Another Federal Appeals Court Strikes Down DOMA

You are defining marriage for only the way you see it, Qball, but the legal sanctioning of that view is falling by the wayside. You are unable and will continue to be unable to stop it from redefining as universal marriage.

But . . . I make you this promise. That if anyone tries to make you marry someone of your own sex, I your superhero will fly to your rescue and defeat the evildoers.


This...isn't really a response to what I said, but okay. I mean, it's a little silly to say it's just the way I see it when my bottom line is marriage is and should remain the unique union of a man and a woman, which is what most people who have weighed in the issue have concluded as well.

"We have always discriminated" is not a rational or legally sustainable argument. It is the weakest argument in the bigot handbook.

Argumentum ad populum is also a logical fallacy. The majority of people once concluded slavery was just fine, too.


Oh please. Don't to intellectualize the post I responded to. He basically said, "well, that's your opinion, but soon it's gonna be legal and there's nothing you can do about it!" followed by some weird sarcastic remark about saving me. What I said was a valid response, and it wasn't that since we've always discriminated that it's okay now. For one thing, I don't think it's discrimination, and second, it's not a fallacious argument from popularity for me to say most people who have weighed in feel the same way I do, so it's not just "my opinion" as if I've crafted some unique ideas out of whole cloth. And please prove "the majority of people once concluded slavery was just fine, too".
Actually, several states, DC, and the US military disagree with you.

It's changing, and that is OK.

You are defining marriage for only the way you see it, Qball, but the legal sanctioning of that view is falling by the wayside. You are unable and will continue to be unable to stop it from redefining as universal marriage.

But . . . I make you this promise. That if anyone tries to make you marry someone of your own sex, I your superhero will fly to your rescue and defeat the evildoers.


This...isn't really a response to what I said, but okay. I mean, it's a little silly to say it's just the way I see it when my bottom line is marriage is and should remain the unique union of a man and a woman, which is what most people who have weighed in the issue have concluded as well.

Uh huh, and the rest of the states agree with me. So in many ways, things are staying the same, and that's also okay.

This...isn't really a response to what I said, but okay. I mean, it's a little silly to say it's just the way I see it when my bottom line is marriage is and should remain the unique union of a man and a woman, which is what most people who have weighed in the issue have concluded as well.

"We have always discriminated" is not a rational or legally sustainable argument. It is the weakest argument in the bigot handbook.

Argumentum ad populum is also a logical fallacy. The majority of people once concluded slavery was just fine, too.


Oh please. Don't to intellectualize the post I responded to. He basically said, "well, that's your opinion, but soon it's gonna be legal and there's nothing you can do about it!" followed by some weird sarcastic remark about saving me. What I said was a valid response, and it wasn't that since we've always discriminated that it's okay now. For one thing, I don't think it's discrimination, and second, it's not a fallacious argument from popularity for me to say most people who have weighed in feel the same way I do, so it's not just "my opinion" as if I've crafted some unique ideas out of whole cloth. And please prove "the majority of people once concluded slavery was just fine, too".

You don't think that at one point slaves were owned widely, that majority opinion was that slavery was just fine?
If gay couples are getting tangible government benefits from the government, they are obviously reducing the share available for other purposes.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that if money goes to Richard Roe, then there is less money available to go to Jane Doe.

You want gays to pay in and not be eligible to receive benefits

What a moocher you are fingerboy

Anyone who pays in is already entitled to benefits, moron. Gays want to get benefits even though they haven't paid in.

you get more stupid by the post.

don't stop. :thup:
So..... the entire argument, per usual, boils down to "fags are icky."

They never complain when their watching their lesbian porn though.
So..... the entire argument, per usual, boils down to "fags are icky."

They never complain when their watching their lesbian porn though.

Who are they?
And fags aren't icky they're sick bitches.

Keep going, bigot boy. You're not looking any less like a dumbfuck chimp with a keyboard.

Hell fucking yes I am a bigot just like you bitch ass is. So dumb fuck did life begin with the same sex?
Keep going, bigot boy. You're not looking any less like a dumbfuck chimp with a keyboard.

Hell fucking yes I am a bigot just like you bitch ass is. So dumb fuck did life begin with the same sex?

You don't seem to realize how utterly irrelevant that is.
And your comment was relevant how?
Keep going, bigot boy. You're not looking any less like a dumbfuck chimp with a keyboard.
a good point. I'm being VERY unfair to chimps.
I hate beating up on a mentally challenge shit for brains retard that thought he was special. But you aren't that smart come back when you have something better.

Translation" How dare you challenge my understanding of the world that I've exclusively filtered through my religous paradigms.


You don't seem to realize how utterly irrelevant that is.
I hate beating up on a mentally challenge shit for brains retard that thought he was special. But you aren't that smart come back when you have something better.

Translation" How dare you challenge my understanding of the world that I've exclusively filtered through my religous paradigms.


You don't seem to realize how utterly irrelevant that is.

Try to come up with an opinion that wasn't written by someone else. Both on here, and in your religion, and in your politics.
Translation" How dare you challenge my understanding of the world that I've exclusively filtered through my religous paradigms.


You don't seem to realize how utterly irrelevant that is.

Try to come up with an opinion that wasn't written by someone else. Both on here, and in your religion, and in your politics.

Dude I'm just using your words to show you how relevant your opinion is.
none at all....

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