Another Federal Appeals Court Strikes Down DOMA

Economic ramifications should have no impact on rights anyways. All this argument that "it will cost" blah blah blah.

having the slaves emancipated cost a whole bunch. You know... that whole "no more unpaid renewable labour" thing.

But, given the bigotry from the shitheads on here, they probably think they should have a couple of negros around for their yardwork.
huh. Your douchebaggery is a behaviour... and it isn't something that anyone can hold against your rights.

Just admint your a small minded little bigot, and we can move on with life.

So you've run all out of arguments and have devolved to pure personal attacks.

How beautifully liberal!
Keep going, bigot boy. You're not looking any less like a dumbfuck chimp with a keyboard.

You make a dumbfuck chimp with a keyboard look intelligent.

Are you queer, or something? Is that why your nose is out of joint?

Married, to a woman, with a child. I know it's hard to believe there are some straight people who aren't complete asshat bigots... but they exist.

It's hard to believe that anyone with a wife and a child is so stupid that he doesn't understand what marriage is about. it was reasonable to assume that you were just another angry queer.
huh. Your douchebaggery is a behaviour... and it isn't something that anyone can hold against your rights.

Just admint your a small minded little bigot, and we can move on with life.

So you've run all out of arguments and have devolved to pure personal attacks.

How beautifully liberal!

You make a dumbfuck chimp with a keyboard look intelligent.

Are you queer, or something? Is that why your nose is out of joint?

Married, to a woman, with a child. I know it's hard to believe there are some straight people who aren't complete asshat bigots... but they exist.

It's hard to believe that anyone with a wife and a child is so stupid that he doesn't understand what marriage is about. it was reasonable to assume that you were just another angry queer.

I don't accept the definition of marriage as provided by bigots.
Married, to a woman, with a child. I know it's hard to believe there are some straight people who aren't complete asshat bigots... but they exist.

It's hard to believe that anyone with a wife and a child is so stupid that he doesn't understand what marriage is about. it was reasonable to assume that you were just another angry queer.

I don't accept the definition of marriage as provided by bigots.

Right, you accept the definition of abnormal sexual deviants who would be happy to destroy civilization of that was required to make them feel like normal people.
Proving you have a job is not a requirement for collecting on marriage benefits.

Proving you are not a Jets fan is not a requirement for collecting on marriage benefits.

Proving you have children is not a requirement for collecting on marraige benefits.

Proving you are a productive member of society is not a requirement for collecting marriage benefits.

You don't need a golden scroll from Jesus saying he loves you to collect marriage benefits.

So...are there any more RED HERRINGS anyone else would like to toss into the ring to show how retarded they are?


No one has made any of those arguments, so your post is a non sequitur. We all know the purpose of driver's licenses is to make driving safer, but according to your imbecile logic, that can't be the case because having a driver's license doesn't require you to drive.

That's how utterly stupid your argument is.
It's hard to believe that anyone with a wife and a child is so stupid that he doesn't understand what marriage is about. it was reasonable to assume that you were just another angry queer.

I don't accept the definition of marriage as provided by bigots.

Right, you accept the definition of abnormal sexual deviants who would be happy to destroy civilization of that was required to make them feel like normal people.

destroy civilization. Really.

[ame=]What, are you retarded? - YouTube[/ame]
First there are animals who are homosexual, as a matter of fact, any mammal when exposed to high population density will become homosexual. It has been demonstrated in many university studies. Homosexual behavior is not "deviant" behavior it is a drive to express love. I know several women who have children and live in a homosexual life partner situation. I know men, living the same way that have custody of their child(ren). There is a family tree or at least can be if one is desired.
They don't poison our society any more than baptists, catholics, mormons, presbyterians, lutherns, or any other of the people who believe differently. If you don't want them around then I am fairly certain they would feel the same way toward you. You are a biggot.
I am not going to waste my time providing you with facts and science that your belief is incorrect because you can't ague faith with facts or truth or any other tool of logic. Faith is a belief that is beyond doubt, beyond facts, and beyond dispute by the believer. Even when there is evidence and proof to the contrary. So you go on ranting your faith and the rest of use will simply know that you spew what you believe and you would like us all to join you but I invoke the "My Lord's" prayer;

My lord, please forgive those who use your words twisted to their right.
Forgive those who judge me on my color or lifestyle or my health.
Lord grant them grace to open their eyes to the love that surrounds us all.
And most of all Lord, Jesus, protect me from those who would try to do your work. They don't understand that a human can in no way do the work of God for they neither have the love nor the compassion that you have Lord.
Blessings to all your children in your name, Jesus.
Anyone who pays in is already entitled to benefits, moron. Gays want to get benefits even though they haven't paid in.

Gays have paid in their whole lives and are not entitled to the same benefits afforded married heterosexuals

A clear violation of the 14th amendment

Wrong. Anyone who gets married is entitled to them. married women are entitled to them because they are mothers and homemakers. Homosexual fuck buddies provide no useful service to society aside from their jobs, if they have one.
Everyone that is legally married is entitled to survivor benefits. Being a mother and/or a homemaker is not required.
Actually, the people of the state did agree through their elected legislatures or their appointed judges.

Yes, it is changing inevitably.

DOMA is dead. DADT is dead. Your opposition is dying.

Actually, several states, DC, and the US military disagree with you.

It's changing, and that is OK.

Uh huh, and the rest of the states agree with me. So in many ways, things are staying the same, and that's also okay.

He's wrong about any state or Washington DC, or the military disagreeing with you. No of the people in these entities have ever voted to approve homosexual marriage. Every time it's voted on, it gets voted down. Unelected judges or government bureaucrats have imposed it wherever it exists.
I don't accept the definition of marriage as provided by bigots.

Right, you accept the definition of abnormal sexual deviants who would be happy to destroy civilization of that was required to make them feel like normal people.

destroy civilization. Really.

[ame=]What, are you retarded? - YouTube[/ame]

You are just as big a bigot as anyone. It's not my fault you think a man sucking dick is ok. and normal. That just makes you abnormal.
Within our society, it is still considered abnormal, meaning accepted by a small minority.
If they are paying into Social Security, they are already entitled to benefits, moron. The only way making gay marriage legal would change anything is if one of them wasn't paying into Social Security. He would still be entitled to survivor benefits. Why should an adult male who never paid a dime into the program be entitled to any benefits?

Because an adult female who is married is entitled to those benefits

She's entitled to them only because she's been a wife, a homemaker and mother her entire adult life. What has the fuck buddy of some gay pervert been doing all his life if he hasn't been working?

My partner, and legal spouse, is the stay at home parent in our family. Why isn't she entitled to my survivor benefits?
Of course there is a detrimental impact from allowing gays to marry> For one thing, that would divert precious resources from genuine families that are propagating the species to faux freak families that propagate nothing but dysfunction.

[ame=]Zach Wahls Speaks About Family - YouTube[/ame]
Right, you accept the definition of abnormal sexual deviants who would be happy to destroy civilization of that was required to make them feel like normal people.

destroy civilization. Really.

[ame=]What, are you retarded? - YouTube[/ame]

You are just as big a bigot as anyone. It's not my fault you think a man sucking dick is ok. and normal. That just makes you abnormal.

You're a bigot because you hate bigots! one of the most mindless dumbfuck arguments that exists.

The world progresses. Sooner, hopfully, or later America will catch up with the rest of the civilized world. And then the bigots of the world will cry and moan impotently as the world passes them by as irrelevant.
If gay couples are getting tangible government benefits from the government, they are obviously reducing the share available for other purposes.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that if money goes to Richard Roe, then there is less money available to go to Jane Doe.

No, absolutely no. As much as you and the other right wing nuts babble about how letting people keep more of their own money is not an expenditure, you making this kind of argument now will absolutely not be tolerated!

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