Another example of the mental pychosis that is liberalism/leftism

I hope Obama and Hillary move some in on each side of their houses. Also they need to demand their secret service agents to stop carrying their guns. Since guns don't keep you safe, by their own words. Lead by example.
I have to say that after seeing some pictures and other things that have happened in France, I am not comfortable with our country being "invaded" by foreigners. Culture clash is a huge problem that is basically being ignored completely by the powers that be. I find this very bothersome. It's almost as if they don't really care about anything except being "politically correct" and not hurting feelings. It's just getting to the point of utter ridiculousness now. There is no reason why we should have to take on any more immigrants than we can handle. With our economy still trying to recover, it is just a terrible idea.
A President imposing his will on individuals, 'forcing' communities to be 'less white'. Yeah, this isn't causing racial division.

Govt over-reach? Nah....

Besides, Obama has already been doing this by dumping illegals into local communities without telling local and state agencies they're coming....

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