Another family friendly pit bull story

you don't know that people have fucking PIRAHANAS for pets? That, GASP, pythons HAVE killed their owners? What exactly the fuck does that say about a domesticated breed of dog? nothing. Just like TIGERS and ALLIGATORS and SHARKS and fucking DINOSAURS have no bearing on this conversation

mmmm....not sure that I believe you, but if people are allowed to have piranhas and pythons without restriction that doesn't change my point whatsoever.
I said it before. I am against breed specific laws because I can't find a single reputable professional scientific organization that supports them. Almost all of them have come out to denounce them. The laws make no sense, are based on nothing but unfounded fears and actually make the situation worse.
What are their reasons for denouncing them?
Are large jawed dogs a specific breed now? Are all large jawed dogs even registered as a certain breed?

How does reacting to a dogs appearance do anything to promote awareness of the need to neuter males and to give dogs proper care and socialization? It focuses on a dogs appearance and not on it's known behavior. It leads people to want to have all pit bulls, regardless of whether they've ever demonstrated vicious behavior, killed.

Men are generally stronger than women and studies would seem to suggest that thier higher testosterone levels make them more prone to violence, should we treat men as lethal?
Now you are backing up from your own comments about jaw size?

Sad, really.

Oh, and in case you've forgotten, humans are covered by the constitution.
It's about the TRAITS that are ENHANCED through SELECTIVE BREEDING.

Rotties and Pits are bred to be aggressive and deadly.

Accept it and move on. So long as you're aware of it and deal with them accordingly I, for one, am not interested in passing any laws regarding what sort of dog you own.
Allie, if only you were normally so sane.
You're right about fighting and hunting being different instincts. One is related to food the other to defending terrritory or mating rights. I have never said natural instincts do not have an effect on dog behavior. Fighting to the death is not a natural instinct in pack animals such as dogs.

You claim that pit bulls are all bred to kill and that this breeding is successful. It would seem like you would be in favor of bred specific laws? Why aren't you?
The same reason I'm in favor of gun ownership rights, and the right to own horses. So long as you take care of them and keep them and others safe, I could care less what sort of dog you like.

And fighting to the death certainly is a natural instinct. Read up on wolves. They kill each other pretty regularly. They kill strange wolves who attempt to join their packs, they kill members of the pack who disobey pack law, and they kill challengers for the top positions in the pack.

I think it's a little alarming that somebody who has pit bulls appears to know so little about animal behavior and genetics.
Tigers are a species, not a breed.

Pit bulls are not a species.

Now you are equating pit bulls to wild animals.

Way to go if it's your aim to exterminate pit bulls.
Tigers aren't felines?

Just because mankind has created artificial dog breeds doesn't mean they do not exist.
And to think, I was concerned that I might've backed a slow horse when it took almost 5 hours for the first reply.
Tigers aren't felines?

Just because mankind has created artificial dog breeds doesn't mean they do not exist.

por que? what does being feline have to do with being domesticated? Are the common nomenclature between humans and fucking apes telling you that apes are fucking domesticated just because you can teach your kid not to shit on the floor?
por que? what does being feline have to do with being domesticated?
Nothing. It means some things can be domesticated, and somethings can't. It's questionable as to whether or not dogs bred to violence can ever truly be domesticated.
Nothing. It means some things can be domesticated, and somethings can't. It's questionable as to whether or not dogs bred to violence can ever truly be domesticated.

Uh, you think pits were domesticated AFTER, uh, being bred to fight? what? do you think that the first domesticated dogs were fucking LAP DOGS? Even a lab will maul a fucking varmint. So, does that make condors and razorback hogs poor pets?
Uh, you think pits were domesticated AFTER, uh, being bred to fight? what? do you think that the first domesticated dogs were fucking LAP DOGS? Even a lab will maul a fucking varmint. So, does that make condors and razorback hogs poor pets?
mmm? Methinks you are a bear of very little sense.

Funny thing is, you could breed the bad traits (tendency toward violence) out of pits. It would take several generations and one of two other things. One, breed specific laws...which Anguille won't let us have. Or no desire in the general public for aggressive fighting dogs...which probably will never happen.

mmm? Methinks you are a bear of very little sense.

Funny thing is, you could breed the bad traits (tendency toward violence) out of pits. It would take several generations and one of two other things. One, breed specific laws...which Anguille won't let us have. Or no desire in the general public for aggressive fighting dogs...which probably will never happen.


I wouldn't count on it. By breeding out specific traits, you generally change the overall genetics of the dog as well...the result being a different appearance, different issues, just a different dog.

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