Another Federal Appeals Court Strikes Down DOMA

Does that apply to hetero sodomites too?

Forget it dipshit, your moral issues with homosexuality are dying fast. You'll see federal and state benefits approved for same-sex couples within the next couple of years whether you like it or not. Your kids will elect the first gay president and I wish I could see the look on your face when they do.

Of course they're dying fast dipshit, as this nation turns further and further from the God that once blessed it, immoral and corrupt scum like you will make your presense felt more strongly. Same thing happened in Sodom and that's where this nation's heading. By the way, my kids won't be electing the first gay president, I actually raise/raised my kids with morals and values, evidently unlike your parents did.
Interesting how you consider hate to be a moral value. Whatever. Like I said, your opinions on the subject are fast become antiquated.

Lol, hate? I don't have to hater you, or any other homosexual for that matter, to hate the system that allows your perversions to be considered normal, natural and decent and to be taught to our kids as such. As for my opinions being antiquated, you'd have a hard time proving that by the fact that EVERY time the matter of gay "marriage" has ever been put to a popular vote, it's been rejected by decent thinking citizens. Now back to hate being a moral value, here's a clue Godless one, when you hate filth, corruption, immorality, sin in general, that IS a moral value, you just lack the moral to recognize it as such. It's those like you, that accept any kind of filth and perversion as the norm that have no moral values.
No, I want the judicial system to stand by the defintioin of the word marriage

As a wedding officiant I can tell you that my spiritual organization defines marriage as a commitment between two consenting adults to share with each other a life of devoted love, caring, nurturing, and respect, without regard to the gender of those two individuals.

which is a union between a man and woman, period.

That's your definition.

Two dykes, or two sodomites living together and having sex with eachother is not marriage

Says you.

it's perversion and perverse and deviant behavior should not be rewarded in any civilized nation.

So, you think government should enforce YOUR definition, and punish YOUR idea of "perversion," when there is absolutely nobody other than the people involved who are affected. That is, by definition, tyranny.

It's not my definition, it's THE definition, and nobody wants to "punish" you perverts, we just don't want to reward you just for being perverts. As for your "spiritual organization" accepting homosexual marriage, so what? Godless "spiritual organizations" accept all kids of sick, perverse, corrupt filth, it's what Godless "spiritual organizations" do best, accept, condone and promote filth, corruption and sin?
Gay adoption shouldn't be allowed because it's not in the best interests of the child

How about single parent adoptions? How about divorce when there are children? How about continued single parent custody subsequent to widowdom?

Here's one: What if it's a single mother in poverty who doesn't even want the child? Abortion in the first trimester?

Single parents-preferable to having kids raised by sexual deviants.
Split parenting in a divorce-preferable to having kids raised by sexual deviants.
Widowed parents-preferable to kids being raised by sexual deviants.
Single poor mother, preferable to abortion, and child being raised by sexual deviants.

Gay adoption shouldn't be allowed because it's not in the best interests of the child

How about single parent adoptions? How about divorce when there are children? How about continued single parent custody subsequent to widowdom?

Here's one: What if it's a single mother in poverty who doesn't even want the child? Abortion in the first trimester?

Single parents-preferable to having kids raised by sexual deviants.
Split parenting in a divorce-preferable to having kids raised by sexual deviants.
Widowed parents-preferable to kids being raised by sexual deviants.
Single poor mother, preferable to abortion, and child being raised by sexual deviants.


Did your parents know of their close familial relationship?
No, they have two loving parents and a sperm donor. End of story.

Denial is not a river in Egypt.

I agree, you are in denial. Denying that ours is a family, deserving of the same legal marriage rights as heterosexuals, is being in deep denial.

There's no such thing as a homosexual family. Either you or your partner has no biological relationship to 'your' child. You are no more a family than if I started shacking up with a girlfriend who had a child out of wedlock.

Schubert clearly knows he's peddling distortions and is demonizing gays in his own lucrative cottage industry of homophobia, and now he also seems to sense that he's on the losing side of a civil rights battle. This week that became more evident than ever in a lengthy interview with me in which he couldn't adequately answer basic questions about his mission, becoming frustrated and agitated.

Of course those opposed to equal protection rights for same-sex couples are on the losing side of a civil rights battle; their position is Constitutionally untenable.
Denial is not a river in Egypt.

I agree, you are in denial. Denying that ours is a family, deserving of the same legal marriage rights as heterosexuals, is being in deep denial.

There's no such thing as a homosexual family. Either you or your partner has no biological relationship to 'your' child. You are no more a family than if I started shacking up with a girlfriend who had a child out of wedlock.

Above is the classic conservative: motivated by fear and hate, the authoritarian conservative disdains diversity and dissent, and seeks to compel all to conform to a subjective standard of conduct.

The arrogance of the right is remarkable, to presume to dictate to other Americans whether or not their families are indeed families; families come in all types and configurations: one or two parents, opposite or same-sex parents, children born or adopted – all families, regardless their type or configuration, are equal.

Schubert clearly knows he's peddling distortions and is demonizing gays in his own lucrative cottage industry of homophobia, and now he also seems to sense that he's on the losing side of a civil rights battle. This week that became more evident than ever in a lengthy interview with me in which he couldn't adequately answer basic questions about his mission, becoming frustrated and agitated.

Of course those opposed to equal protection rights for same-sex couples are on the losing side of a civil rights battle; their position is Constitutionally untenable.

Horseshit. That's pure propaganda, not a fact of any kind. Repeating it over and over doesn't make it true. The only evidence you have to support it is your insistence that it's true.
I agree, you are in denial. Denying that ours is a family, deserving of the same legal marriage rights as heterosexuals, is being in deep denial.

There's no such thing as a homosexual family. Either you or your partner has no biological relationship to 'your' child. You are no more a family than if I started shacking up with a girlfriend who had a child out of wedlock.

Above is the classic conservative: motivated by fear and hate, the authoritarian conservative disdains diversity and dissent, and seeks to compel all to conform to a subjective standard of conduct.

"Fear and hate" is a liberal euphemism meaning "the truth." What I said is indisputable.

The arrogance of the right is remarkable, to presume to dictate to other Americans whether or not their families are indeed families; families come in all types and configurations: one or two parents, opposite or same-sex parents, children born or adopted – all families, regardless their type or configuration, are equal.

"Arrogance," according to the left, is defending an institution that has existed for tens of thousands of years. "humility" according to them, is demanding that it be thrown out for the benefit of a small minority of people suffering from obvious emotional abnormalities.

You are not asking that the government doesn't determine the definition of a "family." If DOMA is overruled, the government will still define the term. It will simply define it more to the liking of a small abnormal segment of society.
DOMA was always unconstitutional

Amazing it took this long

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