejeesus out of every demographic.

So the tax increase passes every time.

Six months later, the news reports with some bafflement about yet more businesses moving over the state line next door. I laughed my ass off when they were interviewing a business owner who moved about ten miles from a metropolitan area in our state to a metropolitan area in the next state. He said he was now in twice the floor space and paying half the taxes.

Not much later, the news reports with alarm the rising number of people losing their jobs due to businesses leaving and starts implying we need to raise taxes to pay for their welfare.
You send your kids to public school? Where they teach them to be commie liberal socialists?
The voters here have never seen a tax increase they didn't like. Especially if it is a tax increase on someone else.

The cycle is always the same. The local news, which is very left leaning, will report that if we don't get the tax increase, schools will have to shorten the school year, police will be taken off the streets, convicts will be released from prison early, and grandma won't be able to get her Medicaid prescriptions. They work real hard to scare the bejeesus out of every demographic.

So the tax increase passes every time.

Six months later, the news reports with some bafflement about yet more businesses moving over the state line next door. I laughed my ass off when they were interviewing a business owner who moved about ten miles from a metropolitan area in our state to a metropolitan area in the next state. He said he was now in twice the floor space and paying half the taxes.

Not much later, the news reports with alarm the rising number of people losing their jobs due to businesses leaving and starts implying we need to raise taxes to pay for their welfare.

So familiar. It will come to and end and it will be Abrupt!
Not going to mention the school district, because I'm not giving out personal info on my kid's school district.

But here's the deal. Last time my kid's school district put a levy on the ballot, voters said no. They were tired of voting yes to levies only to have the school system not put it toward education, but gym floors, new tile, and the like.

So, in 2011, the voters said no to a new levy.

So, my kid's school district came back this year and said, "if we don't get this levy passed we will have to cut the sports programs or really raise the price to participate."

Well, people just FREAKED! Oh, we can't lose the sports programs, what about the kids! :eusa_boohoo:

Naturally, the levy passed.

ONE WEEK after the levy passed, my kid's school just made an annoucement concerning the sports program, (just heard it on the radio not 15 minutes ago). They are RAISING THE PRICE to participate in the sports programs like football, ANYWAY.

They are raising the price for high school sports participation from $100 to $240! And the price for Middle School sports participation from $50 to $150! :mad:

Now, I don't care, because my kid isn't in sports, but THIS IS A SPIT IN THE EYE to every parent who voted yes on the levy to save sports. Double and TRIPLE the price to participate in this economy and AFTER we voted to raise property taxes???

This should be a lesson and a clarion call to NEVER trust this school district again. I will vote NO on every levy from now on.

This is so brazen, and so arrogant I hope there are a lot of parents who throw a fit about this.

Unbelievable! And it should be a lesson. Liberals will LIE and try to manipulate and scare you to get you to vote a tax hike, AND THEN THEY WILL SCREW YOU, ANYWAY. NEVER TRUST THEM.

(and that's why I'm glad I voted no on this levy, I wish there had been more voters who had done the same. Once again, I've been proven right, but it's little comfort)

ALL politicians lie! School Board members are politicians. School Board members lie.

Liberals and conservatives alike will lie to get elected...or to get a pet bill passed.

Read my lips...if they're moving...I'm lying.
Not going to mention the school district, because I'm not giving out personal info on my kid's school district.

But here's the deal. Last time my kid's school district put a levy on the ballot, voters said no. They were tired of voting yes to levies only to have the school sytem not put it toward education, but gym floors, new tile, and the like.

So, in 2011, the voters said no to a new levy.

So, my kid's school district came back this year and said, "if we don't get this levy passed we will have to cut the sports programs or really raise the price to participate."

Well, people just FREAKED! Oh, we can't lose the sports programs, what about the kids! :eusa_boohoo:

Naturally, the levy passed.

ONE WEEK after the levy passed, my kid's school just made an annoucement concerning the sports program, (just heard it on the radio not 15 minutes ago). They are RAISING THE PRICE to participate in the sports programs like football, ANYWAY.

They are raising the price for high school sports participation from $100 to $240! And the price for Middle School sports participation from $50 to $150! :mad:

Now, I don't care, because my kid isn't in sports, but THIS IS A SPIT IN THE EYE to every parent who voted yes on the levy to save sports. Double and TRIPLE the price to participate in this economy and AFTER we voted to raise property taxes???

This should be a lesson and a clarion call to NEVER trust this school district again. I will vote NO on every levy from now on.

This is so brazen, and so arrogant I hope there are a lot of parents who throw a fit about this.

Unbelievable! And it should be a lesson. Liberals will LIE and try to manipulate and scare you to get you to vote a tax hike, AND THEN THEY WILL SCREW YOU, ANYWAY. NEVER TRUST THEM.

(and that's why I'm glad I voted no on this levy, I wish there had been more voters who had done the same. Once again, I've been proven right, but it's little comfort)


Are you going to your next school board meeting and putting in a complaint...
What Grump sed. Maybe get a (large) group of like-minded parents together and go to the next meeting.
Hold them accountable, remind them what they said.
What Grump sed. Maybe get a (large) group of like-minded parents together and go to the next meeting.
Hold them accountable, remind them what they said.

Pointless exercise while still in 'blame & hate a label' mode.
Until you're willing to look beyond beyond the labels, your like-minded group is no more politically effective than any other drinkin' & bitchin' session among staunch political allies.
You send your kids to public school? Where they teach them to be commie liberal socialists?

More and more people are beginning to realize how right you are. Change is going to come.

Just can't make things absurd enough for it to be taken as a joke when it comes to the tea bag attack on public education.

You know, when you call people teabaggers you're calling them ball-sucking faggots.

I can't see why you think a bunch of teabaggers (ball-sucking faggots) are the only ones that are pissed about a corrupt school system.
You can recall school boardmembers.

They are trying to pass a city income tax here. Supposedly for road repairs. The problem, the report they paid big money for doesn't actually say they can pay for it. Further, the projections have no factor for inflation and this is a pay as you go project.

I can already see what happens. This will start out with a label of dedicated funds until the general fund can't pay for wages and benefits. Then it will be raided and eventually we will have no street repairs.
Not going to mention the school district, because I'm not giving out personal info on my kid's school district.

But here's the deal. Last time my kid's school district put a levy on the ballot, voters said no. They were tired of voting yes to levies only to have the school sytem not put it toward education, but gym floors, new tile, and the like.

So, in 2011, the voters said no to a new levy.

So, my kid's school district came back this year and said, "if we don't get this levy passed we will have to cut the sports programs or really raise the price to participate."

Well, people just FREAKED! Oh, we can't lose the sports programs, what about the kids! :eusa_boohoo:

Naturally, the levy passed.

ONE WEEK after the levy passed, my kid's school just made an annoucement concerning the sports program, (just heard it on the radio not 15 minutes ago). They are RAISING THE PRICE to participate in the sports programs like football, ANYWAY.

They are raising the price for high school sports participation from $100 to $240! And the price for Middle School sports participation from $50 to $150! :mad:

Now, I don't care, because my kid isn't in sports, but THIS IS A SPIT IN THE EYE to every parent who voted yes on the levy to save sports. Double and TRIPLE the price to participate in this economy and AFTER we voted to raise property taxes???

This should be a lesson and a clarion call to NEVER trust this school district again. I will vote NO on every levy from now on.

This is so brazen, and so arrogant I hope there are a lot of parents who throw a fit about this.

Unbelievable! And it should be a lesson. Liberals will LIE and try to manipulate and scare you to get you to vote a tax hike, AND THEN THEY WILL SCREW YOU, ANYWAY. NEVER TRUST THEM.

(and that's why I'm glad I voted no on this levy, I wish there had been more voters who had done the same. Once again, I've been proven right, but it's little comfort)


Did they give you a reason for something you don't care about? Or you just don't care?

Love the fact that anything involving education must be liberals. Because we all know education is for snobs.
Not going to mention the school district, because I'm not giving out personal info on my kid's school district.

But here's the deal. Last time my kid's school district put a levy on the ballot, voters said no. They were tired of voting yes to levies only to have the school sytem not put it toward education, but gym floors, new tile, and the like.

So, in 2011, the voters said no to a new levy.

So, my kid's school district came back this year and said, "if we don't get this levy passed we will have to cut the sports programs or really raise the price to participate."

Well, people just FREAKED! Oh, we can't lose the sports programs, what about the kids! :eusa_boohoo:

Naturally, the levy passed.

ONE WEEK after the levy passed, my kid's school just made an annoucement concerning the sports program, (just heard it on the radio not 15 minutes ago). They are RAISING THE PRICE to participate in the sports programs like football, ANYWAY.

They are raising the price for high school sports participation from $100 to $240! And the price for Middle School sports participation from $50 to $150! :mad:

Now, I don't care, because my kid isn't in sports, but THIS IS A SPIT IN THE EYE to every parent who voted yes on the levy to save sports. Double and TRIPLE the price to participate in this economy and AFTER we voted to raise property taxes???

This should be a lesson and a clarion call to NEVER trust this school district again. I will vote NO on every levy from now on.

This is so brazen, and so arrogant I hope there are a lot of parents who throw a fit about this.

Unbelievable! And it should be a lesson. Liberals will LIE and try to manipulate and scare you to get you to vote a tax hike, AND THEN THEY WILL SCREW YOU, ANYWAY. NEVER TRUST THEM.

(and that's why I'm glad I voted no on this levy, I wish there had been more voters who had done the same. Once again, I've been proven right, but it's little comfort)


Damn. It's really quite simple. I'll give it to you step by step.

1) Go see the Principal of your kid's school. Register your complaint there. Ask him/her to explain why they did that.

2) Put a group together and see how many others there are like you..

3) Attend a school board meeting. Ask to be put on the agenda. Ask them to address your complaint.

4) Get to know your elected school board representatives. Call them individually and register your complaint. Hell, they work for YOU.

5) Go to your local courthouse and learn how to run for the school board.

In other words......GET INVOLVED.

It does no good to tell us here.

6) Start a new thread telling us how you solved the problem.
You know, when you call people teabaggers you're calling them ball-sucking faggots.

I suspect that they're not really ball-sucking faggots, but they used the label for themselves first, so maybe they are. Who knows? Anyway, it's their label and we're stuck with it. Maybe along with a disclaimer.
Not going to mention the school district, because I'm not giving out personal info on my kid's school district.

But here's the deal. Last time my kid's school district put a levy on the ballot, voters said no. They were tired of voting yes to levies only to have the school sytem not put it toward education, but gym floors, new tile, and the like.

So, in 2011, the voters said no to a new levy.

So, my kid's school district came back this year and said, "if we don't get this levy passed we will have to cut the sports programs or really raise the price to participate."

Well, people just FREAKED! Oh, we can't lose the sports programs, what about the kids! :eusa_boohoo:

Naturally, the levy passed.

ONE WEEK after the levy passed, my kid's school just made an annoucement concerning the sports program, (just heard it on the radio not 15 minutes ago). They are RAISING THE PRICE to participate in the sports programs like football, ANYWAY.

They are raising the price for high school sports participation from $100 to $240! And the price for Middle School sports participation from $50 to $150! :mad:

Now, I don't care, because my kid isn't in sports, but THIS IS A SPIT IN THE EYE to every parent who voted yes on the levy to save sports. Double and TRIPLE the price to participate in this economy and AFTER we voted to raise property taxes???

This should be a lesson and a clarion call to NEVER trust this school district again. I will vote NO on every levy from now on.

This is so brazen, and so arrogant I hope there are a lot of parents who throw a fit about this.

Unbelievable! And it should be a lesson. Liberals will LIE and try to manipulate and scare you to get you to vote a tax hike, AND THEN THEY WILL SCREW YOU, ANYWAY. NEVER TRUST THEM.

(and that's why I'm glad I voted no on this levy, I wish there had been more voters who had done the same. Once again, I've been proven right, but it's little comfort)


Damn. It's really quite simple. I'll give it to you step by step.

1) Go see the Principal of your kid's school. Register your complaint there. Ask him/her to explain why they did that.

2) Put a group together and see how many others there are like you..

3) Attend a school board meeting. Ask to be put on the agenda. Ask them to address your complaint.

4) Get to know your elected school board representatives. Call them individually and register your complaint. Hell, they work for YOU.

5) Go to your local courthouse and learn how to run for the school board.

In other words......GET INVOLVED.

It does no good to tell us here.

6) Start a new thread telling us how you solved the problem.

C'mon teapartysamurai, don't just start a thread and run away.....

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