Another family friendly pit bull story

One that will be aggressive in the dog ring and fight to the death.

Poodles don't have that drive. You can put two poodles of the same size against each other, and they won't fight to the death generally speaking.

Get it yet?

Not all pit bulls will either, this is why they usually shoot the dog because its of no use to them.

Tell the owners of dogs that herd cattle, or hunt rodents, or birds, that "breed is a minor factor" when it comes to behavior.

I can't believe you're so pig-headed that you will insist that breeding for fighting is somehow less of a factor in dog behavior than breeding for hunting.

I'll tell you one Russell has been socialized and raised in a loving family....and she will pull birds out of the air and have them dead before they hit the ground. Mice don't have a chance. And no amount of training will take that out of her. We can't have birds, cats or other dogs...because she is a scrappy, fighting, killing little dog who has been BRED to hunt.

Pit bulls have been bred to fight to the death. it isn't even a matter of hunting. They are bred to face off with animals and kill them. It's people like you, who insist breeding has no influence on them and they're entirely safe for everyone that puts everyone in danger, and who will be responsible for getting them banned.

I fucking hate what you say in this post. I have 2 pits and they were not breed to fight to the death and they are great dogs and I would die for them.
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I think them apples prove you to be a retard.

They were bred to fight to the death.

I've no doubt you would kill someone who dared to try to take them. It's morons like yourself who give pit bulls a bad name.

Hopefully you have enough sense to maintain your dogs safely, with a healthy regard for their strength and ability to kill and maim. But I really doubt you do. You sound like one of the skinny, tattooed morons who strut around in family parks with your pits running loose amongst the kids and leashed dogs.
I think them apples prove you to be a retard.

They were bred to fight to the death.

I've no doubt you would kill someone who dared to try to take them. It's morons like yourself who give pit bulls a bad name.

Hopefully you have enough sense to maintain your dogs safely, with a healthy regard for their strength and ability to kill and maim. But I really doubt you do. You sound like one of the skinny, tattooed morons who strut around in family parks with your pits running loose amongst the kids and leashed dogs.

Sorry, I'm 6-5 260 and played ball in college and dont go to the park and I am a professional at the biggest bank in the country. You make me so angry that I have lost my cool. I posted 2 pics of my dogs, do they look like killers. They are great because they have been trained and are well maintained unlike you. They are part of my family and I would fight for my family to the death. I dont even think my dogs would do anything to an intruder but I have never had a problem taking care of myself and noone will take my dogs away because they have stupid fucking views like you. Taking away my dogs is like taking away my kids, it wont happen asshole.
First thing you learn in anger management class, as I'm sure you know, is that other people aren't responsible for your anger. You get out of control, that's on you, not me.

My son has a pit, which you would know if you weren't busy flying off the handle, and I don't support legislation making it illegal to own them, dildo.
First thing you learn in anger management class, as I'm sure you know, is that other people aren't responsible for your anger. You get out of control, that's on you, not me.

My son has a pit, which you would know if you weren't busy flying off the handle, and I don't support legislation making it illegal to own them, dildo.

Your son must be the skinny one in the park with the tattoo's. I have managed to make it 34 years without any issues so I think I can control my anger but thanks for caring. I'll get angry when I am passionate about a topic and as many posts that have been made and I have debated on, this one has made me more angry than any other.
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I wouldn't count on it. By breeding out specific traits, you generally change the overall genetics of the dog as well...the result being a different appearance, different issues, just a different dog.
True enough. It wouldn't be the same dog, but you could get it to look like a butt ugly pit bull and have the brain and disposition of an Irish Setter.
Someone who says "you made me so mad that I couldn't help myself...." sets off alarms when I hear it. Beat your girlfriend much? I'll bet she makes you do it.
True enough. It wouldn't be the same dog, but you could get it to look like a butt ugly pit bull and have the brain and disposition of an Irish Setter.

Except it's just not that precise. Sometimes you don't get what you're aiming for when you do that stuff.

and I'm not sure an Irish Setter brain in a pit bull body would be a good thing.
Except it's just not that precise. Sometimes you don't get what you're aiming for when you do that stuff.

and I'm not sure an Irish Setter brain in a pit bull body would be a good thing.
Anguille would still love it.

Over many generations, through trial and error, we can create Frankenstein's monster dog, Allie.


Ain't evolution grand?
I own Frankenstein's monster dog. She's a parson russel named Mylo.

She's a KILLA!
I'll stick with my killer rabbit...

I'm generally against regulating this type of thing (ownership of pit bull terriers) and I won't go against it here. However, I'm entitled to my opinion and my opinion is that they are apparently VERY dangerous to the surrounding public.

Therefore, in my opinion, if you are going to be an owner of such a beast, you are on notice from day one, that you own a potentially deadly animal and you will be held strictly liable for its actions. Since this is not usually the law, with some notable exceptions, I choose for it to be my law.

Therefore, all you pit bull owners are on notice, if your pit bull attacks anything I care about, I will shoot it dead, period. If I don't have a gun at the time, I will hunt it down and kill it. If you, as the owner of said pit, have a problem with that, I will do everything I can to enable me to do the same to you without imposing liability on myself. Because as many pit fans on this thread have stated, the fact that the pit attacked is really due to how you raised it.
I'm generally against regulating this type of thing (ownership of pit bull terriers) and I won't go against it here. However, I'm entitled to my opinion and my opinion is that they are apparently VERY dangerous to the surrounding public.

Therefore, in my opinion, if you are going to be an owner of such a beast, you are on notice from day one, that you own a potentially deadly animal and you will be held strictly liable for its actions. Since this is not usually the law, with some notable exceptions, I choose for it to be my law.

Therefore, all you pit bull owners are on notice, if your pit bull attacks anything I care about, I will shoot it dead, period. If I don't have a gun at the time, I will hunt it down and kill it. If you, as the owner of said pit, have a problem with that, I will do everything I can to enable me to do the same to you without imposing liability on myself. Because as many pit fans on this thread have stated, the fact that the pit attacked is really due to how you raised it.

Your not going to hunt anyone down you punkass, More tough guy words from behind the keyboard.
Your not going to hunt anyone down you punkass, More tough guy words from behind the keyboard.

You might learn to read before you call people punk ass. I didn't say I would hunt anyone down idiot. I said I would hunt the dog down. And, if you don't think so then carry your ass to Old Virginia and sic your pit bull on me and find out what if I'm a punk or if I'm as good as my word.
You might learn to read before you call people punk ass. I didn't say I would hunt anyone down idiot. I said I would hunt the dog down. And, if you don't think so then carry your ass to Old Virginia and sic your pit bull on me and find out what if I'm a punk or if I'm as good as my word.

Thyen what does this mean.

"I will hunt it down and kill it. If you, as the owner of said pit, have a problem with that, I will do everything I can to enable me to do the same to you without imposing liability on myself."

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